12 research outputs found

    A Brief Economic Evaluation of Breastfeeding in Australia

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    According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013), in 2013 the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding for six months was less than one-fifth of the overall rate of breastfeeding initiation, which was related to socioeconomic status. This paper discusses the expenses related to breastfeeding and the reasons that the Australian Government should prolong the duration of the paid parental leave scheme to support exclusive breastfeeding. The literature for this systematic review was drawn from MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar and various reports by agencies of the Australian Government. The inclusion criteria were based on the economic benefits of breastfeeding, the costs related to diseases caused by premature weaning and other financial factors. The selected previous studies were analysed to present a narrative review of the key themes. Sixteen studies and reports were selected from 144 sources. The findings of the review showed that in Australia, the total potential economic cost to individual income of the time spent on exclusive breastfeeding was approximately A611.49million(A611.49 million (A31,498.80 per mother per six months). However, in 2002, the short-term cost savings was A$60 million. The total cost savings would be higher if other expenses in long-term premature weaning were calculated based on current value. Based on the findings of this literature review, the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh its costs. The findings suggest that the Australian Government shouldconsider an additional financial incentive for breastfeeding mothers in order to reduce the gap between the proportion of exclusive breastfeeding mothers and better newborn health outcomes. Keywords: breastfeeding, cost saving, Australia, parental leave, premature weanin

    Aplikasi Game Life Simulation Peternakan Domba Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy

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    Many people are eager to learn more about the world of farming, not just knowing the name and shape of the animal. However, not everyone can travel to the farm to learn about the life cycle of the animal. One way that can be used to provide a learning experience about the life cycle of living beings in the fastest way is through a game. One of the game's genres that can be used to provide entertainment and educational aspects to the players is a life simulation. As a life simulation game, the data used is from the real studies of sheep. To give a more realistic situation, this game has a fuzzy state machine to determine the behavior shown by the animals when being approached by the opposite sex.By creating the simulation of sheep with three-dimensional interface, the player will enjoy the gaming experience more similar to the real world. This will give more pleasure to the player. This game was made using the Unity Engine and scripting using C # with MonoDevelop. From the test results, the majority of sheep AI performance is partly influenced by changes in the inputs necessary for the calculation of fuzzy and largely influenced by the interaction of the player in the game

    Perancangan Ulang Website Ruang Pamer Produk UMKM Kabupaten Kediri

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    Website UMKM Kabupaten Kediri merupakan salah satu media untuk menampilkan produk unggulan UMKM Kabupaten Kediri. Pada website tersebut layout produk dalam menyampaikan informasi produk UMKM Kabupaten Kediri kurang jelas sehingga informasi produk belum tersampaikan secara tepat. Dengan tata layout yang tepat diharapkan akan meningkatkan pengenalan UMKM Kabupaten Kediri. Selain itu melalui perancangan website akan menjadi referensi untuk pengembangan website UMKM Kabupaten Kediri untuk ke depannya

    Mengenali Depresi pada Usia Lanjut Penggunaan Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) untuk Menunjang Diagnosis

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    Gejala depresi pada usia lanjut sering bertumpangtindih dengan gejala somatiknya dan sering tidak terdiagnosis dengan baik; keluarga pasien maupun dokter acapkali tidak mewaspadai kondisi ini. Dokter umum sebagai lini terdepan pelayanan medis harus mampu mengenali gejala depresi pada lanjut usia. Geriatric Depression Scale dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah pengenalan gejala depresi pada usia lanjut terutama pada penderita dengan fungsi kognitif yang masih intak.Depression in elderly is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are atypical; patient, patient's family, and physicians are rarely aware of the symptoms. The symptoms are usually overlap with somatic symptoms and often underdiagnosed. General practitioner as first line in medical service should be able to recognize depression in elderly person. Geriatric Depression Scale can be used to screen depression in senior person, especially those with intact cognitive function

