83 research outputs found

    Depresión y Estrategias de Afrontamiento al estrés en estudiantes de una universidad nacional del distrito de Nuevo Chimbote

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    La investigación tuvo como principal objetivo Determinar la relación entre la Depresión y Estrategias de Afrontamiento al estrés en estudiantes de una universidad nacional de Nuevo Chimbote. La muestra estuvo comprendida por 342 estudiantes universitarios. Para realizar el presente universitarios a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario de Depresión de Beck (BDI) del autor Aaron Beck(1961), fue adaptada al castellano y validada por Conde y cols (1975) y adapada en el Peru por Renzo Felipe Carranza Esteban (2013), y el cuestionario de Modos de Afrontamiento del Estrés (COPE) cuyos autores son Carver, Scheier y Weintraub (1989) y adaptado en Perú por Casuso (1996). Los resultados muestran que existe relación muy significativa, inversa y media débil (-,124** a -,427**) entre ambas variables, demostrando así que cuanto mayor sea los estilos de afrontamiento del estrés menor será la depresión que evidencien los estudiantes, así mismo al analizar de forma específica los datos, se ha podido obtener que la sub dimensión Postergación del afrontamiento se relaciona de forma muy significativa, inversa y media débil -,427** con la variable depresión

    Programa motivacional ‘Convive’ en el clima laboral de los trabajadores de una entidad financiera, Nuevo Chimbote,2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad determinar qué efecto provoca el programa motivacional ‘Convive’ en los trabajadores de una entidad financiera, Nuevo Chimbote, 2021. La muestra escogida ascendió a 40 trabajadores activos, donde la técnica fue observación directa y, el instrumento fue un cuestionario. Se hizo uso de estadística descriptiva e inferencial, a través de una metodología de tipo cuantitativa, nivel aplicado, diseño pre experimental, donde fueron estudiadas cuatro dimensiones pertenecientes a la variable dependiente: relaciones sociales, motivación, apoyo y flexibilidad e innovación. A través del programa SPSS v.28.0 se reveló que, en el pre test, el grupo se halló en un nivel bajo con un 37.5% y, para el post test se hallaron en un nivel bueno compuesto por el 45%. Dado que, p<0,05 (p=0,0001), a través del signo Wilcoxon, se llegó a la conclusión que, el programa motivacional ‘Convive’ influyó significativamente en el clima laboral de los trabajadores de recursos humanos de la entidad financiera ‘Scotiabank’, así, este estudio recomienda que, exista una mejora en el entorno del trabajo físico y social como prioridad

    Periodical UV-B radiation hormesis in biosynthesis of kale sprouts nutraceuticals

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the periodical UV-B radiation hormesis during kale seeds germination in their main content of secondary metabolite compounds (phenols; glucosinolates; total antioxidant capacity –TAC–) and their changes during a refrigerated shelf-life. The total UV-B doses received were 0, 5, 10, and 15 kJ m−2 (CTRL, UVB5, UVB10, and UVB15) in where the 25% was applied on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th sprouting day. UV radiation did not affect the morphological development of the sprouts. UVB10 and UVB15 treatments increased their phenolic content (>30%). Likewise, TAC was increased by UV-B lighting ~10% (DPPH) and ~20% (FRAP). The hydroxycinnamic acid content in UVB15-treated sprouts increased by 52%, while UVB5 reported an increase of 34% in the kaempferol-3,7-di-O-glucoside concentration, compared to CTRL. After 10 d at 4 °C of shelf-life, content of gallic acid hexoside I and gallic acid increased by 55 and 78% compared to UV-untreated kale sprouts, respectively. Glucoraphanin was the main glucosinolate found in kale sprouts and seeds, followed by 4-hydroxy-glucobrassicin, whose biosynthesis was enhanced by UVB10 (~24 and ~27%) and UVB15 (~36 and ~30%), respectively, compared to CTRL. In conclusion, periodical low UV-B illumination represents a useful tool to stimulate phytochemicals biosynthesis in kale sprouts as an important source of bioactive compounds with potential health benefits.Noelia Castillejo was funded by a predoctoral grant (FPU16/04763) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Lorena Martínez-Zamora's contract (21322/PDGI/19) is part of the Regional Programme for research talent and its employability of the Seneca Foundation, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). The technical assistance of Francisca Andreo is highly appreciated

    Postharvest UV radiation enhanced biosynthesis of flavonoids and carotenes in bell peppers

