11 research outputs found

    Time development analysis of treated lesion in spinal CT data

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá časovým vývojem léčených nádorů páteře v CT datech. V teoretické části se zabývá anatomií, fyziologií a patofyziologií páteře a těl obratlů. Dále popisuje diagnostické a terapeutické možnosti detekce a léčby nádorů páteře. Její součástí je přehled současného stavu využití časové analýzy v onkologii. Jsou diskutovány problémy dostupných anotací a jsou vytvořeny nové databáze pro následnou analýzu. Dále je navržena metodologie časové analýzy podle tvarové charakterizace a velikosti postižení obratle. Na vytvořené databáze jsou aplikovány navržené metodické přístupy extrakce příznaků. Jejich volba a vhodnost je diskutována, včetně jejich potenciálu pro případné využití pro klinickou praxi sledování vývoje a odvozování charakteristických závislostí příznaků na prognóze pacienta.This diploma thesis is focused on time-development analysis of treated lesion in CT data. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the spine and vertebral bodies. It further describes diagnostic and therapeutic options for the detection and treatment of spinal lesions. It contains an overview of the current state of usage of time-development analysis in oncology. The problems of the available databases are discussed and new databases are created for subsequent analysis. Futhermore, the methodology of time-development analysis according to the shape characterization and the size of the vertebral involvement is proposed. The proposed methodological approaches to feature extraction are applied to the created databases. Their choice and suitability is discussed, including their potential for possible usege in clinical practice of monitoring the development and derivation of characteristic dependences of features on the patient's prognosis.

    Biometric Authentication Using the Unique Characteristics of the ECG Signal

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    ECG is a biological signal specific for each person that is hard to create artificially. Therefore, its usage in biometry is highly investigated. It may be assumed that in the future, ECG for biometric purposes will be measured by wearable devices. Therefore, the quality of the acquired data will be worse compared to ambulatory ECG. In this study, we proposed and tested three different ECG-based authentication methods on data measured by Maxim Integrated wristband. Specifically, 29 participants were involved. The first method extracted 22 time-domain features – intervals and amplitudes from each heartbeat and Hjorth descriptors of an average heartbeat. The second method used 320 features extracted from the wavelet domain. For both methods a random forest was used as a classifier. The deep learning method was selected as the third method. Specifically, the 1D convolutional neural network with embedded feed-forward neural network was used to classify the raw signal of every heartbeat. The first method reached an average false acceptance rate (FAR) 7.11% and false rejection rate (FRR) 6.49%. The second method reached FAR 6.96% and FRR 21.61%. The third method reached FAR 0.57% and FRR 0.00%

    EKG synchonization of electroporation pulses

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá principem buněčné elektroporace a jejími druhy. Dále popisuje termální a netermální ablační techniky se zaměřením na ireverzibilní elektroporaci. Její součástí je přehled oblastí, ve kterých se využívá synchronizace lékařských úkonů s EKG signálem, přehled technik a měření elektrokardiografického signálu. Dále je diskutována citlivost lidského těla na elektroporační pulzy. Při elektroporaci jsou do pacienta aplikovány krátké vysokonapěťové pulzy. Pokud by byly tyto pulzy aplikovány do vulnerabilní fáze srdečního rytmu, mohla by vzniknout fibrilace komor. Z důvodu bezpečnosti při klinickém využití je proto nezbytná synchronizace aplikace pulzů se srdeční aktivitou pacienta. Součástí praktické části je vytvoření programu v LabVIEW právě pro tento typ synchronizace. Vytvořený program byl testován a dosažené výsledky byly vyhodnoceny z hlediska možnosti praktického použití.Bachelor thesis is focused on cells electroporation principle and its types. It further describes thermal and nonthermal ablation techniques with an emphasis on irreversible electroporation. It contains an overview of fields, where medical procedures in combination with ECG signal are used, and an overview of techniques and measurements of the electrocardiographic signal. Further, the sensitivity of the human body to electroporation pulses is discussed. During electroporation, short high-voltage pulses are applied. Ventricular fibrillation may occur if the electroporation pulse is applied to the vulnerable period of the heart rhythm. Synchronization of pulse application with heart activity of the patient is necessary for health and safety reasons in clinical practice. The practical part of the thesis is about a LabVIEW program for this kind of synchronization. The created program is tested and the obtained results achieved are evaluated in terms of practical use.

    EKG synchonization of electroporation pulses

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    Bachelor thesis is focused on cells electroporation principle and its types. It further describes thermal and nonthermal ablation techniques with an emphasis on irreversible electroporation. It contains an overview of fields, where medical procedures in combination with ECG signal are used, and an overview of techniques and measurements of the electrocardiographic signal. Further, the sensitivity of the human body to electroporation pulses is discussed. During electroporation, short high-voltage pulses are applied. Ventricular fibrillation may occur if the electroporation pulse is applied to the vulnerable period of the heart rhythm. Synchronization of pulse application with heart activity of the patient is necessary for health and safety reasons in clinical practice. The practical part of the thesis is about a LabVIEW program for this kind of synchronization. The created program is tested and the obtained results achieved are evaluated in terms of practical use

    Optic nerve head segmentation in retinal image data

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    This diploma thesis deals with the segmentation of the optic disc and cup in retinal image data. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the optic disc and cup and provides an overview of the current state of the art in using machine learning methods for their segmentation. Furthermore, the basic principles and blocks of convolutional neural networks are described. Convolutional neural networks U-Net and its modification nnU-Net were trained on the created databases. These models were tested and the results obtained were discussed and compared with selected published methods. Finally, the models were evaluated in terms of their potential for practical application

    Methodology Of Time-Development Analysis Of Vertebral Tumors In Ct Data

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    This paper presents the methodology of time-development analysis of vertebral tumors inCT data. It including an overview of suitable features which can relevantly characterize the shape oftumor tissue. We proposed two different analysis methodologies: for compact tumors and the wholevertebral body. The test database of five lytic compact tumors containing five follow ups was created.The initial result of time-development for statistical features for compact tumors on created databaseand whole body vertebra were shown