133 research outputs found

    The Impact of the internet on academic library use:perception of Chepkoilel community

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    Moi University 3rd International Conference to be held between 31st July and 4th August 2007 Theme : Technology for sustainable socio-economic developmentIt is becoming increasingly apparent that academic libraries will no longer be able to meet information needs of their users using the traditional library services due to diminishing government funding, increased number of academic programs and the ever increasing number of users. Yet the demand for information appears undiminished. The Internet is an untapped channel that libraries can use to supplement already existing library services. The study explored Internet awareness, frequency and reasons of use and perception of the users towards traditional library services as compared to the Internet so as to set a platform for establishing future trends in library services. A modified model (D’Elia and Rodger, 2000) was used based on the Chepkoilel campus community use of the library and use of the Internet. They defined the segments of this market as follows: Segment 1) People who use the library but do not use the Internet; Segment 2) People who use the library, and Internet; Segment 3) People who do not use the library, and do not use the Internet; Segment 4) People who do not use the library but use the Internet. The survey was conducted through the use of self administered questionnaires. The results indicates that there is need to develop appropriate and complementary services in the library that will incorporate traditional library services and emerging services that have been made possible by the rapid new developments in ICT. Training is suggested as an appropriate means of enabling library staff to run and manage a digital library and also assist and teach students and staff on how to efficiently and effectively use the internet. But widespread usage of this powerful information resource depends not only on the innovativeness of the library but more on the efforts made by the university management to promote its access, advantages and ease of use.It is becoming increasingly apparent that academic libraries will no longer be able to meet information needs of their users using the traditional library services due to diminishing government funding, increased number of academic programs and the ever increasing number of users. Yet the demand for information appears undiminished. The Internet is an untapped channel that libraries can use to supplement already existing library services. The study explored Internet awareness, frequency and reasons of use and perception of the users towards traditional library services as compared to the Internet so as to set a platform for establishing future trends in library services. A modified model (D’Elia and Rodger, 2000) was used based on the Chepkoilel campus community use of the library and use of the Internet. They defined the segments of this market as follows: Segment 1) People who use the library but do not use the Internet; Segment 2) People who use the library, and Internet; Segment 3) People who do not use the library, and do not use the Internet; Segment 4) People who do not use the library but use the Internet. The survey was conducted through the use of self administered questionnaires. The results indicates that there is need to develop appropriate and complementary services in the library that will incorporate traditional library services and emerging services that have been made possible by the rapid new developments in ICT. Training is suggested as an appropriate means of enabling library staff to run and manage a digital library and also assist and teach students and staff on how to efficiently and effectively use the internet. But widespread usage of this powerful information resource depends not only on the innovativeness of the library but more on the efforts made by the university management to promote its access, advantages and ease of use

    University Libraries and Social Media - The Case of the Postmodern Library, Kenyatta University

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    DOI: 10.12685/027.7-1-1-14Die Post Modern Library (PML) ist die Universitätsbibliothek der Kenyatta University in Nairobi. Die Bibliothek bietet uneingeschränkten drahtlosen Internetzugang sowie weitere Dienstleistungen an, die die üblichen Möglichkeiten kenianischer Bibliotheken bei Weitem übersteigen. Insbesondere die Möglichkeiten des Web 2.0 werden eingehend genutzt. Der Facebook-Auftritt der Bibliothek bietet sich als sehr nützlicher Kommunikationskanal zwischen Nutzern und der Bibliothek an. In Kenia ist Bibliothek 2.0 ein entscheidender Mehrwert. The Post Modern Library (PML) is an academic library at Kenyatta University in Nairobi. The library provides its users with unlimited wireless internet access and various other services which are far beyond the usual possibilities of other libraries in the country. Especially the possibilities of Web 2.0 are emphasized. The library’s facebook page is a very useful platform for communication between the library and the users. In Kenya, library 2.0 can make a big difference

    Analysis of Organic Growth Strategies on Performance of small and medium sized Enterprises: Case of Thika Sub-County, Kenya

