25 research outputs found

    Factors Associated With Sleeping Quality and Behaviors Among University Students in Malaysia

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    Background and Objective Sleep is an important physiological process for humans. Students of tertiary institutions, especially those at the university, are often reported to have poor sleep quality due to changing social opportunities and increasing academic demands. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of poor sleeping quality and its relationship with academic performance and psychological distress among university students in Malaysia. Methods An online questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study was conducted among students of tertiary institutions in Malaysia. The questionnaire consisted of respondents’ demographics, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Horne-Ostberg Morningness-Eveningness Scale (MES) and Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scales (DASS-21). Simple and multiple linear regression were used to identify the relationship between the independent and dependent variables (PSQI score and MES score). Results Of the 403 respondents, about three-fourths were poor-quality sleepers. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) was the only factor with a significant linear and positive relationship with the PSQI score. Only the depression and anxiety scores showed a significant linear and positive relationship between the PSQI score and the MES score. Conclusions Poor sleep quality was prevalent among university students. Poor sleep was associated with better academic performance. Students with depression or anxiety were significantly associated with poor sleep quality and being a morning bird

    Validation of the Malay Version of the Sources of Social Support Scale among Malaysian Cancer Patients

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    Objective: It is important to investigate the association between spousal support and psychology of cancer patients, thus a validated instrument to measure the degree of perceived spousal support is required. We translated and evaluated the psychometric properties of the Sources of Social Support Scale-Malay version (SSSS-Malay) among Malaysian cancer patients. Methods: In this study, the SSSS-Malay and Hope Scale-Malay [used to compare with the SSSS-Malay to assess discriminant validity] were administered to 195 Malaysian cancer patients during baseline assessment. The SSSS-Malay was re-administered 2 months after the baseline assessment during follow-up. Results: The SSSS-Malay total score (Cronbach’s α = 0.70, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.72) and its domains (Cronbach’s α ranging from 0.70 to 0.83, intraclass correlation coefficient ranging from 0.6 to 0.76) exhibited good internal consistencies and good test-retest reliability. The SSSS-Malay also demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validities. However, confirmatory factor analysis of the SSSSMalay showed that it was best fit into a 3-factor model instead of the 4-factor model of the original English version. Conclusion: The SSSS-Malay demonstrated good psychometric properties for use in Malaysian cancer patients

    Validation of the Malay version of the snyder hope scale among Malaysian cancer patients

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    Hope leads to lower depression and anxiety and is associated with improved quality of life of cancer patients. In this study, Hope Scale (HS) was translated into Malay, and the psychometric properties of the Malay version of the Hope Scale were investigated among Malaysian cancer patients. Concurrent translation and back translation of the original English version of the Hope Scale were performed, and the Malay version was administered to 195 cancer patients with different cancer diagnoses at baseline assessment and 2 months later at follow-up. The Hope Scale (Malay) total score (Cronbach’s α = 0.72; intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.67) and its domains (Cronbach’s α [pathway] = 0.7; Cronbach’s α [agency] = 0.7; ICC[Pathway] = 0.64; ICC[Agency] = 0.70) demonstrated acceptable internal consistencies and test-retest reliability. Convergent and discriminant validities were also achieved by the Hope Scale (Malay). The Hope Scale (Malay) demonstrated construct validity, as confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the items in the Hope Scale (Malay) best fit into two domains, which was true for the original English version. The Hope Scale (Malay) had acceptable psychometric properties and thus is suitable for assessing hope in Malaysian cancer patients

    Association between Diabetes Mellitus and Sepsis for the Glycemic Control Outcome of Two Intensive Care Units in Malaysia

