14 research outputs found

    Els Complexes proteics del sèrum sanguini

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    A comparative limnological study of the Guadalhorce reservoirs system (Málaga,SE.Spain)

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    15 páginas ; 6 Figuras ; 2 TablasA partir de 10s muestreos efectuados durante el período de mezcla (marzo de 1988) y estratificación (setiembre de 1988) en 10s tres embalses del sistema Guadalhorce, se analizan sus diferencias fisicoquimicas y biológicas. Aunque 10s tres embalses presentan un contenido de sales disueltas relativamente alto, Conde de Guadalhorce es de aguas carbonatadas, mientras que en Guadalhorce son importantes 10s cloruros y Guadalteba se encuentra en una posición intermedia. En estos dos 61- timos embalses la presencia de cloruros determina la existencia de una haloclina muy marcada, que en el caso de Guadalhorce es permanente. Desde el punto de vista de sus características tróficas, Guadalteba y Guadalhorce son eutróficos, 10 que se refleja en la alta concentración de nutrientes y pigmentos, asi como por tener respiración y ETS elevados. Por el contrario, Conde de Guadalhorce puede considerarse como mesotrófico a partir de 10s mismos parámetros, además de permanecer con oxigeno en el hipolimnion durante todo el verano.This research has been supported by the Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica grant nª PB85-0166 and sponsored by the Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas of the Ministry of Public AffairsPeer reviewe

    Emulsions as Templates for Nanostructured Materials

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    Trabajo presentado en la Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech 2008), celebrada en Boston entre el 1 y el 5 de junio de 2008.The preparation of nanostructured materials by emulsion templating is of particular interest among the soft nanotechnology processes. The use of emulsions allows good control of size and morphology, mild reaction conditions and technological feasibility. This work focuses on the use of nano-emulsions and highly concentrated emulsions as templates for the preparation of nanoparticles and dual meso / macroporous materials, respectively. Nano-emulsions, characterized by droplet size in the range 20-200 nm, appear transparent or translucent and possess stability against sedimentation or creaming. It will be shown that nanoparticles with controlled size and low polydispersity have been obtained by our group from nano-emulsions prepared by low-energy methods. Highly concentrated emulsions, characterized by an internal phase volume fraction higher than 0.74, consist of deformed (polyhedrical) droplets separated by a thin film of continuous phase, a structure resembling gas-liquid foams. We have obtained dual meso / macroporous materials from highly concentrated emulsions. The resulting materials combine the advantages of high specific surface area (due to the presence of mesopores) with the accessible diffusion pathways (associated with macropores). These properties make the meso/macroporous materials very important in many industrial applications.The authors acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education DGI (Grants CTQ2005-09063-C03-02 and CTQ2005-08241-C03-01/PPQ) as well as Generalitat de Catalunya, DURSI (Grant 2005SGR-0018) and CIDEM (Xarxa IT).Peer reviewe

    Els Complexes proteics del sèrum sanguini

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    Els Complexes proteics del sèrum sanguini

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    Estudi físico-químic dels col·loides de la sang

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    Nano-emulsion polymerization of hexylmethacrylate by low and high energy methods

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    Trabajo presentado en el Workshop on nano-biocolloidal materials and non-equilibrium self-assembly, celebrado en Barcelona el 18 y 19 de junio de 2012