184 research outputs found

    TRP Channels as Sensors and Signal Integrators of Redox Status Changes

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    Proteins are capable of sensing the redox status of cells. Cysteine residues, which react with oxidants, reductants, and electrophiles, have been increasingly recognized as the mediators of this redox sensitivity. Cation channels encoded by the transient receptor potential (trp) gene superfamily are characterized by a wide variety of activation triggers that act from outside and inside the cell. Recent studies have revealed that a class of TRP channels is sensitive to changes in redox status and is notably susceptible to modifications of cysteine residues, such as oxidation, electrophilic reaction, and S-nitrosylation of sulfhydryls. In this review, we focus on TRP channels, which directly sense redox status, and discuss the biological significance of cysteine modifications and the consequences of this chemical reaction for physiological responses

    The integrin-binding defective FGF2 mutants potently suppress FGF2 signalling and angiogenesis.

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    We recently found that integrin αvβ3 binds to fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-αvβ31 (FGF1), and that the integrin-binding defective FGF1 mutant (Arg-50 to glutamic acid, R50E) is defective in signalling and antagonistic to FGF1 signalling. R50E suppressed angiogenesis and tumour growth, suggesting that R50E has potential as a therapeutic. However, FGF1 is unstable, and we had to express R50E in cancer cells for xenograft study, since injected R50E may rapidly disappear from circulation. We studied if we can develop antagonist of more stable FGF2. FGF2 is widely involved in important biological processes such as stem cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Previous studies found that FGF2 bound to αvβ3 and antagonists to αvβ3 suppressed FGF2-induced angiogenesis. However, it is unclear how FGF2 interacts with integrins. Here, we describe that substituting Lys-119/Arg-120 and Lys-125 residues in the predicted integrin-binding interface of FGF2 to glutamic acid (the K119E/R120E and K125E mutations) effectively reduced integrin binding to FGF2. These FGF2 mutants were defective in signalling functions (ERK1/2 activation and DNA synthesis) in NIH3T3 cells. Notably they suppressed, FGF2 signalling induced by WT FGF2 in endothelial cells, suggesting that the FGF2 mutants are antagonists. The FGF2 mutants effectively suppressed tube formation in vitro, sprouting in aorta ring assays ex vivo and angiogenesis in vivo The positions of amino acids critical for integrin binding are different between FGF1 and FGF2, suggesting that they do not interact with integrins in the same manner. The newly developed FGF2 mutants have potential as anti-angiogenic agents and useful tools for studying the role of integrins in FGF2 signalling

    A formylpeptide receptor, FPRL1, acts as an efficient coreceptor for primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>More than 10 members of seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been shown to work as coreceptors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), HIV type 2 (HIV-2), and simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs). As a common feature of HIV/SIV coreceptors, tyrosine residues are present with asparagines, aspartic acids or glutamic acids in the amino-terminal extracellular regions (NTRs).</p> <p>We noticed that a receptor for N-formylpeptides, FPRL1, also contains two tyrosine residues accompanied by glutamic acids in its NTR. It was reported that monocytes expressing CCR5 and FPRL1 in addition to CD4 are activated by treatment with ligands or agonists of FPRL1. Activated monocytes down-modulate CCR5 and become resistant to infection by HIV-1 strains. Thus, FPRL1 plays important roles in protection of monocyptes against HIV-1 infection. However, its own coreceptor activity has not been elucidated yet. In this study, we examined coreceptor activities of FPRL1 for HIV/SIV strains including primary HIV-1 isolates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A CD4-transduced human glioma cell line, NP-2/CD4, is strictly resistant to HIV/SIV infection. We have reported that when NP-2/CD4 cells are transduced with a GPCR having coreceptor activity, the cells become susceptible to HIV/SIV strains. When NP-2/CD4 cells were transduced with FPRL1, the resultant NP-2/CD4/FPRL1 cells became markedly susceptible to some laboratory-adapted HIV/SIV strains. We found that FPRL1 is also efficiently used as a coreceptor by primary HIV-1 isolates as well as CCR5 or CXCR4.</p> <p>Amino acid sequences linked to the FPRL1 use could not be detected in the V3 loop of the HIV-1 Env protein. Coreceptor activities of FPRL1 were partially blocked by the forymyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLF) peptide.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that FPRL1 is a novel and efficient coreceptor for HIV/SIV strains. FPRL1 works as a bifunctional factor in HIV-1 infection. Namely, the role of FPRL1 in HIV-1 infection is protective and/or promotive in different conditions. FPRL1 has been reported to be abundantly expressed in the lung, spleen, testis, and neutrophils. We detected mRNA expression of FPRL1 in 293T (embryonal kidney cell line), C8166 (T cell line), HOS (osteosarcoma cell line), Molt4#8 (T cell line), U251MG (astrocytoma cell line), U87/CD4 (CD4-transduced glioma cell line), and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Roles of FPRL1 in HIV-1 infection <it>in vivo </it>should be further investigated.</p

    Redox-sensitive transient receptor potential channels in oxygen sensing and adaptation

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    Regulation of ion channels is central to the mechanisms that underlie immediate acute physiological responses to changes in the availability of molecular oxygen (O2). A group of cation-permeable channels that are formed by transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins have been characterized as exquisite sensors of redox reactive species and as efficient actuators of electric/ionic signals in vivo. In this review, we first discuss how redox-sensitive TRP channels such as TRPA1 have recently emerged as sensors of the relatively inert oxidant O2. With regard to the physiological significance of O2 sensor TRP channels, vagal TRPA1 channels are mainly discussed with respect to their role in respiratory regulation in comparison with canonical pathways in glomus cells of the carotid body, which is a well-established O2-sensing organ. TRPM7 channels are discussed regarding hypoxia-sensing function in ischemic cell death. Also, ubiquitous expression of TRPA1 and TRPM7 together with their physiological relevance in the body is examined. Finally, based upon these studies on TRP channels, we propose a hypothesis of “O2 remodeling.” The hypothesis is that cells detect deviation of O2 availability from appropriate levels via sensors and adjust local O2 environments in vivo by controlling supply and consumption of O2 via pathways comprising cellular signals and transcription factors downstream of sensors, which consequently optimize physiological functions. This new insight into O2 adaptation through ion channels, particularly TRPs, may foster a paradigm shift in our understanding in the biological significance of O2