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    Close monitoring and tight glycemic control are required among critically ill patients as they have dynamic metabolism which may precipitate stress-induced hyperglycemia. Clinically, diabetes mellitus (DM) patient with sepsis indicated a high mortality rate. This study investigates the association between DM and non-DM related to sepsis and non-sepsis patients from different insulin infusion therapy management. This study used 128 retrospective data from Hospital A, and 37 retrospective data from Hospital B. ICU patients who received insulin infusion therapy during their stay in the ICU were selected. Both centres implement the sliding scale-based insulin infusion therapy with the target range for blood glucose (BG) level within 6.0 – 10.0 mmol/L. The retrospective clinical data were compared among cohorts for DM and non-DM associated with sepsis and non-sepsis conditions. Findings showed that the DM group had higher insulin sensitivity than non-DM for both cohorts. Meanwhile, cohort B had higher insulin sensitivity than cohort A for all classes. Cohort A (DM+Sepsis) had low insulin sensitivity (66.7 L/(mU.min) and worst condition with sepsis which resulted from the lowest percentage (30.81%) of BG measurement within the target range. The (nonDM+nonSepsis) class had the tightest glycemic control for cohort A (3.4 mmol/L) and cohort B (2.2 mmol/L), as observed by the BG interquartile range. Furthermore, cohort A (nonDM+nonSepsis) had a 41.55% of severe hyperglycemia and 0.12% for severe hypoglycemia. Contrary, cohort B (nonDM+nonSepsis) had the highest percentage within the target range (74.31%) and the lowest percentage of hyperglycemia (18.78%). There was significantly different (p-values <0.05) between cohort A and cohort B in BG level and glucose intake, likewise between sepsis and non-sepsis of non-DM for both cohorts. The findings indicate that a successful glycemic control protocol is much influenced by insulin sensitivity, patient variability, diabetes condition, and patient sepsis status


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    Abstract The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) imparted unprecedented negative impact worldwide since it was declared as a global pandemic in 2020 due to its high infectivity and mortality rate. Consequently, those who have been infected with COVID-19 experienced significant amount of social stigma which resulting in deterioration of mental well being. Hence, this study aimed to translate the Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue Stigma Scale (EMIC-SS) into Malay and investigate the reliability and validity of the Malay version (EMIC-SS-M) among COVID-19 survivors in Malaysia. Initially, concurrent translation and back translation of the EMIC-SS was conducted followed by the assessment of its face and content validity. Then, the EMIC-SS-M was administered to 219 COVID-19 survivors recruited from three targeted centers for assessment of its reliability (internal consistency) and validity (convergent and discriminant validity, exploratory factor analysis [EFA] and confirmatory factor analysis [CFA]). The EMIC-SS-M reported an acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach’s α of 0.727, while its domains reported acceptable Cronbach’s α ranged from 0.708 to 0.795. EFA and CFA confirmed that the EMIC-SS-M consisted of 15 items in 4 domains. The EMIC-SS-M exhibited good psychometric properties and ready for use to assess stigma among COVID 19 survivors in Malaysia. It can be adapted for use to assess stigma in other disease conditions among the Malaysian population in future studies

    Insulin sensitivity and blood glucose level of sepsis patients in the intensive care unit

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    Sepsis and hyperglycemia are highly associated with increases in mortality rates, particularly in the critically ill patients. Sepsis diagnosis has been proven challenging due to delay in getting the blood culture results. Thus, often clinical experiences overrule the protocol to prevent the worsening outcome of the patients. In some cases, the erroneous clinical judgement cause antibiotic resistance and even adverse clinical outcomes. This paper investigates the correlation between two parameters; insulin sensitivity and blood glucose level among sepsis patients. The blood glucose level is measured at the bedside during the patient's stay, whereas insulin sensitivity is obtained using the validated glucose-insulin model. Thus, the insulin sensitivity is a specific parameter of the patient, unregimented of the protocol given to the patient. The same parameters, blood glucose and insulin sensitivity, are also compared to the non-sepsis patients to establish a relationship that can be used for sepsis diagnosis. Given the availability of these two parameters that can be captured rapidly and instantly, a significant relationship can, therefore, help clinicians to identify sepsis at an early stage without second-guessing

    Discomfort in e-Learning: Does it Impact Learners?

