134 research outputs found

    Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order of Penobscot Lodge. No. 7, Independent Order of Odd Fellows

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    The constitution of the Penobscot Lodge, No. 7, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Bangor, Maine, in 1912. Includes a list of members

    Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior relating to an agreement made by the Pah-Ute Indians, and granting a right of way to the Carson and Colorado Railroad Company through the Walker River Reservation, in Nevada.

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    47-2Indian AffairsAgreement Made by the Paiutes. [2073] Dated 9 Aug. 1882; provides for granting a right of way through the Walker River reservation, Nevada, to the Carson and Colorado Railroad Co.1882-30

    Powers & Newman and D. & B. Powers.

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    46-3Indian AffairsReport : Claim of of Powers and Newman, and D. and B. Powers. [1982] Cheyenne and Arapaho depredations of 1867 between Forts Harker and Wallace.1880-18

    Punishment of burglary and larceny in the Indian territory

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    50-1JudiciaryPunishment of Crime in Indian Territory. [2598] Legislation calling for punishment of burglary and larceny.1888-2

    Charles P. Babcock. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 134.)

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    34-1Indian AffairsOn the Case of C. Babcock. [868] Late Indian agent at Detroit.1856-3

    Annual Report of the Attorney-General of the United States for the year 1893

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    Attorney General Executive Document 7, bound together with Executive Document 153-2Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Cleveland. [3197-3218] Pres. Discusses Indian policy; annual report of the Sec. of War (Serials 3198-3206); annual report of the Sec. of Interior (Serials 3209-3215); annual report of the Gen. Land Office (1893-13

    Chickasaw fund. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the state of the Chickasaw Fund, &c.

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    34-1Annual Report on the Chickasaw Fund. [844] Treaties of 20 Oct. 1832, and 24 May 1834.1856-

    Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting his annual report on the state of the finances

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    29-2Ways and MeansAnnual Report of the Sec. of the Treasury. [538] Fiscal 1848; Indian expenses.1848-19

    William Money.

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    35-2ClaimsOn the Relief of W. Money. [1018] Indian depredations in California during 1846; instigated by the actions of Gen. Kearney.1859-

    Nathaniel McLean, R. G. Murphy, and C. E. Flandreau. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 162.).

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    38-1Indian AffairsReport : Memorial of N. McLean et al. [1206] Sioux agents during 1849-1857 in Minnesota.1864-
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