    A Brief Economic Evaluation of Breastfeeding in Australia

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    According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013), in 2013 the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding for six months was less than one-fifth of the overall rate of breastfeeding initiation, which was related to socioeconomic status. This paper discusses the expenses related to breastfeeding and the reasons that the Australian Government should prolong the duration of the paid parental leave scheme to support exclusive breastfeeding. The literature for this systematic review was drawn from MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar and various reports by agencies of the Australian Government. The inclusion criteria were based on the economic benefits of breastfeeding, the costs related to diseases caused by premature weaning and other financial factors. The selected previous studies were analysed to present a narrative review of the key themes. Sixteen studies and reports were selected from 144 sources. The findings of the review showed that in Australia, the total potential economic cost to individual income of the time spent on exclusive breastfeeding was approximately A611.49million(A611.49 million (A31,498.80 per mother per six months). However, in 2002, the short-term cost savings was A$60 million. The total cost savings would be higher if other expenses in long-term premature weaning were calculated based on current value. Based on the findings of this literature review, the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh its costs. The findings suggest that the Australian Government shouldconsider an additional financial incentive for breastfeeding mothers in order to reduce the gap between the proportion of exclusive breastfeeding mothers and better newborn health outcomes. Keywords: breastfeeding, cost saving, Australia, parental leave, premature weanin

    Characterising routes of H5N1 and H7N9 spread in China using Bayesian phylogeographical analysis

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    Avian influenza H5N1 subtype has caused a global public health concern due to its high pathogenicity in poultry and high case fatality rates in humans. The recently emerged H7N9 is a growing pandemic risk due to its sustained high rates of human infections, and recently acquired high pathogenicity in poultry. Here, we used Bayesian phylogeography on 265 H5N1 and 371 H7N9 haemagglutinin sequences isolated from humans, animals and the environment, to identify and compare migration patterns and factors predictive of H5N1 and H7N9 diffusion rates in China. H7N9 diffusion dynamics and predictor contributions differ from H5N1. Key determinants of spatial diffusion included: proximity between locations (for H5N1 and H7N9), and lower rural population densities (H5N1 only). For H7N9, additional predictors included low avian influenza vaccination rates, low percentage of nature reserves and high humidity levels. For both H5N1 and H7N9, we found viral migration rates from Guangdong to Guangxi and Guangdong to Hunan were highly supported transmission routes (Bayes Factor > 30). We show fundamental differences in wide-scale transmission dynamics between H5N1 and H7N9. Importantly, this indicates that avian influenza initiatives designed to control H5N1 may not be sufficient for controlling the H7N9 epidemic. We suggest control and prevention activities to specifically target poultry transportation networks between Central, Pan-Pearl River Delta and South-West regions

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Debitur dan Kreditur dalam Melakukan Perjanjian Baku

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    Perjanjian atau Verbintenis yaitu suatu hubungan hukum mengenai harta benda kekayaan antara dua orang atau lebih, satu pihak mendapatkan prestasi dan pihak lainnya diwajibkan untuk menunaikan prestasi. Dalam perjanjian antara debitor dan kreditor agar mendapatkan suatu kepastian maka harus dibuatkan suatu perjanjian baku. Perjanjian baku atau klausula baku adalah setiap aturan/ketentuan dan syarat-syarat yang telah dipersiapkan dan ditetapkan terlebih dahulu secara sepihak oleh pelaku usaha yang dituangkan dalam setiap dokumen dan atau perjanjian yang mengikat dan wajib dipenuhi oleh konsumen. Dalam perjanjian baku berlaku “take it or leave it contract†maksudnya disini apabila setuju maka perjanjian tersebut berjalan dan apabila tidak setuju maka tidak terjadi perjanjian artinya perjanjian tersebut tidak akan dilakukan, sehingga tidak ada aturan yang memperbolehkan pihak debitur ikut memberikan pendapat dalam membuat perjanjian baku. Dalam melakukan suatu perjanjian tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa pihak debitur juga melakukan suatu tindakan wanprestasi yang dapat merugikan pihak kredit. Hasil dari penulisan ini dapat diketahui bahwa dalam permasalahan antara pihak kreditur dan debitur yang melakukan suatu perjanjian baku maka diperlukan adanya sarana perlindungan hukum preventif, maka disini pihak debitur harus diberikan kesempatan untuk mengajukan suatu keberatan apabila klausula yang terdapat dalam perjanjian baku tersebut merugikan pihak debitur. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pihak debitur juga tercantum dalam Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Upaya penyelesaian kredit macet dapat ditempuh dengan dua jalan yaitu upaya litigasi melalui jalur pengadilan dan upaya non-litigasi melalui upaya preventif yaitu tindakan untuk mengantisipasi munculnya kredit macet, early warning, dan upaya negosiasi. Hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi dalam upaya menangani kredit macet karena debitur wanprestasi meliputi hambatan normatif adalah hambatan yang bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang yang berlaku, hambatan internal timbul dari permasalahan di dalam instansi yang bersangkutan, dan hambatan eksternal yaitu hambatan yang datang dari debitur