21 research outputs found

    Personal histories as a component of an ethnography of expert assessment practice in the workplace.

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    This research report describes the learning histories of computer assistants and expert assessment practice. This takes place in a workplace where computer training, specifically the fixing of hardware (CPU) occurs. It is hoped that the evidence collected might contribute towards the recognition and understanding of tacit assessment on the National Qualifications Framework, (NQF). In uncovering these learning histories and expert assessment practices, a component of ethnography which involves case history interviews and discussions was used. The theoretical framework used was situated learning theory and the legitimate peripheral participation of the computer assistants. This framework is itself embedded in the theory of constructivism. Case histories used as a component of ethnography is part of a bigger ethnographic project developed by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). This particular study will contribute along with other projects in the University of Witwatersrand research group, to make up a full ethnographic account of learning and assessment in the workplace

    The cumulative incidence of musculoskeletal injuries among student dancers at Tshwane University of Technology

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    Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio)Dance movements requires explosive power, sustained effort and both local and general endurance. Musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) are the most frequent medical problems among dancers in ballet, which is partly owing to inadequate training and dancers not being properly prepared for the demands of the dance performance. The purpose of the present study was to determine the cumulative incidence of musculoskeletal injuries amongst student dancers at TUT. The study used a prospective, cohort design. A total of 49 student dancers at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) were followed up over 16 weeks in the 2007 academic year. The student dancers completed a questionnaire about previous injuries, and factors influencing injuries. Of the 49 student dancers, 41 (83%) consent to participate. There were 10 cumulative injuries incurred by 41 student dancers over 16 weeks period i.e. 7.1 %, 0.06 injuries incurred per student month at risk.The main limitations to this study were small sample size and possible reporting biases. Further research should aim to standardize injury definitions and classifications

    The implications of smallholder agricultural productivity growth for poverty alleviation in post-apartheid South Africa

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    The adoption of the Millennium Development Goal 1(MDG 1) of reducing the rate of poverty to half of the 1990-level by 2015 has been a challenge faced by the developing countries including South Africa. The foundations of democracy have to be continuously assessed so that the obstacles faced by South Africa as it strives towards sustainable democracy are addressed. With agricultural sector identified as having the potential to alleviate poverty compared to the mining sector, manufacturing sector and services sector, it faced the challenges that include: (i) accelerating agricultural productivity; (ii) reducing poverty and vulnerability; and (iii) narrowing rural-urban income disparities. The identification of the critical linkages in the agricultural development framework allows for effective strategic planning, effective decision making and appropriate policy formulation. Expectedly, the sector has attracted considerable fiscal policy interest and public investments. The primary aim of this research study is to assess the extent to which smallholder agricultural productivity growth alleviates poverty in South Africa. The statistical and econometric techniques namely; Johansen technique of co-integration analysis (1995), analysis of covariance and correlation, Vector Error Correction Model, are employed in this research study. The data description, data sources, expected relationship between variables and indexation of data are done. The drivers and cause-effect relationships between agriculture and poverty reduction are investigated. The employed models allowed for an exploration of plausible future growth in agricultural elasticity of poverty and the possibility of reducing poverty level in South Africa. The data is obtained from the National Department of Agriculture from 1994 -2013. The analysis of the results strongly confirms that agricultural productivity has a significant inverse relationship to the levels of poverty in South Africa. The outcome of the analysis will contribute to improved decision making on the use of public funds in agriculture

    A stylistic reflection on two isiXhosa novels : (Ukhozi olunamaphiko and Lwadilik' udonga)

