505 research outputs found

    Potential of \u3ci\u3eCroton megalocarpus\u3c/i\u3e Nut as an Alternative Protein Supplement for Feeding of Ruminants in the Tropics

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    Croton megalocarous is a tree native to the arid and semi-arid rangelands of East Africa that produces nuts reported to contain high crude protein (CP). However, they are often neglected as a potential feed due to lack of information on how best to utilize them. This study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition and in sacco dry matter (DM) degradability of four forms of croton namely whole nut (WN), peeled nut (PN), De-husked nut (DhN) and Defatted seed (DfS). DM of all forms was above 89%, ash content was highest in WN (5.9%) and least in PN (2.2%). Crude fibre content was high in WN (52.2%) and PN (57.8%) while the DhN and DfS had the highest CP (15.7%) and (19.8%) respectively. Ether extract content was highest in DhN (36.2%) and least in DfS (11.2%). In sacco DM degradability was highest after 48 hours of incubation in all forms with highest degradability recorded for DhN (60.5%) and the least for PN (34.5%). The rapidly soluble fraction (a), potentially degradable fraction (a+b), index value (IV) and effective degradability (ED) were significantly high in DhN compared to the other forms. High DM was an indication of good keeping quality implying that nuts could be harvested and stored for future feeding while ash content reflected on potential as a source of minerals for livestock. The CP and IV of all the croton forms was above the 7% and 33% minimum required for optimum rumen function and to support sufficient feed intake, respectively. Processing of croton nut by de-husking and oil extraction enhanced the CP, soluble and potentially degradable fractions of croton nut. Subsequently, the two forms could satisfy the minimum of 15% CP required for lactation and growth in addition to provision of readily fermentable nutrients to boost intake of low-quality forages

    The Effects of a Human Hand on a Wireless Mouse Antenna

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    In this paper, Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method is used to analyze the effect of a human hand on a wireless mouse antenna. The need for this analysis is based on the fact that human tissues are dielectric in nature and they can, therefore, be treated as electromagnetic absorbers. In the first part, hand effect on reflection coefficient, input resistance, bandwidth and radiation efficiency are studied. In the second part, the variation of radiation efficiency with the position of the hand from the antenna feed point is estimated. The Method of Moments is used to validate the results. Keywords: Wireless mouse, Antenna dipole, Electromagnetic Field, FDTD, Efficiency

    Evaluation of resistance reaction of maize germplasm to common foliar diseases in Kenya

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    Use of resistance varieties is the most practical method of managing crop diseases. There is a great variation in terms of resistance reaction to diseases among the various maize germplasm and with the liberization of seed market, the sector has witnessed proliferation of massive introduction of new varieties whose reaction to diseases cannot be ascertained. This study was conducted to evaluate the reaction of maize varieties to northern leaf blight (NLB), common maize rust, gray leaf spot (GLS) and maize streak disease (MSD). The experiment was conducted at Kabete Field Station, University of Nairobi for two seasons namely short rains and long rains. The germplasm was bought from the commercial seed stockists and the landraces obtained from KARI Katumani and from farmers. The diseases were assessed by monitoring and scoring for disease incidence and severity. The appropriate scoring keys were used for determination of disease severity. All the varieties showed symptoms of the four diseases in both seasons but the intensity of the diseases differed significantly among the different varieties. Disease incidence was highest for common rust with a mean of 14.29% for the variety DH04, while disease incidence was highest (19.21%) for northern leaf blight in season two for Kinyanya which is a landrace. Gray leaf spot and the common smuts had the lowest mean incidence ranging from 0 to 0.25% for common smut and 0 to 2.6% for gray leaf spot. Season two had comparatively higher disease incidence means compared to season one. Meteorological data showed that season two had more rains and this explains the reasons behind this. Though all the varieties screened were found to be affected by the diseases to various levels, the varieties displayed significant differences in the disease incidence and severity. This shows that use of resistance varieties should be considered in the management of maize diseases. Focus should also be on pyramiding genes for resistance in the breeding programmes to develop varieties with multiple resistance to different diseases. Key words: Disease incidence and severity, disease score, symptoms, varietie

