297 research outputs found

    Rural tourism in Hungary: the key of competitiveness

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the competitiveness of village tourism destination in Hungary utilizing comparative and competitive advantages as the theoretical base. The study identifies the key success factors, touches upon possible problems and puts forward solution for these. The presupposition of the author is that rural tourism can be competitive only if it creates value both for demand and supply side and if the actors of the rural area cooperate their activities. The author emphasizes the role of suitable competences and resources.rural tourism, competitiveness, success, cooperation, Hungary

    Mesoporous silica matrices derived from sol-gel process assisted by low power ultrasonic activation

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    The present work contributes to elucidating the differences between silica gels obtained by low doses ultrason- ic activation, and those obtained by the conventional method, termed as classical sol gel. Silica matrices were produced by sol-gel synthesis process, assisted and non-assisted by an ultrasonic field, and subsequently char- acterized by various methods. Nitrogen adsorption and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements provided texture and microstructure of the dried gels. The adsorption results show that the sample sonicated for 2 hours presents the most ordered microstructure, characterized by pore shape close to spherical and the narrowest size distribution – about 90 % of the pores for this sample fall into the mesopore range (2–50 nm). SANS data reveal the formation of primary structural units of sizes around 1.5–2 nm which are small linear or branched polymeric species of roughly spherical shape and with rough surface. They are generated in the very early stage of sol gel process, as a result of hydrolysis and condensation reactions. The aggregated primary units form the secondary porous structure which can be described as a rough surface with fractal dimension above 2. The best porosity characteristics were obtained for the sample activated for 2 hours, indicating the optimal doses of sonication in the present conditions. Our results demonstrate the possibility of tailoring the pore size distribution using a low power ultrasonic bath

    A Bálint-mozgalom nemzetközi helyzete = International perspectives of the Balint method

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    E tanulmány a külföldi szakirodalom alapján áttekintést ad a Bálint-módszer jelenéről. Bemutatja a módszer elterjedtségét Európában és az Egyesült Államokban, majd a hatékonyságát vizsgálja, különös tekintettel a háziorvosi rezidensképzésre. A kutatók szerint a Bálint-módszer egyértelműen emeli a háziorvoslás pszichoszociális hatékonyságát. Főleg az intuíciót, az éntudatot és az attitűdöket fejleszti. Az irodalom fontos megállapítása, hogy a Bálint-módszer nem minden orvos számára megfelelő. A kutatók a pszichoanalízis hatékonyságát egyértelműen igazolják, ugyanakkor az amerikai családorvosi rezidensképzésben a módszer nyit a magatartástudományok irányában. A Bálint-módszer az egészségügyi hivatásokon túl is alkalmazható. | The present study reviews the current situation on the Balint method. The spread of the Balint group in Europe and the USA is presented, and their effectiveness is examined especially among GP residents. The Balint method develops mainly intuition, ego developments and attitudes. The literature points out that the Balint method is not compliant with all physicians. The studies prove the efficacy of psychoanalysis in family practice, but the training for GP residents in the US including the Balint method is open towards behavioral sciences. Apart form health professionals, the Balint group method can be adopted for other professionals

    Neural morphological generators for Hungarian

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    Here we present a set of morphological generators for Hungarian that generate surface forms from emMorph and Universal Dependencies (UD) morphological tags with high accuracy. We experimented with two approaches: first, neural machine translation models were trained based on the morphological analysis as the source format and the corresponding surface form as the target format. Second, we tackled the problem as a text generation task, where the morphological analysis is followed by the correct word form. The corpus we used is a normalised version of Webcorpus 2.0 (Nemeskey, 2020). Marian MT proved to produce the best results, thus we evaluated its output manually on NerKor (Simon and Vadász, 2021). Our analysis shows that the generator achieves a high accuracy of 96.27% in the case of emMorph and 94.94% in the case of UD. After manual evaluation, we counted a more concise accuracy, which is 99.43% (emMorph) and 98.69% (UD). This model may be used for several NLP tasks, such as anonymisation and terminology translation

    Valóban a ruha teszi az embert? : avagy hogyan befolyásolja a hallgatói megítélést az oktatók öltözködése? = The impact of lecturers' clothing on student evaluation

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    Az öltözködés nagymértékben befolyásolja az emberek megítélését az első benyomás kialakítása során. Sokat változott az egyetemeken elvárt öltözködési norma, hiszen a korábbi elegánsabb megjelenést napjainkban hétköznapibb viselet (casual, smart casual vagy business casual) jellemzi. Felmerült bennünk a kérdés, hogy az egyetemen milyen szerepet játszik az oktatók öltözéke a hallgatói első benyomás és vélemény kialakításában. Jelen tanulmány alapjául egy 414 fős minta szolgál, melyet 2022. novemberében és decemberében gyűjtöttünk online kérdőív segítségével az egyetemünkön. A minta összeállítása során törekedtünk, hogy az nemre és korra reprezentatív legyen. A vizsgálat alapvetően az oktatók öltözködésének a hallgatói véleményre gyakorolt hatásáról szól. Összességében megállapítható, hogy a lazább/sportosabb viselet rugalmasságot, közvetlenséget sugall, míg a komolyabb/hivatalosabb öltözet tájékozottságra, jól felkészültségre utal. Outfit has a great influence on first impression judgments. The dress code expected at universities has changed dramatically, as the former more elegant appearance is now characterised by more casual attire (casual, smart casual or business casual). The question arises what role outfit plays in forming students' first impressions and opinions in our university. This study is based on a sample of 414 individuals who were surveyed using an online questionnaire at our university in November and December 2022. In compiling the sample, it is representative in terms of gender and age. The study is essentially about the influence of lecturers' clothing on students' opinions. Overall, it can be concluded that a more casual/sporty dress suggests flexibility and directness, while a more serious/formal dress signals attentiveness and good preparation