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    Kule ngxoxo kuqwalaselwa indlela ulwimi njengesakhono olusetyenziswe ngayo kwincwadi kaSaule, ethi, Ukhozi Olumaphiko kunye nobuchule bukaBongela ekubhaleni kwincwadi yakhe ethi, Lwadilik’ Udonga, yona eluguqulelo lwencwadi kaChinua Achebe, ethi, Things Fall Apart. Kule ngxoxo akuthelekiswa aba babhali babini koko kujongwe nje kunconywa ubuchule babo ekusebenziseni ulwimi ngendlela ephakamisa umgangatho weencwadi zabo. Oko, kudandalazisa ukubaluleka kokuqatshelwa kolwimi njengesakhono, ngababhali. Injongo yolu phando kukuba, ababhali bakuthathele ingqalelo ukubaluleka kokukhulisa nokukhuthaza ukusetyenziswa kolwimi ngokukubonisa oko kwiincwadi abazibhalileyo, ukuze, nakubafundi nootitshala ezikolweni, kube lula ukufunda nokufundisa ulwimi, kuphumezeke iinjongo zeNkcazelo yePolisi yeKharityhulam noHlolo (2011), yona ebethelela ukufundiswa kolwimi ngendlela ephucula nekhulisa umfundi kulwimi. Le ngxoxo ke ixhaswa ngezithako ngezithako zeengcali kwisakhono noguqulelo. Ingxoxo le yahlulwe yazizahluko ezihlanu. Isahluko sokuqala sivula ngentshayelelo, ze sidandalazise intsusamabandla yolu phando, kushukuxwe ingxubakaxaka elundululeyo, ze kwenziwe uphengululo lweencwadi zeengcali kwizithako zesakhono nezokuguqulela. Isahluko sesibini, siqwalasela indlela uSaule asebenzise ngayo iindidi zezivakalisi, kanti neendidi zezivakalisi ezidiza isakhono ngobuchule, ukuze kuphuhle amandla akhe ekubaliseni kuhlobo loncwadi alubhalileyo, nokuvakalisa iingcinga neengcamango zakhe, edlulisa nolwazi kwabo bafunda incwadi. Isahluko sesithathu, siyaqhuba nokusetyenziswa kolwimi njengesakhono sokubhala kwakwincwadi kaSaule, kodwa kujongwe ukusetyenziswa kwezifanekisozwi, izifaniso, uchongo-magama nentsingiselo kunye noburharha bombhali. Isahluko sesine sona sihlalutya isimbo sikaBongela ekubhaleni nasekuguquleleni kwincwadi yakhe ethi, Lwadilik’ udonga. Isahluko sesihlanu sesokuphetha, siyintyilazwi yeengxoxo ezikolu hlalutyo, kuxilongwa ubuzaza besithako sobunzululwazi-sakhono nokubaluleka kwaso ekuphuhliseni uncwadi jikelele. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi kuko okungundoqo wokuphila koncwadi

    Strategies used by professional nurses to manage newly diagnosed HIV positive pregnant women who fail to return within a month for further management and care

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    This study explored and described the strategies used by nurses to manage newly diagnosed HIV positive pregnant women who do not return to the clinic within a month following diagnosis, for continuity of care. The main aim was to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). Method: The study sites were two accredited antiretroviral- ante-natal care (ARV-ANC) clinics at the Dimbaza community health centre (CHC) and the East London Hospital Complex (ELHC) which comprises of Cecilia Makiwane and Frere hospitals, in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCM). The majority of health personnel at these clinics are professional nurses. An in-depth semi structured interview guide was used to collect data through focus group interviews from professional nurses who work in these units. They were required to share their experiences about intervention strategies used for newly diagnosed HIV- positive, pregnant women who fail to return for continuity of care within a month after diagnosis. Results: Follow up of these women is done by tracking them (by calling them; calling the clinic nearest to their homes and doing home visits). Decentralisation of further management and care to the nearest clinic was also cited, especially for the patients who stay far from these accredited sites. Family support was also mentioned as a strategy to intervene for the non-compliant patients. Challenges: The challenges that were encountered with these interventions include wrong contact details, wrong addresses and being evasive when visited at home. Another challenge cited was related to the stigma attached to the diagnosis and the tracking devices used, for example, the car as it is familiar to the community it serves. Despite known benefits for early initiation of HIV treatment newly diagnosed HIV- positive, pregnant women continue to refrain from accessing care after diagnosis, thus posing a risk to the transmission of HIV to the baby and further comprising their own health. They miss out on general HIV management and ante-natal care. Conclusion: The identified intervention strategies used by nurses to follow up newly diagnosed HIV- positive, pregnant women need to be reinforced and strategies put in place to control the related challenges for a better response by the patients

    Distal renal tubular acidosis in a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a case report

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    Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) is a rare disorder that can be inherited or acquired, and results in an inability of the kidneys to maintain normal acid-base balance. We present a case of recurrent, severe hypokalaemia and rhabdomyolysis in a young woman who had an associated normal anion gap metabolic acidosis and was subsequently diagnosed with distal RTA associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Distal RTA associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is rare and probably develops because of autoimmune-mediated mechanisms, causing an inability of the H+-ATPase pump in alpha-intercalated cells of the cortical collecting duct to secrete H+, with subsequent failure of urinary acidification. In this case, this hypothesis was supported by the exclusion of common genetic mutations associated with distal RTA. We illustrate that utilizing a systematic, physiology-based approach for challenging electrolyte and acid-base disorders enables identification of the root cause and underlying disease mechanisms

