66 research outputs found

    Side-Chain Modified [<sup>99m</sup>Tc]Tc-DT1 Mimics:A Comparative Study in NTS<sub>1</sub>R-Positive Models

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    Radiolabeled neurotensin analogs have been developed as candidates for theranostic use against neurotensin subtype 1 receptor (NTS1R)-expressing cancer. However, their fast degradation by two major peptidases, neprilysin (NEP) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), has hitherto limited clinical success. We have recently shown that palmitoylation at the Δ-amine of Lys7 in [99mTc]Tc-[Lys7]DT1 (DT1, N4-Gly-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu-OH, N4 = 6-(carboxy)-1,4,8,11-tetraazaundecane) led to the fully stabilized [99mTc]Tc-DT9 analog, displaying high uptake in human pancreatic cancer AsPC-1 xenografts but unfavorable pharmacokinetics in mice. Aiming to improve the in vivo stability of [99mTc]Tc-DT1 without compromising pharmacokinetics, we now introduce three new [99mTc]Tc-DT1 mimics, carrying different pendant groups at the Δ-amine of Lys7: MPBA (4-(4-methylphenyl)butyric acid)—[99mTc]Tc-DT10; MPBA via a PEG4-linker—[99mTc]Tc-DT11; or a hydrophilic PEG6 chain—[99mTc]Tc-DT12. The impact of these modifications on receptor affinity and internalization was studied in NTS1R-positive cells. The effects on stability and AsPC-1 tumor uptake were assessed in mice without or during NEP/ACE inhibition. Unlike [99mTc]Tc-DT10, the longer-chain modified [99mTc]Tc-DT11 and [99mTc]Tc-DT12 were significantly stabilized in vivo, resulting in markedly improved tumor uptake compared to [99mTc]Tc-DT1. [99mTc]Tc-DT11 was found to achieve the highest AsPC-1 tumor values and good pharmacokinetics, either without or during NEP inhibition, qualifying for further validation in patients with NTS1R-positive tumors using SPECT/CT.</p

    Key-protease inhibition regimens promote tumor targeting of neurotensin radioligands

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    Neurotensin subtype 1 receptors (NTS1R) represent attractive molecular targets for directing radiolabeled neurotensin (NT) analogs to tumor lesions for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This approach has been largely undermined by the rapid in vivo degradation of linear NT-based radioligands. Herein, we aim to increase the tumor targeting of three99mTc-labeled NT analogs by the in-situ inhibition of two key proteases involved in their catabolism. DT1 ([N4- Gly7]NT(7-13)), DT5 ([N4-ÎČAla7,Dab9]NT(7-13)), and DT6 ([N4-ÎČAla7,Dab9,Tle12]]NT(7-13)) were labeled with99mTc. Their profiles were investigated in NTS1R-positive colon adenocarcinoma WiDr cells and mice treated or not with the neprilysin (NEP)-inhibitor phosphoramidon (PA) and/or the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor lisinopril (Lis). Structural modifications led to the partial stabilization of99mTc-DT6 in peripheral mice blood (55.1 ± 3.9% intact), whereas99mTc-D

    Bis(Disulfide)-Bridged Somatostatin-14 Analogs and Their [<sup>111</sup>In]In-Radioligands:Synthesis and Preclinical Profile

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    The overexpression of one or more somatostatin receptors (SST1–5R) in human tumors has provided an opportunity for diagnosis and therapy with somatostatin-like radionuclide carriers. The application of “pansomatostatin” analogs is expected to broaden the clinical indications and upgrade the diagnostic/therapeutic efficacy of currently applied SST2R-prefering radioligands. In pursuit of this goal, we now introduce two bicyclic somatostatin-14 (SS14) analogs, AT5S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-Asn5-c[Cys6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Cys11]-Thr12-Ser13-Cys14]) and AT6S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-c[Cys5-Phe6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Phe11-Cys12]-Ser13-Cys14]), suitable for labeling with trivalent radiometals and designed to sustain in vivo degradation. Both AT5S and AT6S and the respective [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S were evaluated in a series of in vitro assays, while radioligand stability and biodistribution were studied in mice. The 8/12-mer bicyclic AT6S showed expanded affinity for all SST1–5R and agonistic properties at the SST2R, whereas AT5S lost all affinity to SST1–5R. Both [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S remained stable in the peripheral blood of mice, while [111In]In-AT6S displayed low, but specific uptake in AR4-2J tumors and higher uptake in HEK293-SST3R tumors in mice. In summary, high radioligand stability was acquired by the two disulfide bridges introduced into the SS14 motif, but only the 8/12-mer ring AT6S retained a pansomatostatin profile. In consequence, [111In]In-AT6S targeted SST2R-/SST3R-positive xenografts in mice. These results call for further research on pansomatostatin-like radioligands for cancer theranostics.</p

