2,044 research outputs found

    Elliptic Phases: A Study of the Nonlinear Elasticity of Twist-Grain Boundaries

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    We develop an explicit and tractable representation of a twist-grain-boundary phase of a smectic A liquid crystal. This allows us to calculate the interaction energy between grain boundaries and the relative contributions from the bending and compression deformations. We discuss the special stability of the 90 degree grain boundaries and discuss the relation of this structure to the Schwarz D surface.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Thermo-acoustic wave propagation and reflection near the liquid-gas critical point

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    We study the thermo-acoustic wave propagation and reflection near the liquid-gas critical point. Specifically, we perform a numerical investigation of the acoustic responses in a near-critical fluid to thermal perturbations based on the same setup of a recent ultrasensitive interferometry measurement in CO2 [Y. Miura et al. Phys. Rev. E 74, 010101(R) (2006)]. The numerical results agree well with the experimental data. New features regarding the reflection pattern of thermo-acoustic waves near the critical point under pulse perturbations are revealed by the proper inclusion of the critically diverging bulk viscosity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Accepted by PRE (Rapid Communication

    Wetting and Minimal Surfaces

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    We study minimal surfaces which arise in wetting and capillarity phenomena. Using conformal coordinates, we reduce the problem to a set of coupled boundary equations for the contact line of the fluid surface, and then derive simple diagrammatic rules to calculate the non-linear corrections to the Joanny-de Gennes energy. We argue that perturbation theory is quasi-local, i.e. that all geometric length scales of the fluid container decouple from the short-wavelength deformations of the contact line. This is illustrated by a calculation of the linearized interaction between contact lines on two opposite parallel walls. We present a simple algorithm to compute the minimal surface and its energy based on these ideas. We also point out the intriguing singularities that arise in the Legendre transformation from the pure Dirichlet to the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem.Comment: 22 page

    Sensitive PCR method for the detection and real-time quantification of human cells in xenotransplantation systems

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    The sensitive detection of human cells in immunodeficient rodents is a prerequisite for the monitoring of micrometastasis of solid tumours, dissemination of leukaemic cells, or engraftment of haematological cells. We developed a universally applicable polymerase chain reaction method for the detection of a human-specific 850-bp fragment of the α-satellite DNA on human chromosome 17. The method allows the detection of one human cell in 106 murine cells and could be established as both, a conventional DNA polymerase chain reaction-assay for routine screening, and a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction-assay using TaqMan-methodology. It was applied to the following xenotransplantation systems in SCID and NOD/SCID mice: (1) In a limiting dilution assay, cells of the MDA-MB 435 breast carcinoma were injected into the mammary fat pad of NOD/SCID mice. It could be shown that 10 cells mouse−1 were sufficient to induce a positive polymerase chain reaction signal in liver and lung tissue 30 days after transplantation as an indicator for micrometastasis. At this time a palpable tumour was not yet detectable in the mammary fat pad region. (2) Cells of a newly established human acute lymphatic leukaemia were administered intraperitoneally to SCID mice. These cells apparently disseminated and were detectable as early as day 50 in the peripheral blood of living mice, while the leukaemia manifestation was delayed by day 140. (3) In a transplantation experiment using mature human lymphocytes we wanted to standardise conditions for a successful survival of these cells in NOD/SCID mice. It was established that at least 5×107 cells given intravenously were necessary and that the mice had to be conditioned by 2 Gy body irradiation to get positive polymerase chain reaction bands in several organs. (4) Engraftment studies with blood stem cells originating from cytapheresis samples of tumour patients or from cord blood were undertaken in NOD/SCID mice in order to define conditions of successful engraftment and to use this model for further optimisation strategies. The polymerase chain reaction method presented allowed a reliable prediction of positive engraftment and agreed well with the results of immunohistochemical or FACS analysis. All together, the polymerase chain reaction method developed allows a sensitive and reliable detection of low numbers of human cells in immunodeficient hosts. In combination with real-time (TaqMan) technique it allows an exact quantification of human cells. As this method can be performed with accessible material of living animals, follow up studies for the monitoring of therapeutic interventions are possible in which the survival time of mice as evaluation criteria can be omitted

