35 research outputs found
The rootstock effect in watermelon production
Watermelon production has a great tradition in Hungary. The experiment was set up at Medgyesegyháza Békés county in 2010, in cooperation with the company TÉSZ-ÉSZ Nonprofit Kft. Combination of 4 container watermelon varieties Lonci, Crimstar, Sprinter and Early Beauty and squash rootstocks of 2 different variety groups (Lagenaria and interspecific) were tested. Non-grafted and grafted plants, in accordance with the commonly used method of production, were planted out at different plant spacings in 4 repeats, meaning that non-grafted transplants were placed at a row width and plant spacing of 2.7 x 0.5 m (0.74 plants per m2 ) while grafted plants at 2.7 x 1 m (0.37 plants per m2 ). Using the results obtained, average yield per m2 was determined, as well as average fruit weight and yield per plant. At the pickings it was seen that the extremely wet and cool growing season had produced different effect on the disease susceptibility of the different graft combinations. On July 31st 2010, each graft combination was surveyed for its foliage using a scale ranging from 1 to 5 where the value 1 represented the greatest foliage loss. In the trial the container varieties were found to be preferably grafted onto rootstocks belonging to the Lagenaria type. The variety Argentario, tested also in the trial, is recommended
Using different potassium and magnesium treatments in watermelon production
Since watermelon yield and quality are so greatly influenced by production practices, it is important that watermelon varieties be tested under adequate nutrition conditions. This study was conducted in 2009 and 2011 in county Békés. Watermelon cultivar Crisby was used in both year, furthermore in 2009 besides the non-grafted plants we used 2 grafted combinations, with the following rootstocks: Strongtosa (interspecific squash hybrid) and Nun 3001 (Lagenaria type). Plants were grown under low tunnel conditions with intensive technology (soil covering, dripp-irragtion). 4 fertilization treatments were used with different potassium dose. In every treatment half of the plants got foliar magnesium fertilizer (EpsoMicrotop), applied in concentration of 5%. The measurement of the yield and fruit weight (kg, average mass) were carried out in the field, while the fruit quality analyses (dry matter content, soluble solid content (Brix%), sugar content) were taken place in laboratory. In 2009 our results showed that interspecific rootstock gave higher yield and with higher potassium dozen the fruit quality won’t be decreased. In 2011 the yield and TSS content was parallel with the increasing potassium doses. In both year the effect of the magnesium foliar fertilizer was more remarkable by lower potassium doses
Synthesis of Azoles Condensed with, or Linked to, Nitroxides
Nitroxides connected to indoles, tetrazoles, or 1,3,4-oxadiazoles were synthesized by conventional and microwave-assisted cyclization reactions. New approaches to pyrrole-, pyrazole-, and triazoleannulated nitroxides are described. We showed that Diels–Alder reactions of the N-tert-butoxycarbonyl derivative of (4,4,6,6-tetramethyl-
2,4,6,7-tetrahydro-5H-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyridin-5-yl)oxidanyl gave polycyclic scaffolds condensed with a six-membered nitroxide
Gábor BALÁZS, Noémi KAPPEL, Dávid FEKETE 46 th Croatian and 6 th International Symposium on Agriculture The rootstock effect in the Hungarian watermelon production
Abstract Due to the importance of the subject, the aim of the experiment was to study the quantitative and qualitative changes in response to watermelon grafting. Combinations of watermelon variety 'Bonta' with interspecific hybrid and Lagenaria rootstocks were studied in the experiment. The grafted and non-grafted plants were planted at different row and plant spacing. Fruit number and weight, also yield, have been established. A qualitative analysis followed the harvests. Refractometric value was measured at the beginning of sampling process, using a digital hand refract meter. Total and reducing sugar contents were determined using the LuffSchorl method
