13 research outputs found


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    This paper develops a soil conservation model that is relevant to smallholder farmers who apply little or no fertilizer. Empirical results drawn from northern Tanzania imply that, ignoring fertility mining problem in model specification leads to overestimation of profits for farms that apply little or no fertilizer. The model also shows that, the impact of output price on soil conservation efforts depends on the curvature of the soil erosion function.Soil erosion, Fertility mining, Soil conservation, Price policy, Soil erosion function, Sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania., Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Out of Site out of Mind: Quantifying the Long-term Off-site economic Impacts of Land Degradation in Kenya

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    This study investigated the private and social returns to Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices with an objective of finding practices that reduce the on-farm and off-farm negative effects of land degradation. The results show that SLM practices have robust profits for farmers raising dairy cows. Farmers without dairy cows realize profits that are sensitive to input and output prices. Adoption of SLM also provides global environmental services whose value is about 10% of the net present value. The results suggest the need to promote SLM practices with multiple uses and consider ways to compensate farmers who offer significant environmental services.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    On-site and off-Site long-term economic impacts of soil fertility management practices: The case of maize-based cropping systems in Kenya

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    "This article analyzes the on-site and off-site economic impacts of various sustainable land management (SLM) practices in Kenya. Long-term trial data are used to establish the relationship between SLM practices and maize yield. The analysis of on-site effects focuses on the profitability of maize production at the farm level, while the examined off-site effects include carbon sequestration and siltation from maize farms, which increase the cost of potable water production. The major contribution of this study is the use of long-term experimental data to estimate the impacts of land management practices on crop yield and consider their off-site benefits and costs. The results of this study show that soil and water conservation (SWC) structures reinforced with leguminous plants are more profitable when the plants are used as fodder, as opposed to situations in which only SWC structures are used. SWC structures reinforced with vegetation had lower maintenance costs, whereas those that were not reinforced with leguminous trees were not profitable over the long-term period. These results suggest that complementary and multipurpose SWC practices are more likely to be adopted compared to non-complementary and/or single-purpose practices. Thus, SWC practices should be promoted as a package of complementary technologies. If it is not feasible to promote a mix of complementary enterprises, high value crops are likely to make SLM practices more profitable. In areas where SLM practices are not profitable, promotion of alternative livelihoods is necessary. Adoption of SLM also provides global environmental services worth 10% of the net present value of the SLM practices over the 50-year period addressed in the present study Finally, the results of this analysis suggest that farmers who offer significant environmental services should be compensated for their efforts." from Author's AbstractAgroforestry, Land degradation, Soil erosion, Sustainable land management, Land management, Economic impacts, maize,

    Impact of farmer field schools on agricultural productivity and poverty in East Africa

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    Farmer field schools (FFSs) are a popular education and extension approach worldwide. Such schools use experiential learning and a group approach to facilitate farmers in making decisions, solving problems, and learning new techniques. However, there is limited or conflicting evidence as to their effect on productivity and poverty, especially in East Africa. This study is unique in that it uses a longitudinal impact evaluation (difference in difference approach) with quasi-experimental methods (propensity score matching and covariate matching) together with qualitative approaches to provide rigorous evidence to policymakers and other stakeholders on an FFS project in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. The study provides evidence on participation in FFSs and on the effects of FFSs on various outcomes. The study found that younger farmers who belong to other groups, such as savings and credit groups, tended to participate in field schools. Females made up 50 percent of FFS membership. Reasons for not joining an FFS included lack of time and information. FFSs were shown to be especially beneficial to women, people with low literacy levels, and farmers with medium-size land holdings. FFS participants had significant differences in outcomes with respect to value of crops produced per acre, livestock value gain per capita, and agricultural income per capita. FFSs had a greater impact on crop productivity for those in the middle land area (land poverty) tercile. Participation in FFSs increased income by 61 percent when pooling the three countries. FFSs improved income and productivity overall, but differences were seen at the country level. Participation in FFSs led to increased production, productivity, and income in nearly all cases: Kenya, Tanzania, and at the project level (all three countries combined). The most significant change was seen in Kenya for crops (80 percent increase) and in Tanzania for agricultural income (more than 100 percent increase). A lack of significant increases in Uganda was likely due to Uganda’s National Agricultural Advisory Services. When disaggregating by gender, however, female-headed households benefited significantly more than male-headed households in Uganda.farmer field schools, agricultural productivity, adoption, extension services,

    Accuracy of clinical diagnosis and malaria rapid diagnostic test and its influence on the management of children with fever under reduced malaria burden in Misungwi district, Mwanza Tanzania

