8 research outputs found
HERSUS Project and Digital sharing platform [1st prize, 31. International Urban Planners' Exhibition]
ХЕРСУС (Јачање свести о наслеђу и одрживости грађене средине у високошколском образовању у домену архитектонског и урбанистичког пројектовања) је Еразмус+ стратешко партнерство за високо образовање које окупља пет универзитета из Србије, Италије, Кипра, Грчке и Шпаније који заједно раде на дизајну и развоју курсева уз дисеминацију знања кроз семинаре, радионице и заједнички изграђену платформу дељења. ХЕРСУС платформа дељења је дигитална платформа за истраживаче и студенте замишљена као образовно средство и архива ресурса о темама одрживости и свести о наслеђу у архитектури и урбанизму. Платформа је дизајнирана и развијена као извор референци и инспирације када се ради о истраживањима у областима које пројекат ХЕРСУС има за циљ да истражи. У платформи се стварају везе између наизглед удаљених тема, показујући основне наративе, везе и преклапања која спајају садржаје на различитим просторним и друштвеним нивоима.HERSUS (Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and SustainaЬility of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education) is Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for higher education which brings together five Universities from SerЬia, ltaly, Cyprus, Greece, and Spain working together оп the design and development of the courses while disseminating knowledge through international training courses, workshops, and а jointly built Sharing Platform. The HERSUS Sharing Platform is а digital platform for researchers and students conceived as ап educational tool and archive of resources around the topics of sustainaЬility and heritage awareness in architecture and urban design. The platform has been designed and developed as а source of reference and inspiration to refer to when doi ng research in the fields that the HERSUS project aims to investigate. ln the platform, links аге created between apparently distant subjects, showing underlying narratives, connections and overlappings that bring contents together оп different levels.ПРВА НАГРАДА 31. Међународног Салона Урбанизма у категорији Дигиталне технике, дизајн и продукција у урбанизму и архитектури / 1st prize at the 31st International Urban Planners Exhibition in category Digital techniques, design and production in architecture and urbanis
The Minoan and the Modern: revivals, breaks & dialogues in the public architecture of Crete during the Interwar Period
In the beginnings of the 20th century Arthur Evans on the island of Crete brought to light spectacular archaeological finds, on which he based his vision about a new prehistoric civilization, which he named Minoan. The image of the Minoan civilization diffused to the West. Some of its characteristics resembled the current trends in art, whereas its placement on the island of Crete, in a key geographical and historical area between East and West, met the expectations of the Westerners, who in that moment were welcoming Modernism with a mood against the historicism and classicism of the previous era. This case was the motive for writing the present dissertation, which searches the interrelation between Modern and Minoan during the interwar period. The analysis of this relation starts from the West, continues in Athens, Greece and ends up in Crete, where the Minoan past contributed to the modernization of the island in the interwar period. In the West, Minoan civilization soon became the favorite subject of the pioneering magazines of the 20th century, which were looking for the beginnings of Modernism and presented coincidences between the ancient and modern era. Soon, Minoan art appeared next to the works of art of the most pioneering artists, confirming the presence of timeless principles in every harmonized work of art regardless its time and place of creation. Parallel to this, the Minoan civilization fed the modern artistic and architectural expressions. Minotaurs, goddesses with snakes, colorful patterns, Minoan horns, columns with reductions filled the painting canvases, the theatrical scenes and the urban environment. In that period, the Greek avant-garde, under the pressure of political, social and economic circumstances turned to the western example, rejecting the classicism and seeking for an art and architecture Greek but also integrated with the international modernized principles. The reference to the Minoan civilization, which was seen as a part of the Greek tradition, but was differentiating from the classical antiquity, contributed positively to that direction. The island Crete, in that moment, after a period of intense political unrests and shortly after its union with the Greek state, was demanding its modernization as a periphery of the Greek state while wishing the construction of a local identity. The interaction between Modern and Minoan, the international with the local, characterized the Cretan architecture of the interwar period. Cretan architecture sometimes returns to the Minoan past through its revival, as the neo- Minoan style, other times rejects the Minoan past while adapting the international trends through the buildings of social welfare and education, or develops a dialogue with it, such as in the case of the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. The different attitudes towards the Minoan past, as result of political and social visions, highlight the contribution of the Minoan past to the modernization of the public architecture of Crete and confirm the relation between Modern architecture and history.Στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα ο Αrthur Evans στο νησί της Κρήτης έφερε στο φως εντυπωσιακά αρχαιολογικά κατάλοιπα πάνω στα οποία στήριξε το όραμά του για έναν νέο προϊστορικό πολιτισμό, τον οποίο ονόμασε μινωικό. Κάποια από τα χαρακτηριστικά του, τα οποία προσομοίαζαν τις σύγχρονες καλλιτεχνικές τάσεις καθώς και η τοποθέτηση του σε ένα κομβικό γεωγραφικά και ιστορικά σημείο, μεταξύ Δύσης και Ανατολής, μεταξύ των προϊστορικών ανατολικών πολιτισμών και της κλασικής Ελλάδας, συνέκλιναν με τις προσδοκίες της πρωτοπορίας, η οποία εκείνη την περίοδο έκανε μια καινούρια αρχή, προχωρώντας στο Μοντέρνο κίνημα με διάθεση ρήξης με το άμεσο παρελθόν. Η συνθήκη αυτή αποτέλεσε την αφορμή της παρούσας διατριβής, η οποία διερευνά την αλληλεπίδραση του Μοντέρνου με το Μινωικό κατά την περίοδο του Μεσοπολέμου. Η διερεύνηση αυτής της σχέσης ξεκινά από τη Δύση, συνεχίζεται στην Ελλάδα και το κέντρο- πρωτεύουσα Αθήνα και καταλήγει στην Κρήτη, όπου το μινωικό συνέβαλε στη διαμόρφωση της αρχιτεκτονικής της νεωτερικότητας στον Μεσοπόλεμο. Στη Δύση ο μινωικός πολιτισμός αποτέλεσε αγαπημένο θέμα των πρωτοποριακών καλλιτεχνικών περιοδικών, τα οποία αναζητώντας τις αρχέγονες καταβολές του Μοντερνισμού, παρουσίαζαν συμπτώσεις της Μοντέρνας τέχνης με την αρχαία. Έτσι, η μινωική τέχνη σύντομα βρέθηκε μέσα στις σελίδες των περιοδικών δίπλα σε Μοντέρνα έργα, επιβεβαιώνοντας την παρουσία διαχρονικών αρχών σε κάθε αρμονική δημιουργία ανεξαρτήτως τόπου και χρόνου. Παράλληλα, τροφοδότησε την καλλιτεχνική έκφραση σε όλες τις μορφές της. Μινώταυροι, ιέρειες με φίδια, πολύχρωμα μοτίβα, διπλοί πέλεκεις, κέρατα καθοσιώσεως, κίονες με μείωση γέμισαν τους ζωγραφικούς καμβάδες, τις θεατρικές σκηνές, τις σελίδες των βιβλίων, αλλά και το δομημένο περιβάλλον. Στην Ελλάδα, στο πνευματικό και αισθητικό της κέντρο, την πρωτεύουσα Αθήνα εκείνη την περίοδο υπό την πίεση πολιτικών, οικονομικών και κοινωνικών καταστάσεων, η πρωτοπορία στράφηκε στο δυτικό παράδειγμα απορρίπτοντας τον ακαδημαϊσμό και αγωνιώντας για μια τέχνη και αρχιτεκτονική ελληνική, αλλά και Μοντέρνα. Η στροφή προς τον μινωικό πολιτισμό, που ήταν ενταγμένος πλέον στη συνέχεια της ελληνικής παράδοσης, αλλά και διαφοροποιημένος από την κλασική αρχαιότητα, συνέβαλε θετικά προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση. Η Κρήτη, έπειτα από μια περίοδο έντονων πολιτικών αναταραχών, βίωνε μεσοπολεμικά το αίτημα για εκσυγχρονισμό, ως περιφέρεια του ελληνικού κράτους, και παράλληλα την ανάγκη για συγκρότηση της τοπικής ταυτότητας. Η αλληλεπίδραση του Μοντέρνου με το μινωικό, του διεθνούς με το τοπικό, χαρακτηρίζει την αρχιτεκτονική της, η οποία άλλοτε επιστρέφει στο μινωικό παρελθόν με αναβιώσεις του μινωικού ρυθμού, άλλοτε το απορρίπτει υιοθετώντας τις διεθνείς τάσεις μέσω των κτιρίων κοινωνικής πρόνοιας και εκπαίδευσης και άλλοτε συνδιαλέγεται με αυτό, όπως στην περίπτωση του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Ηρακλείου. Οι διαφορετικές αυτές στάσεις απέναντι στο μινωικό παρελθόν, ως απόρροια πολιτικών και κοινωνικών επιλογών, αποδεικνύουν τη συμβολή του μινωικού στον εκσυγχρονισμό της δημόσιας κρητικής αρχιτεκτονικής και επιβεβαιώνουν τη σχέση της Μοντέρνας αρχιτεκτονικής με την ιστορία
Relaxation and ligand hyperfine effects in an isostructural early lanthanide series [Ln(Cptt)3] (Ln = Ce, Nd, Sm; Cptt = C5H3tBu2-1,3) by pulsed EPR spectroscopy
We examine lanthanide (Ln)-ligand bonding in a family of early Ln3+ complexes [Ln(Cptt)3] (1-Ln, Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Sm; Cptt = C5H3tBu2-1,3) by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods, and provide the first characterization of 1-La and 1-Nd by single crystal XRD, multinuclear NMR, IR and UV/Vis/NIR spectroscopy. We measure electron spin T1 and Tm relaxation times of 12 and 0.2 μs (1-Nd), 89 and 1 μs (1-Ce) and 150 and 1.7 μs (1-Sm), respectively, at 5 K: the T1 relaxation of 1-Nd is more than 102 times faster than its valence isolelectronic uranium analogue. 13C and 1H hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopy reveals that the extent of covalency is negligible in these Ln compounds, with much smaller hyperfine interactions than observed for equivalent actinide (Th and U) complexes. This is corroborated by ab initio calculations, confirming the predominant electrostatic nature of the metal-ligand bonding in these complexes
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Engineering electronic structure to prolong relaxation times in molecular qubits by minimising orbital angular momentum
