1,074 research outputs found
Corrections to Finite Size Scaling in Percolation
A 1/L-expansion for percolation problems is proposed, where L is the lattice
finite length. The square lattice with 27 different sizes L = 18, 22 ... 1594
is considered. Certain spanning probabilities were determined by Monte Carlo
simulations, as continuous functions of the site occupation probability p. We
estimate the critical threshold pc by applying the quoted expansion to these
data. Also, the universal spanning probability at pc for an annulus with aspect
ratio r=1/2 is estimated as C = 0.876657(45)
Neural regulation of cardiovascular response to exercise: role of central command and peripheral afferents
During dynamic exercise, mechanisms controlling the cardiovascular apparatus operate to provide adequate oxygen to fulfill metabolic demand of exercising muscles and to guarantee metabolic end-products washout. Moreover, arterial blood pressure is regulated to maintain adequate perfusion of the vital organs without excessive pressure variations. The autonomic nervous system adjustments are characterized by a parasympathetic withdrawal and a sympathetic activation. In this review, we briefly summarize neural reflexes operating during dynamic exercise. The main focus of the present review will be on the central command, the arterial baroreflex and chemoreflex, and the exercise pressure reflex. The regulation and integration of these reflexes operating during dynamic exercise and their possible role in the pathophysiology of some cardiovascular diseases are also discusse
A new method based on noise counting to monitor the frontend electronics of the LHCb muon detector
A new method has been developed to check the correct behaviour of the
frontend electronics of the LHCb muon detector. This method is based on the
measurement of the electronic noise rate at different thresholds of the
frontend discriminator. The method was used to choose the optimal discriminator
thresholds. A procedure based on this method was implemented in the detector
control system and allowed the detection of a small percentage of frontend
channels which had deteriorated. A Monte Carlo simulation has been performed to
check the validity of the method
Study of the performance of the LHCb MWPC with cosmic rays
In this note we report the results of measurements performed with cosmic rays on different LHCb Muon Chambers. The main characteristics of the chambers have been investigated as a function of the high voltage value in order to achieve a better comprehension of the detector performance both for optimizing the chamber working conditions on the experimental apparatus and for providing useful information for the Monte Carlo simulation
Gas leakage and HV test procedure for the INFN Muon MWPCs
The Muon MWPCs produced by INFN laboratories are subject to gas leakage and HV tests before the installation on the LHCb experiment. The test procedure and the software tools developed are described in this paper
Evaluación de cultivares locales e introducidos de (RICINUS COMMUNIS L) higuerilla para condiciones de selva del Peru Región Ucayali 2011.
El experimento se instalo en el anexo experimental “Los Incas” de la Estación Experimental Agraria Pucallpa, departamento de Ucayali, provincia de Coronel Portillo, distrito de campo verde, el suelo donde se instalo el experimento es de altura o Ultisols. El diseño empleado fue de block completo randomizado con 04 tratamientos y 04 repeticiones, teniendo un total de 16 unidades experimentales, en un área de 1,881 m2. , los tratamientos evaluados fueron: T1 = Higuerilla BRS Nordestina, T2 = Higuerilla L1-003, T3 = Higuerilla L2-004 y T4 = Higuerilla L3-007. Se obtuvo como resultado que en las evaluaciones fenológicas en los cuatro cultivares donde para los parámetros agronómicos Higuerilla L3 – 007 e Higuerilla L 2-004, obtuvieron menor altura de planta al final del ciclo con 90 y 105 cm respectivamente siendo menor también en lo que corresponde a la altura de planta a la emisión del primer racimo que fue de 27.5 y 41 cm; asimismo el ecotipo Higuerilla L1 – 003 obtuvo 84 días a la emisión del primer racimo y 124 días a la cosecha del primer racimo siendo el más precoz con respecto a Higuerilla BRS Nordestina que obtuvo 147 días a la cosecha del primer racimo. Sin embargo en el parámetro de rendimiento de grano los ecotipos Higuerilla BRS Nordestina e Higuerilla L 2-004, rindieron un total de 602 y 524.8 kilos/ha respectivamente pero no superaron los 1,500 kg/ha
ELMB Microcontroller Firmware and SCADA Integration for the LHCb Muon Detector Readout Control System
The LHCb system requires high efficiency muon detection into LHC bunch crossing: 95% into a 25 ns time window. To reach such efficiency many parameters of the detector readout apparatus have to be calibrated and adjusted and its channels must be aligned in time. In addition, essential characteristics must be monitored to guarantee a good working condition of the apparatus (to avoid loss of efficiency and to minimize systematic errors). As the number of the muon readout parameters is extremely high (∼700000 registers), a system able to process information in parallel is required: 122000 readout channels will be controlled by about 600 microcontrollers and 6 computers. The complexity of such an apparatus requires the use of a distributed system. For this a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) based system is being developed to control the entire detector readout equipment. Moreover, a Finite State Machine (FSM) implementation is being developed to integrate the Detector Readout Control (DRC) into the LHC Experiment Control System (ECS)
Influência do espaçamento e da densidade de plantio no rendimento da cultivar CNPA Precoce 1.
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