106 research outputs found

    Les crieurs publics : Un dispositif sonore dans les quartiers populaires du Caire

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    International audienceTypologie des crieurs de rue dans la ville du Caire (Egypte), qui composent le paysage sonore de ses quartiers populaires. Chacun de ces métiers a ses rÚgles, ses temporalités, ses potentialités économiques et phoniques

    Les crieurs publics : Un dispositif sonore dans les quartiers populaires du Caire

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    International audienceTypologie des crieurs de rue dans la ville du Caire (Egypte), qui composent le paysage sonore de ses quartiers populaires. Chacun de ces métiers a ses rÚgles, ses temporalités, ses potentialités économiques et phoniques

    La source bleue : La cour de la ville

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    Billet de blog sur le site Zerka : la source bleue et l'urbanisation des Oasis de MĂ©diterranĂ©e.La source est un espace phoniquement particulier : il s’oppose Ă  la hiĂ©rarchie sonore de la mĂ©dina. De la maison, au derb, en passant par la rue, l’avenue et enfin la place, il existe un processus d’intensification des activitĂ©s et de la circulation qui se traduit par un gradient sonore allant du calme dans l’espace semi privĂ© jusqu’au tumulte des espaces publics les plus frĂ©quentĂ©s. Le feutrĂ© des cours intĂ©rieures et des impasses s’oppose au bruit des places et des rues commerçantes. Or au sein du dispositif sonore de la mĂ©dina, l’Ain Zerka apparaĂźt comme un lieu singulier

    Cairo behind the gates: studying the sensory configuration of Al-Rehab City

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    The current research aims to elaborate the sensory configuration of a gated community named Al Rehab City in Cairo. This contemporary urban form, imported from the United States, is part of the last stage of modernizing the city. The methods used are based on analysing the sensory phenomena captured by several techniques in situ, such as participant observation, sound recordings, in addition to citizens’ speech in the form of “commented walks”. In the first phase of analysis, the research identifies the relevant sensory phenomena which are the result of a western urban concept inhabited by oriental society. In the second part we analyse the sensory structure of this urban model by revealing the way in which the body, hearing and sight traverse the various spatial borders which make up this form of habitat.Cet article esquisse la configuration sensible d’une gated community - la ville d’Al-RĂ©hab City au Caire - forme urbaine contemporaine importĂ©e des États-Unis. L’approche adoptĂ©e par cette Ă©tude propose une analyse des phĂ©nomĂšnes in situ Ă  partir des techniques d’observation, d’enregistrements sonores et du recueil de la « parole habitante » sous la forme de « parcours commentĂ©s ». Pour dĂ©finir l’ambiance de cette ville, deux phases d’analyses ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ɠuvre. La premiĂšre vise Ă  identifier les phĂ©nomĂšnes sensibles pertinents qui sont le produit d’un concept occidental habitĂ© par une sociĂ©tĂ© orientale. Dans la deuxiĂšme phase, l’article traite de la configuration sensible de cette ambiance en rĂ©vĂ©lant la maniĂšre dont le corps, le son et la vue franchissent les frontiĂšres spatiales qui composent cette forme d’habitat

    The edge environment in Cairo: An approach to reading the social pattern language of the Middle Eastern built environment

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    AbstractThis paper introduces a new concept that might help in reading both social life and urban process, showing how they are interlocked in a way that clarifies ideologies and their implications for the physical form of the city. This reading is capable of envisioning and analysing the relationship between the cohesive social pattern language of traditional built environment and its physical expression, relying on a new reflective and exploratory concept, the edge environment. This illuminates the relationship between the values hidden beneath the physical edges of spatial morphology in Middle Eastern urban contexts like Cairo, and allows those values to be understood in terms of modern ideologies relating to the human community. The concept of edge environment might help in the design education particularly in conservation and up-grading processes, as an analytical tool and as a design method by careful interventions at edges by fine tuning of the edge environment

    Vers une Ă©cologie sensible des rues du Caire : le palimpseste des ambiances d'une ville en transition