    Minimal Surfaces, Screw Dislocations and Twist Grain Boundaries

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    Large twist-angle grain boundaries in layered structures are often described by Scherk's first surface whereas small twist-angle grain boundaries are usually described in terms of an array of screw dislocations. We show that there is no essential distinction between these two descriptions and that, in particular, their comparative energetics depends crucially on the core structure of their screw-dislocation topological defects.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac, 1 included postscript figure, final versio

    Gaussian approximation for finitely extensible bead-spring chains with hydrodynamic interaction

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    The Gaussian Approximation, proposed originally by Ottinger [J. Chem. Phys., 90 (1) : 463-473, 1989] to account for the influence of fluctuations in hydrodynamic interactions in Rouse chains, is adapted here to derive a new mean-field approximation for the FENE spring force. This "FENE-PG" force law approximately accounts for spring-force fluctuations, which are neglected in the widely used FENE-P approximation. The Gaussian Approximation for hydrodynamic interactions is combined with the FENE-P and FENE-PG spring force approximations to obtain approximate models for finitely-extensible bead-spring chains with hydrodynamic interactions. The closed set of ODE's governing the evolution of the second-moments of the configurational probability distribution in the approximate models are used to generate predictions of rheological properties in steady and unsteady shear and uniaxial extensional flows, which are found to be in good agreement with the exact results obtained with Brownian dynamics simulations. In particular, predictions of coil-stretch hysteresis are in quantitative agreement with simulations' results. Additional simplifying diagonalization-of-normal-modes assumptions are found to lead to considerable savings in computation time, without significant loss in accuracy.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, 75 numbered equations, 1 appendix with 10 numbered equations Submitted to J. Chem. Phys. on 6 February 200

    Topology and Signature Changes in Braneworlds

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    It has been believed that topology and signature change of the universe can only happen accompanied by singularities, in classical, or instantons, in quantum, gravity. In this note, we point out however that in the braneworld context, such an event can be understood as a classical, smooth event. We supply some explicit examples of such cases, starting from the Dirac-Born-Infeld action. Topology change of the brane universe can be realised by allowing self-intersecting branes. Signature change in a braneworld is made possible in an everywhere Lorentzian bulk spacetime. In our examples, the boundary of the signature change is a curvature singularity from the brane point of view, but nevertheless that event can be described in a completely smooth manner from the bulk point of view.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, references and comments are added, minor revisions and a number of additional footnotes added, error corrected, minor corrections, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Solution conformations of a linked construct of the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease

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    The Zika virus presents a serious risk for global health. Crystal structures of different constructs of the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease (NS2B-NS3pro) have been determined with the aim to provide a basis for rational drug discovery. In these structures, the C-terminal β-hairpin of NS2B, NS2Bc, was observed to be either disordered (open conformation) or bound to NS3pro complementing the substrate binding site (closed conformation). Enzymatically active constructs of flaviviral NS2B-NS3 proteases commonly used for inhibitor testing contain a covalent peptide linker between NS2B and NS3pro. Using a linked construct of Zika virus NS2B-NS3pro, we studied the location of NS2Bc relative to NS3pro in solution by pseudocontact shifts generated by a paramagnetic lanthanide tag attached to NS3pro. Both closed and open conformations were observed with different inhibitors. As the NS2B co-factor is involved in substrate binding of flaviviral NS2B-NS3 proteases, the destabilization of the closed conformation in the linked construct makes it an attractive tool to search for inhibitors that interfere with the formation of the enzymatically active, closed conformation.C.N. thanks the Alexander vonHumbolt Foundation for a Feodor-Lynen fellowship. Financialsupport by the Australian Research Council is gratefully acknowl-edged. C.K. acknowledges support by the Deutsche For-schungsgemeinschaft, grant KL 1356/3