33 research outputs found

    Do It, Don’t Feel It, and Be Invincible: A Prolog of Exercise Addiction in Endurance Sports

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    [EN] The social relevance of endurance sports has increased people’s motivation to engage in these particular physical activities, associating their practice with a particular lifestyle (e.g., feeling victorious and a feeling of self-improvement). Therefore, the dark personality traits (not because they are negative but because they are more hidden), understood as a personal and adaptive response to the psychosocial relationships that athletes establish while practicing these sports. Following these arguments, Grit has been used to trace the response of athletes in their quest to improve performance and endurance in the face of common setbacks suffered as a result of long hours of training. Empirical studies should help to discover how these personality traits can pose real challenges to their adaptation, and what the impact of their psychological response may be in a functional or dysfunctional way [e.g., exercise addiction (EA)], in order to classify them as risk or protective factors. Through transversal design, the present study sought to explore the relationship between Grit and Dark Traits of Personality regarding the appearance of EA in a sample (N = 241) of amateur endurance sport athletes (Mage = 31.80; SD = 9.87). The results show that men not only score higher for addiction levels but also for narcissism (grandiosity feelings) and psychopathy (coldness) factors. If signs of narcissism and Machiavellianism increase, perseverance efforts grow too, and the likelihood of EA increases considerably. The conclusions drawn on the basis of the results allow us to place consistency of interest as a protective factor for the EA, whereas Dark Traits of personality – especially Machiavellianism – constitute a risk factor.S

    “Oh, My God! My Season Is Over!” COVID-19 and Regulation of the Psychological Response in Spanish High-Performance Athletes

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    [EN] Background: In an unprecedented situation of interruption of the sporting dynamics, the world of sport is going through a series of adaptations necessary to continue functioning despite coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). More than ever, athletes are facing a different challenge, a source of discomfort and uncertainty, and one that absolutely alters not only sports calendars, but also trajectories, progressions, and approaches to sports life. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the levels of psychological vulnerability that may have been generated in the athletes, because of the coexistence with dysfunctional responses during the COVID-19 experience, and which directly influence the decrease of their mental health. Methods: With a descriptive and transversal design, the study aims to identify the state of the dysfunctional psychological response of a sample of Spanish athletes (N = 284). The DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale), Toronto-20 (alexithymia), and Distress Tolerance Scale questionnaires were administered to a sample of high-level Spanish athletes in Olympic programs. Results: The results suggest that the analyzed athletes indicate high levels of dysfunctional response (e.g., anxiety, stress, depression, and alexithymia) when their tolerance is low. In addition, the variables show less relational strength, when the capacity of tolerance to distress is worse and age is lower. At the same time, the greater the anxiety and uncertainty are, leading to more catastrophic and negative thoughts, the younger the athletes are. Conclusions: It is clear that both age and tolerance to distress are considered adequate protective factors for psychological vulnerability in general and for associated dysfunctional responses in particular. Moreover, the psychological resources offered by more experienced athletes are also a guarantee of protection against negativity and catastrophismS

    Oh, My God! My Season Is Over! COVID-19 and Regulation of the Psychological Response in Spanish High-Performance Athletes

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    The datasets presented in this article are not readily available because the data taken and recorded for this study are kept under the strictest care of the confidentiality of our institution and collaborating institutions. If you wish to review or use them, the authors must be expressly requested, under specific arguments, to obtain the relevant approvals. Requests to access the datasets should be directed to [email protected] studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by University of Granada. ID: 1494/2020. The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.Background: In an unprecedented situation of interruption of the sporting dynamics, the world of sport is going through a series of adaptations necessary to continue functioning despite coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). More than ever, athletes are facing a different challenge, a source of discomfort and uncertainty, and one that absolutely alters not only sports calendars, but also trajectories, progressions, and approaches to sports life. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the levels of psychological vulnerability that may have been generated in the athletes, because of the coexistence with dysfunctional responses during the COVID-19 experience, and which directly influence the decrease of their mental health. Methods: With a descriptive and transversal design, the study aims to identify the state of the dysfunctional psychological response of a sample of Spanish athletes (N = 284). The DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale), Toronto-20 (alexithymia), and Distress Tolerance Scale questionnaires were administered to a sample of high-level Spanish athletes in Olympic programs. Results: The results suggest that the analyzed athletes indicate high levels of dysfunctional response (e.g., anxiety, stress, depression, and alexithymia) when their tolerance is low. In addition, the variables show less relational strength, when the capacity of tolerance to distress is worse and age is lower. At the same time, the greater the anxiety and uncertainty are, leading to more catastrophic and negative thoughts, the younger the athletes are. Conclusions: It is clear that both age and tolerance to distress are considered adequate protective factors for psychological vulnerability in general and for associated dysfunctional responses in particular. Moreover, the psychological resources offered by more experienced athletes are also a guarantee of protection against negativity and catastrophism

