28 research outputs found

    DELAY OF GERMINATION 1-LIKE 4 acts as an inducer of seed reserve accumulation

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    More than 70% of global food supply depends on seeds. The major seed reserves, such as proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides, are produced during seed maturation. Here, we report that DELAY OF GERMINATION 1-LIKE 4 (DOGL4) is a major inducer of reserve accumulation during seed maturation. The DOGL family proteins are plant-specific proteins of largely unknown biochemical function. DOGL4 shares only limited homology in amino acid sequence with DOG1, a major regulator of seed dormancy. DOGL4 was identified as one of the outstanding abscisic acid (ABA)-induced genes in our RNA sequencing analysis, whereas DOG1 was not induced by ABA. Induction of DOGL4 caused the expression of 70 seed maturation-specific genes, even in germinating seeds, including the major seed reserves ALBUMIN, CRUCIFERIN and OLEOSIN. Although DOG1 affects the expression of many seed maturation genes, the major seed reserve genes induced by DOGL4 are not altered by the dog1 mutation. Furthermore, the reduced dormancy and longevity phenotypes observed in the dog1 seeds were not observed in the dogl4 mutants, suggesting that these two genes have limited functional overlap. Taken together, these results suggest that DOGL4 is a central factor mediating reserve accumulation in seeds, and that the two DOG1 family proteins have diverged over the course of evolution into independent regulators of seed maturation, but retain some overlapping function.</p

    Population-Specific Regulation of Chmp2b by <em>Lbx1</em> during Onset of Synaptogenesis in Lateral Association Interneurons

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    <div><p>Chmp2b is closely related to Vps2, a key component of the yeast protein complex that creates the intralumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies. Dominant negative mutations in Chmp2b cause autophagosome accumulation and neurodegenerative disease. Loss of Chmp2b causes failure of dendritic spine maturation in cultured neurons. The homeobox gene <em>Lbx1</em> plays an essential role in specifying postmitotic dorsal interneuron populations during late pattern formation in the neural tube. We have discovered that Chmp2b is one of the most highly regulated cell-autonomous targets of <em>Lbx1</em> in the embryonic mouse neural tube. Chmp2b was expressed and depended on <em>Lbx1</em> in only two of the five nascent, Lbx1-expressing, postmitotic, dorsal interneuron populations. It was also expressed in neural tube cell populations that lacked Lbx1 protein. The observed population-specific expression of Chmp2b indicated that only certain population-specific combinations of sequence specific transcription factors allow Chmp2b expression. The cell populations that expressed Chmp2b corresponded, in time and location, to neurons that make the first synapses of the spinal cord. Chmp2b protein was transported into neurites within the motor- and association-neuropils, where the first synapses are known to form between E11.5 and E12.5 in mouse neural tubes. Selective, developmentally-specified gene expression of Chmp2b may therefore be used to endow particular neuronal populations with the ability to mature dendritic spines. Such a mechanism could explain how mammalian embryos reproducibly establish the disynaptic cutaneous reflex only between particular cell populations.</p> </div

    Chmp2b Protein in Soma and Dendrites of Motor Neurons.

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    <p>Chmp2b and Isl1 are co-expressed in motor columns of the ventral horn. (A, C, E) Isl1 primary antibody was detected with Cy3 (red). Chmp2b antibody was detected with Cy5 (infrared) and is shown in green. (B, D, F) Greyscale images of the green channel of images shown in A, C, and E, respectively. Chmp2b staining within soma can be distinguished from staining of projections between soma. The most sensitive secondary antibody (Cy3) and relatively long image acquisition times are required to detect Chmp2b signal in the motor columns. (G, H) Comparison of the VLF of heterozygotes and mutants stained with Chmp2b (red; Cy3) and tubulin (blue; Cy5). Radial breaks in the tubulin stains of heterozygotes (indicated by pairs of arrowheads) may represent the endfeet of radial glial cells (see inset I) that dendrites of motor neurons have been shown to follow into the VLF during early synaptogenesis (diagrammed by flow arrow). Note the loss of tubulin staining in the LF (†) and in the VLF below the sulcus limitans (horizontal line). Chmp2b staining in the VLF is present but distributed differently in mutants. (I) High magnification image of a putative radial glial endfoot that can be seen by background stain in the green channel. Note that Chmp2b and tubulin staining do not colocalize but appear to associate closely on the surface of the endfoot.</p

    Chmp2b Colocalization with MAP2a in DLF and VLF.

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    <p>(A–I) Comparison of Chmp2b/MAP2a colabeling with Chmp2b/ß-tubulin colabeling in the VLF in adjacent sections (J–R) Comparison of Chmp2b/MAP2a colabeling with Chmp2b/ß-tubulin colabeling in the DLF in adjacent sections. Note that Chmp2b and MAP2a colocalize, while Chmp2b and ß-tubulin are only in close apposition.</p