11 research outputs found


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    Pests, diseases and weeds are considered as organisms that limiting the agricultural productivity. Losses of agricultural productivity originated from the attack of these organisms may be up to 40% to 60%; sometimes in several cases failure of harvests occurred. So far, chemical (synthetic) pesticides are used to control the attack of these organisms. Meanwhile, the use of synthetic pesticides in fact, creates many negative effects on both biotic and abiotic environments, such as pollution against terrestrial and aquatic environments, even killing the vertebrates and husbandry animals, predatory insects, and some economic insects (insect species that benefit to the life of man). Due to the losses created by utilization of synthetic pesticides, therefore a number of scientists and farmers initiated to turn their attention to use the natural pesticides (directly originated from plants) under the light of back to nature principle, although this step is seems to be less effective.Some natural pesticides practiced by West Javan farmers are likely almost disappeared and difficult to be found in the field. It is important to mention some species here such as cujete/kalabas (Cresentia cujete), bratawali (linospora tuberculata), bitter yam/gadung (Dioscorea hispida), sambiloto {Andrographis paniculata), sarikaya {Annona squamosa) and so many more. Some weed species are known used by farmers as natural pesticide like saliara {Lantana camara), ki pahit (Tithonia diversifolia), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrical) and badotan {Ageratum conyzoides). This research is aimed to inventory plant species used by farmers as natural pesticides as to reduce the reliance on synthetic pesticides. Methods of approach to the problem are by library studies (journals, proceedings of seminars, notes etc), field survey and interview to farmers of several districts (Kabupatens) in West Java and Banten Provinces i.e. Sumedang, Majalengka, Sukabumi, Garut, Pandegelang and Serang. Result shows that there are still 130 plant species used as natural pesticides, and 42 natural (plant based raw materials) pesticide formulations used by farmers


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    Usnea has been used for a long time in Indonesia for traditional medicine and crude material for jamu. The study of taxonomy and local knowledge at Priangan are less information. The research was conducted between March 2011–April 2012. The aim of this research was to explore the local knowledge of species Usnea conducted by emic and ethic approaches. The specimens collection was done by survey along the pine forest at Bandung, Sumedang, Garut, Ciamis and Tasikmalaya in Priangan areas. The specimens were analysis morphological, anatomy and chemical. The etnolichenology study was done by descriptive qualitative, survey and interview also observation participative at Gunung Gelap Village and Kamojang area of Garut Regency and Cibunar village,Sumedang Regency in West Java. The interview was done with key informants. The taxonomical study found the 11 species of Beard lichens found in pine forest at Priangan, belong to 3 subgenus. They are subgenus Dilichousnea, consist of Usnea filipendula, U. hirta,U. longisima and U. trichodea. Subgenus Eumitra consist of U.baileyi and U. ceratina. Subgenus Usnea consist of U. cornuta, U. flexilis, Usnea. flexuosa, U. florida and U.glabra. The dominant species growing on pine in different location are U. baileyi and U. flexilis. They have thalli colour dark green, yellow-green, pale green and reddish brown. Thallus branching is dichotomous in all species with difference in the thickness form the isotomic or anisotomic dichotomous types. Species Usnea is fructicose with habits erect type or subpendent type or pendent type.The lichenic acid contain in Usnea species are different and dominant by usnic acid and protocetoric acid. The stictic acid only found in U.flexuosa. The result of interview known that Usnea was called janggot kai by the Sundanese. People grouping the Usnea based on colour, growth pattern and surface of thallus, so known “Janggot kai hejo, janggot kai koneng, janggot kai rubak, janggot kai ngaruntuy, janggot kai kesrak and janggot kai lemes”. Mostly the people used Usnea as raru for preservative nira, medicine and spices. The Sudanese used Usnea in formula oj jamu or ubar kampong to treat mouth ulcer, dysentery, catch a cold, skin eruption, stiff, menstruation painful, hemorrhoids,child birth ease and in making mahinum (jamu for mother after utter) and used as face powder of noble woman.Keywords: Usnea, local knowledge, raru, ubar kampong