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    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic role in Kenya. The sub-sector contributes to an estimated 20 percent of the GDP and employs 85 percent of the Kenyan workforce. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of organic growth strategies on the performance of SMEs in Thika sub-county, Kenya. The study was guided by the Ansoff’s Matrix and Penrose’s (1959) growth theories and the Balanced Scorecard performance theory by Kaplan & Norton (1992) in the measurement of performance of SMEs. The study was guided by the following null hypothesis: There is no relationship between penetration, market development, product development and diversification strategies on the performance of SMEs in Thika Sub-county. Literature was reviewed on the concept of growth in enterprises, definition of SMEs, organic growth strategies and the concept of performance of enterprises. A conceptual framework was also developed. The organic growth strategies formed the independent variables while the performance of SMEs was the dependent variable. The strategy implementation conditions formed the intervening variable. The central thesis of the study was that organic (internal) growth strategies are core ingredients necessary for spurring growth of SMEs and in turn enhancing their performance. The study was a correlational study. It was located in Thika Sub-County in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study targeted 4805 SMEs within the Sub-County. Proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 36 SMEs. The unit of analysis was the 36 CEOs/ Marketing Managers of the sampled SMEs, who were purposively chosen due to their superior knowledge of the SMEs. Data was collected using Organic Growth Strategies Questionnaire (OGSQ). Quantitative data was coded into a computer sheet that was used to enter data in Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) program (version 21.0). Quantitative data will be presented in frequency distribution tables and analyzed using mean, percentage, Pearson-Product correlation coefficient and linear regression. The significance of the results was tested at .05 significance level. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The study found out that penetration, market development, product development and diversification strategies positively influenced the performance of SMEs. The four independent variables account for 44.9% of the total variability of performance of SMEs. Penetration and market development strategies added statistically significantly to the prediction of performance of SMEs. The product development and diversification strategies should approached with caution as they are much riskier. The study concluded that SMEs should embrace the organic growth strategies to spur growth of their enterprises. The study recommended that the government should create a Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to fund the implementation of the organic growth strategies developed by SMEs and provide technical support in market research, ideas incubation and capacity building of the CEOs/Owners of the SMEs.  Finally, the study recommended that similar studies to be carried in other counties in Kenya. Also, further study should be conducted to analyze the influence of inorganic strategies on performance of SMEs. Key Words: Organic Growth Strategies, Performance of small and medium sized Enterprises


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    ` v ABSTRACT The research study aim was to establish the effects of business risk on performance of insurance with specific objectives being; to determine the effects of financial risk management on performances of Madison Insurance; to establish the effects of operations risk management on performance of Madison Insurance; to establish the effects of risk monitoring on performance of Madison Insurance; to determine if insurance firms liquidity effect on performance of Madison insurance. The study will add to the body of literature and researches shall be able to use this research study as a reference to what they will do in future not forgetting that it was used as a source of literature review to their studies. 47 respondents were chosen through random sampling that was stratified. The researcher used secondary information sources which were obtained through reading relevant literature available in the library, various documents, publications and reports including, journals, and magazines. The research questionnaires were administered by the researcher himself respondents Data was analyzed through frequency and descriptive statistics. Data was presented with aid of graphs and pie charts and graphs. The study had the following recommendations based on study findings management of Madison insurance should embrace the use of risk identification process to assist in business risk management in ensuring that prospects are maximized and increase in financial performance. The study conclusion is that insurance firms that poorly manage their risk are always faced with accumulations of claims which lead to increased losses and hence poor performance. Business risk management actions are affected by managers risk behaviour, a robust business risk management framework can help companies reduce their exposer to risks and enhance organization performance. Organization that select a particular risk tool tends to be associated with the firms calculative culture that measures attitudes that managers displays towards the use of business risk model

    Particulate matter pollution in an informal settlement in Nairobi : using citizen science to make the invisible visible

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    We used a citizen science approach to explore personal exposure to air pollution of selected informal settlement dwellers in Nairobi, Kenya. This paper presents the methods used, with the aim of informing others who wish to conduct similar work in the future, and some results, including policy impact. We used three interlinked methods: 1) a personal mobile exposure monitoring campaign in which individual workers used Dylos monitors to measure variations in their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) within the settlement over the course of a day, 2) a questionnaire conducted before and after the monitoring campaign to assess any changes in knowledge or attitude in the wider community, and 3) two workshops, which facilitated the citizen science approach and brought together members of the community, local policy makers and researchers. The three elements of the study provided the local community, policymakers and scientists with new insights into the challenges air pollution poses for human health in such settlements, and opportunities for exploring how to monitor, mitigate and avoid these pollutants using a citizen science approach. We found significant differences in PM2.5 exposure between individual workers that could be partially explained by spatial differences in concentration that we identified within the settlement. Residents of the informal settlement identified a number of sources that might explain these differences in concentration, although many residents perceived air quality to be good both indoors and outdoors. The workshops raised awareness of the issue of air pollution and brought together affected community members and local and national policy makers to discuss air pollution issues in Nairobi's informal settlements. As a result, a new knowledge exchange network, the Kenya Air Quality Network, of policy-makers, researchers and community members was formed with the aim to facilitate the improvement of air quality across Kenya