    Adaptation of the person centered therapeutic relationship patient version (PCTR‐PT) to a version for physiotherapists (PCTR‐PHYS) and evaluation of its psychometric properties

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    [EN] Background and Purpose The therapeutic relationship is a central component for developing person-centered care within physiotherapy services. However, it is necessary to understand how this relationship is perceived by both parties involved. The Person Centered Therapeutic Relationship-Patient scale (PCTR-PT) was constructed to identify patients' perceptions. No instruments are currently available to correlate patients' and physiotherapists' perceptions of the therapeutic relationship. This study sought to adapt the PCTR-PT to develop a version for physiotherapists, the Person Centered Therapeutic Relationship Scale for Physiotherapists (PCTR-PHYS) and to determine its psychometric properties. Methods A three-stage study was performed: (1) item generation, (2) pretesting of the questionnaire, (3) analysis of psychometric properties. Factor validity and psychometric properties were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Convergent validity was calculated. Internal consistency was verified using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to examine temporal stability. Results Thirty-three physiotherapists participated in two rounds of cognitive interviews and 343 participated in the analysis of psychometric properties. The CFA confirmed the four-structure model. Reliability of the tool was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (α = 0.863) for all four dimensions, as all were above 0.70, ranging from 0.704 (relational bond) and 0.898 (therapeutic communication). Test-retest was performed with 2-week intervals, indicating an appropriate stability for the scale (ICC = 0.908). Discussion The Person Centered Therapeutic Relationship Scale for Physiotherapists is a useful, valid and applicable instrument to evaluate the person-centered therapeutic relationship during physiotherapy interventions. It will enable the comparison of patients' and physiotherapists' perceptions. To provide person-centered care in physiotherapy services, there is a clear need to incorporate specific resources into clinical practice to evaluate the quality of the therapeutic relationship from the perspective of both the persons being treated and the professionals providing care.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Identification of integrity issues in sports

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    [EN] Psytool is a European project, conceived to support youth development through the practice of sport in positive and safe environments, which has looked to create innovative approaches in promoting integrity in sport. To this end, an e-learning platform was created to train agents of change who act as transmitters and instigators of this framework of well-being in accordance with their respective responsibilities and who know how to recognize unsporting situations, react against them and promote positive experiences in sports. The objective of this research was to assess the degree of satisfaction of the agents of change (N=18) trained by the University of León on the content of the different lessons of the Psytool educational platform. Once selected, agents of change started a training course over three months. The Satisfaction Questionnaire, which was distributed once the lessons were over, was composed by 10 items related with the content and application in real situations of the different topics, and the responses were registered on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Results show that the level of satisfaction (M= 4.08; SD= 0.66) was high and particularly so in the perceived value of the contents of lessons related to gender, aggression or racism and discrimination. Participants valued training in a positive way and felt prepared to better deal with situations they face day to day helping to bring about behavioural changes across all stakeholders in the field of sport.SIProject PsyTool “Sport Psychology as a Strategic Tool for Prevention and training on Grassroots Sports” Erasmus+ Sport Programme

    Identification of gender discrimination in sports: Training of agents of change

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    P. 43-49Artículo sobre la discriminación de género en el deporte, la exclusión social y los agentes de cambioS

    Adicción a correr: una revisión desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad

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    [ES] El fenómeno del running ha sido y continúa siendo uno de los deportes que más adeptos ha conseguido captar en los últimos años, ya que son muchas las personas que de manera regular salen a la calle día tras día a correr. Esta práctica deportiva se ha ido en un comportamiento habitual en nuestra sociedad al ser considerado como una de las mejores actividades para mantener y mejorar la salud física, mental y psicosocial. El problema surge cuando correr se convierte en una necesidad perjudicial, provocando consecuencias negativas para la salud y dando lugar a lo que se conoce como Adicción al Ejercicio - “adicción positiva (APC); actividad agradable que genera un placer extremo” y “adicción negativa (ANC); cuando la vida de una persona se rige por esta actividad”-. Ante esta situación, el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer el estado actual de las investigaciones sobre adicción al ejercicio, centrándonos en el “running”. La búsqueda de artículos se realizó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science y EBSCOhost utilizando combinaciones de las palabras clave: “deporte”, “running”, “correr”, “adicción”, “dependencia”, “marathon”. Los principales resultados indican que la adicción al deporte podría incluirse dentro de la categoría de los trastornos de la conducta, ya que cumple con la gran mayoría de los criterios diagnósticos y sobre todo por las graves consecuencias que esta puede ocasionar en el día a día de quienes la sufren. Por último, proponemos unas recomendaciones aplicadas que según nuestro criterio pueden tenerse en cuenta como soluciones y alternativas para aumentar el número de personas que se aprovechan de todos los beneficios de la práctica deportiva regular.[EN] Running has been and continues to be one of the sports which have attracted more recruits in recent years. Thousands of people run every day in the streets, parks, etc. Running has become a usual behavior in our society, as it is considered one of the best activities to maintain and improve physical, psychological, and psychosocial health. The problem appears when running becomes a harmful need and has negative consequences for health, leading to the so-called exercise addiction - “positive addiction (PAR); an enjoyable activity which causes an extreme pleasure”, and “negative addiction (NAR), which occurs when the activity controls the life of a person”. The main objective of this study was to ascertain the current state of research on exercise addiction, with a special focus on running. A literature search suggested that we are facing a phenomenon that meets most of the criteria to be considered as a behavioral disorder. However, additional research is needed to be able to better understand and, above all, to continue to answer the multiple questions related to its manifestation. The literature search was carried out in the Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and EBSCOhost s using combinations of the keywords “sport”; “running”; “running addiction”; “dependence”, and “marathon”. The main results that exercise addiction may be d in the category of behavioral disorders, because it fulfills the majority of diagnostic criteria and, above all, because of its serious consequences for the daily life of those who suffer it. Finally, some recommendations are proposed which, in our opinion, may be considered as solutions and alternatives to increase the number of people who take advantage of all the benefits of regular sport practice.[PO] O fenómeno “running” foi e ainda é uma das atividades esportivas que conseguiu mais adeptos nos últimos anos; são muitas as pessoas que saem para correr dia após dia. A corrida eu-se num comportamento habitual em nossa sociedade ao ser considerada uma das melhores atividades para manter e melhorar a saúde física, mental e psicossocial. O problema surge quando correr e-senuma necessidade prejudicial, provocando consequências negativas para a saúde e resultando em à Dependência do Exercício –“dependência ou adicçao positiva (APC), quando é uma atividade agradável que gera um prazer extremo”, ou “negativa (ANC), quando a vida de uma pessoa é regida por esta atividade”. Perante esta situação, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o estado de arte da pesquisa sobre a dependência do exercício, com foco na “corrida”. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science e EBSCOhost usando combinações de palavras-chave: ”esporte”, “running”, “correr” ”adicção”, ”dependência” ”maratona”. Os principais resultados indicam que a dependência do exercício poderia se incluir na categoria de transtornos do comportamento, porque elacumpre a grande maioria dos critérios de diagnóstico, e nomeadamente pelas graves consequências que pode ocasionar no dia-adia naqueles que a sofrem. Finalmente, propomos algumas recomendações aplicadas que em nossa opinião podem ser consideradas como soluções e alternativas para aumentar o número de pessoas que tiram proveito de todos os benefícios de fazer esporte habitualmente.S

    The psychometric properties of the person-centered therapeutic relationship in physiotherapy scale

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    [EN] Objective To determine the psychometric properties of the Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship in Physiotherapy Scale (PCTR-PT) in order to find the most appropriate fit for the tool. Methods Patients who had received treatment at the physiotherapy service of nine hospitals in Spain were invited to complete the 31 items of the PCTR-PT scale. To select the most appropriate items of the PCTR-PT, an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) was performed using the maximum likelihood and oblique rotation (promin) methods. Factor validity, goodness-of-fit and psychometric properties were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Convergent (CFA) and discriminant validity were calculated. Internal consistency was verified using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to examine temporal stability. Results 366 patients over 18 years old who had received, at least, 15 physiotherapy treatment sessions completed the questionnaire. The results of the exploratory factor analysis revealed a tool with 15 items in four factors [Relational Bond (N items = 4); Individualized Partnership (N items = 4); Professional Empowerment (N items = 3) and Therapeutic Communication (N items = 4)], explaining 78.4% of the variance of the total variables of this tool. The confirmatory factor analysis further confirmed the four-structure model. Reliability of the tool was approved by Cronbach's alpha in all four dimensions, as all were above .70, ranging from .84 (Individualized Partnership) to .91 (Professional Empowerment). = 0.94. Test-retest was performed with two-week intervals, indicating an appropriate stability for the scale (ICC = 0.900). Conclusion The Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship in Physiotherapy Scale (PCTR-PT) is a useful, valid and applicable instrument to evaluate the person-centered therapeutic relationship during physiotherapy interventions. It would be interesting to investigate the predictive capacity (sensitivity and specificity) of the PCTR-PT scale.SIAuthors JMB, ORN, are recipients of a grant from CEU Cardenal Herrera University (www. uchceu.es) and the San Pablo University-Santander Foundation (FUSP). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    The psychometric properties of the person-centered therapeutic relationship in physiotherapy scale

