15 research outputs found

    Xenomonitoring of sleeping sickness transmission in Campo (Cameroon)

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    Background: The sleeping sickness focus of Campo in South Cameroon is still active, at a low endemic level, for more than a century, despite a regular medical surveillance. The present study focuses on the spatial distribution of xenomonitoring information obtained from an entomological survey performed in the dry season 2012. It appears that humans constitute a third of the blood meals and that the flies' densities were coherent with those classically observed in the different biotopes. Paradoxically, the epicenter of the focus is the place where the risk indicators are the lowest ones. Methods: Particular attention was paid to the entomological device so that it covered the main part of human activities in the study area. One hundred and sixty-two pyramidal traps were used to catch tsetse flies twice a day that were identified, counted, dissected. Molecular analysis using classical and specific molecular markers was conducted to determine the importance of trypanosome infections and the nature of the feeding hosts. This information was used to calculate a Transmission Risk Index and to define a gradient of risk that was projected into a Geographical Information System. Results: Conventional entomological indicators such as species identification of tsetse flies or the Apparent Density per Trap per day, show that Glossina palpalis palpalis is the main species in the campo area which is classically distributed into the different biotopes of the study area. Molecular analysis reveals that humans constitute a third of the blood feeding hosts and that 20 % of the dissected flies were infected with trypanosomes, principally with Nannomonas. Nevertheless, one fly was carrying Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, the pathogen agent of sleeping sickness, showing that the reservoir is still active in the epicenter of the focus. Paradoxically, the Transmission Risk Index is not important in the epicenter, demonstrating that endemic events are not only depending on the man/vector contact. Conclusion: Xenomonitoring provides a valuable guide/tool to determine places at higher risk for vector/human contact and to identify trypanosomes species circulating in the focus. This information from xenomonitoring demonstrates that decision makers should include a veterinary device in a control strategy

    Towards an early warning system for Rhodesian sleeping sickness in savannah areas: man-like traps for tsetse flies

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    Background: In the savannahs of East and Southern Africa, tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) transmit Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense which causes Rhodesian sleeping sickness, the zoonotic form of human African trypanosomiasis. The flies feed mainly on wild and domestic animals and are usually repelled by humans. However, this innate aversion to humans can be undermined by environmental stresses on tsetse populations, so increasing disease risk. To monitor changes in risk, we need traps designed specifically to quantify the responsiveness of savannah tsetse to humans, but the traps currently available are designed to simulate other hosts. Methodology/Principal Findings: In Zimbabwe, two approaches were made towards developing a man-like trap for savannah tsetse: either modifying an ox-like trap or creating new designs. Tsetse catches from a standard ox-like trap used with and without artificial ox odor were reduced by two men standing nearby, by an average of 34% for Glossina morsitans morsitans and 56% for G. pallidipes, thus giving catches more like those made by hand-nets from men. Sampling by electrocuting devices suggested that the men stopped flies arriving near the trap and discouraged trap-entering responses. Most of human repellence was olfactory, as evidenced by the reduction in catches when the trap was used with the odor of hidden men. Geranyl acetone, known to occur in human odor, and dispensed at 0.2 mg/h, was about as repellent as human odor but not as powerfully repellent as wood smoke. New traps looking and smelling like men gave catches like those from men. Conclusion/Significance: Catches from the completely new man-like traps seem too small to give reliable indices of human repellence. Better indications would be provided by comparing the catches of an ox-like trap either with or without artificial human odor. The chemistry and practical applications of the repellence of human odor and smoke deserve further study

    Genetic characterization of Trypanosoma brucei circulating in domestic animals of the Fontem sleeping sickness of Cameroon

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    To improve our knowledge on the transmission dynamics of trypanosomes, Trypanosoma brucei was identified in domestic animals of the Fontem sleeping sickness focus of Cameroon and their genetic characterizations were performed using seven polymorphic microsatellite markers. About 397 domestic animals including 225 pigs, 87 goats, 65 sheep and 20 dogs were sampled. The card agglutination test for trypanosomiasis was positive for 254 (63.98%) animals while the parasitological examinations (thin blood film and capillary tube centrifugation) revealed 86 (21.66%) trypanosome infections. The PCR based method revealed 140 (35.26%) infections of trypanosomes of the subgenus Trypanozoon. The genetic characterization of these 140 positive samples revealed 89 different alleles: 82 in pigs, 72 in goat, 60 in sheep and 48 in dog. Whatever the microsatellite marker used, most of positive samples were amplified. However, the sensitivity (percentage of samples amplified for each marker) of these markers varies significantly between them (chi(2) = 120.32; P < 0.0001). This study showed a high level (80.00%) of mixed genotypes as well as a wide range of T brucei genotypes circulating in domestic animals of the Fontem sleeping sickness focus of Cameroon. This indicates that several T brucei genotypes can naturally be transmitted simultaneously to tsetse flies during a single blood meal

    Trypanosoma brucei s.l. : microsatellite markers revealed high level of multiple genotypes in the mid-guts of wild tsetse flies of the Fontem sleeping sickness focus of Cameroon

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    To identify Trypanosoma brucei genotypes which are potentially transmitted in a sleeping sickness focus, microsatellite markers were used to characterize T. brucei found in the mid-guts of wild tsetse flies of the Fontem sleeping sickness focus in Cameroon. For this study, two entomological surveys were performed during which 2685 tsetse flies were collected and 1596 (59.2%) were dissected. Microscopic examination revealed 1.19% (19/1596) mid-gut infections with trypanosomes: the PCR method identified 4.7% (75/1596) infections with T. brucei in the mid-guts. Of these 75 trypanosomes identified in the mid-guts, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense represented 0.81% (13/1596) of them, confirming the circulation of human infective parasite in the Fontem focus. Genetic characterization of the 75 T. brucei samples using five microsatellite markers revealed not only multiple T. brucei genotypes (47%), but also single genotypes (53%) in the mid-guts of the wild tsetse flies. These results show that there is a wide range of trypanosome genotypes circulating in the mid-guts of wild tsetse flies from the Fontem sleeping sickness focus. They open new avenues to undertake investigations on the maturation of multiple infections observed in the tsetse fly mid-guts. Such investigations may allow to understand how the multiple infections evolve from the tsetse flies mid-guts to the salivary glands and also to understand the consequence of these evolutions on the dynamic (which genotype is transmitted to mammals) of trypanosomes transmission

    Population genetics of Trypanosoma brucei circulating in Glossina palpalis palpalis and domestic animals of the Fontem sleeping sickness focus of Cameroon

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    Background: Human African Trypanosomiasis is still a public health threat in Cameroon. To assess Trypanosoma brucei strains circulating in the Fontem sleeping sickness focus, we conducted a genetic structure study using microsatellites to assess genotypes circulating in both tsetse flies and domestic animals. Method: For this study, pyramidal traps were set up and 2695 tsetse flies were collected and 1535 (57%) living flies were dissected and their mid- guts collected. Furthermore, blood samples were collected from 397 domestic animals (pigs, goats, sheep and dogs). DNA was extracted from midguts and blood samples, and specific primers were used to identify trypanosomes of the subgenus Trypanozoon. All positive samples were genetically characterized with seven microsatellite markers. Results: Seventy five (4.7%) midguts of tsetse flies and 140 (35.2%) domestic animals were found infected by trypanosomes of the subgenus Trypanozoon. The genetic characterization of 215 Trypanozoon positive samples (75 from tsetse and 140 from animals) revealed a genetic diversity between Trypanosoma brucei circulating in tsetse and domestic animals. Of these positive samples, 87 (40.5%) single infections were used here to investigate the population genetics of Trypanosoma brucei circulating in tsetse and domestic animals. The dendrogram illustrating the genetic similarities between Trypanosoma brucei genotypes was subdivided into four clusters. The samples from tsetse belonged to the same cluster whereas the samples from domestic animals and espcially pigs were distributed in the four clusters. Conclusion: Pigs appeared as the animal species harboring the highest number of different Trypanosoma brucei strains. They may play an important role in the propagation of different genotypes. The FST values revealed a sub structuration of Trypanosoma brucei according to hosts and sometimes villages. The data obtained from this study may have considerable importance for the understanding of the transmission and the spread of specific genotypes of Trypanosoma brucei

    Tsetse fly host preference from sleeping sickness foci in Cameroon : epidemiological implications

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    To determine the tsetse fly host preferences in two sleeping sickness foci of southern Cameroon, four entomological surveys (two in each focus) were carried out. For the whole study, 4929 tsetse flies were caught: 3933 (79.8%) Glossina palpalis palpalis, 626 (12.7%) Glossina pallicera pallicera, 276 (5.6%) Glossina nigrofusca and 94 (1.9%) Glossina caliginea. One hundred and thirty-eight blood meals were collected and the origin of 118 (85.5%) meals was successfully identified: 38.4% from man, 23.9% from pig, 20.3% from sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekeii), 2.2% from sheep and 0.7% from golden cat (Profilis aurata). The number of Glossina palpalis palpalis with man blood meals is more important in the Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) focus showing endemic evolution (Campo) than in the focus (Bipindi) presenting a flare up of the disease. The consideration of both results of the prevalence of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in vertebrate hosts and those of the tsetse fly host preferences indicates a wild animal reservoir of Gambian sleeping sickness and three transmission cycles (human, domestic and wild animals' cycles) in southern Cameroon HAT foci

    Domestic animals as potential reservoir hosts of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in sleeping sickness foci in Cameroon

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    An explanation of the endemic nature and/or the resurgence of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) in the historic foci in West end Central Africa may be the existence of an animal reservoir. In some HAT foci, pigs were found infected by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense but the implication of the other domestic animals was not quite evaluated. This study aims to determine the prevalence of T. b. gambiense in domestic animal species (goat, sheep, pig and dog) commonly found in the four active HAT foci in Cameroon (Bipindi, Fontem, Campo and Doume). Blood samples were collected from 307 pigs, 264 goats, 267 sheep and 37 dogs and used for parasitological (QBC), immunological (LiTat 1.3 CATT) and moleculcr (PCR) analyses. QBC defected trypanosomes in 3.88 % domestic animals while 22.7 % were sero-positive with LiTat 1.3 CATT tests. Of the 875 animals analysed, 174 (19 88 %) harboured T. brucei sl DNA, found in each of the four types of animal and in the four localities. The infection rate significantly differed among the animal species (p < 0.0001) and localities (p < 0.0001). The PCR also revealed T. b. gambiense group I DNA in 27 (108 %) domestic animals. The specific infection rates were as follows: sheep (6.74 %), goats (3.08 %), pigs 0.32 %) and dogs (0 %). T. b. gambiense was found in 8 (3.92 %) animals from Bipindi, 15 (4.83 %) from Campo, 4 (2,59 %) from Fontem-Center and none from Doume. The infection rates significantly differed between the localities, and correlated with the intensity of HAT transmission in the foci

    Spatial and temporal variations relevant to tsetse control in the Bipindi focus of southern Cameroon

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    Background: Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) remains a public health problem in many poor countries. Due to lack of financial resources in these countries, cost-effective strategies are needed for efficient control of this scourge, especially the tsetse vector. It was shown that perennial water sources maintain a favourable biotope for tsetse flies and thus the transmission dynamics of sleeping sickness. The present paper aimed at assessing the transmission dynamics of HAT in a forest environment where the hydrographic network is important. Methods: Two entomological surveys were carried out in July 2009 and March 2010 in the Bipindi sleeping sickness focus of the South Region of Cameroon. Entomological and parasitological data were collected during both trapping periods (including the climate variations throughout a year) and compared to each other. The level of risk for transmission of the disease during each trapping period was also evaluated at the trap level and materialised on the map of the Bipindi focus. Results: Glossina palpalis palpalis was the most prevalent tsetse fly species captured in this focus. The overall densities of tsetse flies as well as the risk for transmission of HAT in the Bipindi focus were significantly higher in July than in March. At the trap level, we observed that these parameters were almost constant, whatever the trapping period, when the biotope included perennial water sources. Conclusions: This study shows that the spatial distribution of traps, as well as the temporal climatic variations might influence entomological and parasitological parameters of HAT and that the presence of perennial water sources in biotopes would favour the development of tsetse flies and thus the transmission of sleeping sickness. These factors should, therefore, be taken into account in order to provide more efficient vector control

    Tripartite interactions between tsetse flies, Sodalis glossinidius and trypanosomes-An epidemiological approach in two historical human African Trypanosomiasis foci in Cameroon

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    Epidemiological surveys were conducted in two historical human African trypanosomiasis foci in South Cameroon, Bipindi and Campo. In each focus, three sampling areas were defined. In Bipindi, only Glossina palpalis was identified, whereas four species were identified in Campo, G. palpalis being highly predominant (93%). For further analyses, 75 flies were randomly chosen among the flies trapped in each of the six villages. Large and statistically significant differences were recorded between both (I) the prevalence of Sodalis glossinidius (tsetse symbiont) and the prevalence of trypanosome infection of the major fly species G. p. palpalis and (2) the respective prevalence of symbiont and infection between the two foci. Despite these differences, the rate of infected flies harbouring the symbiont was very similar (75%) in both foci, suggesting that symbionts favour fly infection by trypanosomes. This hypothesis was statistically tested and assessed, showing that S. glossinidius is potentially an efficient target for controlling tsetse fly vectorial competence and consequently sleeping sickness