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    Introduction: malaria diagnosis is known to be non-specific because of the overlap of symptoms of malaria with other infectious diseases that is made worse with declining malaria burden. Though the use of malaria rapid diagnostic test (mRDT) for malaria confirmation has universally been adopted, malaria decline may alter performance of mRDT. This study examined accuracy of clinical diagnosis and mRDT and its influence on prescription for febrile underfives. Methods: a cross-sectional study of 600 underfives was carried out in 6 randomly selected health facilities in Misungwi district, Mwanza; from November - December 2014. Consecutive underfives with a fever consultation were recruited: for each fever and the clinical diagnosis entertained were recorded. Parasitological confirmation of malaria was done by mRDT and microscopic examination of finger prick blood samples. Treatment was based on mRDT results, drugs prescribed recorded. Accuracy of clinical diagnosis and mRDT in predicting malaria was assessed by performance indices against microscopy. Antimalarial and antibiotics prescriptions were assessed against parasitological findings. Results: clinically, 37.2% had malaria; 32.8% were mRDTpositive and 17.0% microscopically positive. Sensitivity of clinical diagnosis was very high (97.0% [95%CI: 91.0-99.2]); specificity 66.7% [95%CI: 62.3-70.8], and positive predictive value 37.4% (95%CI: 31.6-43.5). Sensitivity of mRDTwas very high (99.0% [95%CI: 93.9-99.9]), specificity (80.7% [95%CI: 76.9-84.0]), positive predictive value 51.3% [95% CI: 44.1-58.4]) and negative predictive 99.75% [95%CI: 99.4-100.0]. Those receiving antimalarial prescription, 75.0% were mRDT positive; 39.4% microscopically positive. Those receiving antibiotic, 78.8% were mRDT negative; 90.1% microscopically negative. Conclusion: decline in malaria lowered specificity of mRDT to < 95% against WHO recommendation. Though adherence to mRDT results was high, there was over prescription of antibiotics.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2


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    This paper develops a soil conservation model that is relevant to smallholder farmers who apply little or no fertilizer. Empirical results drawn from northern Tanzania imply that, ignoring fertility mining problem in model specification leads to overestimation of profits for farms that apply little or no fertilizer. The model also shows that, the impact of output price on soil conservation efforts depends on the curvature of the soil erosion function

    Out of Site out of Mind: Quantifying the Long-term Off-site economic Impacts of Land Degradation in Kenya

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    This study investigated the private and social returns to Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices with an objective of finding practices that reduce the on-farm and off-farm negative effects of land degradation. The results show that SLM practices have robust profits for farmers raising dairy cows. Farmers without dairy cows realize profits that are sensitive to input and output prices. Adoption of SLM also provides global environmental services whose value is about 10% of the net present value. The results suggest the need to promote SLM practices with multiple uses and consider ways to compensate farmers who offer significant environmental services

    Economics of land degradation in Argentina

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    Argentina is one of the countries with a vibrant agricultural sector, which provides both economic development opportunities and environmental challenges. Argentina was selected as a case study due to its rich land degradation data, its diverse agroecological systems, and rapid poverty reduction. The country also represents high human development index countries. This study reports the cost of land degradation, the cost of inaction and cost and benefits of taking action against land degradation. The total loss of ecosystem services due to land-use/cover change (LUCC), wetlands degradation and use of land degrading management practices on grazing lands and selected croplands is about 2007 US75billion,whichisabout1675 billion, which is about 16 %of the country’s GDP. LUCC accounts for 94 % of the loss, underscoring the need for developing more effective land use planning and incentives land users to protect high value biomes. The returns to taking action against land degradation is about US4 per US$ invested—justifying the need to take action to improve human welfare and environmental protection. The actions against land degradation include investment in restoration of degraded lands and prevention of land degradation through stricter regulation of agricultural expansion into forests and other higher value biomes. They also include reforestation and other restoration efforts; protection wetlands and restoration of degraded wetlands. The excessive use of agrochemicals also require action to regulate their potential off-site effects. Case studies also show that promotion of rotational grazing, extending conservation agriculture beyond soybean; tillage method and crop-livestock production systems offer promising strategies for addressing land degradation. The world has a lot to learn from Argentina—given its rapid poverty reduction and successful adoption rate of conservation agriculture using public-private partnership. If Argentina aims at maintaining its economic and social development, it will need to work harder to address its growth-related environmental challenges that affect the poor the most. Argentina is better prepared to face these challenges. This study will contribute to informing policy makers on the best strategies for taking action against land degradation and the returns to such actions.Fil: Bouza, Mariana Eve. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Aranda Rickert, Adriana Marina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Provincia de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Brizuela, Maria Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja. - Provincia de La Rioja. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica de La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Wilson, Marcelo Germán. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Sasal, Maria Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Sione, Silvana. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Beghetto, Stella. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Gabioud, Emmanuel Adrián. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Oszust, José Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Bran, Donaldo Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Velazco, Virginia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Gaitán, Juan José. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Silenzi, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Echeverría, Nora Elena. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: de Lucia, Martín Pascual. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Iurman, Daniel Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Vanzolini, Juan. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Castoldi, Federico José. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Hormaeche, Joaquin Etorena. Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrallo Sustentable de la Nación; ArgentinaFil: Johnson, Timothy. International Food Policy Research Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Meyer, Stefan. International Food Policy Research Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Nkonya, Ephraim. International Food Policy Research Institute; Estados Unido