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    UV abiotic stresses have beneficial effects in plants inducing the synthesis of secondary metabolites when low doses were applied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 6 kJ m−2 UV (B or C) and 6 + 6 kJ m−2 UV (B + C) on the main bioactive compounds of red bell peppers during a refrigerated shelf-life period. Changes in carotenoids, phenolics, and flavonoids were studied after 8 and 14 d at 7 °C, an after an additional retail sale period of 4 d at 18 °C. Physicochemical quality attributes were not affected by any UV treatment. Generally, UV treatments induced carotenoid accumulation, highlighting that after 14 d at 7 °C, UVB and UVC increased by 59 % the total carotenoid content, and UVB + C did it by 94 % compared to non-UV-treated peppers as control (CTRL). UVC, UVB, and UVB + C are good elicitors of the flavonoid biosynthesis with 42, 66, and 43 % increases just after treatment, respectively, compared to CTRL. This behaviour was enhanced in UVC and UVB + C treated peppers after 8 d at 7 °C (15 and 44 %, respectively) and after 14 d at 7 °C (146 and 137 %) regarding CTRL peppers, which was also shown after the retail period assayed of 4 d at 18 °C. In conclusion, a postharvest 6 kJ m-2 UV-C treatment could be a great tool for increasing the accumulation of carotenoids and flavonoids in red bell peppers.This research received no external funding. Noelia Castillejo contract was funded by a predoctoral grant (FPU16/04763) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Lorena Martínez-Zamora contract has been co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Youth European Initiative under the Spanish Seneca Foundation (21322/PDGI/19). Authors thanks Henarejos y Tárraga, S.L. and the Asociación Eco-innovadora Agrícola de la Región de Murcia for the kindly supply of bell peppers

    Effect of postharvest visible spectrum LED lighting on quality and bioactive compounds of tomatoes during shelf life

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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of visible spectrum LED lighting during shelf-life on physicochemical quality and the main bioactive compounds of Kumato® cherry tomatoes. Tomatoes were stored 13 days at 5 °C under white (W), blue (B), blue + red (B + R), green + red (G + R), and green + far-red (G + FR) LED lights. Darkness (D) was used as control. Tomatoes under illumination showed higher weight losses and firmness decreases (30–35%). No chilling injury was observed. B + R lighting increased the carotenoid content by ∼27%, while G + R and G + FR reported an increase ∼30% in phenolics. B and B + R showed the highest increase in the phytochemical biosynthesis (lycopene and naringenin, as main carotenoid and flavonoid found) compared to D and W. Conclusively, illumination with B + R or B during shelf-life is recommended to enhance the main bioactive compounds. G + R and G + FR, also reported to be good elicitors of the phenolics and carotenoids biosynthesis.During the development of this research, Noelia Castillejo contract was funded by a predoctoral grant (FPU16/04763) from the Spanish Ministry of Education (until March 2022). Lorena Martínez-Zamora contract was co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth European Initiative (YEI) under the Spanish Seneca Foundation (21322/PDGI/19) until December 2021. Currently, Lorena Martínez-Zamora contract is financed by the Programme for the Re-qualification of the Spanish University System during the three-year period 2021–2023, Margarita Salas modality for the University of Murcia. Authors thanks to G's España Holdings SL for the kindly supply of the Kumato® cherry tomatoes. The technical assistance during experiments of Cristina Martínez Moreno is also appreciated

    Postharvest UV-B and photoperiod with blue + red LEDs as strategies to stimulate carotenogenesis in bell peppers

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    Background: Our objective was to evaluate carotenoid accumulation in bell peppers during shelf life under different light conditions. Methods: Fruit stored for 6 d at 7 °C received a 9 kJ m−2 UV-B treatment, while non-UV-treated were used as control (CTRL). Subsequently, all peppers were disposed for a retail sale period of 4 d at 20 °C with a photoperiod of 14 h under fluorescent light (FL) + 10 h under darkness (D), FL, or blue + red LEDs (BR LED). Results: Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was increased by the UV-B treatment and the photoperiods supplemented with FL and BR LED, which was directly related to the carotenoid content. In fact, CTRL peppers (225 mg β-carotene kg−1) under FL+BR LED showed an increase of ~33% of 13-cis-β-carotene, ~24% of all-trans-β-carotene, and ~27.5% of 9-cis-β-carotene compared to FL + D and FL + FL. Capsaicinoids showed an increase by ~22%, ~38%, and ~27% in the content of capsanthin, capsanthin laurate, and capsanthin esters, respectively, after the UV-B treatment, which was even enhanced after the LED-supplemented photoperiod by ~18% compared to FL+D. Conclusions: Illumination with BR LEDs + UV-B during the retail sale period nights is recommended to increase the bioactive content of bell peppers via carotenoid accumulation to 270 mg β-carotene kg−1

    Postharvest UV-B and UV-C radiation enhanced the biosynthesis of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in brassicaceae sprouts

