113 research outputs found

    Facing the effects of COVID-19 on Grade-12 students' education: A focus on science and mathematics instructions

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    This study intends to investigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Grade 12 students' education, focusing on sciences and mathematics instructions, during the lockdown and after secondary schools reopening on 2nd November 2020 in Rwanda. The study also seeks the potential solutions to the challenges caused by this pandemic. This is a mixed research design that used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect data., Thus, 113 participants including 108 Grade 12 students, three directors of studies (DOSs) and two science teachers were purposively selected and used in this study. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from DOSs and teachers. Besides, a survey questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from students. Thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data, while quantitative data was analyzed using percentages generated by Microsoft Excel 10. Results from this study revealed that students experienced learning loss during the lockdown period. The remote learning strategy adopted by Rwanda Education Board was not effective due to the lack of parental guidance, monitoring, and financial support. Some students were found preoccupied with household chores, while others embraced different jobs. Girls were involved in sexual exploitation and early marriages, which resulted in school drop-outs. Students' performance in science and mathematics has reduced. Talking to students, using extra hours, and preparing various assessments are some of the strategies being used today to mitigate the experienced learning loss. Hence, there is a call for educationists to take educational measures considering the effects of COVID-19 on students' academic, social, economic, and psychological perspectives for students' performance and lifelong learning

    Student engagement in teacher education at the Kigali Institute of Education in Rwanda.

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    Qualitatively and quantitatively, this thesis investigates student engagement and success in post-secondary teacher education. The research is a case study conducted in Rwanda using the Classroom Survey of Student Engagement (CLASSE), interviews, and document analysis techniques. It aims at comparing two groups of teacher education students in terms of how different factors of student engagement affect their performance. The study provides a sound contribution in understanding how students with a professional background effectively engage and succeed in modules/courses of the teacher education programme that are shared with students without such background. The study claims that student teachers’ beliefs brought to teacher education play a vital role in determining the level of student engagement and performance in both professional and non-professional courses rather than their academic background. Findings indicate that these courses were taught and learnt in inappropriate teaching and learning environments. Despite unfavourable conditions, results also indicate that students with professional preparation prior to the post-secondary teacher education programme have positive beliefs about the career, interact with lecturers and peers more frequently, devote much time and effort on educationally purposeful activities, and participate more frequently in engaging activities than students who have just started teacher training. In addition, the study indicates that these factors of student engagement influence performance. The study also reveals that the former have developed their professional teacher identity which facilitates their social and academic integration and their intrinsic motivation to learning for the career while the latter are struggling learning for the profession in which they are not motivated and interested. Therefore, students with teacher identity perform significantly better than those who are new in teacher training even in non-professional courses in which they have fewer prerequisites

    Fostering Distance Training Programme (DTP) Students’ Access to Semester Examination Results via SMS at University of Rwanda-College of Education

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    This paper presents a situation analysis and implementation of Distance Training Programme (DTP) Semester Examination Results Access (SERA) through Short Message Service (SMS) available anytime and anywhere. ‘Texting’ or SMS mobile phone messaging is rapidly increasing communication in business and community service. The prompting scenario addressed in this paper is the release of semester examination results (marks) at one and only one place: The UR-CE main campus notice board, regardless of the geographical dispersion of intended audience: The DTP students. To study the DTP students’ access to semester examination results via mobile SMS implementation possibilities, analysis of available telecommunication infrastructures, and services coverage in the country (Rwanda) was done. Then a survey was conducted on the information system implementation status at UR-CE, and the DTP management staff and students perceptions toward mobile SMS to support DTP administration communications. In the paper we discuss the inclusion of SMS technology among the DTP administration communication channels to permit DTP students at UR-CE access the semester examination results through mobile SMS technology. The SMS pull method is proposed for implementation in regards to the SERA communication. The implementation success of DTP semester examination results access via SMS is likely to improve the communication to both DTP administration and students sides. Keywords: Distance Training Programme, DTP, UR-CE, Semester Examination Results Access, SERA.

