6,089 research outputs found

    Idealized Antenna Patterns for Use in Communication-satellite Interference Studies

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    Idealized antenna patterns for communication satellite interference studie

    A wave driver theory for vortical waves propagating across junctions with application to those between rigid and compliant walls

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    A theory is described for propagation of vortical waves across alternate rigid and compliant panels. The structure in the fluid side at the junction of panels is a highly vortical narrow viscous structure which is idealized as a wave driver. The wave driver is modelled as a ‘half source cum half sink’. The incoming wave terminates into this structure and the outgoing wave emanates from it. The model is described by half Fourier–Laplace transforms respectively for the upstream and downstream sides of the junction. The cases below cutoff and above cutoff frequencies are studied. The theory completely reproduces the direct numerical simulation results of Davies & Carpenter (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 335, 1997, p. 361). Particularly, the jumps across the junction in the kinetic energy integral, the vorticity integral and other related quantities as obtained in the work of Davies & Carpenter are completely reproduced. Also, some important new concepts emerge, notable amongst which is the concept of the pseudo group velocity

    Comparison of the telegraph and hyperdiffusion approximations in cosmic-ray transport

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    The telegraph equation and its generalizations have been repeatedly considered in the models of diffusive cosmic-ray transport. Yet the telegraph model has well-known limitations, and analytical arguments suggest that a hyperdiffusion model should serve as a more accurate alternative to the telegraph model, especially on the timescale of a few scattering times. We present a detailed side-by-side comparison of an evolving particle density profile, predicted by the telegraph and hyperdiffusion models in the context of a simple but physically meaningful initial-value problem, compare the predictions with the solution based on the Fokker–Planck equation, and discuss the applicability of the telegraph and hyperdiffusion approximations to the description of strongly anisotropic particle distributions

    High transonic speed transport aircraft study

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    An initial design study of high-transonic-speed transport aircraft has been completed. Five different design concepts were developed. These included fixed swept wing, variable-sweep wing, delta wing, double-fuselage yawed-wing, and single-fuselage yawed-wing aircraft. The boomless supersonic design objectives of range=5560 Km (3000 nmi), payload-18 143 kg (40 000lb), Mach=1.2, and FAR Part 36 aircraft noise levels were achieved by the single-fuselage yawed-wing configuration with a gross weight of 211 828 Kg (467 000 lb). A noise level of 15 EPNdB below FAR Part 36 requirements was obtained with a gross weight increase to 226 796 Kg (500 000 lb). Although wing aeroelastic divergence was a primary design consideration for the yawed-wing concepts, the graphite-epoxy wings of this study were designed by critical gust and maneuver loads rather than by divergence requirements. The transonic nacelle drag is shown to be very sensitive to the nacelle installation. A six-degree-of-freedom dynamic stability analysis indicated that the control coordination and stability augmentation system would require more development than for a symmetrical airplane but is entirely feasible. A three-phase development plan is recommended to establish the full potential of the yawed-wing concept

    Type II critical phenomena of neutron star collapse

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    We investigate spherically-symmetric, general relativistic systems of collapsing perfect fluid distributions. We consider neutron star models that are driven to collapse by the addition of an initially "in-going" velocity profile to the nominally static star solution. The neutron star models we use are Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff solutions with an initially isentropic, gamma-law equation of state. The initial values of 1) the amplitude of the velocity profile, and 2) the central density of the star, span a parameter space, and we focus only on that region that gives rise to Type II critical behavior, wherein black holes of arbitrarily small mass can be formed. In contrast to previously published work, we find that--for a specific value of the adiabatic index (Gamma = 2)--the observed Type II critical solution has approximately the same scaling exponent as that calculated for an ultrarelativistic fluid of the same index. Further, we find that the critical solution computed using the ideal-gas equations of state asymptotes to the ultrarelativistic critical solution.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figures, RevTeX 4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Radiative Models of Sagittarius A* and M87 from Relativistic MHD Simulations

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    Ongoing millimeter VLBI observations with the Event Horizon Telescope allow unprecedented study of the innermost portion of black hole accretion flows. Interpreting the observations requires relativistic, time-dependent physical modeling. We discuss the comparison of radiative transfer calculations from general relativistic MHD simulations of Sagittarius A* and M87 with current and future mm-VLBI observations. This comparison allows estimates of the viewing geometry and physical conditions of the Sgr A* accretion flow. The viewing geometry for M87 is already constrained from observations of its large-scale jet, but, unlike Sgr A*, there is no consensus for its millimeter emission geometry or electron population. Despite this uncertainty, as long as the emission region is compact, robust predictions for the size of its jet launching region can be made. For both sources, the black hole shadow may be detected with future observations including ALMA and/or the LMT, which would constitute the first direct evidence for a black hole event horizon.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the proceedings of AHAR 2011: The Central Kiloparse

    Results on Plasma Focusing of High Energy Density Electron and Positron Beams

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    We present results from the SLAC E-150 experiment on plasma focusing of high energy density electron and, for the first time, positron beams. We also discuss measurements on plasma lens-induced synchrotron radiation, longitudinal dynamics of plasma focusing, and laser- and beam-plasma interactions.Comment: LINAC 2000 paper No. THC13, Monterey, CA. Aug.21-25,2000, 3 pages, 2 figure

    Asymptotically Matched Spacetime Metric for Non-Precessing, Spinning Black Hole Binaries

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    We construct a closed-form, fully analytical 4-metric that approximately represents the spacetime evolution of non-precessing, spinning black hole binaries from infinite separations up to a few orbits prior to merger. We employ the technique of asymptotic matching to join a perturbed Kerr metric in the neighborhood of each spinning black hole to a near-zone, post-Newtonian metric farther out. The latter is already naturally matched to a far-zone, post-Minkowskian metric that accounts for full temporal retardation. The result is a 4-metric that is approximately valid everywhere in space and in a small bundle of spatial hypersurfaces. We here restrict our attention to quasi- circular orbits, but the method is valid for any orbital motion or physical scenario, provided an overlapping region of validity or buffer zone exists. A simple extension of such a metric will allow for future studies of the accretion disk and jet dynamics around spinning back hole binaries

    Weak Hyperon Decays: Quark Sea and SU(3) Symmetry Breaking

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    An explanation of the difference in the values of the apparent f/df/d ratios for the S- and P- wave amplitudes of nonleptonic hyperon decays is proposed. The argument is formulated in the framework of the standard pole model with (56,0+)(56,0^{+}) ground-state and (70,1)(70,1^{-}) excited baryons as intermediate states for the P- and S- waves respectively. Under the assumption that the dominant part of the deviation of (f/d)Pwave(f/d)_{P-wave} from 1-1 is due to large quark sea effects, SU(3)SU(3) symmetry breaking in energy denominators is shown to lead to a prediction for (f/d)Swave(f/d)_{S-wave} which is in excellent agreement with experiment. This corroborates our previous unitarity calculations which indicated that the matrix elements of the parity conserving weak Hamiltonian between the ground-state baryons are characterized by f0/d01.6f_{0}/d_{0} \approx -1.6 or more. A brief discussion of the problem of the relative size of S- and P- wave amplitudes is given. Finally, implications for weak radiative hyperon decays are also discussed.Comment: 26 pages, LATEX, 1647/PH IFJ Krako