    Bis(Disulfide)-Bridged Somatostatin-14 Analogs and Their [<sup>111</sup>In]In-Radioligands:Synthesis and Preclinical Profile

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    The overexpression of one or more somatostatin receptors (SST1–5R) in human tumors has provided an opportunity for diagnosis and therapy with somatostatin-like radionuclide carriers. The application of “pansomatostatin” analogs is expected to broaden the clinical indications and upgrade the diagnostic/therapeutic efficacy of currently applied SST2R-prefering radioligands. In pursuit of this goal, we now introduce two bicyclic somatostatin-14 (SS14) analogs, AT5S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-Asn5-c[Cys6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Cys11]-Thr12-Ser13-Cys14]) and AT6S (DOTA-Ala1-Gly2-c[Cys3-Lys4-c[Cys5-Phe6-Phe7-DTrp8-Lys9-Thr10-Phe11-Cys12]-Ser13-Cys14]), suitable for labeling with trivalent radiometals and designed to sustain in vivo degradation. Both AT5S and AT6S and the respective [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S were evaluated in a series of in vitro assays, while radioligand stability and biodistribution were studied in mice. The 8/12-mer bicyclic AT6S showed expanded affinity for all SST1–5R and agonistic properties at the SST2R, whereas AT5S lost all affinity to SST1–5R. Both [111In]In-AT5S and [111In]In-AT6S remained stable in the peripheral blood of mice, while [111In]In-AT6S displayed low, but specific uptake in AR4-2J tumors and higher uptake in HEK293-SST3R tumors in mice. In summary, high radioligand stability was acquired by the two disulfide bridges introduced into the SS14 motif, but only the 8/12-mer ring AT6S retained a pansomatostatin profile. In consequence, [111In]In-AT6S targeted SST2R-/SST3R-positive xenografts in mice. These results call for further research on pansomatostatin-like radioligands for cancer theranostics.</p

    Impact of clinically tested NEP/ACE inhibitors on tumor uptake of [111In-DOTA]MG11

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    Background: We have recently shown that treatment of mice with the neutral endopeptidase (NEP) inhibitor phosphoramidon (PA) improves the bioavailability and tumor uptake of biodegradable radiopeptides. For the truncated gastrin radiotracer [111In-DOTA]MG11 ([(DOTA)DGlu10]gastrin(10–17)), this method led to impressively high tumor-to-kidney ratios. Translation of this concept in the clinic requires the use of certified NEP inhibitors, such as thiorphan (TO) and its orally administered prodrug racecadotril (Race). Besides NEP, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) has also been implicated in the catabolism of gastrin analogs. In the present study, we first compared the effects induced by NEP inhibition (using PA, TO, or Race) and/or by ACE inhibition (using lisinopril, Lis) on the biodistribution profile of [111In-DOTA]MG11 in mice. In addition, we compared the efficacy of PA and TO at different administered doses to enhance tumor uptake. Methods: [111In-DOTA]MG11 was coinjected with (a) vehicle, (b) PA (300 Όg), (c) TO (150 Όg), (d) Lis (100 Όg), (e) PA (300 Όg) plus Lis (100 Όg), or (f) 30–40 min after intraperitoneal (ip) injection of Race (3 mg) in SCID mice bearing AR42J xenografts. In addition, [111In-DOTA]MG11 was coinjected with vehicle, or with progressively increasing amounts of PA (3, 30, or 300 Όg) or TO (1.5, 15, and 150 Όg) in SCID mice bearing twin A431-CCK2R(+/−) tumors. In all above cases, biodistribution was conducted at 4 h postinjection (pi). Results: During NEP inhibition, the uptake of [111In-DOTA]MG11 in the AR42J tumors impressively increased from 1.8 ± 1.0 % ID/g (controls) to 15.3 ± 4.7 % ID/g (PA) and 12.3 ± 3.6 % ID/g (TO), while with Race tumor values reached 6.8 ± 2.8 % ID/g. Conversely, Lis had no effect on tumor uptake and no additive effect when coinjected with PA. During the dose dependence study in mice, PA turned out to be more efficacious in enhancing tumor uptake of [111In-DOTA]MG11 in the CCK2R-positive tumors compared to equimolar amounts of TO. In all cases, renal accumulation remained low, resulting in notable increases of tumor-to-kidney ratios. Conclusions: This study has confirmed NEP as the predominant degrading enzyme of [111In-DOTA]MG11 and ruled out the involvement of ACE in the in vivo catabolism of the radiotracer. NEP inhibition with the clinically tested NEP

