46 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Teaching Instructions and Students’ Achievement in Tilawah al-Quran among Form Two Students in Malaysia

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    The main purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between the teaching instructions and students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran in Malaysia. This study also attempted to investigate the variables that have significant relationships with teaching instructions and students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. This study was also aim to identify the main variables that contributed to the teaching instructions and students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. Finally, this study will produce a Model Peningkatan Tilawah al-Quran. 257 teachers and 1651 students from secondary schools in Malaysia were selected by stratified and cluster samplings. A set of questionaire was developed by the researcher and the reliability indexes of Alpha Cronbach were between 0.6083 to 0.9587. Descriptive statistics of frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Inferential statistics of correlation, Linear Regression, Multiple Regression, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling were used to test the research hypotheses. The overall findings of the study indicated that the teaching instructions was at the moderate level. However, teachers’ attitude towards Tilawah al-Quran was at the highest level. Furthermore, students’ attitude towards Tilawah al-Quran was at the highest level meanwhile learning behaviour and learning surroundings in Tilawah al-Quran was at the moderate level. Correlation analysis highlighted that there was a significant relationship between teaching experience and teaching instructions with r = 0.140. There was a significant relationship between teachers’ attitude and teaching instructions with r = 0.591. There was also a significant relationship between students’ attitude and teaching instructions with r = 0.383. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between students’ learning behaviour and teaching instructions in Tilawah al-Quran with r = 0.410. There was a significant relationship between students’ attitude and students’ acievement with r = 0.179. Next, there was a significant relationship between students’ learning behaviour and students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran with r = 0.170. In addition, there was a significant relationship between students’ learning surrounding and students’ achievement r = 0.119. Finally, there was a significant relationship between teaching instructions and students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran with r = 0.067. Linear Regression analysis showed teachers’ attitude and teaching experience contributed 37.3% to teaching instruction. Meanwhile students’ attitude and learning behaviour contributed 21.2% to teaching instruction. The study indicated that students’ attitude, learning behaviour, learning surroundings contributed 4.1% to students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. The study found that teaching instruction contributed 0.4% to students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. Lastly, Multiple Linear Regression analysis showed that students’ attitude, learning behaviour, learning surroundings and teaching instruction contributed 4.1% to students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that Model Peningkatan Tilawah al-Quran based on the process factor that involved eight indicators. Two indicators were from component starting teaching, four indicators were from component extending teaching, one indicator was from component closing teaching and lastly one indicator was from component teaching aids. Meanwhile, based on the students’ input factors, Model Peningkatan Tilawah al-Quran clearly shown by variable of attitude with two indicators, variable of learning behaviour with three indicators and variables learning surroundings with three indicators. Structural Equation Modelling analysis showed that Model Peningkatan Tilawah al-Quran contributed by students’ attitude varians 56%, learning behaviour varians 84% and learning surroundings varians 90%. Furthermore, students’ achievement varians in Tilawah al-Quran was influenced by all three factors namely students’ attitude towards Tilawah al-Quran, learning behaviour and learning surroundings 4%. The findings from the study could guide teachers on the importance of teaching instructions, teachers’ input factors such as teaching experience and teachers’ attitude toward Tilawah al-Quran to ensure students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. Futhermore, the study provided an empirical basis to describe the correlation between input, process and product factors. The study also showed that the importance of components in teaching instructions should be focused in order to maximise students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran. Furthermore, the students’ achievement in Tilawah al-Quran was not only influenced by teaching instructions in school, but also by students’ factors such as students’ attitude, learning behaviour and learning surroundings influenced by parents and community to produce the generation of celik al-Quran

    Mandatory Application of Diniyah Madrasah (Basic Islamic Studies) at Formal Schools: Regional Government Policy Studies

