72 research outputs found


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    Penelitian kajian indeks kesuburan tanah pada daerah fisiogrfis karst Ngalau Kamang telah dilakukan bulan Juni 2018 sampai Oktober 2019 di Nagari Kamang Mudiak kecamatan Kamang Magek dan Laboratorium Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui indeks kesuburan kimia tanah pada daerah fisiografis karst di kawasan luar Ngalau Kamang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei, dengan pengambilan titik sampel secara random sampling berdasarkan bahan induk tanah karst yang berpatokan pada ngalau. Titik yang telah ditentukan yaitu terletak bagian atas luar ngalau, titik terdekat dari ngalau (0,15 km ke arah Barat ngalau) dan terjauh dari ngalau (3 km ke arah Utara ngalau) di belakang bukit karst. Parameter yang dianalisis yaitu, pH tanah, bahan organik, K-dd, Ca-dd, Mg-dd, dan P tersedia. Hasil analisis tanah di laboratorium dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan indeks kesuburan tanah memakai rumus SFI dan SEF di uji menggunakan uji t pada aplikasi JMP13. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan nilai SFI di kawasan fisiografis karst Ngalau Kamang yang paling tinggi terdapat pada lokasi terjauh dari ngalau yaitu di belakang bukit karst yang mempunyai vegetasi hutan. Sedangkan nilai paling rendah terdapat di bagian luar atas ngalau yang memiliki sedikit vegetasi. Nilai SEF pada kawasan karst Ngalau Kamang besar dari 5, membuktikan pada kawasan tersebut merupakan tanah yang subur

    Benchmarking Arabic AI with Large Language Models

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    With large Foundation Models (FMs), language technologies (AI in general) are entering a new paradigm: eliminating the need for developing large-scale task-specific datasets and supporting a variety of tasks through set-ups ranging from zero-shot to few-shot learning. However, understanding FMs capabilities requires a systematic benchmarking effort by comparing FMs performance with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) task-specific models. With that goal, past work focused on the English language and included a few efforts with multiple languages. Our study contributes to ongoing research by evaluating FMs performance for standard Arabic NLP and Speech processing, including a range of tasks from sequence tagging to content classification across diverse domains. We start with zero-shot learning using GPT-3.5-turbo, Whisper, and USM, addressing 33 unique tasks using 59 publicly available datasets resulting in 96 test setups. For a few tasks, FMs performs on par or exceeds the performance of the SOTA models but for the majority it under-performs. Given the importance of prompt for the FMs performance, we discuss our prompt strategies in detail and elaborate on our findings. Our future work on Arabic AI will explore few-shot prompting, expand the range of tasks, and investigate additional open-source models.Comment: Foundation Models, Large Language Models, Arabic NLP, Arabic Speech, Arabic AI, , CHatGPT Evaluation, USM Evaluation, Whisper Evaluatio

    Pengukuran prestasi pengurusan penyenggaraan fasiliti sistem mekanikal bangunan kerajaan

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    The level of performance measured in terms of financial expenditure indicates the achievement progress, but the weaknesses of management of facilities services is still showing the number of complaints should be taken seriously by the Government’s building facilities managers to achieve the maintenance of facilities management services efficiently and effectively. Thus, the first objective of this study was to analyze the performance of facility maintenance management system implemented in the mechanical building services. While the second objective was to determine performance indicators for maintenance management is to improve the quality of services and functions of the agency remains relevant. To accomplish this study, the methodology used is the literature review, questionnaire and interview respondents in agency review management. Through the study of literature and interviews, questionnaire survey form of expert opinion is designed. Respondents to the questionnaire, which is devoted to the management of JKR Federal Workshop involved with facility maintenance management of mechanical building systems in government buildings. To achieve the objectives of the study, the analysis performed on the percentage of respondents to the maintenance of current performance management approach, the performance of customer acceptance and budget preparation and approach to the financial performance of maintenance management. This study will show the current performance of maintenance management based on those important elements in measuring the performance of facility management mechanical systems by implementing agencies and thus, can be used by the JKR Federal Workshop to plan the strategies of maintenance management of facilities mechanical system so that performance increased from time to time

    Entity Liability and Deterrence: Recent Reforms in Italy

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    The need for deterrence and repression of “corporate” crimes has led the international community to identify a specific kind of firm criminal liability. Therefore, in such a context, the study and the comparison of the economic theories of corporate and individual criminal liability becomes crucial to determine the more efficient form of deterrence towards the minimisation of social costs, considering their different capacity to internalise the externalities generated by crimes. In this literature our contribution is dedicated to understand if, and in which ways, corporate criminal liability models opportunely reflect the interdependent strategic behaviour of firms and employees’; at the same time, the analysis focuses on how these norms and models evolve in order to take into account firms’ economic incentives. Our analysis is focused on the exposition of the controversial and weak points emerging from the enforcement of the Italian legislative decree 231/2001

    Comparative Analysis of Open-Source Log Management Solutions for Security Monitoring and Network Forensics

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    Abstract: Nowadays, centralised event log management plays a crucial role in security monitoring and network forensics. While commercial log management solutions are regularly reviewed and compared by independent organisations (e.g. Gartner Magic Quadrant reports), such comparisons are often hard to find for open-source tools, especially for recently created solutions. However, many institutions are using open-source tools for monitoring and forensics, since they allow for implementation of incident detection and analysis frameworks in a cost-efficient way. Furthermore, recently appeared open-source solutions have started a new architectural trend, where the log management system consists of independent and replaceable modules which interact through well-defined interfaces and protocols. In contrast, most commercial systems are essentially monolithic solutions where individual components (such as the GUI or event collector service) cannot be changed for a component from another vendor. In this paper, we will focus on widely used open-source solutions for log management and discuss their recent developments. We will also cover novel technologies and tools which have appeared during the last 2-3 years
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