1,681 research outputs found

    The effects of mesoscale regions of precipitation on the ionospheric dynamics, electrodynamics and electron density in the presence of strong ambient electric fields

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    We have developed a new high resolution two-dimensional model of the high latitude ionosphere in which nonlinear advection terms are closely coupled with the electrodynamics. The model provides a self-consistent description of the ionospheric feedback on the electrodynamical perturbations produced by auroral arc-related particle precipitation in regions with strong ambient electric fields. We find in particular that a heretofore neglected ion Pedersen advection term can introduce considerable changes in the electron density profile, the current density distribution, the conductivities and the electron temperatures. We find that the convective effects can carry the ionisation more than 150 km outside the precipitation region in a few minutes, with attendant large changes in the current distribution and E-region densities that become enhanced outside the region of particle precipitation. The production of a tongue of ionisation that slowly decays outside the auroral boundaries contrasts with the sharp geometric cut-off and associated stronger current densities found in previous studies

    Velocity shear and current driven instability in a collisional F-region

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    We have studied how the presence of collisions affects the behavior of instabilities triggered by a combination of shears and parallel currents in the ionosphere under a variety of ion to electron temperature ratios. To this goal we have numerically solved a kinetic dispersion relation, using a relaxation model to describe the effects of ion and electron collisions. We have compared our solutions to expressions derived in a fluid limit which applied only to large electron to ion temperature ratios. We have limited our study to threshold conditions for the current density and the shears. We have studied how the threshold varies as a function of the wave-vector angle direction and as a function of frequency. As expected, we have found that for low frequencies and/or elevated ion to electron temperature ratios, the kinetic dispersion relation has to be used to evaluate the threshold conditions. We have also found that ion velocity shears can significantly lower the field-aligned threshold current needed to trigger the instability, especially for wave-vectors close to the perpendicular to the magnetic field. However the current density and shear requirements remain significantly higher than if collisions are neglected. Therefore, for ionospheric F-region applications, the effect of collisions should be included in the calculation of instabilities associated with horizontal shears in the vertical flow. Furthermore, in many situations of interest the kinetic solutions should be used instead of the fluid limit, in spite of the fact that the latter can be shown to produce qualitatively valid solutions

    Nonlinear model of short-scale electrodynamics in the auroral ionosphere

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    International audienceThe optical detection of auroral subarcs a few tens of m wide as well as the direct observation of shears several m/s per m over km to sub km scales by rocket instrumentation both indicate that violent and highly localized electrodynamics can occur at times in the auroral ionosphere over scales 100 m or less in width. These observations as well as the detection of unstable ion-acoustic waves observed by incoherent radars along the geomagnetic field lines has motivated us to develop a detailed time-dependent two-dimensional model of short-scale auroral electrodynamics that uses current continuity, Ohm's law, and 8-moment transport equations for the ions and electrons in the presence of large ambient electric fields to describe wide auroral arcs with sharp edges in response to sharp cut-offs in precipitation (even though it may be possible to describe thin arcs and ultra-thin arcs with our model, we have left such a study for future work). We present the essential elements of this new model and illustrate the model's usefulness with a sample run for which the ambient electric field is 100 mV/m away from the arc and for which electron precipitation cuts off over a region 100 m wide. The sample run demonstrates that parallel current densities of the order of several hundred µA m-2 can be triggered in these circumstances, together with shears several m/s per m in magnitude and parallel electric fields of the order of 0.1 mV/m around 130 km altitude. It also illustrates that the local ionospheric properties like densities, temperature and composition can strongly be affected by the violent localized electrodynamics and vice-versa.Key words: Ionosphere (auroral ionosphere, electric fields and currents, ionosphere-magnetosphere interactions)</p

    Propagation dynamics on networks featuring complex topologies

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    Analytical description of propagation phenomena on random networks has flourished in recent years, yet more complex systems have mainly been studied through numerical means. In this paper, a mean-field description is used to coherently couple the dynamics of the network elements (nodes, vertices, individuals...) on the one hand and their recurrent topological patterns (subgraphs, groups...) on the other hand. In a SIS model of epidemic spread on social networks with community structure, this approach yields a set of ODEs for the time evolution of the system, as well as analytical solutions for the epidemic threshold and equilibria. The results obtained are in good agreement with numerical simulations and reproduce random networks behavior in the appropriate limits which highlights the influence of topology on the processes. Finally, it is demonstrated that our model predicts higher epidemic thresholds for clustered structures than for equivalent random topologies in the case of networks with zero degree correlation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 Appendix. Published in Phys. Rev. E (mistakes in the PRE version are corrected here