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    The lack of Islamic Religious Education in Blitar Regency, this phenomenon has led to the innovation of Islamic Education in Blitar district through the application of the Mandatory Madrasa Diniyah (Madin) Program in all formal junior high, high school and vocational level institutions as intracurricular. The aim of the study was to examine how the application of Islamic Education innovations and to find out how the implementation of Islamic Education innovation through the Diniyah Madrasah Mandatory program in formal institutions applied in Blitar district. The results of the study show its application by means of the district's national education institutions together with the Madin Education and Development Institution giving debriefing to selected teachers to prepare Madin's learning in formal institutions. For the ninth grade students will get a Madin certificate as a graduation requirement as well as a requirement to proceed to the next level and form a teaching and learning activity Madin in a formal institution with a combination of placement test methods, peer tutor method (study group students who are coordinated by their own friends), and drill methods (how to learn by repeating the material many times).Minimnya Pendidikan Agama Islam di wilayah Kabupaten Blitar, fenomena ini memunculkan adanya inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam di kabupaten Blitar melalui penerapan Program Wajib Madrasah Diniyah (Madin) diseluruh lembaga formal tingkat SMP, SMA, SMK sebagai intrakurikuler. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji bagaimana penerapan inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui program Wajib Madrasah Diniyah di lembaga formal yang diterapkan di kabupaten blitar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penerapannya dengan cara lembaga pendidikan nasional kabupaten bersama dengan Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Madin (LPP Madin) memberikan pembekalan kepada guru terpilih guna mempersiapkan pembelajaran Madin di lembaga formal. Bagi siswa-siswi kelas sembilan akan mendapatkan sertifikat Madin sebagai syarat kelulusan sekaligus sebagai persyaratan untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya dan bentuk KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) Madin di lembaga formal dengan kombinasi  metode Placement Test (Tes penempatan kemampuan), metode Tutor Sebaya (kelompok belajar siswa yang di koordinatori oleh temannya sendiri), dan metode Drill (cara belajar dengan  mengulang  materi sampai berkali-kali)

    Pengajaran & pembelajaran Tilawah Al-Qur’an sekolah menengah di Malaysia

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    Mosque Institutions in Malaysia: what is the concept of the lyrics?

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    This article comprises discussions related to the concept of the Mosque in Malaysia, as far as conforming to the idea of rahmatan lilalamin, which is the primary basis of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Contrary to the concept of rahmatan lilalamin then came Rahmah Mosque, which is concerned with the unification and peace of the universal ummah. This also repels a narrow understanding of the function of the mosque. In this paper, the author discusses the challenge of establishing a mosque institution that conforms to the concept of rahmatan lilalamin to expose readers to fend off all the extreme views of mosque functions. At the end of the writing, it is reiterated that the role of the mosque should be in line with the concept of lilalalmin's grace. This is based on the management, supervision, infrastructure facilities and mosque environment that can create the love of one's fellow Muslims and have a different society.Artikel ini terdiri dari diskusi yang berkaitan dengan konsep Masjid di Malaysia, sejauh sesuai dengan gagasan rahlatan lilalamin, yang merupakan dasar utama Nabi Muhammad SAW. Bertentangan dengan konsep rahmatan lilalamin kemudian muncul Masjid Rahmah, yang berkaitan dengan penyatuan dan kedamaian ummah universal. Ini juga mengusir pemahaman sempit tentang fungsi masjid. Dalam makalah ini, penulis membahas tantangan mendirikan lembaga masjid yang sesuai dengan konsep rahmatan lilalamin untuk mengekspos pembaca untuk menangkis semua pandangan ekstrem fungsi masjid. Di akhir tulisan, ditegaskan kembali bahwa peran masjid harus sejalan dengan konsep rahmat lilalalmin. Ini didasarkan pada manajemen, pengawasan, fasilitas infrastruktur dan lingkungan masjid yang dapat menciptakan kecintaan sesama Muslim dan memiliki masyarakat yang berbeda

    Teaching competency among Islamic educators in Malaysia

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    Effective education requires a teacher who has the attitude and a high competency for teaching. This article aims to present a study relating to the attitudes and competencies of Islamic Education teachers who are important assets for the development of students’ individualities. This study is a pilot study carried out to obtain quantitative data. Questionnaires were distributed to a total of 525 Islamic Education teachers in Malaysia. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were used for data analyses which include the mean, correlation and multiple regressions. The results showed the importance of teachers attitude towards the teaching profession and the high teaching competency to nurture a generation of high-quality students. Strictly speaking, attitude and teaching competency of Islamic Education teachers are very helpful in determining students’ learning achievement

