25 research outputs found

    Possible chromosomal and germline integration of human herpesvirus 7

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2017 The Authors. Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) is a betaherpesvirus, and is phylogenetically related to both HHV-6A and HHV-6B. The presence of telomeric repeat sequences at both ends of its genome should make it equally likely to integrate into the human telomere as HHV-6. However, numerous studies have failed to detect germline integration of HHV-7, suggesting an important difference between the HHV-6A/-6B and HHV-7 genomes. In search of possible germline integrated HHV-7, we developed a sensitive and quantitative real-time PCR assay and discovered that primers designed against some parts of the HHV-7 genome can frequently miss HHV-7 positive clinical samples even though they work efficiently in cell-culture-derived HHV-7 positive materials. Using a primer pair against the U90 ORF of HHV-7, we identified a possible case of germline integration of HHV-7 with one copy of viral genome per cell in both peripheral blood cells and hair follicles. Chromosomal integration of HHV-7 in these individuals was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. Germline integration of HHV-7 was further confirmed by detection of ~2.6 copies of HHV-7 in the hair follicles of one of the parents. Our results shed light on the complex nature of the HHV-7 genome in human-derived materials in comparison to cell-culture-derived materials and show the need for stringent criteria in the selection of primers for epidemiological HHV-7 studies.Peer reviewe

    Störung der Integrität des Wirts Genoms durch das Human Herpesvirus 6 und ChlamydiaChlamydia trachomatistrachomatis

