17 research outputs found

    Baseline characteristics of study participants.

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    †<p>Excluding women reporting prior tubal ligation or hysterectomy.</p>*<p>Fisher's exact test for categorical data and Wilcoxon two-sample test for continuous data.</p>ζ<p>Defined to participants as “someone who you have a regular relationship with.”</p><p>IQR: interquartile range.</p

    Covariates associated with adherence greater than 80% (use of 2 applicators with >80% of reported sex acts).

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    *<p>Time-updated covariate.</p><p>USD  =  U.S. Dollar.</p><p>95% CI  = 95% Confidence Interval.</p><p>N = 860 for unadjusted comparisons except “dislike something about gel” for which N = 731. N = 731 for the adjusted, multivariate model.</p

    Adverse Effects March 2012-February 2013.

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    <p>Post-operative adverse effects for the second year of the VMMC pilot are shown ranked by grade. No intra-operative adverse effects were recorded.</p

    VMMCs performed by the CAPRISA VMMC program between March 2011 and February 2013.

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    <p>VMMCs performed by the CAPRISA clinic per month shown. No recruitment was undertaken in schools in November and December at the request of school officials to avoid disruption to examinations; recruitment was also not undertaken in the school holidays in January. Phase 1 of demand creation (community consultation) began in June 2010 and continued until April 2011. Phase 2 of demand creation (in-school information dissemination) was initiated from May 2011 to the end of February 2012. Phase 3 of demand creation (peer recruitment) began in March 2012 and continued until the February 2013.</p