    An Evaluation of the Principal’s Instructional Supervision on Academic Performance: A Case of Sameta Primary School Kisii County, Kenya

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of principal’s instructional supervision on academic performance in Sameta primary School in Kisii, Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were; to determine if there was effective instructional supervision by the principal, to investigate the quality of teaching and learning process, to explore the level of syllabus coverage in all classes, to identify challenges encountered by the principal while conducting instructional supervision and give recommendation on how to mitigate the challenges of instructional supervision by the principal. A descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The study focused on the head teacher, heads of departments and teachers. The study targeted the school due to its drop in performance over the years from 2008 to 2012. For this purpose census method was used to select all 6 heads of departments, 13 teachers and 1 head teacher. The sample size for the study is 20. This method ensures that the entire sample group has an equal chance of being selected for the study. The study used questionnaire, interview schedule, and document analysis in data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such frequencies and percentages with the aid of a computer program SPSS (Version 17). Inferential statistics such as chi-square (x2) was also used to test the differences amongst the variables and if they had a significant effect. The major forms of instructional supervision techniques used by the principal in Sameta primary School, Kisii were exploration and discovery, question and answer, open ended observation, observational learning, rating scale, checklist and peer review. The use of thematic learning as a way of determining syllabus coverage in school showed no significant difference since teachers in this school mostly do not use thematic learning as a way of determining the extent of syllabus coverage in class. Similarly, monitoring by teachers aids in measuring the extent of syllabus coverage in class. Therefore most teachers in the school use monitoring as a way of measuring the extent of syllabus coverage in class. It was recommended that in order to improve on the academic standards of the school, the principal should devise more ways of instructional supervision techniques that are aimed at improving the general academic standards of the school. The study is useful to the Education Managers, principalsl, head teachesr, teachers, parents and even students of Sameta primary as well as other Schools in the region and globally. Key words: Principal’s instructional supervision on academic performance, Kisii County

    Prevalence and determinants of antibiotic related adverse drug reactions in Kenya : spontaneously reported cases at the pharmcy and poisons board database

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    Background: Antibiotics are useful in the treatment and prevention of many infections. Despite this, they may cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs) which could further increase the morbidity, mortality and treatment costs. The national pharmacovigilance system of the Pharmacy and Poisons board in Kenya has a database in which all actual and suspected adverse drug reactions nationally from hospitals are reported and analysed. Objective: To describe the prevalence, characteristics, severity and outcome of antibiotic related adverse reactions between January 2010 and December 2015. Methods: This was a retrospective cross sectional study in which all case reports of the reported antibiotic related ADRs were reviewed. Information on the patient demographics, types of antibiotics and concomitant drugs used, adverse reaction reported, the severity and outcome was abstracted and analysed using STATA version 13. Bivariate analysis and logistic regression were conducted to determine the risk factors associated with severity and outcomes of antibiotic related ADRs. Ethical approval was obtained from the Kenyatta National Hospital/ University of Nairobi Research and Ethics Committee and the Pharmacy and Poisons board. Results: A total of 550 case reports were analysed. The majority of patients were female (62.3%, n=330), median age of 34 (IQR 22.0-45.0) years. The most commonly affected system was the integumentary system (60.9%, n=388), with skin rash as the most commonly reported ADR (39.7%,n=253). Cotrimoxazole contributed the majority of the adverse reactions (55.3%, n=304). Most of the reactions were mild to moderate (82.6%, n=440), leading to drug withdrawal for 79.1% (n=435). Sulphonamides and anti-TB drugs produced the most severe reactions (n=15.8%, n=84), while fatal reactions were only 1.5% (n=8). Older age was significantly associated with severity of the reported ADRs (p=0.003) while HIV status (p=0.011) and severity of the ADR (p=<0.001) were associated with poor outcomes. Causality assessment attributed 15.6% (n=86) of the ADRs to the suspected antibiotic while 56.5% (n=311) were probable. Conclusion: There is a high burden of antibiotic related ADRS, most of which are skin related. HIV status and severity of the ADRs are associated with poor outcomes, and the elderly experience more severe ADRs
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