The proposal that paramagnetic transition metal complexes could be used as qubits for quantum information processing (QIP) requires that the molecules retain the spin information for a sufficient length of time to allow computation and error correction. Therefore, understanding how the electron spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) and phase memory time (Tm) relate to structure is important. Previous studies have focused on the ligand shell surrounding the paramagnetic centre, seeking to increase rigidity or remove elements with nuclear spins or both. Here we have studied a family of early 3d or 4f metals in the +2 oxidation states where the ground state is effectively a 2S state. This leads to a highly isotropic spin and hence makes the putative qubit insensitive to its environment. We have studied how this influences T1 and Tm and show unusually long relaxation times given that the ligand shell is rich in nuclear spins and non-rigid
Ligand Effects on the Spin Relaxation Dynamics and Coherent Manipulation of Organometallic La(II) Potential Qudits
We present pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on three La(II) complexes, [K(2.2.2-cryptand)][La(Cp')3] (1), [K(2.2.2-cryptand)][La(Cp'')3] (2) and [K(2.2.2-cryptand)][La(Cptt)3] (3), which feature cyclopentadienyl derivatives as ligands [Cp' = C5H4SiMe3; Cp'' = C5H3(SiMe3)2; Cptt = C5H3(CMe3)2] and display a C3 symmetry. Long spin-lattice relaxation (T1) and phase memory (Tm) times are observed for all three compounds, but with significant variation in T1 among 1-3, with 3 being the slowest relaxing due to higher s-character of SOMO. The dephasing times can be extended by more than an or-der of magnitude via dynamical decoupling experiments using a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence, reaching 161 μs (5 K) for 3. Coherent spin manipulation is performed by the observation of Rabi quantum oscillations up to 80 K in this nuclear spin-rich environment (1H, 13C and 29Si). The high nuclear spin of 139La (I = 7/2), and the ability to coherently manipulate all eight hyperfine transitions, makes these molecules promising candidates for application as qudits (multilevel quantum systems featuring d quantum states; d > 2) for performing quantum operations within a single molecule. Application of HYSCORE techniques allows us to quantify the electron spin density at ligand nuclei, and interrogate the role of functional groups to the electron spin relaxation properties
Engineering Electronic Structure to Protect Phase Memory in Molecular Qubits by Minimising Orbital Angular Momentum
Using electron spins within molecules for quantum information processing (QIP) was first proposed by Leuenberger and Loss (1), who showed how the Grover algorithm could be mapped onto a Mn12 cage (2). Since then several groups have examined two-level (S = ½) molecular spin systems as possible qubits (3-12). There has also been a report of the implementation of the Grover algorithm in a four-level molecular qudit (13). A major challenge is to protect the spin qubit from noise that causes loss of phase information; strategies to minimize the impact of noise on qubits can be categorized as corrective, reductive, or protective. Corrective approaches allow noise and correct for its impact on the qubit using advanced microwave pulse sequences (3). Reductive approaches reduce the noise by minimising the number of nearby nuclear spins (7-11), and increasing the rigidity of molecules to minimise the effect of vibrations (which can cause a fluctuating magnetic field via spin-orbit coupling) (9,11); this is essentially engineering the ligand shell surrounding the electron spin. A protective approach would seek to make the qubit less sensitive to noise: an example of the protective approach is the use of clock transitions to render spin states immune to magnetic fields at first order (12). Here we present a further protective method that would complement reductive and corrective approaches to enhancing quantum coherence in molecular qubits. The target is a molecular spin qubit with an effective 2S ground state: we achieve this with a family of divalent rare-earth molecules that have negligible magnetic anisotropy such that the isotropic nature of the electron spin renders the qubit markedly less sensitive to magnetic noise, allowing coherent spin manipulations even at room temperature. If combined with the other strategies, we believe this could lead to molecular qubits with substantial advantages over competing qubit proposals.<br /
Metal-carbon bonding in early lanthanide substituted cyclopentadienyl complexes probed by pulsed EPR spectroscopy
We examine lanthanide (Ln)-ligand bonding in a family of early Ln3+ complexes [Ln(Cptt)3] (1-Ln, Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Sm; Cptt = C5H3tBu2-1,3) by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods, and provide the first characterization of 1-La and 1-Nd by single crystal XRD, multinuclear NMR, IR and UV/Vis/NIR spectroscopy. We measure electron spin T1 and Tm relaxation times of 12 and 0.2 μs (1-Nd), 89 and 1 μs (1-Ce) and 150 and 1.7 μs (1- Sm), respectively, at 5 K: the T1 relaxation of 1-Nd is more than 102 times faster than its valence isolelectronic uranium analogue. 13C and 1H hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopy reveals that the extent of covalency is negligible in these Ln compounds, with much smaller hyperfine interactions than observed for equivalent actinide (Th and U) complexes. This is corroborated by ab initio calculations, confirming the predominant electrostatic nature of the metal-ligand bonding in these complexes.<br/