    Teacher-student interactions for enhanced learning in upper secondary mathematics classroom

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    Interactive teaching practices in mathematics classrooms are encouraged to meet the learning potential. However, how it is applied in the classroom is still challenging. This paper uses evidence gathered from a large research project to contribute to the understanding of teacher-student interactions. It followed an interventional approach with two teachers and 82 students of two grade 11 classes from one school of Kayonza District in Rwanda. Data were collected through observations, video recordings, and field notes. Results revealed that there is a variety of ways to facilitate and keep interactive learning. These include asking purposeful questions and giving feedback. The quality of teacher facilitation (52%) and students' engagement (60%) were moderately high. However, there was little guidance from teachers in the problem-solving process and the classroom discourse. It is argued that the role of instructional language in communication hinders the quality of teacher-student interactions. This leads us to advise an exploration of language supportive pedagogy in the Rwandan context

    Designing a community reintegration programme for individuals with a traumatic spinal cord injury in the Cape Metropolitan area

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDSpinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition often affecting young and healthy individuals around the world. This debilitating condition not only creates enormous physical and emotional suffering to individuals but also is a significant financial burden to families and society at large and it affects quality of life. Successful community reintegration following spinal cord injury is considered an important goal of rehabilitation as this has been positively associated with self-esteem, life satisfaction and quality of life. The overall aim of the study was to design a community reintegration programme for individuals who sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) in the Cape Metropolitan Area. The design of this study was a mixed method design including four phases. The first phase of the study was to determine the base line information regarding reintegration into communities after sustaining a TSCI and included 108 participants. Data was collected by use of self-administered/interview administered questionnaire. The results of this phase demonstrated that community reintegration of individuals who sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury was relatively low and employment was found to be a statistically significant variable influencing community reintegration following the injury. The second phase of the study aimed to gain a deeper understanding of how employment and other factors influence reintegration into communities after the injury

    Designing a Mobile SMS System to Support Offline Distance Training Programme Communications at University of Rwanda

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    This paper reports on a study carried out to establish the basis of designing an Offline Distance Training Programme Mobile Short Message Service Communication System (ODTPmSMSCS) intended to improve administrative communication within the Distance Training Programme (DTP) at University of Rwanda-College of Education (UR-CE). The paper outlines the ODTPmSMSCS structure, potential users and the associated implementation challenges such as lack of a policy for SMS to be among the official communication channels of the DTP. In addition to the implemented prototype, the paper presents some recommendations to be considered for implementation by the UR-CE managers to assure that users are committed to use and allow for sustainability of ODTPmSMSCS to take advantage of the technologies the DTP students already have. Keywords: DTP students, Distance Training Programme, UR-CE, University of Rwanda

    Teacher perceptions of the impact of public examinations on curriculum practices : a survey in two districts of Kigali-City, Rwanda.

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    Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.This study is an exploratory investigation on teachers' perceptions of the extent to which the national examinations that are written at the end of primary schooling in Rwanda influence their curriculum practices. The study used a structured questionnaire for data collection, and simple descriptive statistics for data analysis. The study, firstly, examined teachers' views on the link between national examinations and the aims of primary education. The results showed that teachers perceived the national examinations as assessing the prerequisite knowledge for secondary education, on one hand; and to some extent social skills needed for life in the community and society. This is in line with the aim of primary education in Rwanda according to government policy. Secondly, the study explored the impact of the national examinations on teachers' practices as well as on teacher self image. Findings were that a good success rate in these examinations was the main goal-direction for teachers and had a major influence on the curriculum practices. Most teachers indicated that they aimed to produce a large number of candidates who were classified highly on national scale, and were socially well skilled. The impact of the national examination on their practices is evident in some of the strategies they use in negotiating and mediating the curriculum: the focus on the main examination subjects, on the previous examination topics, and on academically good and borderline students who have a greater chance of scoring high grades in the national examination. Finally, the study explored factors that teachers perceived to influence candidates' success and failure in the national examinations. Teacher commitment to preparing candidates for the examinations was most frequently reported, as a factor associated with student success, whereas the very limited places I available in pubic and subsidized secondary schools was the most contributing factor to poor results