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    The lichen flora of tropical areas is still much underworked Java in general and Alas Purwo in East Java for specially is no exception. Alas Purwo National Park is representative of a typical lowland tropical rain forest ecosystem in Java. . It is famous with peculiar and endemic species of plant include sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki) and manggong bamboo (Gigantochloa manggong). , beside among the other plants also ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), kepuh (Sterculia foetida), and keben (Barringtonia asiatica). Moreover, in lowland tropical rain forest ecosystem have reported the lichens species diversity is very high and may include over 200 species in 1 ha. There is no reported have found concerning the lichens richness in Alas Purwo. Recently preliminary study of Lichens diversity have been done at triangulation Zone Alas Purwo National Park , East Java. The lichens of the study area have not been treated comprehensively. We explored the lichenological characteristics of putative”tropical lowland cloud forest” (LCF) in a lowland area (0–20ma.s.l.) near Triangulation using macrolichens (cortocoulous species) as indicator taxa We analyzed lichen diversity on 20 trees in two 0,25 ha plots. In tropical lowland forests, corticolous green algal lichens are abundant and highly diverse. This may be related to adaptation to prevailing microenvironmental conditions including, for example, high precipitation and low light intensities. In the understory of a tropical lowland rain forest in Alas Purwo , we studied the morphology and anatomy of corticolous lichens and microcristal test. We found that from Tetrasigma sp , Serbella otodans, Hemandia feltata Baringtonia aciatika Pandanaceae Manilcara cauci Swetinia mahagoni trees there are 30 species of lichens, dominated by Dyorigma sp Graphis and Glyphis from familia of Graphidaceae and Dirinaria Physcia Pyxine Ramalina from familia of Parmeliaceae. The thallus calour was variety from Green-grey, Green-bllue, green, light green, grey, brown, dark green to orange. They have vegetative as wel as generative reproduction such as isidia, soralia, soredia, chypellae, histerothecia, perithecia,and apothecia. The lichenic acids contain such as gyrophoric acid, barbatic acid, usnic acid, atranorin, acid, divaricatic acid and lecanoric acid, Keywords: Alas Purwo, lichens and lichenic acid


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    The  bioactivity of Ulva reticulata Forsskal from Gili Kondo, East Lombok have done to Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli using Kirby Bauer paper disc method. The Completely Randomized Design using factorial form of 3 x 6  with four replication are selected in this experiment. The  data analysis used Analysis Varians and continued with Duncan’s test.  Parameters was measured to diversity of  Ulva  are total species were founded and diameter of  zona growth inhibition of bacterial test. The Research result showed that the crude extract of U. reticulata and its fractions contain secondary metabolites which have an antibacterial activity to all tested bacteria.The highest activity of antibacterial was founded in methanol extract of U. reticulasta wich concentration of 25 % gives inhibitioin zone of 8,69 mm. The 12.5 %  fractions of U. reticulata in  methanol showed inhibition zone growth bacterial is  8,40 mm and for 10 % of its in   n-hexane fraction gives growth  inhibition zone bacterial was  8,13 mm

    ANTIMIKROBIAL ARIEN (Hypnea cervicornis ) ASAL GILI KONDO TERHADAP Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus & Escherichia coli.

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    To determine the bioactivity of the species Hypnea cervicornis J.Agardh a test was carried out by using crude extract and their fractions against a number of bioindicators like Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.  The bioactivity of H. cervicornis was tested using Kirby-Bauer Method.  The test showed that both the crude extracts as well as the fractions, on crude extract concentration 45 % - 55 %,  methanol fraction concentration 2,5 % - 12,5 % and n-hexane fraction concentration 1,25 % - 6,25 %, biologically active against the organisms used as bioindicators. As these extract and fractions of H. cervicornis with its bioactivity could open the opportunity for the use of H. cervicornis as an antibacterial bioactive agents


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    Mosquito population and some of the ecological aspects of the environment were studied in an observation conducted in seven villages around the Grata dam project area from April 1956 through March 1987. One of the aims of this study was to evaluate the impact of the dam project toward the mosquito population, as a part of environmental impact analysis, and also to observe development of other impacts that could be anticipated from the dam construction. Both human bait and light trap methods were used for mosquito collections. Statistical method of Index of Diversity of Shanon - Wiener, Summed Dominance Ratio, and chi-square test were utilized for data analysis. Eighteen mosquito species were found and twelve of them are known as vectors for some viral diseases: Culex vishnui, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, and Cx. quinquefasciatus


