201 research outputs found
Evaluatie Opvangbeleid 2005-2008 overwinterende ganzen en smienten. Deelrapport 6. Foerageergebieden rond Natura2000-gebieden met ganzendoelstellingen
Dit onderzoek evalueert de effectiviteit van de aanwijzing van foerageergebieden in en rond Natura 2000 gebieden. De beschikbare draagkracht van de foerageergebieden in Natura 2000 gebieden en binnen een afstand van 5, 10 en 15 km is vergeleken met de vereiste draagkracht van deze gebieden. De vergelijking laat zien dat de ganzen op regionaal niveau in staat moeten zijn voldoende foerageer- en rustgebied te vinden binnen de regio. Er is dus in theorie voldoende foerageergebied aanwezig. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Alterra, in samenwerking met NIO
Nesting attempts and success of Arctic-breeding geese can be derived with high precision from accelerometry and GPS-tracking
Abstract Sensors, such as accelerometers, in tracking devices allow for detailed bio-logging to understand animal behaviour, even in remote places where direct observation is difficult. To study breeding in birds remotely, one needs to understand how to recognise a breeding event from tracking data, and ideally validate this by direct observation. We tagged 49 adult female pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) with transmitter neckbands in Finland in spring of 2018 and 2019, and in Svalbard in summer 2018, and validated inferences from tracking by field observations of nesting sites and family status in 2018–2020 (54 spring–summer tracks). We estimated nesting locations by taking the median coordinates of GPS-fixes at which the goose was motionless (overall dynamic body acceleration, ODBA 75% of time within 50 m of the nest, because nest site attendances steeply increased within one day to above this threshold. Nesting duration (number of consecutive days with > 75% nest site attendance) ranged between 3 and 44 days (n = 28), but was 30–34 days in confirmed successful nests (n = 9). The prolonged nesting of 39–44 days (n = 3) suggested incubation on unhatchable egg(s). Nest losses before hatching time occurred mostly in day 3–10 and 23–29 of nesting, periods with an increased frequency of nest site recesses. As alternative method, allowing for non-simultaneous GPS and accelerometer data, we show that nesting days were classified with 98.6% success by two general characteristics of breeding: low body motion (daily median ODBA) and low geographic mobility (daily SD of latitude). Median coordinates on nesting days approached real nest sites closely (within 0.8–3.6 m, n = 6). When considering only geographic mobility (allowing for GPS data only) nesting locations were similarly accurate, but some short nesting attempts were undetected and non-breeding tracks misclassified. We show that nesting attempts, as short as 3 days, and nesting success can be detected remotely with good precision using GPS-tracking and accelerometry. Our method may be generalised to other (precocial) bird species with similar incubation behaviour
Технологічне забезпечення виробничої потужності марганцевих кар’єрів при змінному попиті на рудну сировину
Запропонована технологічна схема, в якій розкривні уступи перерозподіляються по
висоті у межах певної потужності розкриву при заданій продуктивності кар’єру, а верхній та нижче розташований уступи об’єднані та відробляються транспортно-відвальним способом, для чого у внутрішньому відвалі створюється додаткова приймальна ємність. Набула подальшого розвитку методика розрахунку виробничої потужності кар’єру. Удосконалено метод вибору комплексів технологічного устаткування для слабкостійких обводнених порід, де враховується коефіцієнт запасу стійкості укосів внутрішнього відвалу.The technological flow chart in which stripping bench are redistributed on a height within the limits of certain power of overburden at the set productivity of quarry is offered. It is proposed to merge overhead and below located benches and work out them by transport-dump method, for what an additional receiving capacity is created in an internal dump. The computational procedure of quarry production capacity is obtained the further development. The method of choice of complexes of technological equipment for weak-steady and watered rocks is improved. The coefficient of slope stability margin of internal dump is considered in this method
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