    Quantification of nitrate content with FT-NIR technique in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) variety types: a statistical approach

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    According to the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1258/2011, the maximum allowed nitrate content of lettuce is defined within a broad range (2000–5000 mg NO3/kg), depending on harvest season and technology. This study focuses on the identification of the differences in nitrate accumulation between lettuce types and varieties, depending on production technology and on the investigation of the application of non-destructive FT-NIR spectroscopy for nitrate quantification, towards widely used UV–Vis spectroscopy. In the present study, combinations of seasons and technologies (spring 9 greenhouse, autumn 9 open field) were employed for the production of types (batavia, butterhead, lollo and oak leaf; both red and green colored); a total of 266 lettuce heads were analyzed. It was found that with standardized technology and conditions, autumn harvested green oak leaf lettuce types accumulated significantly less nitrate, than red oak or lollo leaf types. With spring harvested lettuces, batavia types generally accumulated generally more nitrates than butterhead types. Based on the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) of FT-NIR measurements the four distinct variety types diverge; the lollo type explicitly diverges from batavia and butterhead types. The LDA further revealed, that within lollo and oak leaf variety types, red and green leaved varieties diverge as well. A model was successfully built for the FT-NIR quantification of the nitrate content of lettuce samples (R2 = 0.95; RMSEE = 74.4 mg/kg fresh weight; Q2 = 0.90; RMSECV = 99.4 mg/kg fresh weight). The developed model is capable of the execution of a fast and non-invasive measurement; the method is suitable for the routine measurement of nitrate content in lettuce

    Social Cognition and Democracy: The Relationship Between System Justification, Just World Beliefs, Authoritarianism, Need for Closure, and Need for Cognition in Hungary

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    This research was aimed at examining just-world beliefs, system justification, authoritarianism, and cognitive style in a nationally representative sample (N = 1000) in Hungary, and at relating these phenomena to various demographic and political variables to find out whether the findings in Hungary would differ from its Western counterparts. According to system justification theory, there is a psychological motive to defend and justify the status quo. This theory has been tested several times in North American and Western European samples. The core finding of our study was that Hungarian people, unlike people in Western democracies, did not justify the existing establishment. There was strong pessimism with regard to the idea that the system serves the interests of the people. Members of disadvantaged groups (people with low economic income and/or far right political preference) strongly rejected the system. System justification beliefs were moderately related to just world beliefs, and there was a significant relationship between some aspects of need for closure (need for order, discomfort with ambiguity, and closed-mindedness) and authoritarian beliefs. Need for cognition was only related to one aspect of need for closure: closed-mindedness. The voters of right-wing parties did not display higher levels of authoritarianism than the voters of the left social-democrat party. The role of demographic and political variables, limitations, and possible developments of this research are discussed

    A krónikus hepatitis C vírus infekcióhoz társuló elégtelen celluláris immunválasz pathogenezise = Pathogenesis of the impaired cellular immunity in chronic HCV hepatitis

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    A krónikus hepatitis C virus infekcióhoz társuló elégtelen celluláris immunválasz pathogenezise 1. Krónikus HCV hepatitisesekben észlelt elégtelen celluláris immunválasz hátterében emelkedett regulatorikus T sejt arányt, csökent CD3-CD56dim+ NK sejt arányt , az NK sejt aktivitást gátló ill. B lymphocyta aktiváló CD81 HCV coreceptor overexpresszióját igazoltuk. 2. Monocyták TLR4 aktivációt követő TNF-alpha, IL-6 termelése prediktivnek bizonyult a rapid virológiai válasz tekintetében. 3. IFN+ribavirin a kezelés a monocyták IL-6, T sejtek IL-2, IFN-g termelését és perforin expresszióját fokozta, egyidőben a HCV coreceptor CD81 expresszió gátlásával. 4. Krónikus C hepatitisben az NK sejtek fokozott KIR2DL3 inhibitoros, illetve csökkent CD160, NKG2D aktivátoros receptor expresszióját igazoltuk. Csökkent NKG2D receptor expresszióért a regulatorikus T sejtek által termelt TGF-beta volt a felelős. | Pathogenesis of the impaired cellular immunity in chronic HCV hepatitis 1. Increased regulatory T cell number, decreased CD3-CD56dim+ NK cell ratio, CD81 overexpression on NK cels may contribute to the developement of impaired cellular immune respone in chronic hepatitis C. 2. Pretreatment TNFalpha, IL-6 production of TLR4 acitvated monocytes predicts rapid virological response. 3. Antiviral treatment increased the production of IL-6 by monocytes and IL-2, IFN-g and perforin expression of T lymphocytes, and downregulated CD81 HCV coreceptor expression. 4. Chronic HCV hepatitis is associated with increased KIR2DL3 inhibitory and decreased CD160, NKG2D activatory receptor expression of NK cells. TGF-beta1 -secreted by regulatory T cells- is responsible for impaired NK cell function via down-regulating NKG2D activating receptor expression in chronic HCV hepatitis