    Analgesic Activity of Conyza Floribunda Extracts in Swiss Albino Mice

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    Traditional medicine still plays an important role in managing infections especially in Africa. Extracts of Conyza floribunda Kunth are used to treat sore throat, ringworm and other skin related infections, toothache and to stop bleeding from injuries. Extracts from the plant have been reported to exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activities. Previous phytochemical studies on the plant yielded terpenoid, sterols and flavonoids. The aim of the present study was to determine the analgesic activity Conyza floribunda extracts. Methanol, DCM and n-hexane extracts of the plant were subjects to toxicity, hot plate latency and acetic acid induced-writhing tests using Swiss Albino Mice. The plant extract showed analgesic activity in both hot plate latency and acetic acid induced-writhing tests. The extracts significantly increased the response time in the animals compared to the negative control. In the hot plate latency test, the analgesic activity of the extracts and that of morphine rose over time to peak at 90 minutes and then decreased afterwards. In the acetic acid-induces writhing test, administration of the plant extracts significantly reduced the number of abdominal contractions compared to the negative control. The percentage inhibitions of abdominal contractions were 67.2, 46.5 and 39.4 for methanol, DCM and n-hexane extracts respectively. The findings from this study have confirmed the folkloric information that extracts from C. floribunda have analgesic properties. We therefore recommend the extracts from the plant for use in pain management. Further studies should be carried out to isolate and characterize the analgesic principles from the plant. Keywords: Conyza floribunda, Toxicity test, Analgesic activity, Hot plate test, Writhing test DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/12-12-01 Publication date:June 30th 2021

    Factors influencing cervical cancer screening in a Kenyan Health Facility: a mixed qualitative and quantitative study

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    Background: Cervical cancer is the commonest cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality among women in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Screening for cervical cancer among HIV infected women is crucial as they are more at risk of developing the disease and progressing faster once infected with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).Methods: We aimed to determine the factors affecting the utilization of cervical cancer screening among HIV infected women above 18 years of age at Kenyatta National Hospital by conducting a cross-sectional mixed quantitative and qualitative methods study. Descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out on quantitative data to determine significant associations with cervical cancer utilization. Qualitative data were analyzed after coding for significant clauses and transcribing to determine themes arising.Results: Three hundred and twenty eight of the total 387 women enrolled reported they had been advised by their health providers to go for screening. However, only 179 (46%) reported cervical cancer screening.  Women were more likely to report cervical cancer screening if recommendation by a staff was made (p <0.001), and prior to joining KNH CCC (p <0.001). Qualitatively the main barrier to screening included fear of screening due to concerns about excessive pain or bleeding, lack of proper communication on screening procedures and long waiting timeConclusions: The utilization of cervical cancer screening services was low despite high rates of health care recommendation. The women were more likely to utilize the service if recommendation from the health care worker was made, and if they had ever screened before

    Utilisation of priority traditional medicinal plants and local people's knowledge on their conservation status in arid lands of Kenya (Mwingi District)

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    Mwingi District lies within the Kenyan Arid and Semiarid lands (ASALs) in Eastern Province. Although some ethnobotanical surveys have been undertaken in some arid and semiarid areas of Kenya, limited studies have documented priority medicinal plants as well as local people's awareness of conservation needs of these plants. This study sought to establish the priority traditional medicinal plants used for human, livestock healthcare, and those used for protecting stored grains against pest infestation in Mwingi district. Further, the status of knowledge among the local people on the threat and conservation status of important medicinal species was documented. This study identified 18 species which were regarded as priority traditional medicinal plants for human health. In terms of priority, 8 were classified as moderate, 6 high, while 4 were ranked highest priority species. These four species are Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boiv. (Mimosacaeae), Aloe secundiflora (Engl. (Aloaceae), Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. (Euphorbiaceae) and Salvadora persica L. (Salvadoraceae)

    The extent of and factors associated with self-reported overdose and self-reported receipt of naloxone among people who inject drugs (PWID) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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    BACKGROUND: Overdose is a major cause of death among PWID, and for opioid overdoses naloxone administration can reduce harm. However, globally there is limited national level data on the extent of non-fatal overdose and naloxone uptake. The first national level data on the extent of self-reported overdose and self-reported receipt of naloxone among UK PWID, providing a baseline to monitor the impact of the recent policy change regarding naloxone availability, is presented. METHODS: Data on self-reported overdose and receipt of naloxone during the preceding year for 2013-2014 from a national survey of PWID was analysed. Participants who reported injecting during the preceding year were included. RESULTS: Participants (3850) were predominantly male (75%); mean age was 36 years. The most commonly injected drugs were: heroin (91%), crack (45%) and amphetamine (29%). 15% (591) reported overdosing during the preceding year. There were no differences in the proportion reporting overdose by age or gender, but overdose was more common among those who: injected multiple drugs; recently ceased addiction treatment; injected with used needles/syringes; ever had transactional sex; had used a sexual health clinic or emergency department and lived in Wales or Northern Ireland. Among those reporting an overdose during the preceding year, a third reported two to four overdoses and 7.5% five or more overdoses; half reported receiving naloxone. Those reporting naloxone receipt in the preceding year were more likely to: live in Wales or Northern Ireland; ever received used needles/syringes; ever been imprisoned; and less likely to have injected two drug types. CONCLUSION: These data provide a baseline for monitoring the impact of the 2015 UK policy change to improve take-home naloxone access. Interventions tackling overdose should promote naloxone awareness and access, and target those who; are poly-drug injectors, have ceased treatment, share needles/syringes and whose drug use links to sexual activity