    Diversity in the teaching of Tilawah al-Quran in Malaysian secondary schools

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    The teaching of Tilawah al-Quran or Quranic Recitation is an important component for the subject of Islamic Education in the Secondary School Integrated Curriculum (KBSM). The purpose of teaching Quranic Recitation is to educate students from various quranic background knowledge to be able to recite, memorize, comprehend and practice the teachings of the Quran. This paper presents the findings of a study in regards to students' perceptions on the teaching of Quranic Recitation in the school integrated curriculum. A total of 1651 Form Two students from various quranic background knowledge are involved in this study. Students responded to a five-point likert scale questionnaire which consists of 69 indicators related to the topics in this study. The findings are presented in descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage and mean. The data show that students from various quranic background knowledge generally perceived their teachers' teaching of the Quranic Recitation is at a moderate level

    The relationship between self-esteem and learning reading and writing in sixth graders in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) العلاقة بين تقدير الذات وتعلم القراءة والكتابة لدى طلاب الصف السادس الإبتدائي في المملكة الأردني ة الهاشمية

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    This study aims at investigating self-esteem relationship with learning reading and writing in sixth graders in public schools in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. This major goal includes the following items: identifying the level of self-esteem in sixth graders attending public schools at the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, identifying their level of reading and writing, identifying the relationship between their level of self-esteem and their learning reading and writing. The population of the study includes all six-graders in public schools in Jordan, whereas multi-stages random sampling is used to choose the sample. This sample consists of 852 students, 460 males and 392 females. The following tools are used: Copper smith’s self-esteem questionnaire, reading and writing achievement test prepared by the researcher. The study has found out that the mean of self-esteem is average )3448(, the mean of learning reading and writing is above average )11492(.The study has also indicated a significant positive correlation between self-esteem and learning reading and writing )44154( which is statistically significant at (0.01). In light of these results, the researchers have recommended that self-esteem affects learners’ academic achievement. Therefore, teachers should improve their students’ self-esteem, encourage them, reinforce their positive behavior, and vary their educational activities to avoid routine and mechanical procedures. This helps students appreciate their efforts. Researchers have also recommended making programs for improving students’ self-esteem. Other recommendations include conducting more studies about self-esteem, learning reading and writing, and achievement in students belonging to different educational stages whether younger or older than those in this study

    Tahap pengetahuan pelajar tentang konsep menutup aurat: suatu tinjauan umum

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    The philosophy and concept of covering the aurah in Islam should be clearly understood by Muslims. This is because the standard of covering the aurah in Islam is very different from the views of other beliefs and philosophies. The obligation to cover the aurah as commanded by Allah SWT is very clear and detailed as well as universal in nature. When this concept is clearly understood, then there should be no confusion among Muslims to internalize and practice this ruling that is demanded by Islam. Related to this, a brief study was conducted involving students at one of the institutions of higher learning to get an idea about their perception and level of knowledge and understanding regarding the concept of covering the aurah. A total of 120 students participated in this study. The findings show that the level of students? knowledge pertaining to the obligation related to the covering of aurah is high (mean = 3.91). Besides discussing the findings, the researchers also proposed suggestions to further strengthen the efforts to induce awareness in students regarding the obligation of covering the aurah

    Private Islamic primary school teachers' commitment in human capital development in Malaysia

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    In general, education is a continuous process to educate and develop individuals to a more meaningful life in this world and in the hereafter. In order to educate, the role of education is to nuture and develop human interests, the importance of which had been acknowledged by most societies. Thus various measures and efforts have been made to strengthen the educational process to be followed by each generation level. Currently, PIPS is an alternative education for parents in Malaysia other than the National Schools under the Ministry of Education. The mushrooming of the Private Islamic Primary Schools has been seen as a result of the high demand from the society. The society, particularly the parents have put high expectations in the education in these schools which emphasized not only the religious subjects but also the academic ones to produce a balanced and integrated human capital. Thus, this study was carried out to explore the PIPS teachers’ commitment in fulfilling the responsibilities and trusts undertaken to realise the noble needs