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    This study is designed to measure readiness among distance learner to embrace new technologies in their studies. This study involved 190 distance learner from the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia as a respondent and the data were collected by questionnaire that adapted from Parasuraman and Colby (2001) [1]. The study was carried out to see whether distance education learners are comfortable to study by using new technology. The results show that all respondent are comfortable and confidence enough to embrace new technology in their learning

    Internet as an Influencing Factor of Teachers' Confidence in Using ICT

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    Abstract In an effort to facilitate greater integration of information and communication technology (ICT) within classroom, the Malaysian government has provided intensive and continuous ICT training for teachers to undertake. One of the three major areas being highlighted by the Ministry of Education (MOE) is to use ICT as teaching and learning tools in education. Nevertheless, the MOE reported that many students still have poor skills in the core subjects at schools. One of the root causes identified was majority of teachers are still less inclined toward embracing changes to incorporate ICT into their teaching. This study attempted to determine whether internet is a factor that influences teachers' perception toward their own ICT skills. A survey was completed by 84 school teachers who taught IT subjects from various schools in Penang, Malaysia. The results showed that in general, the teachers were quite confident in demonstrating their ICT skills while delivering the lessons. Furthermore, it has also been found that those who could access internet at both home and school were more confident in their professional ICT usage. This paper addressed which facet of internet usage is a possible key in facilitating teacher's confidence towards using ICT professionally. Keywords: information and communication technology, internet, teachers, confidence, education Abstrak Sebagai satu usaha untuk menjayakan aktiviti penggabungan bidang Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat (ICT) di dalam kelas pembelajaran, kerajaan Malaysia telah menyediakan latihan ICT yang intensif dan berpanjangan untuk para guru. Salah satu daripada tiga bidang utama yang ditekankan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) adalah untuk menggunakan ICT sebagai alat pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bidang pendidikan. Walau bagaimanapun, KPM melaporkan bahawa masih ramai pelajar yang lemah dalam mata pelajaran teras di sekolah. Salah satu punca yang telah dikenal pasti adalah masih ada majoriti guru yang kurang cenderung ke arah usaha untuk menggabungkan ICT dalam pengajaran mereka. Kajian ini cuba menentukan sama ada internet 60 Malaysian Journal of Distance Education 13(1), 59 73 Kata kunci: teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat, internet, guru, keyakinan, pendidika

    Teaching via Mobile Phone: a Case Study on Malaysian Teachers’ Technology Acceptance and Readiness

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the level of technology acceptance among school teachers from the components of awareness and motivation, training and courses, training design, and supports and facilities. This study also aims to investigate whether teachers’ acceptance of technology could influence their readiness for the pedagogical use of mobile phone technology if it is to be implemented in school. A quantitative questionnaire was administered to thirty eight teachers who teach Information and Technology (IT) subject from different primary schools in Penang, Malaysia during a program on Teachers’ Development. Data revealed that the level of technology acceptance among respondents in terms of awareness and motivation, training and courses, training design and supports and facilities was generally high. Despite this positive acceptance of technology, teachers’ readiness for the use of mobile phone in teaching and learning was found to be at a considerably low level. However, the study identified a significant correlation between respondents’ awareness and motivation towards technology with their readiness for the pedagogical usage of mobile phone. It was also found that gender is a possible factor influencing the respondents’ readiness. As implication, this paper probes the influence of technology acceptance on teachers’ readiness for the pedagogical usage of mobile phone and the possible implications this influence affords

    Use of FabV-Triclosan Plasmid Selection System for Efficient Expression and Production of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli.

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    Maintenance of recombinant plasmid vectors in host bacteria relies on the presence of selection antibiotics in the growth media to suppress plasmid -free segregants. However, presence of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotics themselves is not acceptable in several applications of biotechnology. Previously, we have shown that FabV-Triclosan selection system can be used to select high and medium copy number plasmid vectors in E. coli. Here, we have extended our previous work and demonstrated that expression vectors containing FabV can be used efficiently to express heterologous recombinant proteins in similar or better amounts in E. coli host when compared with expression vectors containing β-lactamase. Use of small amount of non-antibiotic Triclosan as selection agent in growth medium, enhanced plasmid stability, applicability in various culture media, and compatibility with other selection systems for multiple plasmid maintenance are noteworthy features of FabV-Triclosan selection system