6 research outputs found

    Metode Pendidikan Karakter Di Pesantren

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    This article describes about the method of character education in pesantren. Character education in pesantren proved to be more effective than in schools or madrassas, because pesantren are able to develop students from various aspects, including intellectual ability, emotional and religious character formation, thus was born the output pesantren that have the knowledge and karimah morals or character. Success in shaping the character of boarding students because the student dormitory at boarding school education in guidance and supervision lodge chaplain, chaplain exemplary presence and authority as a religious leader in the school and the learning atmosphere at the school. In addition, the process of boarding school education place more emphasis on aqidah, worship and morals karimah with methods: exemplary, habituation, give advice, motivation, persuasion, story


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    Political movement of Kyai in combating colonialism, defending the independence, and Ful Filling and maintening is significant. As noted in the history Kyai plays in many levels and historical moment. At least there are 5 phase for the political movement of Kyai, Movement in the revolution era, movement in the Rising and new order era and reformation era. This article aims to analyze the typology of Kyai’s movement in every phase of time done by Kyai. The result show us that in every historical phase Kyai has implemented nation state politic as spirit of his struggle. And in reformation era, Kyai movement focused on practiced politic and much more bring madharat than goodness. So that it’s bring the image of Kyai be negative in front of his community. So that to giving back the function of Kyai as social power in society Kyai should play in the nation state politic, not the politic of interest

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dan Moderasi Beragama

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    To make it easier for students to understand the material, teachers can carry out learning activities by utilizing the surrounding environment. Such as learning based on local wisdom wrapped in the values of religious moderation. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of social studies learning based on local wisdom and religious moderation at Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Wirosari District. The research design uses qualitative research methods. Collecting data using interview techniques, observation and documentation. The results of this study are that there is social studies learning based on local wisdom and moderation of religion at MTs Wirosari Subdistrict which is listed in the RPP which contains the integration of local wisdom and religious moderation that takes place during the learning process. The character values contained in the implementation of Social Studies learning based on local wisdom are religious values, mutual cooperation values, historical values, and economic values, while the character values based on Religious Moderation are tasamuh, tahadhdhur, and tawazun attitudes. Then the relevance of social studies learning based on local wisdom can be seen in the lesson plan which contains the integration of local wisdom and the concept of religious moderation in social studies learning materials, namely Basic Competency 3.1 and 4.1 in class VII and class VIII. It is hoped that by implementing local wisdom-based learning and religious moderation in social studies learning, it will be able to provide students with a more comprehensive understanding.Key word : Learning Social Sciences, Local Wisdom, Religious Moderatio


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    Future learners will face tough challenges due to the global community life is always changing every moment. Therefore, social studies designed to develop knowledge, understanding, and analytical skills of the social conditions in entering a dynamic social life


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    Character education should be instilled early on, because children PAUD especially still in the golden age stage. At this stage the child is very well developed character values. Optimal child development potential will be influential in the future. Character education implanted in early childhood must certainly remain fun, because children at this stage is still the stage of play and learning. Embedding character values is not rigid, familiarizing children praying before and after learning must have tucked into the planting of religious values. Embedding the values of honesty by telling the dogeng about honesty has tucked the planting of characters

    The Influence of Meaning in Life and Teacher Leadership on Teacher Professionalism through Structural Equation Model

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    Professional teacher is one of fundamental factors that influences students’ success in learning. Therefore, identifying influencing factors can give insight to improve the teachers’ professionalism efficiently. The research aims to measure two internal factors, namely meaning in life and teacher leadership, in influencing teacher professionalism. Quantitative with a cross-sectional survey was further applied using explanatory research to examine private junior high school teachers in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Using a random sampling technique, 150 teachers was selected as samples. The data were then analyzed through structural equation modeling with smartPLS version 3.3.0. The measurement proved that meaning in life positively influenced the teachers’ professionalism and teacher’s leadership with a p-value of 0.000 and T-statistic for each is 8.094 and 6.887, respectively. Similarly, teacher leadership positively influences teacher professionalism, with a p-value of 0.000 and T-statistics of 4.554. Besides, meaning in life through teacher leadership contributes to teacher professionalism with a p-value of 0.000. These results recommended the meaning in life and teacher leadership as the internal factors in planning the teacher professional development policy because, to date, the focus was only on the external factor