3,170 research outputs found

    Reactivity of Nellore steers in two feedlot housing systems and its relationship with plasmatic cortisol

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    To evaluate reactivity to assess the temperament of Nellore steers in two feedlot housing systems (group pen or individual pen) and its relationship with plasmatic cortisol, 36 experimental units were observed five times at 28-day intervals of weight management during a 112-day feedlot confinement. A reactivity score scale ranging from 1 to 5 was applied when an animal was in the chute system. To the calmest animal, a reactivity score of 1 was ascribed and to the most agitated, 5. Blood samples were collected for cortisol analysis. No differences were found in reactivity and feedlot system. There was a relationship noted between reactivity and feedlot time in both housing systems (Pb0.01). There was a relation between reactivity and cortisol levels for group animals (P=0.0616) and for individual ones (Pb0.01). Cortisol levels varied among housing systems (Pb0.01). Feedlot time influenced the cortisol levels (Pb0.09 individual; Pb0.01 group) and when variable time was included, these levels changed, decreasing in the group pen and increasing in individual pens. The continuous handling reduces reactivity and plasmatic cortisol, and group pen system seems to be less stressfully than individual pens


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    O presente experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Sementes Florestais do Departamento de Ciências Florestais – UFPR, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência das temperaturas de 20, 25 e 30º C e da remoção do envoltório (endocarpo e tegumento) na germinação de diásporos de Ocotea odorífera. O material coletado no Município de Fazenda Rio Grande-PR, em um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Primária Alterada, foi analisado estatisticamente por meio de delineamento inteiramente casualisado. Concluiu-se que os diásporos sem envoltório apresentaram maior velocidade e porcentagem de germinação nas temperaturas de 25 e 30 º C

    Myo-inositol in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and positioning of its use

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    Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease among women of reproductive age 6 to 15% its presentation is complex and heterogeneous and is characterized by clinical and laboratory findings of hyperandrogenism, oligo-anovulation, metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resistance (IR), overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Objective: To evaluate the effects of myo-inositol in pregnant and non-pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome in relation to fertility improvement, gestational outcomes, and metabolic and hormonal parameters. Methods: Data from randomized clinical trials on the efficacy of myo-inositol in women with PCOS were used in this review. The PubMed database was used for literature search. Results: Insulin resistance is one of the mechanisms that explain the emergence of metabolic and reproductive changes in women with PCOS. When compared to placebo, myo-inositol was effective in improving fertility, increasing ovulation and fertilization rates, in addition to improving metabolic parameters as indicators of insulin resistance (HOMA index). Even when compared to more traditional insulin sensitizers like metformin, myoinositol showed similar efficacy in restoring fertility. Myo-inositol was also effective when associated with clomiphene acetate and in women undergoing in vitro fertilization processes. There was also an improvement in pregnancy outcomes and a reduction in the risk of developing gestational diabetes with the use of myo-inositol. Conclusions: Myo-inositol improves clinical and laboratory parameters in both pregnant and non-pregnant PCOS patients, increasing the fertility rate and improving pregnancy outcomes

    Sistemas de innovación y promoción tecnológica regional y local en el Brasil

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    Reconhecer a importância do conhecimento para o desenvolvimento econômico renovou os debates sobre o tema do desenvolvimento regional. O Sistema Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (SNDCT) articula sistemas setoriais, redes de organizações e estruturas estaduais e municipais de inovação, conduzindo iniciativas voltadas à promoção tecnológica de regiões e localidades, tais como cadeias produtivas, parques tecnológicos e incubadoras de empresas; plataformas tecnológicas e arranjos produtivos e as redes de tecnologia. Estados e Municípios contam com novos elementos para a discussão de estratégias de desenvolvimento e para a definição de medidas e projetos de crescimento econômico. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe relevance of knowledge for economic development renovates the debates about regional development. The National Science and Technology Development System (SNDCT) articulates sectorial systems, networks and state and municipal structures for innovation besides leading directed initiatives for technology promotion of regions and localities, such as productive chains, technology parks and business incubators, technology platforms and productive arrangements and technology networks. State and counties count on new elements for development strategies and economic growth projects. __________________________________________________________________________________ RÉSUMÉReconnaître l'importance de la connaissance pour le développement économique a renouvelé les débats sur le thème du développement régional. Le système National de Développement Scientifique et Technologique (SNDCT) articule des systèmes sectoriels, des réseaux d'organisations et des structures provinciales et municipales de l'innovation, qui conduit des initiatives dirigées vers la promotion technologique des régions et localités, comme les chaînes de productions, parques technologiques et couveuses d'entreprises, plates-formes technologiques et arrangements productifs et les réseaux de technologie. Provinces et municipes comptent sur de nouveaux éléments pour la discussion des stratégies de développement et pour la définition de mesures et de projets de croissance économique. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENReconocer la importancia del conocimiento para el desarrollo económico renovó los debates sobre el tema del desarrollo regional. El Sistema Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (SNDCT) articula sistemas sectoriales, redes de organizaciones y estructuras estatales y municipales de innovación, conduciendo iniciativas volcadas a la promoción tecnológica de regiones y localidades, tales como cadenas productivas, parques tecnológicos e incubadoras de empresas; plataformas tecnológicas y condicionamientos productivos y las redes de tecnología. Estados y Municipios cuentan con nuevos elementos para la discusión de estrategias de desarrollo y para la definición de medidas y proyectos de crecimiento económico