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    Proposing a rereading of the sensory experience by the term palimpsest is above all focusing on « time ».This approach introduces time as a main material for designing cities. Being defined as a stratification of time by a continual re-writing, the metaphorical coupling of terms « ambiance-palimpsest » adds a temporal depth to the sensory phenomena. It point out how everyday life experience reflects a maintain over time. This vision redefines the ambience as an incarnation of the past in the present through a continuous process of sedimentation of traces. Ambience-palimpsest embodies a power of time in which the past is reconstructed differently with each time a new present is overlaid upon territory. Between the production of memorial cities and artifacts ones, the current contemporary urban thinking marks a crisis in dealing with time, in which the present functions as a buffer, isolating the past from the futur. The introduction of term palimpsest in the field of ambiences relocates the present as a connecting interface between the two temporal entities. Taking into consideration the temporal depth when analyzing the sensory experience, offers a new perspective of designing cities by recomposing the past sensory values in a projection to the future. It mixes a retrospective and prospective approaches for rethinking the future of cities. In such an interest, this thesis proposes an architectural reading tool « the temporal section » as a way to stroll in time and to unfold the layers of sediment memories. This architectural section, to which we add time as vertical dimension of place, helps reading the temporal configuration of the experience, thus marking a turning point in the representation of cities form cartography to stratigraphy.Proposer une relecture du sensible par le palimpseste est s'intĂ©resser avant tout au temps de l'expĂ©rience. Il s'agit d'apprĂ©hender ce dernier en tant que matiĂšre dans la conception de la ville. Étant dĂ©finie comme une stratification temporelle par la superposition des couches d'Ă©criture, l'introduction de la mĂ©taphore palimpseste dans une rĂ©flexion sur les ambiances ajoute une Ă©paisseur temporelle aux phĂ©nomĂšnes sensibles. La figure «ambiance-palimpseste» montre comment la quotidiennetĂ© de l'expĂ©rience sensible s'inscrit dans une durĂ©e. Cette vision redĂ©finit l'ambiance comme une incarnation du passĂ© dans le prĂ©sent Ă  travers un processus continu de sĂ©dimentation des traces. Le couplage «ambiance-palimpseste » incarne une puissance du temps dans laquelle le passĂ© se recompose diffĂ©remment avec la superposition de chaque prĂ©sent. Entre la production des villes mĂ©morielles et - ou - des villes artefacts, la pensĂ©e urbaine contemporaine marque une crise par rapport au temps oĂč le prĂ©sent fonctionnait comme une Ă©tanchĂ©itĂ© temporelle, voire un tampon temporel entre le passĂ© et le futur. Le terme « ambiance-palimpseste» resitue le prĂ©sent dans son emplacement - l'entre-deux -, comme un interface Ă  travers lequel les liens entre le futur et le passĂ© sont rĂ©tablis. L'Ă©tude du sensible en Ă©paisseur offre une nouvelle perspective dans la conception des villes et propose une autre approche temporelle oĂč il s'agit de « faire avec » le temps, celui du passĂ© et celui du futur. Elle propose une recompositions des valeurs sensibles du passĂ© tout en se projetant vers le futur. Elle mĂȘle la rĂ©trospectivitĂ© et la prospectivitĂ© dans une approche qui vise Ă  penser et Ă  concevoir l'avenir de la ville autrement. Avec un tel objectif, cette thĂšse propose un dispositif de lecture du sensible en Ă©paisseur, « la coupe temporelle », comme moyen de considĂ©rer l'expĂ©rience dans le temps et de dĂ©plier les couches des mĂ©moires sĂ©dimentĂ©es. La coupe temporelle donne Ă  lire les reliefs temporels de l'expĂ©rience. Elle marque un tournant dans la reprĂ©sentation de la ville, allant de la cartographie vers la stratigraphie

    An urban code in traditional Middle Eastern contexts: The edge environment as a central theme for reading the social pattern language of historic sites