    Isithako sohlahlubo-bunzululwazi-sakhono kwiimbalo zikaSaule: iinoveli ezintathu = decontsructive stylistic critique of Saule' s writings: the case of three novels

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    Kule ngxoxo kuqwalaselwa ukugqwesa kwesiThako Sohlahlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono kuhlalutyo loncwadi. Olu phando lugxile ekuduliseni ukuba akukho luzalwano luthe ngqo, kwaye lusisigxina phakathi kwegama nentsingiselo, ngenxa yobumbaxa beentsingiselo zegama. Esi siThako siludondolo ekusinyelelwa ngalo kolu phando, ukuqaqambisa ukuba iitekisi azinantsingiselo izinzileyo. Ke ngoko ibe ayinabunyani mpela ingcamango yokuba igama linokunanyatheliswa intsingiselo ethile, ze loo ntsingiselo ibange ubuntsusa. Ingxoxo yophando, iphendula imibuzo ebuza ubuni besiThako Sohlahlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono, nokuchana kwaso ekuhlalutyeni iitekisi zoncwadi. Imibuzo ikwabuza izizathu zokungazinzi kwentsingiselo yetekisi, nokungabi nakwalatheka ncam kwentsingiselo ajolise kuyo umbhali, ngotolo lwakhe oluluchongo-sigama. Le mibuzo iyaphenduleka kubuthumbu bengxoxo. Ingxoxo idandalazisa ukunzotshoba kwesi siThako kuhlahlubo, kuqanyelwa ngeengcingane zaso eziphambili. Ukuphendulwa kwemibuzo yophando, kufezekisa iinjongo zophando. Iinoveli ezichongelwe uphando, ziinoveli ezintathu zikaSaule, ezizezi: Ukhozi Olumaphiko, Umlimandlela kunye no-Vuleka Mhlaba, azikhethelwanga kuthelekiswa koko kukudandalazisa elubala ukunyanisa kwesiThako Sohlahlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono, malunga nomba weentsingiselo. Ngazo, kudula ubunyani bophindaphindeko lwegama elinye kwimixholo ngemixholo, lizale iintsingiselo ezahlukileyo. Kanti, kukwadandalaza ukuba intsingiselo yegama ayixhomekekanga kumxholo, iyakwazi ukutyekeza ngaphaya kwawo, liveze nezinye iintsingiselo. Olu phando lungaluncedo kakhulu kubafundi nootitshala kuba kanye luphethe umba wokuhlalutywa kweetekisi, ngendlela ekhuthazwa yiNkcazelo yePolisi yeKharityhulam nokuHlola (2011). Ebethelela ukuba kufundo loncwadi kufuneka abafundi bayiqhaqhe ukuyihlalutya itekisi ukuze kuvele indlela eyakhiwe neyakheke ngayo, oko ke kukuHlahluba. Kanti ke nakubahlohli lungaluncedo kuba lutyhila okuninzi ngesiThako Sohlahlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono. Ekuxoxeni, isiThako sobuNzululwazi Mlando-mbali, kurhatyulwe kuso, ukuxhasa imiba ethile kuphando. Ingxoxo Yahlulwe yazizahluko ngolu hlobo: Isahluko sokuqala, sidandalazisa ingxubakaxaka ethunuke yandulula uphando olu. Kwabekwa iinjongo, iziphumo-njongo zophando nemibuzo ekuza kucangcathwa kuyo kuphando. Kwaphengululwa iincwadi zeengcali kwisi-Thako Sohlahlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono, kwarhewulwa nesiThako sobuNzululwazi beeNkumbulo noMlando-mbali. Isahluko sesibini, luphendululo lweencwadi olunzulileyo nolunabileyo, kupendlwa izimvo ezimalunga nobuni besiThako Sohlahlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono. Kubekelelwa, kucutyungulwa iingcingane zaso, ezibe ludondolo lophando. Isahluko sesithathu, yingxoxo. Kuphicothwa iinoveli ezichongelwe uphando, zihlahlutywa, kusetyenziswa iingcamango neengcingane zesiThako Sohla-hlubo-buNzululwazi-sakhono. Ikakhulu kuqwalaselwa indlela izibini ezichasana ngokulinganayo ezivela ngayo. Kuduliswa ukuminxiselwa kwezo zikwinqanaba elingezantsi. Isahluko sesine, ingxoxo iyaqhuba, kuqwalselwa ukusetyenziswa kwamaze-nge nemiqondiso, neentsingiselo ezivelayo, nokwahluka kwazo, okukhokelela ukuba utekisi ibe nobuvumephika. Isahluko sesihlanu, uphando luqhubeka kudandalaziswa ukusetyenziswa kwezandi, isigama sokuchaza nezafobe, nemifanekiso-ngqondweni eyakhiwa zezi zixhobo zoncwadi, ze kuphendlwe iintsingiselo nefuthe lazo kwitekisi. Isahluko sesithandathu sigxile ekusetyenzisweni kwembali kuncwadi, ngendlela evuselela iinkumbulo. Kuso nakuba kuhlahlutywa kodwa kunce-diswa ngokurhabula kwisiThako sobuNzululwazi beeNkumbulo noMlando-mbali

