54 research outputs found

    Probing the effects of interaction in Anderson localization using linear photonic lattices

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    We show how two-dimensional waveguide arrays can be used to probe the effect of on-site interaction on Anderson localization of two interacting bosons in one dimension. It is shown that classical light and linear elements are sufficient to experimentally probe the interplay between interaction and disorder in this setting. For experimental relevance, we evaluate the participation ratio and the intensity correlation function as measures of localization for two types of disorder (diagonal and off-diagonal), for two types of interaction (repulsive and attractive), and for a variety of initial input states. Employing a commonly used set of initial states, we show that the effect of interaction on Anderson localization is strongly dependent on the type of disorder and initial conditions, but is independent of whether the interaction is repulsive or attractive. We then analyze a certain type of entangled input state where the type of interaction is relevant and discuss how it can be naturally implemented in waveguide arrays. We conclude by laying out the details of the two-dimensional photonic lattice implementation including the required parameter regime.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A review of online intervention for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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    The aim of this paper is to summarize and discuss the existing online intervention for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This paper is using the narrative approach and the search engine used include PubMed, SAGE Journals, EBSCO host and Cochrane Library. A total of 10 articles were included for this review and it categorised by authors into five online intervention programmes for OCD which are BiP OCD, OCD? Not Me!, OCD-NET, iCBT and COT. All these programmes were aimed to help the people who suffer from OCD, but the programmes might have some differences in term of the age range of the participants, the duration of the programme, and slight differences in term of the contents of the programmes and measures used. The online intervention for OCD used the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and included the part of psychoeducation, exposure and response prevention (ERP), and relapse prevention. The contents of psychoeducation, ERP and relapse prevention, and the effectiveness of the online intervention programme for OCD will be discussed in this paper. The future research should emphasize on the development of an online intervention for OCD in Malaysia by considering the cultural and language issues in Malaysia

    The influences of parenting stress, children behavioral problems and children quality of life on depression symptoms among parents of children with autism: preliminary findings

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    Taking care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) could be a demanding task for parents. Consequently, parents of children with ASD may experience parenting stress and depression symptoms. This study examined parenting stress and depression symptoms among parents of children and adolescents with ASD. This study also examined the role of child characteristics (e.g., age, child quality of life and problem behavior) on parenting stress and depression symptoms and the effect of parenting stress on parental depression. A total of 78 parents were examined using a questionnaire survey. The result indicated that parents caring a younger age group of children with ASD have higher levels of depression symptoms compared to parents caring for older group of children with ASD. The result also revealed a significant difference in level of depression symptoms between parents with higher levels of parenting stress and parents with lower parenting stress. Only the children age significantly predicts depression symptoms in parents of children with ASD. This indicates that children age is potential to affect mental health among parents of children with ASD

    Penentu faktor peramal pengekalan pekerjaan dalam kalangan klien AADK

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    Occupation is the most important element in changing the quality-of-life continuity and the recovery of drug addicts. This study aimed to measure the level of employment sustainability among ex-clients from the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK). This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. A total of 130 AADK ex-clients who were in employment were selected as respondents for this study. Our findings show that the majority of AADK ex-clients can survive relatively well enough for between 1 to 2 years depending on the factors of wages, work environment, interests and skills. The finding of this study implies that former clients tend to remain only 1 to 2 years in employment if their wages and jobs are not in line with their will. The findings also found that there was a significant relationship between the job-person fit and job satisfaction with motivation. Hence, this study is capable to modify the perceptions and views of employers towards clients' initiative for being persistent at the workplace as well as improving existing policies in providing incentives to clients for being consistent on the job

    Walks on Apollonian networks

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    We carry out comparative studies of random walks on deterministic Apollonian networks (DANs) and random Apollonian networks (RANs). We perform computer simulations for the mean first passage time, the average return time, the mean-square displacement, and the network coverage for unrestricted random walk. The diffusions both on DANs and RANs are proved to be sublinear. The search efficiency for walks with various strategies and the influence of the topology of underlying networks on the dynamics of walks are discussed. Contrary to one's intuition, it is shown that the self-avoiding random walk, which has been verified as an optimal strategy for searching on scale-free and small-world networks, is not the best strategy for the DAN in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    To what extent is the readiness of AADK’s clients to join workforce? A case study at CCVC and CCRC Sepang, Malaysia

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    Securing a job in life of recovering substance users is important as an employment enables them to financially contribute to society, personal life and family members. Before joining the labor workforce, recovering substance users as pontential employees need to ensure that their skills meet the needs of today's job marketplace. The objective of this study is to determine the aspects of readiness among clients of Agensi Anti dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) who are undergoing rehabilitation at Cure and Care Vocational Center (CCVC) and Cure and Care Rehabilitation Center (CCRC) Sepang before joining the employment workforce. A total of 257 respondents who are clients of AADK rehabilitation centers were involved in this study. The results indicate that the majority of clients show moderate levels of communication skills, professional skills and soft skills. However, there is a high level of willingness/readiness to increase knowledge, ability to deal with work situations and motivation to work. The findings also found that there was a positive and significant relationship between communication skills, professionalism, softskills, willingness/readiness to acquire knowledge, ability and motivation to work. Meanwhile, there is a significant difference between the CCVC and CCRC client's in willingness/readiness to work. Regression analysis showed that the knowledge and ability variables are the best predictors of client motivation to work. The results of this study can offer input to the AADK to improve the content of the modules and interventions in order to holistically strengthening the client's willingness/readiness to secure jobs in the future

    Keberkesanan program SHIELDS daripada perspektif pelajar dan urusetia

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    Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji keberkesanan program SHIELDS daripada perspektif pelajar dan urusetia yang telah turut terlibat. Program SHIELDS adalah satu bentuk program camp-based yang diperkenalkan hasil kerjasama antara Kementerian Pendidikan dan Pihak Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK). Nama SHEILDS ini adalah akronim yang bermaksud Sayangi Hidup, Elak Derita Selamanya. Sehubungan itu, program ini bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran dan mengupayakan ketahanan diri murid (lingkungan umur 13 hingga 18 tahun) yang dikenalpasti berisiko dalam penyalahgunaan dadah. Kajian kuantitatif ini melibatkan dua fasa iaitu fasa pertama adalah mengedarkan soal selidik sebelum dan selepas program SHIELDS dijalankan. Manakala, fasa kedua pula adalah sesi follow up selepas 3 bulan terhadap 50 pelajar yang telah terlibat dengan program SHIELDS terlebih dahulu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan perspektif pelajar seramai 559 orang yang terlibat dengan program SHIELDS ini adalah baik dengan min=4.48. Kesimpulannya, dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa program SHIELDS ini sewajarnya diteruskan dengan beberapa penambahbaikan untuk kelangsungan program dan kebaikan semua pihak yang terlibat