18 research outputs found

    Aplikasi teknik tempa dan peleburan dalam seni arca besi Raja Shahriman Raja Aziddin / Liza Marziana Mohammad Noh...[et.al]

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    Seni arca di alam Melayu lahir sebagai sebahagian kebudayaan manusia. Manusia menciptanya sebagai memenuhi keperluan spiritual dan estetika. Justeru pelbagai perkembangan bentuk dan makna dipersembahkan menerusi teknik dan bahan. Makalah ini menerangkan aplikasi teknik tempa dan peleburan yang pernah diwarisi oleh orang Melayu keatas kerja-kerja pertukangan besi di Alam Melayu. Teknik ini kemudiannya dikembangkan oleh Raja Shahriman Raja Aziddin seorang pengarca moden. Minat beliau ke atas teknik pembuatan senjata lama telah mempengaruhi pembentukan seni arcanya. Bagi menjelaskan situasi berikut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif melalui sumber-sumber bertulis dan kajian lapangan. Bagi mengumpul data tertulis mahupun visual, kaedah wawancara, pemerhatian dan perpustakaan digunakan. Signifikan kepada makalah ini untuk mendedahkan pembuatan seni arca kepada umum khususnya pengarca generasi baru supaya merujuk semula warisan pembuatan logam yang pernah di kuasai oleh pandai besi pada masa dahulu. Harapan dari makalah ini agar aplikasi pembuatan warisan bangsa tidak dilupakan malah terus subur dan di hargai generasi baru masa hadapan

    LCL filter design based on ripple current minimization approach for grid-connected inverter application

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    The fast-growing demand for renewable energy has stimulated the rapid development of semiconductor devices and power electronic converter technologies. The grid�connected inverter has turn out to be normal in any distributed generation system. LCL filter is commonly adopted to interconnect an inverter to a utility grid, owing to its parametric performance. However, the common issue regarding resonance frequency and design constraints complexity remains unsolved entirely. In this paper, a simple LCL filter design to address these issues is proposed. A ripple current minimization approach is adopted in the systematic design process to determine optimized reactive components’ value and mitigate its resonance frequency. Design feasibility is simulated in the Matlab/Simulink environment and extensive experimental work was carried out to validated the results against the IEC61000-3- 2 standards

    Study on symbolism of Malay Islamic cultural heritage in Malaysian visual arts: found in Syed Ahmad Jamal artworks / Nurkhazilah Idris...[et.al]

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    This critical analysis is about the study on symbolism of Malay Islamic cultural heritage in Malaysian visual arts found in Syed Ahmad Jamal artworks particularly on the Sirih Pinang (1982), Tulisan (1961) and Mandi Laut (1957). The reason why this particular painting was chosen as the medium for a critical analysis was because of Syed Ahmad Jamal’s profound involvement in pioneering the Abstract painting movement in Malaysia with brilliant employment of symbolism of cultural elements in his works. He can be considered as one of the earliest Malaysian painter between the era of 1960s and 1970s to masterfully use the symbolism elements in translating metaphors and professing intrinsic meanings in his artwork (Syed Ahmad Jamal Sempena Malam Anugerah Seni Negara, 1995). This research is looking at the meaning behind the symbol of cultural heritage employed by the artist on his art work. It is hoped that this research would reach out to the public and further provide a bridge linking the public’s understanding with matters related to the visual arts, enlightening the meanings behind an artist’s effort and encourage public appreciation and understanding on the context of cultural heritage in visual arts. The research would also try to reflect and convey to the public on the nature of an artwork created from the symbol of Malay Islamic cultural heritage elements, when being further analysed would profess intrinsic and insightful meaning

    Smart Data Recognition System For Seven Segment LED Display

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    The automatic data capturing system provides an alternative and effective way of data collection instead of manual data collection in the laboratory, especially for experiments that need to be carried out for a long period. It can solve common mistakes made by humans, like misreading or mistyping data. Thus, a new smart data recognition system for a seven-segment LED display is developed to sort the whole process of data collection to become more systematic and accurate. An image is captured and saved automatically in an image file, and then it is processed through MATLAB software to identify the digits displayed on the LED display. Once the image is preprocessed, analyzed, and recognized, the final output values obtained are transferred to an existing Excel file for a further process according to the user’s requirement. From the results obtained, it was proven that binary thresholding is the best preprocessing method, and the brightness of the image should be set to ‘0’ for better recognition output

