4 research outputs found

    Understanding Student Cognition Through an Analysis of Their Preconceptions in Physics

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    Over the last three decades, many studies have been conducted to identify students’ preconceptions on various science topics. It is time now for a synthetic study of preconceptions to enhance our understanding of students’ everyday cognition and to benefit our effort in developing effective instructional inventions for conceptual change. Through a classroom-based study, we collected quantitative and qualitative data about students’ preconceptions in physics. Data analysis produced an in-depth understanding of the features of students’ preconceptions and cognition. For example, we found that students thought analogically as scientists did, but they used analogies differently. We also found that students’ preconceptions were highly correlated and that some preconceptions were more fundamental than others. Having the core preconception probably means having many others. The pedagogical and research implications of these findings are highlighted.Plusieurs Ă©tudes ont portĂ© sur l’identification des idĂ©es prĂ©conçues qu’ont les Ă©lĂšves face Ă  divers thĂšmes en sciences. Il faut maintenant passer Ă  une synthĂšse de ces prĂ©conceptions pour amĂ©liorer notre connaissance du niveau de comprĂ©hension des Ă©lĂšves, d’une part, et pour appuyer nos efforts visant le dĂ©veloppement de matĂ©riel pĂ©dagogique efficace qui mĂšnera Ă  des changements conceptuels, d’autre part. Une Ă©tude basĂ©e dans la salle de classe a permis aux auteurs de recueillir des donnĂ©es quantitatives et qualitatives sur les idĂ©es prĂ©conçues qu’ont les Ă©lĂšves au sujet de la physique. L’analyse des donnĂ©es a fourni des informations dĂ©taillĂ©es sur les caractĂ©ristiques des prĂ©conceptions et de la cognition des Ă©lĂšves. Par exemple, nous avons appris que les Ă©lĂšves raisonnent par analogie tout comme les scientifiques, mais que les deux groupes ne se servent pas des analogies de la mĂȘme façon. De plus, nous avons notĂ© une grande corrĂ©lation parmi les prĂ©conceptions des Ă©lĂšves et avons dĂ©couvert que certaines prĂ©conceptions Ă©taient plus fondamentales que d’autres. Il est probable que quand on tient la prĂ©conception de base, l’on en tient Ă©galement plusieurs autres. Nous soulignons les rĂ©percussions de ces conclusions, tant pour la pĂ©dagogie que la recherche

    Exploring students' willingness to provide feedback: A mixed methods research on end-of-term student evaluations of teaching

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    Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) are one of the most consistently administered tools to assess teaching performance in higher education institutions. SET affect the careers of individuals (summative evaluation), and have potential to shape the quality of instruction (formative evaluation). Past studies have addressed several issues with SET, but few have focused on surveying and interviewing students to better understand how they navigate and complete these evaluations. Therefore, a mixed methods design was used to explore university students' willingness to provide feedback through SET as part of the teaching evaluation process. Results indicate students’ positive views about the evaluation process and their perception of usefulness of evaluations increased their willingness to provide feedback, whereas potential student biases decreased their willingness to provide feedback. More importantly, results also highlight students are still not aware of, and do not really understand, the implications of their SET responses

    “Somebody has to teach the ‘broccoli’ course”: Administrators Navigating Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET)

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    Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) have been the most consistently administered tool, and they are still extensively used in higher education institutions to assess teaching effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to explore how SET are used by administrators in the teaching evaluation process at a large, research-intensive Canadian university. A basic qualitative research design was used in this project, and semi-structured interviews were used to obtain administrators’ experiences. The research question that guided this study was: How are SET (and other tools) used in the evaluation of teaching at this university? Findings showed that although participants mostly utilized a couple of SET statements as indicators of effective teaching, they were certainly aware of the intrinsic issues concerning these tools, and that they are continually seeking to obtain more evidence if SET results are below their benchmarks.L’évaluation de l’enseignement par les Ă©tudiants (EEE) a Ă©tĂ© dans le passĂ©, et est encore aujourd’hui, l’outil le plus largement utilisĂ© dans les Ă©tablissements d’enseignement supĂ©rieur pour Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© de l’enseignement. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’explorer comment directeurs utilisent l’EEE pour le processus d’évaluation de l’enseignement dans une grande universitĂ© de recherche Canadienne. Un modĂšle d’étude qualitative de base, ainsi que des entrevues semi-structurĂ©es, ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour recueillir les expĂ©riences des directeurs. La question de recherche qui a guidĂ© cette Ă©tude Ă©tait la suivante: comment les EEE sont-ils utilisĂ©s dans l'Ă©valuation de l'enseignement dans cette universitĂ©? Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que, bien que les participants aient principalement utilisĂ© quelques dĂ©clarations dans les EEE comme indicateurs d'un enseignement efficace, ils Ă©taient certainement conscients des problĂšmes liĂ©s Ă  ces outils, et qu'ils cherchaient continuellement Ă  obtenir davantage de preuves si les rĂ©sultats des EEE Ă©taient infĂ©rieurs Ă  leurs critĂšres