2 research outputs found

    Grammatical Errors in Writing of the Second Class Students of SMA Kristen 1 Soe

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis kesalahan gramatikal secara tertulis yang dihadapi oleh siswa dan menemukan kesalahan gramatikal dalam tulisan siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penilitian ini adalah siswa kelas 2 SMA Kristen 1 Soe tahun akademik 2015/2016 sejumlah 35 siswa. Terdapat dua kelas paralel yaitu kelas A dengan jumlah 30 siswa dan kelas B dengan jumlah 35 siswa. Kelas A dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian. Data dianalisis melalui lima tahap yaitu mengkoreksi tulisan siswa, mengidentifikasi kesalahan, mengklasifikasikan kesalahan, mentabulasi hasil dan mengambil kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tipe kesalahan gramatikal dalam tulisan siswa adalah kesalahan verba, nomina, pronomina, ajektiva, adverbia, konjungsi dan preposisi. Persentasi dari masing-masing kesalahan adalah sebagai berikut. Kesalahan verba 21,16%, kesalahan nomina 19,70%, kesalahan pronominal 29,74%, kesalahan ajektiva 34,27%, kesalahan adverbial 32,41%, kesalahan konjungsi 34,02%, dan kesalahan preposisi 32,94%. Persentasi kesalahan tertinggi adalah kesalahan ajektiva dengan jumlah 34,27% dari total 243 kesalahan. Persentasi kesalahan paling sedikit adalah kesalahan nomina dengan jumlah 19,70% dari 375. Kesalahan gramatika siswa secara keseluruhan adalah 26,66% dengan total kesalahan 2301

    The Descriptive Study on Question Words in Amanatun Dialect of Meto Language

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    This research is a descriptive study on linguistics which focuses on the question words in Amanatun dialect of Meto language. The purposes of this research are to identify the kinds of question words and to describe how those question words are constructed.The descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. The native speakers of Amanatun dialect as the subject of the research. The instrument used was translation sentences of question words from Indonesia into Amanatun dialect. There were five techniques of data analysis: translation, codification,classification, syntactical analyses, and discussion.The findings show that there are seven kinds of question words in Amanatun dialect. They are sa(what), sekau(who), etme/esme/mbime/neome(where), leka(when), nansa/neusa(why), onme(how) and fauk (how many and how much). Saisplaced at the initial position of the sentence. Sekau is placed in three positions; in initial part of the sentence, in the middle of the sentence and at the final part of the sentence. The question of etme/esme/mbime/neome is placed at the final part of the sentence. Leka is placed in two positions: in the initial part of the sentence and at the final part of the sentence. The question of nansa is placed at the final part of the sentence. Nansa cannot be placed at the final position of the sentence. While neosa is only placed at the final position of the sentence and it cannot be placed in initial position of the sentence. There are three positions of onme; in the initial of the sentence, in the middle of the sentence and the final of the sentence. Fauk is placed at the final part of the sentence