    Emozioak gorputz adierapenaren bidez lantzeko proposamena

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    En este trabajo se relacionan la expresión corporal y las emociones. Como no hay grandes trabajos en esta área, he hecho una propuesta didáctica para trabajarla en educación física. Mediante este trabajo se puede ver cómo trabajar las emociones mediante la expresión corporal, con la intención de fomentar la importancia del trabajo de las emociones y la expresión corporal en la educación física. Para llevar a cabo dicho trabajo he realizado una revisión bibliográfica y después de esto, uniendo ambas materias, he planteado una propuesta didáctica. Mediante esto trabajaremos las emociones mientras trabajan la expresión corporal con los alumnos de educación primaria, las cuales son tan importantes en su desarrollo. Para acabar, el objetivo que queremos lograr es digno de mención, revolucionar la educación físicaGorputz adierazpena eta emozioak elkar erlazionatzen dituen lanketa egin dut. Honen inguruan lanketa handirik ez dagoenez, gorputz hezkuntzan lantzeko bidea emango digun proposamena egingo dut. Lan honen bidez gorputz adierazpenaren bidez emozioak nola landu ikus daiteke, gorputz hezkuntzan gorputz adierazpenak eta emozioen lanketak behar luketen indarra emateko asmoarekin. Hau dena aurrera eramaterako orduan artikulu eta liburu desberdinen errebisio bibliografikoa egin dut eta honen ondoren biak uztartuz proposamen didaktiko bat planteatu dut. Honen bidez lehen hezkuntzako haurrengan hain garrantzitsuak diren emozioak lantzen dira gorputz adierazpena lantzen duten bitartean. Bukatzeko, aipagarria da lortu nahi dugun helburua, gaur egungo gorputz hezkuntza iraultzea daIn this study I associate body language and emotions. As no major work in this area, I made a didactic proposal to work it in physical education. Through this work we can see how to work the emotions through body language, with the intent to promote the important work of the emotions and physical actions in physical education. To carry out such work I have done a bibliographic review and after that, joining both matters, I have raised a teaching proposal. Through this we will work emotions while we work bodily expression with primary school children, which are so important in their development. Finally, the goal we want to achieve is noteworthy, to revolutionize physical educationGraduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Primaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraLehen Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Hindrances to Quality of Basic Education in Rwanda

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    Though policy and legal documents on basic education are in place in Rwanda, the implementation faces hindrances to achieving high quality  education. It is within this perspective that the paper aims at exploring these in both urban and rural nine- and twelve-year basic education schools to awaken policy makers for appropriate measures. From a population of 1016, random and purposive sampling techniques led to the sample size of 224 individuals. Respondents include students, teachers, Headteachers/Directors of Studies, local education authorities and other stakeholders of Northern, Eastern provinces and Kigali city. Document analysis, structured questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data from all categories of research participants.Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyse data. Findings indicate that key local education stakeholders are aware that basic education in Rwanda is a key leading to sustainable development; that there is no qualityeducation in these schools due to difficult school and home conditions. Expansion of various and well managed school funding programs can help to raise the quality of basic education in Rwanda. Key Words: Hindrances, Quality of Education, Basic Education, Nine Years Basic Education (9YBE), Twelve Years Basic Education (12YBE),  Socioeconomic Conditions

    Occurrence of Helicobacter Pylori in Specimens of Chronic Gastritis and Gastric Adenocarcinoma Patients: A Retrospective Study at University Teaching Hospital, Kigali, Rwanda

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    Introduction: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the major cause of gastroduodenal diseases in populations of different ages.We conducted aretrospective studyusing archived tissue samples to determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection among patients diagnosed with gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma by histopathology cases in one hospital in Rwanda.Materials and methods: Cases of chronic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma histologically diagnosed in a tertiary hospital in Rwanda over the period of 2016-2018 were studied for the presence of H. pylori using immunohistochemistry. Diagnosis of positive cases considered immunoreactivity as well as bacterial morphology, including spiral, rod-shaped, angulated and coccoid forms.Results: Three hundred and seven cases were included in this study; chronic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma representing 39% and 61%, respectively. The overall frequency of H. pylori infection was 77.5% (80% among chronic gastritis cases versus 76% among gastric adenocarcinoma cases). Prevalence of H. pylori infection in chronic gastritis and adenocarcinoma did not significantly associate with age and sex.Conclusion: The prevalence of H. pylori was high among chronic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma cases in Rwanda. Pathologists should investigate the presence of H. pylori in gastric biopsies. Our data shows immunohistochemistry method is feasible and adequate to facilitate detection of H. pylori, which may guide timely treatment
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