    Strain versus stress in a model granular material: a Devil's staircase

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    The series of equilibrium states reached by disordered packings of rigid, frictionless discs in two dimensions, under gradually varying stress, are studied by numerical simulations. Statistical properties of trajectories in configuration space are found to be independent of specific assumptions ruling granular dynamics, and determined by geometry only. A monotonic increase in some macroscopic loading parameter causes a discrete sequence of rearrangements. For a biaxial compression, we show that, due to the statistical importance of such events of large magnitudes, the dependence of the resulting strain on stress direction is a Levy flight in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages, 5 included PostScript figures. New version altered throughout text, very close to published pape

    Cadmium accumulation and interactions with zinc, copper, and manganese, analysed by ICP-MS in a long-term Caco-2 TC7 cell model

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    The influence of long-term exposure to cadmium (Cd) on essential minerals was investigated using a Caco-2 TC7 cells and a multi-analytical tool: microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Intracellular levels, effects on cadmium accumulation, distribution, and reference concentration ranges of the following elements were determined: Na, Mg, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Cd. Results showed that Caco-2 TC7 cells incubated long-term with cadmium concentrations ranging from 0 to 10 lmol Cd/l for 5 weeks exhibited a significant increase in cadmium accumulation. Furthermore, this accumulation was more marked in cells exposed long-term to cadmium compared with controls, and that this exposure resulted in a significant accumulation of copper and zinc but not of the other elements measured. Interactions of Cd with three elements: zinc, copper, and manganese were particularly studied. Exposed to 30 lmol/l of the element, manganese showed the highest inhibition and copper the lowest on cadmium intracellular accumulation but Zn, Cu, and Mn behave differently in terms of their mutual competition with Cd. Indeed, increasing cadmium in the culture medium resulted in a gradual and significant increase in the accumulation of zinc. There was a significant decrease in manganese from 5 lmol Cd/l exposure, and no variation was observed with copper. Abbreviation: AAS – Atomic absorption spectrometry; CRM– Certified reference material; PBS – Phosphate buffered saline without calcium and magnesium; DMEM – Dubelcco’s modified Eagle’s medium

    Frictionless bead packs have macroscopic friction, but no dilatancy

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    The statement of the title is shown by numerical simulation of homogeneously sheared packings of frictionless, nearly rigid beads in the quasistatic limit. Results coincide for steady &#64258;ows at constant shear rate &#947; in the limit of small &#947; and static approaches, in which packings are equilibrated under growing deviator stresses. The internal friction angle &#981;, equal to 5.76 ±\pm 0.22 degrees in simple shear, is independent on the average pressure P in the rigid limit. It is shown to stem from the ability of stable frictionless contact networks to form stress-induced anisotropic fabrics. No enduring strain localization is observed. Dissipation at the macroscopic level results from repeated network rearrangements, like the e&#64256;ective friction of a frictionless slider on a bumpy surface. Solid fraction &#934; remains equal to the random close packing value &#8771; 0.64 in slowly or statically sheared systems. Fluctuations of stresses and volume are observed to regress in the large system limit, and we conclude that the same friction law for simple shear applies in the large psystem limit if normal stress or density is externally controlled. De&#64257;ning the inertia number as I = &#947; m/(aP), with m the grain mass and a its diameter, both internal friction coe&#64259;cient μ\mu&#8727; = tan &#981; and volume 1/&#934; increase as powers of I in the quasistatic limit of vanishing I, in which all mechanical properties are determined by contact network geometry. The microstructure of the sheared material is characterized with a suitable parametrization of the fabric tensor and measurements of connectivity and coordination numbers associated with contacts and near neighbors.Comment: 19 pages. Additional technical details may be found in v

    First Experience with in situ Helium Processing of the LEP Superconducting Modules

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    The helium processing technique has been used at CERN to improve the performance of the accelerating RF cavities with respect to field emission. It was extensively used in the vertical bare cavity tests to improve the superconducting cavities for the LEP Project. However this technique was rarely used on fully equipped production modules because of the risk of damaging the power couplers and its ceramic window by a possible glow discharges. First experience with helium processing on finished modules equipped with additional vacuum interlocks to protect the power couplers was acquired in the test area in October 1996. He processing was applied to three modules limited by field emission. Their overall performance was increased up to about 7 MV/m. Confident with these results, one module was processed in the LEP tunnel just before the shutdown 1996. The results obtained confirmed the feasibility of this method on a module already installed in the LEP tunnel and its efficiency in improving the performances. During the winter shutdown 1996-97, helium processing has been done separately on seven installed in LEP
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