7,007 research outputs found

    N-body Simulations of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Magellanic Stream

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    An extensive set of N-body simulations has been carried out on the gravitational interaction of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The SMC is assumed to have been a barred galaxy with a disc-to-halo mass ratio of unity before interaction and modelled by a large number of self-gravitating particles, whereas the Galaxy and LMC have been represented by rigid spherical potentials. The best model we have found succeeded in reproducing the Magellanic Stream (MS), as well as a leading counterpart to the Magellanic Stream (the leading arm), on the opposite side of the Magellanic Clouds to the Stream, which mimicks the overall distribution of several neutral hydrogen clumps observed in the corresponding region of the sky. The elongation of the SMC bar along the line-of-sight direction suggested by Cepheid observations has been partially reproduced, alongside its projected appearance on the sky. The model successfully explains some major trends in the kinematics of young populations in the SMC bar and older populations in the `halo' of the SMC, as well as the overall velocity pattern for the gas, young stars, and carbon stars in the inter-Cloud region.Comment: 26 pages plain LaTeX. 1 hardcopy table and 12 hardcopy figures available on request from [email protected]

    Reversibility of Red blood Cell deformation

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    The ability of cells to undergo reversible shape changes is often crucial to their survival. For Red Blood Cells (RBCs), irreversible alteration of the cell shape and flexibility often causes anemia. Here we show theoretically that RBCs may react irreversibly to mechanical perturbations because of tensile stress in their cytoskeleton. The transient polymerization of protein fibers inside the cell seen in sickle cell anemia or a transient external force can trigger the formation of a cytoskeleton-free membrane protrusion of micrometer dimensions. The complex relaxation kinetics of the cell shape is shown to be responsible for selecting the final state once the perturbation is removed, thereby controlling the reversibility of the deformation. In some case, tubular protrusion are expected to relax via a peculiar "pearling instability".Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamic Modes of Microcapsules in Steady Shear Flow: Effects of Bending and Shear Elasticities

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    The dynamics of microcapsules in steady shear flow was studied using a theoretical approach based on three variables: The Taylor deformation parameter αD\alpha_{\rm D}, the inclination angle θ\theta, and the phase angle ϕ\phi of the membrane rotation. It is found that the dynamic phase diagram shows a remarkable change with an increase in the ratio of the membrane shear and bending elasticities. A fluid vesicle (no shear elasticity) exhibits three dynamic modes: (i) Tank-treading (TT) at low viscosity ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} of internal fluid (αD\alpha_{\rm D} and θ\theta relaxes to constant values), (ii) Tumbling (TB) at high ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} (θ\theta rotates), and (iii) Swinging (SW) at middle ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} and high shear rate γ˙\dot\gamma (θ\theta oscillates). All of three modes are accompanied by a membrane (ϕ\phi) rotation. For microcapsules with low shear elasticity, the TB phase with no ϕ\phi rotation and the coexistence phase of SW and TB motions are induced by the energy barrier of ϕ\phi rotation. Synchronization of ϕ\phi rotation with TB rotation or SW oscillation occurs with integer ratios of rotational frequencies. At high shear elasticity, where a saddle point in the energy potential disappears, intermediate phases vanish, and either ϕ\phi or θ\theta rotation occurs. This phase behavior agrees with recent simulation results of microcapsules with low bending elasticity.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Rubidium and lead abundances in giant stars of the globular clusters M 13 and NGC 6752

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    We present measurements of the neutron-capture elements Rb and Pb in five giant stars of the globular cluster NGC 6752 and Pb measurements in four giants of the globular cluster M 13. The abundances were derived by comparing synthetic spectra with high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra obtained using HDS on the Subaru telescope and MIKE on the Magellan telescope. The program stars span the range of the O-Al abundance variation. In NGC 6752, the mean abundances are [Rb/Fe] = -0.17 +/- 0.06 (sigma = 0.14), [Rb/Zr] = -0.12 +/- 0.06 (sigma = 0.13), and [Pb/Fe] = -0.17 +/- 0.04 (sigma = 0.08). In M 13 the mean abundance is [Pb/Fe] = -0.28 +/- 0.03 (sigma = 0.06). Within the measurement uncertainties, we find no evidence for a star-to-star variation for either Rb or Pb within these clusters. None of the abundance ratios [Rb/Fe], [Rb/Zr], or [Pb/Fe] are correlated with the Al abundance. NGC 6752 may have slightly lower abundances of [Rb/Fe] and [Rb/Zr] compared to the small sample of field stars at the same metallicity. For M 13 and NGC 6752 the Pb abundances are in accord with predictions from a Galactic chemical evolution model. If metal-poor intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars did produce the globular cluster abundance anomalies, then such stars do not synthesize significant quantities of Rb or Pb. Alternatively, if such stars do synthesize large amounts of Rb or Pb, then they are not responsible for the abundance anomalies seen in globular clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dynamical regimes and hydrodynamic lift of viscous vesicles under shear

