12 research outputs found

    Morphology and structure of the 1999 lava flows at Mount Cameroon Volcano (West Africa) and their bearings on the emplacement dynamics of volume-limited flows

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    The morphology and structure of the 1999 lava flows at Mount Cameroon volcano are documented and discussed in relation to local and source dynamics. Structures are analysed qualitatively and more detailed arguments are developed on the processes of levee formation and systematic links between flow dynamics and levee-channel interface geometry. The flows have clear channels bordered by four main types of levees: initial, accretionary, rubble and overflow levees. Thermally immature pahoehoe lava units with overflow drapes define the proximal zone, whereas rubble and accretionary levees are common in the distal region bordering thermally mature aa clinker or blocky aa flow channels. Pressure ridges, squeeze-ups and pahoehoe ropes are the prevalent compressive structures. Standlines displayed on clinkery breccias are interpreted to represent levee-channel interactions in response to changing flow levels. These data complement previous knowledge on lava flow morphology, thus far dominated by Etnean and Hawaiian examples

    Volcanic Ash from the 1999 Eruption of Mount Cameroon Volcano: Characterization and Implications to Health Hazards

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    Volcanic ash from the 1999 eruption of Mount Cameroon volcano has been characterized for its particle size and shape (by scanning electron microscopy, SEM), and mineralogy (by X-ray diffractometry, XRD). Also the total fluorine (F) content of the ash was determined by the selective ion electrode method. The results show that the Mount Cameroon ash particles have a variety of shapes including fibrous, rounded, subrounded, irregular, angular, eleongated and bladed. All the ash samples have a significant proportion (~ 30%) of ash < 4 ƒÊm in size and thisis classified in occupational medicine as 'thoracic' and 'respirable' ash that is considered harmful to health. The XRD patterns show that the ash contains plagioclase feldspar, enstatite, augite and chromite, which, if fine enough may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, but they are relatively insoluble in the alveolar region. The ash lacks free silica, the main mineral in volcanic ash responsible for causing silicosis. The F concentration in the ash ranges from 46 ƒÊg/ g to 189ƒÊg/g. This is high considering that the lethal dose of F is set internationally at ~ 100ƒÊg/g. This study forms the basis for a long term monitoring of volcanic ash risk and possible mitigation measures of the Mount Cameroon volcano.Keywords: volcanic ash, Mt. Cameroon, health hazardsCendre de Volcan de L'Eruption de 1999 du Mont Cameroun: Caracterisation et Implications aux Risques Sanitaires.La cendre de volcan de l'eruption de 1999 du mont Cameroun a ete caracterisee pour la dimension et la forme de ces particules (en utilisant la microscopie electronique a balayant, SEM), et mineralogie (diffractometrie a rayon X, XRD). En outre toute la teneur en fluor (F) de la cendre a ete determinee par la methode selective d'electrode d'ion. Les resultats prouvent que les particules de cendre du mont Cameroun ont une variete de formes comprenant : les fibreux, les arrondies, les sous arrondies, les irreguliers, les angulaires et les ovales. Tous les echantillons de cendreont une proportion significative de (~ 30 %) de cendre ayant la taille < 4 m et ceci est classifie dans la medecine du travail comme la cendre 'thoracique' et 'respirable' qui est consideree nocif a la sante. Les modeles de XRD montre que la cendre contient le feldspath de plagioclase, l'enstatite, l'augite et la chromite qui, s'ils sont assez fins, peuvent produire l'irritation de la cavite nasale mais sont relativement insolubles dans la region d'aveolaire. La cendre manque de la silice libre, qui est le minerai principal de la cendre volcanique responsable d'engendrer la silicose. La concentration de F dans la cendre s'echelonne de 189 g/g. Ceci est eleve considerant que la dose mortelle de F est place internationalement aux environs de ~ 100 g/g. Cette etude forme la base pour une surveillance a long terme du risque volcanique et des mesures possibles de reduction du volcan de mont Cameroun.Mots cles : cendre de volcan, Mont Cameroun, risques sanitaire

    Cryptic Diversity of African Tigerfish (Genus Hydrocynus) Reveals Palaeogeographic Signatures of Linked Neogene Geotectonic Events

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    The geobiotic history of landscapes can exhibit controls by tectonics over biotic evolution. This causal relationship positions ecologically specialized species as biotic indicators to decipher details of landscape evolution. Phylogeographic statistics that reconstruct spatio-temporal details of evolutionary histories of aquatic species, including fishes, can reveal key events of drainage evolution, notably where geochronological resolution is insufficient. Where geochronological resolution is insufficient, phylogeographic statistics that reconstruct spatio-temporal details of evolutionary histories of aquatic species, notably fishes, can reveal key events of drainage evolution. This study evaluates paleo-environmental causes of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) based phylogeographic records of tigerfishes, genus Hydrocynus, in order to reconstruct their evolutionary history in relation to landscape evolution across Africa. Strong geographical structuring in a cytochrome b (cyt-b) gene phylogeny confirms the established morphological diversity of Hydrocynus and reveals the existence of five previously unknown lineages, with Hydrocynus tanzaniae sister to a clade comprising three previously unknown lineages (Groups B, C and D) and H. vittatus. The dated phylogeny constrains the principal cladogenic events that have structured Hydrocynus diversity from the late Miocene to the Plio-Pleistocene (ca. 0–16 Ma). Phylogeographic tests reveal that the diversity and distribution of Hydrocynus reflects a complex history of vicariance and dispersals, whereby range expansions in particular species testify to changes to drainage basins. Principal divergence events in Hydrocynus have interfaced closely with evolving drainage systems across tropical Africa. Tigerfish evolution is attributed to dominant control by pulses of geotectonism across the African plate. Phylogenetic relationships and divergence estimates among the ten mtDNA lineages illustrates where and when local tectonic events modified Africa's Neogene drainage. Haplotypes shared amongst extant Hydrocynus populations across northern Africa testify to recent dispersals that were facilitated by late Neogene connections across the Nilo-Sahelian drainage. These events in tigerfish evolution concur broadly with available geological evidence and reveal prominent control by the African Rift System, evident in the formative events archived in phylogeographic records of tigerfish

    The Mount Cameroon 1959 compound lava flow field: morphology, petrography and geochemistry

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