    Risk Assessment of Wave Energy Converter At Kuantan Port, Pahang

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    Harvesting energy from ocean waves remains an untapped resource, and it is considered a new methodology in renewable energy, especially in Malaysia. This research is based on a project at Kuantan Port that used Wave Energy Converter (WEC) as a platform to generate energy from waves and convert it into electricity. The purpose of this research is to conduct a risk assessment before the execution of the project by referring to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 31000 and Risk Management Guidelines: Companion to AS/NZS 4360:2004. It started from risk identification and planned a mitigation way to reduce the grade of risk. These mitigations will be monitored throughout the project to avoid any accidents or harm during construction and installation in the future. The assessment will be using a qualitative analysis method that will gather all the possible risks that impact the project and propose the actions to mitigate the risk. The assessment will also consider the likelihood, seriousness, and weightage to determine the risk level. The risk assessment is divided into six clusters: project management, hydrography, mechanical, electrical, civil, and safety and security. After analysis, each cluster has given their feedback on the risk assessment and their cluster-s risk grade. This research has found that the risk grade is at grade C, which needs the risk assessment of this project to reduce the likelihood, seriousness, and required mitigation actions. Eventually, after the mitigation plan is applied to each risk, the grade of risk is reduced to N

    Demonstration Of Palm Vein Pattern Biometric Recognition By Machine Learning

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    This paper aims to demonstrate the extraction of palm vein pattern features by local binary pattern (LBP) and its different recognition rate by two types of classification methods. The first classification method is by K-nearest neighbour (KNN) while the second method is by a support vector machine (SVM). Whilst SVM is optimized for direct classifications between two classes, the KNN is best for multi-class classifications. Based on the biometric recognition framework shared in this paper, both techniques shared comparable performance in terms of the recognition rate. The differences in the recognition rate can only be seen if the LBP features extracted for the classification are different. In general, a higher recognition rate can be achieved for palm vein pattern biometric system if all LBP bins are used for the classification, compared to if only selected features are used for the purpose. The best recognition rate that can be achieved by the three datasets demonstrated in this paper are 60%, 70% and 100% respectively for the CASIA, PolyU and self-dataset. It shows that different input dataset may behave differently even by using the same machine learning approach in its biometric recognition process

    Image Histogram: Preliminary Findings of Anti-Spoofing Mechanism for Hand Biometrics Acquisition

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    Biometrics data are prone to spoofing activities especially on its sensor levels where fake biometrics data can be generated to imitate genuine biometrics data. Fake biometrics are false biometrics data that resemble genuine biometrics characteristics. If fake biometrics is accepted by a biometrics system, the possibility of personal information and data to be stolen is high. The consequences lie in the unwanted access, and the public may become insecure to use biometrics as an authentication tool. Biometrics acquisition process with an added detection mechanism can help distinguish between genuine and fake biometrics data. It is possible by the use of near-infrared (NIR) light during acquisition process because the interaction between NIR light with human skin and fake biometrics are different; due to the living trait property possessed by a human. This paper shares preliminary findings of image histogram for both genuine and fake biometrics images acquired by NIR illumination. Observation on the image histogram reveals that there are differences to the image properties that can be used to distinguish the genuine and fake biometrics data. The approach can be extended to its usage as a detection mechanism for other biometrics data as well. The main principle lies in the difference of image response between genuine and fake biometrics data acquired by the NIR illumination

    Kartun bertemakan keagamaan atas talian: interpretasi dakwah dan sindiran / Fazlina Mohd Radzi...[et.al]

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji akan kesan penyampaian kartun indie yang menggunakan pendekatan dan pengisian berbentuk keagamaan dan cara iannya . Disamping itu, pengkaji turut akan menyusuri permulaan dan perkembangan kartun di Malaysia secara ringkas dari awal zaman sebelum kemerdekaan, kemudian zaman kegemilangan kartun melayu pada tahun 80an dan 90an. Selain itu, kemunculan para kartunis indie yang secara separa masa hadir memenuhi ruangan kartun Malaysia dengan memuat naik melalui halaman ’facebook’ , instagram dan juga melalui laman blogspot pribadi di atas talian internet. Pendekatan kajian dan penulisan adalah berdasarkan apresiasi bentuk dan makna karya dan konteks penghasilannya. Metodologi sejarah seni berasaskan analisis mengikut konteks (contextual analysis) dijadikan asas di dalam pengkajian ini. Merangkumi aspek deskripsi, analisis, interpretasi dan pertimbangan digunakan sebagai panduan dalam penelitian karya. Bolehlah disimpulkan karya kartun di atas talian kini menjadi lebih baik penerimaanny

    A Framework For Chili Fruits Maturity Estimation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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    An agriculture robot has been demanded in recent years. Inaccurate in estimating the maturity of the chili always happens since the human eyes are tend to prone to errors. Serving an effective, innovative, feasible chili recognition system would help farmers as economical alternative by reducing the workloads while increasing fruit yield. Hence, a comprehensive framework of chili maturity estimation using deep learning is carried out