6 research outputs found


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     This article review application of heat radiation technology in the integtated palm oil processing, which has been developed by Ishenny and Noor (2015,Ishenny) . This technology named as Palm Oil Mill Heat Radiation Technology uses direct heat radiation (with palm fruit buch waste as the fuel), instead of heat from steam boilers, as in the conventional technology. Temperature and pressure of the cooking chamber are designed at 150° C and 1 atm. Compared to the conventional technology, this new technology is more profitable because it could process all parts of the palm fruits to produce red oil, fatty oil, kernel oil (three with higher qualities), biochar, liquid smoke, and cake, releases relatively no waste, and could operate even at a low capacity. In addition, this new technology could be implemented to modify the conventional technology used at present in the palm oil plants. Estimated investment required for processing 45 ton per hour of palm fruits is IDR 300 billions. Net profit a year is estimated IDR 230 billions with ROI of 1.94 year.Keywords : Innovation of palm oil factory, palm oil, red oil, kernel oil, fatty oil, 7 MW electricity, liquid smoke, kernel cake and biocharAbstrak. Artikel ini mengulas aplikasi teknologi radiasi panas pada pengolahan sawit terpadu yang telah dikembangkan oleh Ishenny dan Noor  (2015, Ishenny).  Teknologi ini yang dinamai Palm Oil Mill Heat Radiation Technology menggunakan panas radiasi langsung (dengan bahan bakar limbah tandan buah kosong), tidak seperti pada teknologi konvensional yang menggunakan panas dari ketel uap. Suhu dan tekanan pada panci masak dirancang sebesar 150° C dan 1 atm. Dibandingkan dengan teknologi minyak sawit konvensional, teknologi baru ini lebih menguntungkan, karena dapat memproduksi minyak merah, minyak lemak,  kernel oil (ketiganya dengan mutu yang lebih tinggi), biochar, asap cair, dan bungkil, relatif tanpa limbah, dan dapat beroperasi pada kapasitas yang kecil. Disamping itu, teknologi ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk memodifikasi teknologi konvensional yang saat ini digunakan oleh pabrik minyak sawit. Estimasi investasi yang diperlukan untuk mengolah 45 ton per jam buah sawit segar adalah Rp. 300 milyar, dengan estimasi keuntungan Rp. 230 milyar per tahun dan ROI 1,94 tahun.Kata Kunci : Inovasi pabrik kelapa sawit, minyak sawit, minyak merah, minyak inti, minyak lemak, li strik 7 MW, asap cair,   kernel dan bokar

    The synthesis of bio-lubricant based oil by hydrolysis and non-catalytic of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using lipase

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    Synthesis of bio-lubricant from palm oil mill effluent (POME) using enzymatic hydrolysis and noncatalytic esterification has been investigated in this article. The effects of essential parameters, which are temperature, pH, agitation speed, enzyme loading, ratio of oil to fatty acid and alcohol to fatty acid, on the reaction rate were examined. The optimum hydrolysis rate (0.1639 mg/sec.L) was achieved at 40 degrees C, pH 7.0, 650 rpm, 20 U/mL of enzyme loading and 50 (v/v) of POME. As for non-catalytic esterification, the highest reaction rate attained was 0.0018 mg/sec.L at the operating conditions of 75 degrees C, 950 rpm, and alcohol to fatty acid ratio of 3:1. Viscosity and density of the produced bio-lubricant were also evaluated. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Synthesis of Bio-Lubricant Based Oil by Hydrolysis and Non-Catalytic of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) Using Lipase

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    Synthesis of bio-lubricant from palm oil mill effluent (POME) using enzymatic hydrolysis and non-catalytic esterification has been investigated in this article. The effects of essential parameters, which are temperature, pH, agitation speed, enzyme loading, ratio of oil to fatty acid and alcohol to fatty acid, on the reaction rate were examined. The optimum hydrolysis rate (0.1639 mg/sec.L) was achieved at 40 °C, pH 7.0, 650 rpm, 20 U/mL of enzyme loading and 50% (v/v) of POME. As for non-catalytic esterification, the highest reaction rate attained was 0.0018 mg/sec.L at the operating conditions of 75 °C, 950 rpm, and alcohol to fatty acid ratio of 3:1. Viscosity and density of the produced bio-lubricant were also evaluated


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    Abstrak, Pemanfaatan limbah tanda kosong kelapa sawit sebesar 22-23 % menjadi biokar untuk media tanam mampu meningkatkan   kandungan karbon tanah menjadi 2 %  dari 0,4 – 0,7 % /Ha, kualitas fisik dan kimia tanah, daya simpan air tanah,  daya simpan pupuk untuk kebutuhan tanaman, kandungan oksigen dalam tanah, aktivitas fertility mikroorganisme tanah, nutrisi tanah . Biokar yang  dihasilkan dari limbah PPKS untuk media tanam memberikan hasil 10 ton / ha padi hitam, pemakaian pada kebun sawit  di kota Langsa menghasilkan TBS:20-40kg / tandan. Media tanam meningkatkan pendapatan sebesar Rp .1.100.000, perjam untuk pabrik pengolahan sawit kapasitas 100 ton / jam TBS, dalam sehari operasi selama 24 jam ada peluang bagi pabrik menghasilkan Rp. 26.400.000,-. ROI 78%/years, B/C ratio 1,71.Kata Kunci : Tanda buah segar, limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit, biokar, media tanam, karbon, aktivitas mikroorganisma tanah, nutrisi tanah dan padi hita