12 research outputs found

    Are CDS spreads predictable? An analysis of linear and non-linear forecasting models

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    We assess the statistical and economic performance of various forecasting models to predict the future values of the iTraxx index. We find that linear models outperform non-linear models out-of-sample. Some trading strategies based on forecasts generated by the linear models deliver positive Sharpe ratios

    Are CDS spreads predictable? An analysis of linear and non-linear forecasting models

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    This paper investigates the forecasting performance for CDS spreads of both linear and non-linear models by analysing the iTraxx Europe index during the financial crisis period which began in mid-2007. The statistical and economic significance of the models ’ forecasts are evaluated by employing various metrics and trading strategies, respectively. Although these models provide good in-sample performances, we find that the non-linear Markov switching models underperform linear models out-of-sample. In general, our results show some evidence of predictability of iTraxx index spreads. Linear models, in particular, generate positive Sharpe ratios for some of the strategies implemented, thus shedding some doubts on the efficiency of the European CDS index market

    Commercial real estate and equity market bubbles: are they contagious to REITs? Commercial real estate and equity market bubbles: Are they contagious to REITs?

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    Abstract This paper uses a regime switching approach to determine whether prices in the stock, direct real estate and indirect real estate markets are driven by the presence of speculative bubbles. The results show significant evidence of the existence of periodically partially collapsing speculative bubbles in all three markets. We then develop and implement a multivariate bubble model to evaluate whether the stock and real estate bubbles spill over into REITs. We find the underlying stock market bubble to be a stronger influence on the securitized real estate market bubble than that of the property market. Furthermore, our findings suggest a transmission of speculative bubbles from the direct real estate to the stock market, although this link is not present for the returns themselves