    Factors informing the development of a clinical pathway and patients' quality of life after a non-union fracture of the lower limb

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    Supporting Information File S1: SF-36 QuestionnaireDATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data for this study are available upon request.Patients with non-union fractures spend extended periods of time in the hospital following poor healing. Patients have to make several follow-up visits for medical and rehabilitation purposes. However, the clinical pathways and quality of life of these patients are unknown. This prospective study aimed to identify the clinical pathways (CPs) of 22 patients with lower-limb non-union fractures whilst determining their quality of life. Data were collected from hospital records from admission to discharge, utilizing a CP questionnaire. We used the same questionnaire to track patients’ follow-up frequency, involvement in activities of daily living, and final outcomes at six months. We used the Short Form-36 questionnaire to assess patients’ initial quality of life. The Kruskal–Wallis test compared the quality of life domains across different fracture sites. We examined CPs using medians and inter-quantile ranges. During the six-month follow-up period, 12 patients with lower-limb non-union fractures were readmitted. All of the patients had impairments, limited activity, and participation restrictions. Lower-limb fractures can have a substantial impact on emotional and physical health, and lower-limb non-union fractures may have an even greater effect on the emotional and physical health of patients, necessitating a more holistic approach to patient care.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/healthcarePhysiotherap

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Plagiarism by Undergraduate Healthcare Science in Gauteng

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    Plagiarism is a growing concern in Healthcare Sciences in the current digital era. Plagiarism threatens institutions’ integrity and academic reputation; therefore, it is essential to understand all contributing factors to eradicate unethical practices effectively. The study aimed to establish the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of plagiarism among Healthcare Science students at a selected higher education institution in Gauteng. A cross-sectional study was used, with a total population of 803 second to fourth-year students from the School of Healthcare Sciences, and 83 students completing the survey. Ethical clearance and approval (617/2021) were obtained from the ethics and research committee of a selected higher educational institution in Gauteng. An adapted Likert scale self-reported questionnaire was sent via a Google form link to the teaching platform with the consent form embedded. The statistical Package for Social Science was used to analyse demographic data descriptively, and Spearman’s rho test determined the correlation between study variables. Most students were female (94.0%) and non-native English speakers (71.1%). The majority (83.1%) of the students reported understanding the instances of plagiarism; however, approximately one-third (36.1%) were unable to identify specific instances correctly. Just over half (56.6%) of the students felt self-plagiarism should not be punishable. The correlation between the knowledge of plagiarism and negative attitudes towards plagiarism was found to be statistically significant (p=0.009). The results demonstrated low practice of plagiarism, possibly due to a lack of self-awareness. Therefore, continuous in-depth education on plagiarism and improved policies should be fostered to promote the integrity of future healthcare professionals

    Assessment of Bioflocculant Production by Bacillus sp. Gilbert, a Marine Bacterium Isolated from the Bottom Sediment of Algoa Bay

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    The bioflocculant-producing potentials of a marine bacteria isolated from the bottom sediment of Algoa Bay was investigated using standard methods. The 16S rDNA sequence analysis revealed 98% similarity to that of Bacillus sp. HXG-C1 and the nucleotide sequence was deposited in GenBank as Bacillus sp. Gilbert with accession number HQ537128. Bioflocculant was optimally produced when sucrose (72% flocculating activity) and ammonium chloride (91% flocculating activity) were used as sole sources of carbon and nitrogen, respectively; an initial pH 6.2 of the production medium; and Mg2+ as cation. Chemical analysis of the purified bioflocculant revealed the compound to be a polysaccharide