140 research outputs found

    Influência de alterações de temperatura na agregação de trombócitos em truta arco-íris

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    Fish, as poikilotherms, are subjected to the influence of the environmental temperature. It has been already reported that fish immune system is influenced by temperature; however, no information is available concerning if temperature has any effect on thrombocytes. Thrombocytes from fish reared at 6°C, 10°C and 20°C were assessed for alteration in their aggregation capacity. Thrombocyte percentages were altered by the water temperature at which the fish was reared, decreasing from 19% (at 10°C) to 13% (at 6°C) and increasing to 24% (at 20°C). However, the aggregation capacity was not significantly compromised by these temperature changes in an individual cell basis, which would suggest a capability of this cell, to maintain this indispensable function at different temperatures.Os peixes, por serem animais pecilotermos, estão sujeitos à influências da temperatura do ambiente. Vários trabalhos já descreveram que o sistema imune é influenciado pela temperatura, contudo não existem informações concernentes à influencia desta sobre os trombócitos. Trombócitos provenientes de trutas arco-íris (Oncorrhynchus mykiss) mantidas a 6°C, 10°C e 20°C foram testados quanto à sua capacidade de agregação. A porcentagem de trombócitos sofreu alteração dependendo da temperatura da água em que os animais foram mantidos, diminuindo de 19% (a 10°C), para 13% (a 6°C) e aumentando para 24% (a 20°C). Entretanto, a capacidade de agregação individual de cada célula não foi significativamente afetada por essas mudanças de temperatura, o que sugere a qualidade dessa célula em manter essa função indispensável independente da temperatura

    Influence of essential fatty acid deprivation on thrombocyte aggregation in rainbow trout

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    Indicações sobre alterações na formação das células sanguíneas e em suas funções nos peixes têm sido relatadas em diversos trabalhos. Os ácidos graxos essenciais (EFA) certamente estão ligados a essas células devido ao fato de constituírem fonte de componentes importantes, como os eicosanoides, fatores de ativação de plaquetas nos mamíferos, bem como de fosfolipídios de membrana. Trombócitos oriundos de peixes alimentados com uma dieta comercial contendo quantidades adequadas de EFA mostraram uma grande capacidade de agregação quando induzidos por colágeno do tipo I (56%), contudo, essa capacidade encontrou-se reduzida quando os peixes foram alimentados com uma dieta deficiente em EFA (37%). Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo demonstraram que os ácidos graxos essenciais exercem influência nos trombócitos afetando sua capacidade de agregação.Many reports have indicated that differences in blood cells formation and function in fish could be of dietary origin. Essential fatty acids are certainly connected with these cells by virtue of being a source of important compounds like eicosanoids, platelet activating factor in mammals, as well as the cell membrane phospholipids. The thrombocytes from fish fed the commercial diet containing adequate amount of essential fatty acids exhibited greater capacity for aggregation when induced by Collagen Type I (56%), however, this capacity was reduced when fish were fed the essential fatty acids deficient diet (37%). The results obtained in this study demonstrated that EFA exert influence in thrombocytes by affecting their aggregation capacity

    Observation of Current-induced Nonlinear Spin Polarization in Pt-Py Bilayers

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    We experimentally observe nonlinear spin polarization in metallic bilayers of platinum and permalloy by means of spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) with the spin-Hall effects. The ST-FMR results under massive dc current injection contain striking features, which are not caused by extrinsic Joule heating, but by intrinsic nonlinear spin polarization. The emergence of nonlinear spin polarization is consistent with observation of unidirectional spin-Hall magnetoresistance due to magnon generation/annihilation. Moreover, the magnon generation (annihilation) leads to effective magnetization shrinkage (expansion) revealed by the ST-FMR measurements. The present study paves a way to spin-Hall effect based nonlinear spintronic devices as well as 6th-generation mobile communication light sources

    Microwave Spectroscopy of a Single Permalloy Chiral Metamolecule on a Coplanar Waveguide

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    We investigate the microwave spectroscopies of a micrometer-sized single permalloy (Py) chiral structure on coplanar waveguides (CPWs). Under an external dc magnetic field applied in a direction perpendicular to the microwave propagation, the Py chiral structure loaded on the center of the CPW signal line shows Kittel-mode ferromagnetic resonance. Contrastingly, the structure on the signal-line edge highlights two additional resonances: spin-wave resonance at a higher frequency, and unique resonance at a lower frequency of approximately 7.8 GHz. The resonance signal at 7.8 GHz originates from magnetically induced, geometry-driven resonance, although the resonance frequency does not depend on the external magnetic field. Moreover, the displacement of the Py structures on the signal line results in nonreciprocal microwave transmission, which is traced back to the edge-guide mode

    Effect of herbal medicine daikenchuto on gastrointestinal symptoms following laparoscopic colectomy in patients with colon cancer: A prospective randomized study

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    We conducted a prospective randomized study to investigate the effect of daikenchuto (DKT) on abdominal symptoms following laparoscopic colectomy in patients with left-sided colon cancer. Patients who suffered from abdominal pain or distention on postoperative day 1 were randomized to either the DKT group or non-DKT group. The primary endpoints were the evaluation of abdominal pain, abdominal distention, and quality of life. The metabolome and gut microbiome analyses were conducted as secondary endpoints. A total of 17 patients were enrolled: 8 patients in the DKT group and 9 patients in the non-DKT group. There were no significant differences in the primary endpoints and postoperative adverse events between the two groups. The metabolome and gut microbiome analyses showed that the levels of plasma lipid mediators associated with the arachidonic acid cascade were lower in the DKT group than in the non-DKT group, and that the relative abundance of genera Serratia and Bilophila were lower in the DKT group than in the non-DKT group. DKT administration did not improve the abdominal symptoms following laparoscopic colectomy. The effects of DKT on metabolites and gut microbiome have to be further investigated


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    The proto-oncogene myc is one of the most important genes controlling cell proliferation. The vertebrate genome has four myc genes (c-, N-, L-, s-myc), whose evolutionary origin and relationship are unclear. Here, we isolated a myc gene from a protochordate, the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri, which is thought to be the nonvertebrate that is closest to the vertebrates. A 1480 bp cDNA sequence was determined and contains an ATGinitiated ORF consisting of 371 amino acids. The exon/intron structure was conserved. Southern blotting and degenerate PCR showed that the amphioxus genome contained only a single myc gene. A phylogenetic tree of Myc family genes based on the deduced amino acid sequences indicated that amphioxus Myc was located outside the vertebrate Myc family. These results suggest that myc gene duplication occurred after protochordate on phylogeny.がん原遺伝子myc は細胞増殖を制御する重要な遺伝子の一つである。脊椎動物では4種類のmycが存在しているが,その起源や類縁関係は明らかとなっていない。本研究で我々は,脊椎動物に最も近縁の無脊椎動物であるナメクジウオBranchiostoma belcheriからmyc遺伝子を単離した。全長1480塩基対のcDNA は371アミノ酸からなるORFを含んでいた。また,エキソン/イントロン構造は保存されていた。サザンブロット法およびdegenerate PCRの結果,ナメクジウオのゲノムは単一のmyc 遺伝子を持つことが明らかとなった。また,推定アミノ酸配列に基づいた系統解析の結果,ナメクジウオMyc は脊椎動物Mycファミリーの外側に位置していた。これらの結果から,myc ファミリーは原索動物以降に形成されたものと考えられた。東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋生物資源学科東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋生物資源学科コネチカット大学東京大学海洋研究所日本魚類生物科学研究所東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋生物資源学