    Comparison of three radiolabelled peptide analogues for CCK-2 receptor scintigraphy in medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    Cholecystokinin 2 (CCK-2) receptor overexpression has been demonstrated in a high percentage of medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC). Analogous to somatostatin receptors, CCK-2 receptors might be viable targets for radionuclide scintigraphy and/or radionuclide therapy. Several CCK-2 receptor-binding radiopeptides have been developed, and some have been carried through into clinical studies. However, these studies are mostly limited and difficult to compare. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of three promising CCK-2 receptor-binding radiopeptides in patients with MTC. In-111-DOTA-(D)Asp-Tyr-Nle-Gly-Trp-Nle-Asp-Phe-NH2 (In-111-DOTA-CCK), a CCK analogue, and the gastrin-based ligands Tc-99m-N-4-Gly-(D)Glu-(Glu)(5)-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 (Tc-99m-demogastrin 2) and In-111-DOTA-(D)Glu-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 (In-111-DOTA-MG11) were each administered to the same group of six patients. Planar images made at 3-5, 7 and 24 h p.i. were used for comparison of tumour visualisation and renal uptake. Tc-99m-demogastrin 2 scintigraphy visualised all known lesions and new lesions in four of six patients. In-111-DOTA-CCK and In-111-DOTA-MG11 on the other hand missed several lesions; tumour uptake of these two radiopharmaceuticals was quite low. Comparison of retention of renal activity showed no major differences between the three radiopeptides. Tc-99m-demogastrin 2 scintigraphy appeared most promising as a diagnostic tool in patients with MTC. Further studies are required to evaluate its value in patient management. Direct comparisons of the compounds studied strongly suggests that In-111-DOTA-CCK and In-111-DOTA-MG11 have less potential as imaging agents than Tc-99m-demogastrin 2. These DOTA-linked compounds are considered unlikely to be useful for radionuclide therapy because of low tumour uptake

    One step closer to clinical translation: Enhanced tumor targeting of [99mTc]Tc-DB4 and [111In]In-SG4 in mice treated with entresto

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    Background: Peptide radioligands may serve as radionuclide carriers to tumor sites overexpressing their cognate receptor for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Treatment of mice with the neprilysin (NEP)-inhibit

    Localization of Tc-99m-GRP Analogs in GRPR-Expressing Tumors: Effects of Peptide Length and Neprilysin Inhibition on Biological Responses

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    The overexpression of gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPRs) in frequently occurring human tumors has provided the opportunity to use bombesin (BBN) analogs as radionuclide carriers to cancer sites for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. We have been alternatively exploring human GRP motifs of higher GRPR selectivity compared to frog BBN sequences aiming to improve pharmacokinetic profiles. In the present study, we compared two differently truncated human endogenous GRP motifs: GRP(14–27) and GRP(18–27). An acyclic tetraamine was coupled at the N-terminus to allow for stable binding of the SPECT radionuclide 99mTc. Their biological profiles were compared in PC-3 cells and in mice without or with coinjection of phosphoramidon (PA) to induce transient neprilysin (NEP) inhibitio

    Preclinical pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, radiation dosimetry and toxicity studies required for regulatory approval of a phase I clinical trial with 111In-CP04 in medullary thyroid carcinoma patients

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    Introduction: From a series of radiolabelled cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin analogues, 111In-CP04 (111In-DOTA-(DGlu)6-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2) was selected for further translation as a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical towards a first-in-man study in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). A freeze-dried kit formulation for multicentre application has been developed. We herein report on biosafety, in vivo stability, biodistribution and dosimetry aspects of 111In-CP04 in animal models, essential for the regulatory approval of the clinical trial. Materials and methods: Acute and extended single dose toxicity of CP04 was tested in rodents, while the in vivo stability of 111In-CP04 was assessed by HPLC analysis of mouse blood samples. The biodistribution of 111In-CP04 prepared from a freeze-dried kit was studied in SCID mice bearing do