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    This article discusses a new concept that may help professionals and specialists read the “urban code” of Middle Eastern traditional contexts that was developed from the mix of social aspect and spatial morphology, illustrating how these elements are interconnected in a way that highlights the values and qualities and their reflections on the physicality of the city. This urban code envisions and analyses the relevance of the social pattern language of the traditional context to its urban manifestation, leaning on the “edge environment” as a new generative concept. It outlines the relationship between the ideologies buried underneath the walls of the spatial form of traditional built environment such as Cairo and sheds light on those ideologies in a way that helps us read them within the context of modern values pertained to the sense of community. The notion of the edge environment may contribute to design education restoration, preservation, and upgrading processes as design toolkit that employs careful interventions by fine-tuning the edge environment

    Immunoelectron microscope localization of androgen receptors and proliferating cell nuclear antigen in the epithelial cells of albino rat ventral prostate

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    AbstractAndrogen receptor (AR) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) play a crucial role in development and progression of various prostatic diseases including prostatic carcinoma that is a leading cause of death in males. Previous studies have evaluated the expression pattern of AR and PCNA in prostate epithelial cells using immunohistochemistry (IHC). However, this technique has limited ability to identify their precise subcellular localization. Therefore, the aim of this study was to localize, subcellularly, AR and PCNA in the secretory epithelial cells of rat ventral prostate using post embedding immunogold-electron microscopy. The ventral lobes were dissected from six adult male albino rats after being perfused with paraformaldehyde. Some specimens were immuno-labeled with AR or PCNA and others were processed for immunoelectron microscope of AR and PCNA using 15-nm gold conjugated secondary antibodies. The results showed that, by immunoperoxidase reaction, AR and PCNA were localized diffusely throughout the nuclei of the epithelial cells of prostatic acini without visible cytoplasmic expression. However, the higher resolution immuno-electron microscopy was able to detect AR and PCNA in the nucleus and some cytoplasmic organelles. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the importance of immuoelectron microscopy in precise localization of AR and PCNA at the subcelullar levels in the secretory epithelial cells of the rat prostatic acini. These findings will help to further understand the mechanism of action of these receptors under normal and pathological conditions that could have future clinical application after careful human investigation

    Antitumor activity of Neem leaf Extract and Nimbolide on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells in Mice

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    Background: Azadirachta indica (Neem) has been used traditionally for many centuries. Some impressive therapeutic qualities have been discovered. Aim: Our study aims to investigate the in vivo antitumor and antioxidant activities of Ethanolic Neem Leaf Extract (ENLE) and its fraction called Nimbolide, a limonoid present in leaves and flowers of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Also, to study the side effects of the ethanolic Neem leaf extract and Nimbolide fraction on the liver and kidney. Materials & Methods: We assessed the effect of nimbolide and ethanolic Neem leaves extract (ENLE) on replicative lifespan prolongation in vitro and on the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), Caspase-3, and Cytochrome c. Also, our study estimated their effect on Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Total Protein (TP), Albumin (Alb), bilirubin, urea and creatinine. Results: Ethanolic neem leaves extract and nimbolide resulted in increases in replicative lifespan. Also, they showed a significant decrease in malondialdehyde and nitric oxide and an increase in catalase, glutathione peroxidase, caspase-3 activities, and cytochrome c concentration. Hence, it may be possible that Nimbolide and ENLE decrease lipid peroxidation level due to their antioxidant effect and enhance apoptosis. The Neem leaves extract and nimbolide showed no side effects on liver and kidney. Also, they showed a significant protection for both liver and kidney histopathologically

    Real‐time quality authentication of honey using atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry ( APCI ‐ MS )

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    The aim of this study was to use gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and APCI-MS techniques to detect adulteration in honey. The key volatile compounds in the headspace of the adulterated honeys were marked by GC-MS and their representative fragment ions were utilized in scanning honey samples using the real-time APCI-MS system. The PLS models validated using independent datasets resulted in coefficient of determination (R_p^2) of 0.97 and 0.96 and root mean square error in prediction (RMSEP) of 2.62 and 2.45 for the GC-MS and APCI-MS datasets, respectively. The most efficient volatiles from GC-MS analysis and their corresponding fragment ions m/z from APCI-MS data analysis were then identified and used to develop new PLS models to predict the level of adulteration. The best PLS model gave R_p^2 of 0.95 and RMEP of 2.60% in the independent validation set indicating that the model was very accurate in predicting the level of adulteration