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of UV lighting (UV-B, UV-C and UV-C + UV-B) as a postharvest abiotic stress in the quality changes of minimally processed Brassicaceae sprouts (broccoli and radish) during a shelf-life period of 10 d at 4 ºC. No UV illumination was used as control (CTRL). The total UV-C doses received were 9 kJ m-2 (UVC) and 15 kJ m-2 UV-B (UVB) by applying the 50% of such doses after harvest and on the first day of the shelf-life. Results showed that when UVC was applied, the epiphytic microbial load was reduced up to 1 log CFU g-1 fw. The UVB treatment reported the highest total phenolic content (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) after 10 d at 4 ºC. In general, both species showed an amelioration effect in the TPC and TAC after UV treatments, which also enhanced the glucosinolate (GL) and the main isothiocyanates (ITC) content. In fact, UVB increased by ~30 % the GL content compared to CTRL samples, which were mostly aliphatic GLs in radish and indolyl GLs in broccoli. As main ITC, sulforaphane content was enhanced by 37.5 % in UVB-treated broccoli sprouts while the sulforaphene content was highly increased by 72 % in radish sprouts. In conclusion, UVB radish sprouts reported 5-fold higher GL content and 60-fold higher biologically ITC content than broccoli sprouts. Therefore, its inclusion in the daily intake is recommended to increase the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases.Noelia Castillejo was funded by a predoctoral grant (FPU16/04763) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Lorena Martínez-Zamora contract has been co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Youth European Initiative (YEI) under the Spanish Seneca Foundation (21322/PDGI/19). The technical assistance of Francisca Andreo is highly appreciated

    Effect of fresh-cut apples fortification with lycopene microspheres, revalorized from tomato by-products, during shelf life

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    Fresh–cut apple browning has been conventionally tried to control with the help of ascorbic acid dips, although such antioxidant effect is limited. Lycopene, absent in apple flesh, is the carotenoid in nature with the highest antioxidant capacity, in special for its cis−isomers. Tomato skin is a low cost by-product with very high lycopene content (7.23 g kg−1) and high potential to be incorporated as an antioxidant agent in antibrowning dipping treatments. High lycopene extraction from tomato skin was achieved with a thermal treatment (75 ºC, 1 h) favouring trans−to−cis lycopene isomerization with TiO2 nanoparticles. Lycopene extracts were highly encapsulated (encapsulation efficiency: 92.2 %) with the complex coacervation method and the obtained microspheres were then incorporated in dipping treatments (0.5 (L0.5), 1 (L1) or 2 g L–1 (L2)) during fresh–cut apples processing, compared with an ascorbic acid dipping (AA; 10 g L–1). Quality changes (colour, microbial, physicochemical and bioactive compounds) were studied up to 9 d at 5 ºC. The L2 dipping controlled better the browning during storage, showing the lowest browning index among treatments (BI=43.8) after 9 d. Furthermore, L2 dipping did not affect the physicochemical quality of samples, while maintaining a good microbial quality. Incorporation of lycopene microspheres also improved the bioactive quality of samples, still showing total cis−lycopene isomer content of ≈ 20 mg kg−1 after 9 d. Furthermore, chlorogenic acid, the predominant phenolic acid, content was enhanced by 56 % in L2 samples after 6–9 d. In conclusion, a dipping treatment of fresh–cut apples including 2 g L–1 lycopene microspheres reduced browning, while quality was maintained and some bioactive compounds even enhanced after 9 d at 5 ºC.The authors are grateful to the Institute of Plant Biotechnology of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena for the use of its equipment. The concession of a predoctoral grant to N. Castillejo (FPU16/04763) by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain is appreciated. Thanks are also due to Agricola Gaobe S.L. for providing the tomatoes. The technical support of R. Pérez–Álvarez and J.M. García–Rojo is highly appreciated

    Optimización de la Cadena de Suministros de Bioetanol a partir de Madera

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    Este trabajo presenta un modelo para el diseño óptimo de la cadena de suministros de la producción de bioetanol de base celulósica. La cadena de suministros (CS) considerada en el modelo se compone de plantaciones forestales, plantas de bioetanol y centros de consumo. El objetivo es determinar la configuración óptima para la CS maximizando los beneficios y utilizar los resultados para la toma de decisiones respecto a localización de plantaciones y plantas de producción, tipos de madera y tecnología utilizada en la producción de bioetanol y cantidades óptimas transportadas entre los diferentes nodos. El modelo es formulado con programación disyuntiva generalizada (GDP) y luego implementado como programa lineal mixto entero en GAMS

    Real-time monitoring system for shelf life estimation of fruit and vegetables

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    The control of the main environmental factors that influence the quality of perishable products is one of the main challenges of the food industry. Temperature is the main factor affecting quality, but other factors like relative humidity and gas concentrations (mainly C2H4, O2 and CO2) also play an important role in maintaining the postharvest quality of horticultural products. For this reason, monitoring such environmental factors is a key procedure to assure quality throughout shelf life and evaluate losses. Therefore, in order to estimate the quality losses that a perishable product can suffer during storage and transportation, a real-time monitoring system has been developed. This system can be used in all post-harvest steps thanks to its Wi-Fi wireless communication architecture. Several laboratory trials were conducted, using lettuce as a model, to determine quality-rating scales during shelf life under different storage temperature conditions. As a result, a multiple non-linear regression (MNLR) model is proposed relating the temperature and the maximum shelf life. This proposed model would allow to predict the days the commodities will reduce their theoretical shelf-life when an improper temperature during storage or in-transit occurs. The system, developed as a sensor-based tool, has been tested during several land transportation trips around Europe.The authors are grateful to Fruca Marketing S.L. for providing the lettuce used in this research, and to Transportes Directos del Segura SL and Transportes Mesa SL for the logistic support. We also are grateful to Miriam Montoya Gómez for the translation services