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    The dynamics of two-dimensional viscous vesicles in shear flow, with different fluid viscosities ηin\eta_{\rm in} and ηout\eta_{\rm out} inside and outside, respectively, is studied using mesoscale simulation techniques. Besides the well-known tank-treading and tumbling motions, an oscillatory swinging motion is observed in the simulations for large shear rate. The existence of this swinging motion requires the excitation of higher-order undulation modes (beyond elliptical deformations) in two dimensions. Keller-Skalak theory is extended to deformable two-dimensional vesicles, such that a dynamical phase diagram can be predicted for the reduced shear rate and the viscosity contrast ηin/ηout\eta_{\rm in}/\eta_{\rm out}. The simulation results are found to be in good agreement with the theoretical predictions, when thermal fluctuations are incorporated in the theory. Moreover, the hydrodynamic lift force, acting on vesicles under shear close to a wall, is determined from simulations for various viscosity contrasts. For comparison, the lift force is calculated numerically in the absence of thermal fluctuations using the boundary-integral method for equal inside and outside viscosities. Both methods show that the dependence of the lift force on the distance ycmy_{\rm {cm}} of the vesicle center of mass from the wall is well described by an effective power law ycm2y_{\rm {cm}}^{-2} for intermediate distances 0.8Rpycm3Rp0.8 R_{\rm p} \lesssim y_{\rm {cm}} \lesssim 3 R_{\rm p} with vesicle radius RpR_{\rm p}. The boundary-integral calculation indicates that the lift force decays asymptotically as 1/[ycmln(ycm)]1/[y_{\rm {cm}}\ln(y_{\rm {cm}})] far from the wall.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Exploring Millions of 6-State FSSP Solutions: the Formal Notion of Local CA Simulation

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    In this paper, we come back on the notion of local simulation allowing to transform a cellular automaton into a closely related one with different local encoding of information. This notion is used to explore solutions of the Firing Squad Synchronization Problem that are minimal both in time (2n -- 2 for n cells) and, up to current knowledge, also in states (6 states). While only one such solution was proposed by Mazoyer since 1987, 718 new solutions have been generated by Clergue, Verel and Formenti in 2018 with a cluster of machines. We show here that, starting from existing solutions, it is possible to generate millions of such solutions using local simulations using a single common personal computer

    K band Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: The 2 Jy Sample

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopy for a complete sample of 33 ultraluminous infrared galaxies at a resolution of R\approx 1000. Most of the wavelength range from 1.80-2.20 microns in the rest frame is covered, including the Pa-alpha and Br-gamma hydrogen recombination lines, and the molecular hydrogen vibration-rotation 1-0 S(1) and S(3) lines. Other species, such as He I, [Fe II], and [Si VI] appear in the spectra as well, in addition to a number of weaker molecular hydrogen lines. Nuclear extractions for each of the individual galaxies are presented here, along with spectra of secondary nuclei, where available. The Pa-alpha emission is seen to be highly concentrated on the nuclei, typically with very little emision extending beyond a radius of 1 kpc. Signatures of active nuclei are rare in the present sample, occurring in only two of the 33 galaxies. It is found that visual extinctions to the nuclei via the Pa-alpha/Br-gamma line ratio in excess of 10 magnitudes are relatively common among ULIRGs, and that visual extinctions greater than 25 mag are necessary to conceal a QSO emitting half the total bolometric luminosity. The vibration-rotation lines of molecular hydrogen appear to be predominantly thermal in origin, with effective temperatures generally around 2200 K. The relative nuclear velocities between double nucleus ULIRGs are investigated, through which it is inferred that the maximum deprojected velocity difference is about 200 km/s. This figure is lower than the velocities predicted by physical models of strong interactions/mergers of large, gas-rich galaxies.Comment: 52 pages (19 with just figures), 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal; Table 3 not formatted properly on astro-ph: get source and print Murphy.tab3.p

    Transport coefficients of off-lattice mesoscale-hydrodynamics simulation techniques

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    The viscosity and self-diffusion constant of particle-based mesoscale hydrodynamic methods, multi-particle collision dynamics (MPC) and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), are investigated, both with and without angular-momentum conservation. Analytical results are derived for fluids with an ideal-gas equation of state and a finite-time-step dynamics, and compared with simulation data. In particular, the viscosity is derived in a general form for all variants of the MPC method. In general, very good agreement between theory and simulations is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure