205 research outputs found


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    Geographical Way of Thinking on Place and Rejuvenation of Regional Geography

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    地誌学とエリアスタディ : 現状と課題 報告論

    Morphology and Anatomy of Holocene Raised Coral Reef Terraces in Kodakara Island, Tokara Islands, northwestern Pacific, Japan

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    Well-developed Holocene raised coral reef terraces are formed in Kodakara Island (29°13'N 129°19'E), Tokara Islands, northwestern Pacific, Japan. Detailed morphology and sedimentary structure of the raised reef terraces are observed by field survey through the terraces surface and core drillings. The Holocene raised reef in Kodakara Island are divided into three terraces (TI to III). The surface geo-biological facies and paleo-morphology such as spur and groove system or reef mounds are well preserved on these terraces. The raised coral reefs in Kodakara Island consist of reef flats and reef slopes. No lagoon formed in these terraces. On the raised reef surface, we observed five distinct reefal facies (S-f1-5). The platy and encrusting Acropora facies is the major constituent of the terrace surfaces. We obtained seven drilling cores (B1 to 7) from Terraces I and II along a transect in the southern part of the island. The thickness of the Holocene reef is more than 14m which is approximately equivalent to the Holocene reefs in the middle and southern Ryukyu Islands. Sedimentary structure consists of seven facies (C-f1-7: five reefal and two non-reefal facies). The drilling cores indicating the shallowing sequence at the upward of the cores which characterized by platy-encrusting Acropora facies overlying massive Porites, favid and/or encrusting-foliaceous coral facies. It may indicate the environmental change such as wave-energy gradients and turbidity during the reef development

    Computed tomography findings of intersigmoid hernia

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    Purpose: To evaluate the computed tomography findings of intersigmoid hernias. Material and methods: Between April 2010 and March 2018, 7 patients who were surgically diagnosed with intersigmoid hernia in 3 institutions were enrolled in this study. Two radiologists evaluated imaging findings for the herniated small bowel, the distance between the occlusion point and bifurcation of the left common iliac artery, and the anatomic relationship with adjacent organs. Results: All patients were male, and their mean age (standard deviation, range) was 61.0 (13.5, 36-85) years. The mean size of the bowel loops was 5.2 (1.3, 4.0-8.3) cm in the caudal direction, 3.6 (0.8, 2.5-5.1) cm in the lateral, and 3.4 (0.6, 2.5-4.7) cm in the anterior-posterior direction. The volume was 37.9 (27.8, 15.6-103.0) cm3 approximated by an ellipse, and 24.0 (17.7, 9.9-65.6) cm3 approximated by a truncated cone. The obstruction point was located 3.6 (0.6, 2.8-4.7) cm inferior to the bifurcation of the left common iliac artery. In all cases, the small bowel ran under the point at which the inferior mesenteric vessels bifurcated to the superior rectal vessels and the sigmoid vessels and formed a sac-like appearance between the left psoas muscle and the sigmoid colon. The ureter ran dorsal to the point of the bowel stenosis, and the left gonadal vein ran outside the small bowel loops. Conclusions: All cases showed common imaging findings, which may be characteristic of men's intersigmoid hernia. In addition, the fossa's position was lower, and the size was larger than in the previous study, which may be a risk factor

    C-arm Cone-beam CT-guided Needle Biopsies through the Erector Spinal Muscle for Posterior Thoracic Pulmonary Lesions

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    This study investigated retrospectively the diagnostic yield and complication rate of transthoracic needle biopsies for posterior thoracic pulmonary lesions using C-arm cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The risk factors for pulmonary hemorrhage were evaluated. Our study included 113 patients with 113 posterior pulmonary lesions (mean longest diameter: 30.6mm, and mean depth: 4.7mm) through the erector spinal muscles using a 19/20-gauge coaxial system. The diagnostic performances of procedures for malignant lesions and the incidence of complications after biopsies were also assessed. The patient-related and procedure-related variables were investigated. Risk factors for pulmonary hemorrhage were analyzed with a multivariate logistic regression analysis. Findings revealed 99 malignant, 13 benign, and one intermediate lesion. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy rates were 100% (99/99), 92.3% (12/13), and 99.1% (111/112), respectively. Air embolization, hemothorax, hemoptysis, pneumothorax, and pulmonary hemorrhage, occurred in 0, 2, 12, 48, and 70 procedures. The averaged spinous process-pleura depth and the traversed lung parenchyma depth achieved by the introducer needles were 54.2mm and 27.4mm, respectively. The needle position at the pleural puncture site within the intercostal space was in middle (31%) and inferior (69%) areas. The incidence of pulmonary hemorrhage was significantly higher in smaller lesions (p=0.001). Manual evacuation was performed in five procedures for patients with pneumothorax. The chest tube placement (trocar>8 Fr) was performed in two procedures in patients with hemothorax and pneumothorax. In conclusion, the biopsy method with a posterior intercostal approach for posterior thoracic pulmonary lesions yielded high diagnostic accuracy and few major complications

    Drilling Research of a high-latiude coral reef in Mage Island, Stsunan Islands, Japan

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    Four drilling cores are observed from a high-latitude coral reef at the northwestern Mage Island (N30゜45' 40"). The thickness of the Holocene reef is around 2.5m in the reef edge and 4m in back reef. The Holocene thickness is relatively thin comparing to the modern reefs in the middle or the southern Ryukyu Islands. The reef structure Acropora facies, reworked coral rubble facies. This zonal structure conforms to the ecological coral-zonation corresponding to the wave-energy gradient