45 research outputs found

    The Phonemes of the Kikaijima Dialects

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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsFirst Published: August 15, 2011 (in Japanese

    Research Data

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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsRegarding Notation and Transcription / Nobuko KibeBasic VocabularyGrammar DataFirst Published: August 1, 2012 (in Japanese

    Survey Overview

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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsFirst Published: August 1, 2012 (in Japanese

    Project Overview

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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsFirst Published: August 1, 2012 (in Japanese


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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsFirst Published: August 1, 2012 (in Japanese

    天草市本渡方言のアクセント : 動詞句のアクセント

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    国立国語研究所 時空間変異研究系Department of Language Change and Variation, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics西南部九州2型アクセントのうち,長崎アクセントと鹿児島アクセントについては,これまでの調査研究により,その詳細がかなり明らかになった。その結果,両者の共通点や相違点も次第に明確になってきた。本稿で取り上げる熊本県天草市の方言は,地理的にも言語的にも,長崎市と鹿児島市の中間に位置しており,西南部九州2型アクセントの成立過程を解明する上で,重要な位置を占めている。本稿では,天草市本渡方言のアクセントについて,以下のことについて報告する。(1)天草市本渡方言のアクセント体系は2型アクセントで,A型は最初から数えて2拍目が高く,その後で下がる型,B型は高く始まり平らな型である。(2)アクセントの及ぶ範囲は,基本的には文節である。動詞句では,動詞+サスル(使役),動詞+バッテン(逆接)などは,1つのアクセント句を形成するが,動詞+トル(結果),動詞+キル(能力可能)などは,2つのアクセント句を形成する。There have been several detailed studies of the accent systems of the Nagasaki and Kagoshima dialects, which are subtypes of the two-pattern tone system in Southwest Kyushu. These studies have revealed the commonalities and differences between the accent systems of these two dialects. The accent system of the dialect of Amakusa city in Kumamoto prefecture provides crucial evidence regarding the origin and history of the two-pattern tone system in Southwest Kyushu, because this dialect is located between the Nagasaki and Kagoshima dialects, both geographically and linguistically. In this paper, I consider two aspects of the accent of the Hondo Amakusa dialect. (i) This dialect has the two-pattern tone system. Type-A words have a pitch fall between the second and third morae, while type-B words appear with a high level tone. (ii) The accentual phrase is basically identical to the syntactic phrase: verb + sasuru (causative) and verb + batten (adversative) constitute one accentual phrase. However, verb + toru (resultative) and verb + kiru (potential) are separated into two accentual phrases


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    国立国語研究所NINJAL日本語の方言アクセントはバリエーションが豊富である。なぜ,このような豊富なバリエーションが生まれたかについて,従来は大きく,2つの説があった。1つは,諸方言アクセントは,平安時代京都アクセントのような体系を祖としている。これが各地に伝播し,各地でそれぞれ変化したために,現在のようなバリエーションが生まれた,という説。もう1つは,日本語は,もともと,アクセントの区別のない言語だった。そこへ平安京都式のような複雑な体系をもつアクセントが京都に生まれ,その影響で,アクセントの区別がなかった地域にもアクセントの区別が生まれた,という説。しかし,いずれの説も,表面的な現象だけを捉えた説であって,アクセントの弁別特徴に対する考慮が欠けている。そこで,本稿では,アクセントの弁別特徴を考慮して,方言アクセントが如何にして誕生したかについて考察し,試論を提案した。Japanese dialects are full of variety in accent systems. Why did such rich variation develop? There are two opinions about it. One is that these variations developed because the Heian Period Kyoto accent spread outward long ago, and changed respectively in each place. Another is that Japanese was at fi rst a language with no accent distinctions. However complex accent system appeared in Kyoto, and accent distinctions developed in each place under that infl uence. But both opinions focus on only superfi cial phenomena, and lack consideration of distinctive features. So in this paper, I investigate how various accent systems develop by considering the distinctive features of accent, and propose a tentative explanation

    Intonational variations at the end of interrogative sentences in Japanese dialects : From the “Corpus of Japanese Dialects”

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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsLREC 2018 Special Speech Sessions "Speech Resources Collection in Real-World Situations"; Phoenix Seagaia Conference Center, Miyazaki; 2018-05-09In general, it is said that interrogative sentences have a final rising intonation (Kori 2003). However, this rule is not true of some Japanese dialects. Kibe (2010, 2011,2013) classify sentence-final tones of interrogatives in Japanese dialects into four types: Type A as a rising tone (Tōkyō dialect), Type B as a falling tone (Hirosaki dialect, Kagoshima dialect), Type C as a rising/falling tone (Hiroshima dialect), and Type D as a gradual rising tone (Fukuoka dialect). Since the data in Kibe (2010, 2011 and 3013) were extracted from an existing nation-wide dialect survey where an elicitation task was employed, it is not clear whether how much such intonation patterns appear in a spontaneous speech in each region. This article examines sentence-final tones of interrogatives extracted from a natural discourse stored in the “Corpus of Japanese Dialects” (COJADS), which is currently in preparation for release by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL). The results revealed that the four types are attestable even in a natural discourse, and furthermore, we identified a dialect such as Hirosaki dialect which distinguishes interrogatives from declaratives by the pitch range in the final falling tone

    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉基幹型 : 消滅危機方言の調査・保存のための総合的研究 奄美喜界島方言の親族語彙 : お父さん・お母さん・お爺さん・お婆さん

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    国立国語研究所時空間変異研究系奄美喜界島方言の親族語彙のうち「お父さん・お母さん・お爺さん・お婆さん」を表す語を取り上げ,喜界島方言の親族名称(reference term)と親族呼称(address term)のシステムが東京方言のそれと大きく異なっていることについて述べる。たとえば,喜界島方言では,「アンマ」が地域により「お母さん」を表したり「お婆さん」を表したりする。その理由は,喜界島方言では,若い夫婦に子どもが生まれても,若い夫婦の「お母さん」(子どもにとっての「お婆さん」)が依然として元の名称「アンマ」で呼ばれる傾向があるからである。その場合,「若いお母さん」は「オッカ」--本土から取り入れた名称--で呼ばれる。一方,東京方言の親族名称と親族呼称は,一番下の子を基準として決められる。たとえば,若い夫婦に子どもが生まれると,若い夫婦の「お母さん」は「お婆さん」という位置づけを新たに与えられる。そうすると,名称・呼称も「オカーサン」から「オバーサン」へ取り替えられる。このように,両方言の親族語彙は,システムを大きく異にしている。This article discusses kinship terms in the Kikaijima dialect of the Amami region and in the Tokyo dialect. Focusing on words which mean \u27father\u27, \u27mother\u27, \u27grandfather\u27, and \u27grandmother\u27, I claim that the system for using kinships terms as reference terms and address terms is markedly different in the two dialects. For instance, in the Kikaijima dialect, the word \u27aNma\u27 means \u27mother\u27 in some areas and \u27grandmother\u27 in other areas. The reason is that, in this dialect, when a young couple have a child, the \u27mothers\u27 of the young couple tend to continue being called \u27aNma.\u27 In this case, \u27the young mother\u27 is called \u27okka:\u27 --- a word adopted from the mainland. On the other hand, in the Tokyo dialect, reference terms and address terms are determined based on the youngest child in a family. For example, when a young couple have a child, the \u27mothers\u27 of the young couple are considered \u27grandmothers,\u27 and both the reference term and the address term shift from \u27oka:san\u27 to \u27oba:san.\u27 In this manner, these two dialects differ significantly in their kinship term systems