Bio-ihletésű fémkötő peptidek alkalmazása a metalloenzimek funkcionális modellezésénél = Bioinspired metallopeptides for the functional mimicking of metalloenzymes
Munkánk során számos metalloprotein/enzim fémkötő szekvenciájával azonos oligopeptidet állítottunk elő és vizsgáltuk azok fémkötő és enzimutánzó sajátságait. Az eredmények hozzájárultak a vizsgált fehérjék (humán endostatin, humán hisztidin-gazdag glikoprotein (HRG), két Gram-negatív patogén baktérium Cu,Zn-SOD-ja) tulajdonságainak, működésének, fémion-felvételi folyamatainak jobb megértéséhez. Az általunk korábban és a jelen projektben vizsgált fémkötő oligopeptidek sajátságainak ismeretében több peptidalapú, biomimetikus enzim modellt is terveztünk, melyek utánozni képesek a metalloproteinek aktív centrumában kialakuló fémion környezetet. E modellek közül több is hatékonynak mutatkozott mind hidrolitikus, mind oxidatív folyamatok katalízisére. Fentiek mellett több, nem-peptid típusú többmagvú fémkomplexek kialakítására alkalmas ligandumot vizsgáltunk, melyek hatékonyan és (bázis)szelektíven képesek foszforsavmonoészterek és az RNS hidrolízisét elősegíteni. | During our work we prepared a number of oligopeptides with sequences identical to the meta binding sites of some selected metalloproteines/enzymes, and we studied their interactions with metal ions, as well as the enzyme mimicking ability of their metal complexes. Our results contributed to the understanding the properties, the catalytic mechanisms and metal uptake processes of the mimicked proteins (human endostatin, human histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG), two Gram-negative patogen bacterial Cu,Zn-SOD). Based on the metal binding properties of the peptides studied by us (earlier or in this project) we designed some peptide based, biomimetic enzyme models, which are able to mimic the metal ion environment in the active sites of metalloenzymes. Some of these models have notable activity in promoting both hydrolytic and oxidative reactions. Besides, we designed several non-peptide based, dinucleating ligands, too. The Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of these ligands are able to promote (base)selective hydrolysis of both phosphomonoesters and RNAs
Balatoni nagyfelbontású (egycsatornás) szeizmikus szelvények szedimentológiai, sztratigráfiai értelmezése és korrelációja a Balaton környékén felszínen kibukkanó üledékekkel = Sedimentological and stratigraphical interpretation of ultrahigh-resolution (single-channel) seismic profiles acquired on the Lake Balaton and their correlation with outcrop data
Célunk a Balaton holocén iszapja alatt és a környékén felszínen található pannóniai összlet őskörnyezeti és integrált sztratigráfiai értelmezése volt. Következtetéseink terepi szedimentológiai, paleontológiai észleléseken, fúrási adatokon, geoelektromos és földradar méréseken, kísérleti terepi gammaszelvényeken, valamint ultra-nagyfelbontású, kb. 25 m behatolású, vizi szeizmikus szelvények értelmezésén alapulnak. A Pannon-tó "Bakonyi-félsziget" alkotta peremén, a tó kialakulásának transzgressziv fázisában a parthomlok erősen mozgatott vízében fövenypartokon, öblökben és jelentős üledékbehozatalt jelző, ám lokális anyagból épülő Gilbert-deltákon ülepedett a Kállai Homok. Ezzel egyidőben a hullámbázis alatti mélységű nyíltvízben Száki Agyagmárga halmozódott fel. A tó fejlődésének regresszív szakaszában ettől jelentősen eltérő őskörnyezet alakult ki. Az Alpok-Kárpátok felöl érkező üledékkel a Kisalföld medencéjének feltöltése után, a Dunántúli-középhegység sekély vízzel borított öve is feltöltődött, kiterjedt deltasíkság formájában. Gazdag és változatos nyíltvizi faunával jellemezhető homok-aleurit a deltaelőtér hullámbázisnál alig mélyebb vizében Somlói Formációként ülepedett. A delta torkolatok előreépülésével a síkságon öblök képződtek, melyek rétegsorát a rövid idejű, néhány méteres tószintváltozások és a gyakori torkolat-áthelyeződések során kialakuló, ősmaradványtartalommal párhuzamosan változó aleurit-finomhomok-huminites agyag ciklusok épitik fel (Tihanyi Formáció). | The objective was paleoenvironmental and integrated stratigraphical interpretation of the Late Miocene Lake Pannon deposits that underlie the Holocene mud of Lake Balaton and are exposed in the vicinity of that lake. Conclusions are based on sedimentological and paleontological observations in the field, well data analysis, geoelectric and GPR measurements, pilot studies of gamma ray in outcrops, and ultra-high resolution seismic images. The sedimentary history of Lake Pannon along the southern margin of the Bakony peninsula was controlled first by transgression, then by intense regression. During the transgressive interval, sand and gravel (Kálla Fm) were deposited in Gilbert-type deltas built from local sediment sources, and in the strongly agitated shoreface to foreshore of embayments. At the same time, the Szák Claymarl was deposited in sublittoral environments. By the second phase, however, the paleogeography had considerably changed. Sediments originating from the Alps and Carpathians filled the Kisalföld basin and then levelled the shallow basins of the Transdanubian Range by deltaic deposits. In the prodelta, below the wave base, silt and sand of the Somló Fm were deposited. This environment was characterized by rich and diverse brackish-water fauna. The interdistributary bays of the deltaplain were filled by cyclic repetition of silt-fine sand-huminitic clay, controlled by high-frequency, low-amplitude lake level changes and frequent channel avulsions (Tihany Fm)
Salinity tolerance of grafted watermelon seedlings
In order to evaluate the salinity tolerance of grafted watermelon, two sets of experiments were conducted in a growing chamber where ‘Esmeralda’ varieties were grafted onto interspecific squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch. × Cucurbita moschata Duch.) and Lagenaria siceraria rootstocks. Both non-grafted and self-garfted plants were used for control. For salt stress, 2.85 and 4.28 mM/l substrate doses of NaCl were added with each irrigation in 2 day intervals for a duration of 23 days. Interspecific-grafted plants showed the highest salinity tolerance as plant biomass and leaf area were not decreased but improved by salinity in most cases. Furthermore, transpiration and photosynthesis activity did not decrease as much as it did in the case of other grafting combinations. Interspecific and Lagenaria rootstocks showed sodium retention, as elevation of Na+ content in the leaves of these grafting combinations was negligible compared to self-grafted and non-grafted ones. Presumably abiotic stress tolerance can be enhanced by grafting per se considering measured parameters of self-grafted plants did not decrease as much as seen in non-grafted ones
Increased resting-state EEG functional connectivity in benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes
AbstractPurposeTo explore intrahemispheric, cortico-cortical EEG functional connectivity (EEGfC) in benign childhood epilepsy with rolandic spikes (BECTS).Methods21-channel EEG was recorded in 17 non-medicated BECTS children and 19 healthy controls. 180s of spike- and artifact-free activity was selected for EEGfC analysis. Correlation of Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography- (LORETA-) defined current source density time series were computed between two cortical areas (region of interest, ROI). Analyses were based on broad-band EEGfC results. Groups were compared by statistical parametric network (SPN) method. Statistically significant differences between group EEGfC values were emphasized at p<0.05 corrected for multiple comparison by local false discovery rate (FDR).Results(1) Bilaterally increased beta EEGfC occurred in the BECTS group as compared to the controls. Greatest beta abnormality emerged between frontal and frontal, as well as frontal and temporal ROIs. (2) Locally increased EEGfC emerged in all frequency bands in the right parietal area.ConclusionsAreas of increased EEGfC topographically correspond to cortical areas that, based on relevant literature, are related to speech and attention deficit in BECTS children