3,471 research outputs found

    Derivative Chameleons

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    We consider generalized chameleon models where the conformal coupling between matter and gravitational geometries is not only a function of the chameleon field \phi, but also of its derivatives via higher order co-ordinate invariants. Specifically we consider the first such non-trivial conformal factor A(\phi,X), where X is the canonical kinetic term for \phi. The associated phenomenology is investigated and we show that such theories have a new generic mass-altering mechanism, potentially assisting the generation of a sufficiently large chameleon mass in dense environments. The most general effective potential is derived for such derivative chameleon setups and explicit examples are given. Interestingly this points us to the existence of a purely derivative chameleon protected by a shift symmetry for \phi. We also discuss potential ghost-like instabilities associated with mass-lifting mechanisms and find another, mass-lowering and instability-free, branch of solutions. This suggests that, barring fine-tuning, stable derivative models are in fact typically anti-chameleons that suppress the field's mass in dense environments. Furthermore we investigate modifications to the thin-shell regime and prove a no-go theorem for chameleon effects in non-conformal geometries of the disformal type.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    On Consistent Kinetic and Derivative Interactions for Gravitons

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    The only known fully ghost-free and consistent Lorentz-invariant kinetic term for a graviton (or indeed for any spin-2 field) is the Einstein-Hilbert term. Here we propose and investigate a new family of candidate kinetic interactions and their extensions to derivative interactions involving several spin-2 fields. These new terms generically break diffeomorphism invariance(s) and as a result can lead to the propagation of 5 degrees of freedom for a single spin-2 field - analogous to ghost-free Massive Gravity. We discuss under what circumstances these new terms can be used to build healthy effective field theories and in the process establish the `Jordan' and `Einstein' frame pictures for Massive-, Bi- and Multi-Gravity.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Cosmological parameter constraints for Horndeski scalar-tensor gravity

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    We present new cosmological parameter constraints for general Horndeski scalar-tensor theories, using CMB, redshift space distortion, matter power spectrum and BAO measurements from the Planck, SDSS/BOSS and 6dF surveys. We focus on theories with cosmological gravitational waves propagating at the speed of light, cGW=cc_{\rm GW} = c, implementing and discussing several previously unaccounted for aspects in the constraint derivation for such theories, that qualitatively affect the resulting constraints. In order to ensure our conclusions are robust, we compare results for three different parametrisations of the free functions in Horndeski scalar-tensor theories, identifying several parametrisation-independent features of the constraints. We also consider models, where cGWcc_{\rm GW} \neq c in cosmological settings (still allowed after GW170817 for frequency-dependent cGWc_{\rm GW}) and show how this affects cosmological parameter constraints.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Primordial fluctuations without scalar fields

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    We revisit the question of whether fluctuations in hydrodynamical, adiabatical matter could explain the observed structures in our Universe. We consider matter with variable equation of state w=p_0/\ep_0 and a concomitant (under the adiabatic assumption) density dependent speed of sound, csc_s. We find a limited range of possibilities for a set up when modes start inside the Hubble radius, then leaving it and freezing out. For expanding Universes, power-law w(\ep_0) models are ruled out (except when cs2w1c_s^2\propto w \ll 1, requiring post-stretching the seeded fluctuations); but sharper profiles in csc_s do solve the horizon problem. Among these, a phase transition in csc_s is notable for leading to scale-invariant fluctuations if the initial conditions are thermal. For contracting Universes all power-law w(\ep_0) solve the horizon problem, but only one leads to scale-invariance: w\propto \ep_0^2 and c_s\propto \ep_0. This model bypasses a number of problems with single scalar field cyclic models (for which ww is large but constant)

    Non-Gaussianity in single field models without slow-roll

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    We investigate non-Gaussianity in general single field models without assuming slow-roll conditions or the exact scale-invariance of the scalar power spectrum. The models considered include general single field inflation (e.g. DBI and canonical inflation) as well as bimetric models. We compute the full non-Gaussian amplitude, its size fnl, its shape, and the running with scale n_{NG}. In doing so we show that observational constraints allow significant violations of slow roll conditions and we derive explicit bounds on slow-roll parameters for fast-roll single field scenarios. A variety of new observational signatures is found for models respecting these bounds. We also explicitly construct concrete model implementations giving rise to this new phenomenology.Comment: 28 pages + appendices, 6 figures, References and minor comments added in revised versio

    New massive bigravity cosmologies with double matter coupling

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    We study a previously largely unexplored branch of homogeneous and isotropic background solutions in ghost-free massive bigravity with consistent double matter coupling. For a certain family of parameters we find `self-inflated' FLRW cosmologies, i.e. solutions with an accelerated early-time period during the radiation-dominated era. In addition, these solutions also display an accelerated late-time period closely mimicking GR with a cosmological constant. Interestingly, within this family, the particular case of β1=β3=0\beta_1=\beta_3=0 gives bouncing cosmologies, where there is an infinite contracting past, a non-zero minimum value of the scale factor at the bounce, and an infinite expanding future.Comment: Last version includes minor changes to text and reference

    Radiative stability and observational constraints on dark energy and modified gravity

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    Radiative stability places strong constraints on general dark energy and modified gravity theories. We consider Horndeski scalar-tensor theories with luminally propagating gravitational waves (as extensively discussed in the wake of GW170817) and show that generically there is a tension between obtaining observable deviations from General Relativity (GR) in cosmology and the requirement of radiative stability. Using this as a constraint, we discuss the subsets of theories that are capable of yielding observable, radiatively stable departures from GR. A key consequence are significantly tightened cosmological parameter constraints on dark energy and modified gravity parameters, which we explicitly compute using data from the Planck, SDSS/BOSS and 6dF surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The decoupling limit of Multi-Gravity: Multi-Galileons, Dualities and More

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    In this paper we investigate the decoupling limit of a particular class of multi-gravity theories, i.e. of theories of interacting spin-2 fields. We explicitly compute the interactions of helicity-0 modes in this limit, showing that they take on the form of multi-Galileons and dual forms. In the process we extend the recently discovered Galileon dualities, deriving a set of new multi-Galileon dualities. These are also intrinsically connected to healthy, but higher-derivative, multi-scalar field theories akin to `beyond Horndeski' models.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figure

    On scale-free extensions of massive (bi-)gravity

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    We discuss a scale-free model of bigravity, in which the mass parameter of the standard bigravity potential is promoted to a dynamical scalar field. This modification retains the ghost-free bigravity structure, in particular it remains free of the Boulware-Deser ghost. We investigate the theory's interaction structure, focusing on its consistent scaling limits and strong coupling scales. Furthermore we explore the model's quadratic action, both around generic background configurations and paying special attention to cosmological backgrounds and to the associated background evolution. Finally we consider the possibility of realizing a phase of late-time acceleration as well as a quasi-de Sitter inflationary stage at early times, when the promoted "mass scalar" becomes the inflaton.Comment: 36 pages; v2 clarifying comments added, references updated, results unchange

    Strong-coupling scales and the graph structure of multi-gravity theories

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    In this paper we consider how the strong-coupling scale, or perturbative cutoff, in a multi-gravity theory depends upon the presence and structure of interactions between the different fields. This can elegantly be rephrased in terms of the size and structure of the `theory graph' which depicts the interactions in a given theory. We show that the question can be answered in terms of the properties of various graph-theoretical matrices, affording an efficient way to estimate and place bounds on the strong-coupling scale of a given theory. In light of this we also consider the problem of relating a given theory graph to a discretised higher dimensional theory, a la dimensional deconstruction.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; v2: additional references included, and minor typos corrected; version published in JHE