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    Objective: to determine the psychometric properties of the Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship in Physiotherapy Scale (PCTR-PT) in order to find the most appropriate fit for the tool. Methods: patients who had received treatment at the physiotherapy service of nine hospitals in Spain were invited to complete the 31 items of the PCTR-PT scale. To select the most appropriate items of the PCTR-PT, an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) was performed using the maximum likelihood and oblique rotation (promin) methods. Factor validity, goodness-of-fit and psychometric properties were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Convergent (CFA) and discriminant validity were calculated. Internal consistency was verified using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to examine temporal stability. Results: 366 patients over 18 years old who had received, at least, 15 physiotherapy treatment sessions completed the questionnaire. The results of the exploratory factor analysis revealed a tool with 15 items in four factors [Relational Bond (N items = 4); Individualized Partnership (N items = 4); Professional Empowerment (N items = 3) and Therapeutic Communication (N items = 4)], explaining 78.4% of the variance of the total variables of this tool. The confirmatory factor analysis further confirmed the four-structure model. Reliability of the tool was approved by Cronbach's alpha in all four dimensions, as all were above .70, ranging from .84 (Individualized Partnership) to .91 (Professional Empowerment). = 0.94. Test-retest was performed with two-week intervals, indicating an appropriate stability for the scale (ICC = 0.900). Conclusion: the Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship in Physiotherapy Scale (PCTR-PT) is a useful, valid and applicable instrument to evaluate the person-centered therapeutic relationship during physiotherapy interventions. It would be interesting to investigate the predictive capacity (sensitivity and specificity) of the PCTR-PT scale

    Evaluation of the use of recovery methods amongst Spanish amateur runners

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    [ES] La práctica de ejercicio físico implica la utilización de gran cantidad de recursos energéticos. Para poder seguir rindiendo a nivel deportivo como para tener la energía suficiente para poder satisfacer las demandas derivadas de la actividad cotidiana se requiere de una adecuada recuperación, especialmente cuando hablamos de personas que no se dedican de forma profesional al deporte. La fatiga es un estado multifactorial que aparece cuando se produce un desequilibrio entre las demandas del deporte y las capacidades físicas y psicológicas de quienes lo practican. Las carreras de media y larga distancia son unas de las especialidades deportivas de mayor exigencia, de ahí que la aparición de la fatiga muscular aguda profunda sea más notoria, con lo que cobra especial relevancia la necesidad de llevar acabo un entrenamiento invisible planificado, y plantear las estrategias de recuperación adecuadas a las necesidades de cada deportista. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue evaluar la frecuencia de uso de los diferentes métodos de recuperación (entrenamiento invisible) que utilizan los corredores populares que participan en pruebas de larga distancia (entre 5 km y 42 km). La revisión de la literatura facilitó la elaboración de un cuestionario ad hoc, que fue administrado a una muestra de 495 corredores populares españoles. Según los resultados obtenidos, se pudo apreciar que los recursos más utilizados, fueron los relacionados con la alimentación, suplementación y el control del rendimiento; siendo los corredores implicados en distancias más largas los que en mayor medida afirmaron utilizarlos.[EN] Physical exercise involves implementation of a large amount of energy resources. In order to continue performing, both at a sporting level and at meeting the daily activity demands, an adequate recovery is required, especially when we talk about non-professional athletes. Fatigue is a multifactorial process that emerges when there is an imbalance between activity demands and physical and psychological capabilities of each athlete. Middle and long-distance running races are one of the most demanding events in which muscle fatigue is more noticeable, warranting the need of a planned ‘invisible training’ and recovery strategies adapted to the individual needs.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the use frequency of the different recovery methods (invisible training) used by popular runners who participate in long distance events (between 5 km and 42 km). An ad-hoc questionnaire was developed from the literature review, which was administered to a sample of 495 Spanish amateur runners. According to the results obtained, it was seen that the most used methods/strategies were related to diet, food supplements and performance monitoring; being the runners involved in longer distances the ones who usually claimed to use them.S