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    AbstractTaxonomic study of beard moss (Usnea spp) at Priangan, was carried out by using morphological, anatomical and chemical's characters. Sample have taken from five area, they are Jayagiri conifer forest (Bandung), Rancakalong conifer forest (Sumedang), Kamojang conifer forest ( Garut), Munjul conifer forest (Ciamis) and Cigorowong conifer forest ( Tasikmalaya). Morphological observation was done on thallus and anatomical observation in medulla, axis and ratio of cortex : medulla : axis. While chemical analysis was conducting by colour test and crystal test. The identification result founded the eleven species, i.e. Usnea baileyi, U.ceratina, U.cornuta, U.filipendula, U. flexilis, U. flexuosa, U.florida, U.glabrata, U.hirta, U. longissima and U. trichodea. Morphological characters that can be used for distinguished of eleven species of Usnea are medulla shape, axisshape, radius of cortex, radius of medulla and diameter of axis. Chemical characters distinguished are reagent K,C, KC and IKI. Based on that characters the key identification have made for Usnea species founded at Priangan and de3scription were arranged for genus and species level. Phenetic analysis done by using NTSY Spc versi 2.0, resulted a Dendrogram which the eleven species of Beard moss can be divided into three branches. The first branch consist of U.baileyi and U.ceratina, the second are U.cornuta, U.flexilis, U.florida, U. flexuosa and U.glabrata and the third branch branch consist of U.filipendula, U.hirta, U.trichodea and U.longissima. Key word : Characterization, relationship, Beard moss, Usnea , Prianga


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    The study of metals as atmospheric pollutant has been done in Bandung. Particularly observation was done at thallus of lichens of Parmelia wallichiana and metals accumulated by lichens. The metal contents of the lichen thallus from 6 stations observation have been measured by neutron activation analysis. The result of researches showed that Parmelia wallichina can accumulate metals such as Al, Co, Cr, Mn, Na, V, Cl, Fe, Hg, Rb, Sb, Sc, Th, Sm, Zn, dan Zr. The concentration of Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Na, and V was high in thallus from Jamika area (West of Bandung). While the concentration of Sb and Zn was high in thallus from Alun-alun area (Central of Bandung ). The effect of metals contaminants to P. wallichiana have caused the colour of thallus changing from green (Dago Pakar area) to become pale green in polluted area. The metal pollution in atmospheric of Bandung have accured and was probably as followed: 1)High polluted areas: Jamika (West of Bandung). 2) Moderate polluted area: Alun-alun (Central of Bandung), Antapani (East of Bandung), and Mohamad Toha (South of Bandung). 3) Slight polluted area: Taman Sari (North of Bandung). 4)Clean air area: Dago Pakar


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    Penelitian mengenai Identifikasi Mikroalga dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Maret 2015 di Arboretum UniversitasPadjajaran Jatinangor-Sumedang, Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey atau jelajahdi kawasan arboretum Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. Pengamatan dibawah mikroskop dilakukan dilaboratorium Taksonomi Tumbuhan, Departemen Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Padjadjaran menggunakan kunci determinasi menurut literature Buku Freshwater Algae Lucid Keys Carolina Key Website (2011) dan Freshwater algae : Identification and use as bioindicators (1950). Hasilpenelitian menunjukan jenis mikroalga dari divisi Bacillariophyta memiliki jenis yang paling banyak, disusul olehCyanophyta dan Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, dan 1 jenis Rhodophyta. Berdasarkan indeks Shannon-Wiener, ratarataindeks keanekaan tertinggididaerah cekdam dengan ditemukannya 16jenis mikroalga, selainitu diperolehindekskesamaanjenis mikroalgapadastasiun1,2,3, dan4berkisar antara22,22%-35,48%yang dikategorikantidakmirip


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    The research was conducted to detect the effect of flower, leaf and stem bark extracts from golden trumpet, yellow oleander and frangipani on the liver and kidney structure of swiss-webster mice, hence the most toxic plant among the tested plants can also be screened. Single dose extract from each plant (616,8 mg/kg bw) was suspended in CMC 0,5% and administered orally to the mice and fourth day  their body, liver and kidney  weight were measured, liver and kidney organ  were made into preparate using paraffin method and HE staining. The result showed  liver weight per body weight were significantly differ (p<0,05) in the treatment of golden trumpet leaf and frangipani flower and no change in the kidney weight . Level of the vary liver desruption  occurred in all of the treated mice. Severe desruption is detected in the treatment of stem bark yellow oleander and frangipani flower. There were a disruptions on the kidney tissue, in the form of hemorrhage, such as the occurrence of erythrocyte in the Bowman space, tubules and intertubules. Glomerulus diameter, Bowman space diameter and tubule cells observation on the kidney showed no significant differences with control. Based on the parameters for liver, frangipani, yellow oleander and golden trumpet is found to be most toxic plant respectively. Assay on the three types of plant indicate that  the most toxic plant is golden trumpet, whereas the most toxic part of the plant is the stem bark