52 research outputs found

    Climate Policy: Pathways to More Effective Adaptation to the Climate Crisis

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    German development cooperation (DC) supports developing and emerging countries in adapting to climate change. DEval evaluated its success in a modular evaluation of climate change adaptation interventions. This Policy Brief summarises the key fndings of the evaluation and gives recommendations for a better climate policy

    Backyard Living – Integrative Policies Towards Migrant Workers: Housing Microfinance in Greater Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    The urban agglomeration of the Vietnamese southeast industrial driving force Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) has become the most outstanding benefi ciary of the remarkable economic growth and foreign investments in the Vietnamese economy since the start of a comprehensive economic reform process in the mid 1980s. The notable development towards the foremost economic centre led to a high influx of migrant workers. In the course of an ongoing expansion process towards a megacity of tomorrow, the defi cient provision of adequate housing remains one of the most challenging problems of rural migrants in Greater HCMC. However, a future-oriented sustainable megacity concept is strongly dependent on the successful integration of migrants into the urban society. Within this context, the housing market is considered to be a key aspect of comprehensive urban planning. Hereby, housing microfinance (HMF) will be presented as an alternative housing finance scheme meeting the demand of a noteworthy number of poor and low-income people. Thereby HMF can do both: focus on specifi c needs of migrants with respect to their current life situation and enhance its outreach to a potential target group

    Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Measures: Portfolio and Allocation Analysis

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    This portfolio and allocation analysis is the first report of the DEval evaluation on climate change adaptation measures. The subject of the study is the German Federal Government's international climate policy commitment in the field of climate change adaptation. This report focuses on the relevance and coherence of the German adaptation portfolio. The methodological approach of the evaluation is essentially based on a macro-quantitative portfolio and allocation analysis. The evaluation combines methods of statistical data analysis with a document study and qualitative interviews. The portfolio and allocation analysis arrives at the following key findings: The objectives of the Federal Government's international commitment to climate policy are consistent with relevant strategic frameworks and (global) agendas. Germany sets relevant thematic priorities through the work of several ministries and is clearly oriented towards international priorities. A more nuanced picture emerges with regard to the actual allocation of funds: the more vulnerable to climate change a country is, the more likely it is to receive funds from Germany for adaptation measures. Germany is more likely to make commitments to countries with low adaptive capacity. However, the level of vulnerability has no effect on the level of commitments. In addition, Germany is more likely to commit a higher level of funds, and go to countries where many other donors are already active in the field of climate change adaptation, thus contributing to donor fragmentation. Contrary to the Federal Government's claims, the Small Island Developing States, which are often severely affected by the consequences of climate change, benefit less commonly and to a lesser extent from German adaptation commitments than other countries. In the overall evaluation, the German adaptation portfolio therefore only partially conforms to its own as well as international standards with regard to the relevance and coherence of the Federal Government's international climate policy commitment

    Climate Change Adaptation: Supporting Partner Countries in Implementing the Paris Agreement

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    The climate crisis poses enormous challenges for the international community. German development cooperation (DC) therefore supports its partner countries in implementing the Paris Agreement by promoting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). In the NDCs, the contracting states specify the degree to which they plan to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to what extent they want to adapt to climate change. The NAPs incorporate the national adaptation policy into the development plans. Against this backdrop, in the course of the evaluation of interventions for climate change adaptation, DEval examined how effectively German DC supports NDCs and NAP processes. This Policy Brief presents the findings and recommendations of the evaluation

    Sustainability in German development cooperation: Meta-evaluation

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    This meta-evaluation ‘Sustainability in German development cooperation’ is part of DEval’s thematic focus on sustainability. The meta-evaluationis complemented by an accompanying evaluation synthesis. Linked by an integrated evaluation design, the two reports share a common database and pursue complementary objectives

    Sustainability in German development cooperation: Evaluation synthesis

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    This evaluation synthesis 'Sustainability in German development cooperation' is part of DEval’s thematic focus on sustainability. The evaluation synthesis is supported by an accompanying meta-evaluation. Linked by an integrated evaluation design, the two reports share a common database and pursue complementary objectives

    Thirty Years of Rwandan-German Development Cooperation in the Health Sector. Vol. I: Evaluation Report

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    The evaluation was conducted by DEval between July 2012 and October 2013. The results shed light on how development cooperation in one sector (health) has developed over many years, while experiencing changing political and socioeconomic contexts and aid modalities. By documenting the entire process, including the phasing out and identifying of successful approaches, Rwandan partners can use the findings for their own management of the health sector and their cooperation with other development partners. GDC, at the same time, can draw lessons for future support to sector development in partner countries

    Klimapolitik: Wege zu einer wirksameren Anpassung an die Klimakrise

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    Die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) unterstützt Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer bei der Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Das DEval hat im Rahmen einer modularen Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel deren Erfolg bewertet. In diesem Policy Brief werden die zentralen Ergebnisse der Evaluierung zusammengefasst und Empfehlungen für eine wirksamere Klimapolitik ausgesprochen

    Agricultural Value Chains

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    The promotion of agricultural value chains is a key approach in German and international development cooperation for integrating smallholders into national and international production and trade processes. Its aim is to improve agricultural production and processing so that higher incomes and more paid employment are generated for the target groups. Since the food crisis of 2007/2008, value-chain promotion strategies have increasingly been used to support the development objective of food security as well as that of poverty reduction. The evaluation comprised analyses of documentation and literature, a portfolio review of German development cooperation projects and programmes, expert interviews, and four comprehensive case studies. Data for the latter were gathered on the different intervention levels and the various stages of the value chains selected for analysis. The results provided a basis for drawing conclusions, with reference to the OECD-DAC criteria, on such questions as the extent to which promoting agricultural value chains contributes to poverty reduction and food security in different contexts. The evaluation also explored the implications for two important trans-sectoral themes of German development cooperation: gender equality and environmental sustainability
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