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    Ovarian cancer is one of the most common gynecological malignancies in the world. The prevalence of a microbial signature in ovarian cancer has been reported by several studies till date. In these microorganisms, Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and Chlamydia trachomatis (C.tr) are especially important as they have significantly high prevalence rate. Moreover, these pathogens are directly involved in causing DNA damage and thereby disrupting the integrity of host genome which is the underlying cause of any cancer. This study focuses on how the two pathogens, HHV-6 and C. trachomatis can affect the genome integrity in their individual capacities and thereby may drive ovarian epithelial cells towards transformation. HHV-6 has unique tendency to integrate its genome into the host genome at subtelomeric regions and achieve a state of latency. This latent virus may get reactivated during the course of life by stress, drugs such as steroids, during transplantation, pregnancy etc. The study presented here began with an interesting observation wherein the direct repeat (DR) sequences flanking the ends of double stranded viral genome were found in unusually high numbers in human blood samples as opposed to normal ratio of two DR copies per viral genome. This study was corroborated with in vitro data where cell lines were generated to mimic the HHV-6 status in human samples. The same observation of unusually high DR copies was found in these cell lines as well. Interestingly, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and inverse polymerase chain reaction followed by southern blotting showed that DR sequences were found to be integrated in nontelomeric regions as opposed to the usual sub-telomeric integration sites in both human samples and in cell lines. Sanger sequencing confirmed the non-telomeric integration of viral DR sequences in the host genome. Several studies have shown that C. trachomatis causes DNA damage and inhibits the signaling cascade of DNA damage response. However, the effect of C. trachomatis infection on process of DNA repair itself was not addressed. In this study, the effect of C. trachomatis infection on host base excision repair (BER) has been addressed. Base excision repair is a pathway which is responsible for replacing the oxidized bases with new undamaged ones. Interestingly, it was found that C. trachomatis infection downregulated polymerase β expression and attenuated polymerase β- mediated BER in vitro. The mechanism of the polymerase β downregulation was found to be associated with the changes in the host microRNAs and downregulation of tumor suppressor, p53. MicroRNA-499 which has a binding site in the polymerase β 3’UTR was shown to be upregulated during C. trachomatis infection. Inhibition of miR-499 using synthetic miR-499 inhibitor indeed improved the repair efficiency during C. trachomatis infection in the in vitro repair assay. Moreover, p53 transcriptionally regulates polymerase β and stabilizing p53 during C. trachomatis infection enhanced the repair efficiency. Previous studies have shown that C. trachomatis can reactivate latent HHV-6. Therefore, genomic instability due to insertions of unstable ‘transposon-like’ HHV-6 DR followed by compromised BER during C. trachomatis infection cumulatively support the hypothesis of pathogenic infections as a probable cause of ovarian cancerDiese Studie fokussiert sich darauf, wie die beiden Pathogene HHV-6 und C. trachomatis die Genom Integrität beeinflussen und dadurch die Transformation ovarialer Epithelzellen zu Tumorzellen antreiben können. Das latente Virus HHV-6 kann sich in Subtelomer-Regionen des Genoms integrieren und zu jeder Lebensphase (z.B. durch Stress oder Pharmaka) reaktiviert werden. Zu Beginn dieser Studie wurde die Beobachtung gemacht, dass in menschlichen Blutproben eine ungewöhnlich hohe Anzahl an sogenannten direct repeat Sequnzen, die die Enden des doppelsträngigen Virus Genoms flankieren, aufwiesen. Bestätigt wurde diese Beobachtung durch in vitro Daten, wofür Zelllinien generiert wurden, um den HHV-6 Wert in menschlichen Proben zu imitieren. Außerdem konnte durch Sanger Sequenzierung die Integration der viralen DR Sequenzen außerhalb von Telomer Regionen in das Genom nachgewiesen werden. Verschiedene Studien konnten zeigen, dass C. trachomatis DNA Schäden verursacht und die Signal Kaskade von Antworten auf DNA-Schäden inhibiert. Bisher wurde die Auswirkung einer C. trachomatis Infektion auf den Prozess der DNA Reparatur selbst noch nicht behandelt. In dieser Studie wird die Auswirkung einer C. trachomatis Infektion auf Basen-Exzisionsreparatur (BER) thematisiert. Interessanterweise wurde herausgefunden, dass während einer C. trachomatis Infektion die Expression von Polymerase β herunterreguliert ist und dadurch die Polymerase β-vermittelte Basen-Exzisionsreparatur in vitro gestoppt wird. Diese Herunterregulierung konnte mit einer verminderten Expression des Tumorsuppressor p53 assoziiert werden. Darüber hinaus reguliert p53 auf transkriptioneller Ebene Polymerase β und eine Stabilisierung von p53 während einer C. trachomatis Infektion verbesserte die Reparatur-Effizienz. Vorangegangene Studien haben außerdem gezeigt, dass C. trachomatis die latente Form von HHV-6 reaktivieren kann. Deshalb unterstützt die genomische Instabilität aufgrund einer Insertion von HHV-6 DR, gefolgt von komprimierter BER während einer C. trachomatis Infektion, zunehmend die Hypothese, dass eine pathogene Infektion ein vermutlicher Auslöser von Eierstockkrebs sein könnte

    Chromosomal integration of HHV-6A during non-productive viral infection

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    Human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) and 6B (HHV-6B) are two different species of betaherpesviruses that integrate into sub-telomeric ends of human chromosomes, for which different prevalence rates of integration have been reported. It has been demonstrated that integrated viral genome is stable and is fully retained. However, study of chromosomally integrated viral genome in individuals carrying inherited HHV-6 (iciHHV-6) showed unexpected number of viral DR copies. Hence, we created an in vitro infection model and studied retention of full or partial viral genome over a period of time. We observed an exceptional event where cells retained viral direct repeats (DRs) alone in the absence of the full viral genome. Finally, we found evidence for non-telomeric integration of HHV-6A DR in both cultured cells and in an iciHHV-6 individual. Our results shed light on several novel features of HHV-6A chromosomal integration and provide valuable information for future screening techniques

    Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity

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    Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia

    Image_3_Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity.TIFF

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    <p>Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia.</p

    Image_6_Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity.TIF

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    <p>Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia.</p

    Image_2_Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity.TIFF

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    <p>Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia.</p

    Video_2_Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity.AVI

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    <p>Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia.</p

    Image_1_Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity.TIF

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    <p>Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia.</p