    National innovation system and regional and local economic promotion in Brazil

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    Este ensaio caracteriza os arranjos institucionais e as políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação adotadas no país, nas últimas décadas, focalizando aspectos relevantes para o desenvolvimento regional e local. A pesquisa descreve o Sistema Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (SNDCT), levanta as organizações nãogovernamentais atuantes e as estruturas estaduais e municipais de ciência e tecnologia e identifica as principais iniciativas voltadas à promoção econômica regional. Tem por finalidade contribuir para o debate sobre políticas de desenvolvimento regional/local no país e para as atividades de planejamento econômico em estados e municípios. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper discusses institutional aspects and science, technology and innovation policies adopted in Brazil in the last decades, focusing on relevant items for regional and local development. It describes science and technology national system, non-governmental organizations in the area, state and local innovation systems and indicates relevant initiatives for economic promotion. It intends to contribute to regional/local development debates and to economic planning at state and local levels

    Positioning on the Use of Polyols as Table Sweeteners

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    Polyols are poorly digestible carbohydrates present in small amounts in some fruits and vegetables. Xylitol and erythritol are used as table sweeteners. These compounds are widely used in the food industry due to their low-calorie content. Erythritol is the only noncaloric polyol. Xylitol is the sweetest of the polyols, being the only one with sweetness equivalent to sucrose, but with one third of its calories. Clinical studies have shown reductions in the number of plaques, in counts of Streptococcus mutans, and in the number of dental cavities in individuals receiving erythritol and xylitol. Xylitol is also capable of reducing the growth and adherence to the oropharynx of bacteria that cause acute otitis media, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, and several studies have shown that it reduces the risk of this bacterial infection in children. In addition to these effects, polyols can also have beneficial effects on metabolism. Both erythritol and xylitol have been approved by the European Union for use as sweeteners for several years, and replacing sugar with polyols decreases caloric intake, which can reduce body weight and blood glucose in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The safety of polyols is recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who classifies them as compounds generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Thus, based on available scientific data, the daily consumption of both substances is associated with several benefits and does not represent any risk to human health

    Potencial hidrogeniônico da água e sua influência no organismo humano: um artigo de revisão

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    Introduction: There is an widespread concept that the pH of food is directly related to the onset and progression of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases among others, and acidic pH waters would also contribute to this scenario. Objectives: To systematize the scientific knowledge produced about the hydrogen-ionic potential of water and its relationship with the functioning of the human organism. Methods: Review of Medline / Pubmed and Environmental Engineering Abstracts (Proquest) between April and May 2018. The following descriptors were used: water acidity, water alkalinity, physicochemical characteristics of water, alkaline water, acid water. Articles published in Portuguese and English were included. Conclusions: The health benefits claimed for alkaline water are not directly related to the pH of the water, but to its high bicarbonate content, above 2 g per liter. However, the relative differences of the populations studied and the content of interventions make it difficult to generalize the results obtained

    Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia recomenda o sistema Nutri-Score como modelo de avaliação do perfil nutricional de alimentos industrializados

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    Organized societies, government and industry have sought ways to ensure they can provide consumers with reliable and easy-to-interpret nutritional information. One of the aspects that has been discussed refers to the possibility of offering a greater number of data, in relation to critical aspects of health, which can decode, without replacing, those already present in the list of ingredients and in the nutritional information table, in order to allow rapid interpretation. In this sense, the Brazilian Association of Nutrology is seeking to collaborate with this initiative by proposing the use of the Nutri-Score model, in an adapted form, as a method of informing the nutritional profile. This document reviews this model, demonstrates its scientific validation and suggests adaptations in order to make it more informative

    Errata – Consenso da Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia Sobre Recomendações do Uso de Probióticos

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    Correction to: Brazilian Association of Nutrology Consensus Recommendations for the Use of ProbioticsInternational Journal of Nutrology 2019; 12(02): 051-051DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-3402021   Rio de Janeiro, 13 de Abril de2020 Caros leitores, No artigo Consenso da Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia Sobre Recomendações do Uso de Probióticos (Int J Nutrol 2019;12(2):50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0039-3402021.), publicado online e impresso na International Journal of Nutrology em Dezembro de 2019: Onde se lê: No tratamento dietético, os prebióticos da dieta, especialmente as bifidobactérias, visam modificar a composição do ecossistema intestinal por meio de mudanças nutricionais. Leia-se: No tratamento dietético, os prebióticos da dieta, ou seja, substâncias fermentáveis, não digeríveis, que promovem o desenvolvimento seletivo e ativam o metabolismo de bactérias benéficas no trato intestinal, especialmente as bifidobactérias, visam modificar a composição do ecossistema intestinal por meio de mudanças nutricionais.4, 1