10 research outputs found

    Atomistic Approach for Nanoscale Devices at the Scaling Limit and Beyond - Valley Splitting in Si

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    Band-structure effects on channel carrier density in the ultrathin-body end of the ITRS roadmap silicon (100) n-type metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) are assessed here using a semi-empirical nearest-neighbor sp3d5s tight-binding model with spin-orbit interaction. The calculations focus on the body thickness range between 10 and 18 atomic layers (1:5{2:5 nm). At this range, the standard effective mass approach is limited by its inability to capture the conduction band nonparabolicity effects and the subband splitting. The tight-binding simulations show interesting effects of ground-state subband splitting in this thickness range, and as a result of this, the channel charge density was found to fluctuate by as much as 30%. Additionally, it was observed that strict process tolerance is necessary in this thickness range in order to maintain an acceptable threshold voltage variation

    Effective harvesting, detection, and conversion of IR radiation due to quantum dots with built-in charge

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    We analyze the effect of doping on photoelectron kinetics in quantum dot [QD] structures and find two strong effects of the built-in-dot charge. First, the built-in-dot charge enhances the infrared [IR] transitions in QD structures. This effect significantly increases electron coupling to IR radiation and improves harvesting of the IR power in QD solar cells. Second, the built-in charge creates potential barriers around dots, and these barriers strongly suppress capture processes for photocarriers of the same sign as the built-in-dot charge. The second effect exponentially increases the photoelectron lifetime in unipolar devices, such as IR photodetectors. In bipolar devices, such as solar cells, the solar radiation creates the built-in-dot charge that equates the electron and hole capture rates. By providing additional charge to QDs, the appropriate doping can significantly suppress the capture and recombination processes via QDs. These improvements of IR absorption and photocarrier kinetics radically increase the responsivity of IR photodetectors and photovoltaic efficiency of QD solar cells

    Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors: Photoresponse Enhancement Due to Potential Barriers

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    Potential barriers around quantum dots (QDs) play a key role in kinetics of photoelectrons. These barriers are always created, when electrons from dopants outside QDs fill the dots. Potential barriers suppress the capture processes of photoelectrons and increase the photoresponse. To directly investigate the effect of potential barriers on photoelectron kinetics, we fabricated several QD structures with different positions of dopants and various levels of doping. The potential barriers as a function of doping and dopant positions have been determined using nextnano3 software. We experimentally investigated the photoresponse to IR radiation as a function of the radiation frequency and voltage bias. We also measured the dark current in these QD structures. Our investigations show that the photoresponse increases ~30 times as the height of potential barriers changes from 30 to 130 meV

    Energy dispersion relations for holes inn silicon quantum wells and quantum wires

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    We calculate the energy dispersion relations in Si quantum wells (QW), E(k2D), and quantum wires (QWR), E(k1D), focusing on the regions with negative effective mass (NEM) in the valence band. The existence of such NEM regions is a necessary condition for the current oscillations in ballistic quasineutral plasma in semiconductor structures. The frequency range of such oscillations can be extended to the terahertz region by scaling down the length of structures. Our analysis shows that silicon is a promising material for prospective NEM-based terahertz wave generators. We also found that comparing to Si QWRs, Si QWs are preferable structures for NEM-based generation in the terahertz range

    Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors: Photoresponse Enhancement Due to Potential Barriers

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    Abstract Potential barriers around quantum dots (QDs) play a key role in kinetics of photoelectrons. These barriers are always created, when electrons from dopants outside QDs fill the dots. Potential barriers suppress the capture processes of photoelectrons and increase the photoresponse. To directly investigate the effect of potential barriers on photoelectron kinetics, we fabricated several QD structures with different positions of dopants and various levels of doping. The potential barriers as a function of doping and dopant positions have been determined using nextnano3 software. We experimentally investigated the photoresponse to IR radiation as a function of the radiation frequency and voltage bias. We also measured the dark current in these QD structures. Our investigations show that the photoresponse increases ~30 times as the height of potential barriers changes from 30 to 130 meV.</p