4 research outputs found

    Pelabelan Total Titik Ajaib Graf Hasil Kali Kartesius dari Graf Sikel

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    Pelabelan total titik ajaib graf G(V,E), dengan banyak titik v dan banyak sisi e adalah pemetaan bijektif dari V∪E ke himpunan bilangan bulat positif {1,2,…,v+e}, dan untuk setiap titik x di G terdapat λ(x)+∑▒λ(xy) =k, dengan y merupakan titik yang adjacent dengan titik x dan k merupakan konstanta ajaib pada graf G. Jumlah label pada titik x dan semua sisi xy yang incident dengan titik x adalah sama untuk semua titik pada graf G dan graf G disebut graf total titik ajaib. Pelabelan total titik ajaib graf hasil kali kartesius dari graf sikel, dengan bentuk C_m×C_n, dengan m,n≥3 dan n ganjil merupakan suatu pelabelan pada graf C_m×C_n dan konsep yang digunakan untuk melabeli C_m adalah dengan menggunakan konsep pelabelan total titik anti ajaib (a,2) dan untuk melabeli C_n menggunakan konsep pelabelan total titik ajaib pada graf sikel, dengan jumlah sikel ganjil


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    A vertex-magic total labeling of graph , with the vertices and the edges is the bijection from to the set of integers , and for each vertex in satisfying , is the vertex that adjacent with , then named a magic constant in . The sum of the label of and the labels of all edges incident to the is the same for all vertices of and named vertex-magic total graph. Vertex-magic total labeling of cartesian products of cycles, with the type , with and is odd are the labeling to the and the concept used to label is -vertex antimagic total labeling and to label it is used vertex magic total labeling of cycles, with the cycle is odd

    NutriTalk: Nutrition Intervention by Experts to Reduce the Impact of Stunting Through Mobile-Based Applications Using Agile Method

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    The prevalence of childhood stunting, a pervasive global health concern primarily attributed to persistent malnutrition, underscores an urgent need for intervention. In Indonesia, where stunting rates are alarmingly high, with approximately 27.6% of children under five affected, innovative solutions are imperative. This study introduces "Nutri Talk," a mobile application developed using Agile Methodology aimed at revolutionizing nutritional consulting services. The application facilitates seamless communication with nutrition specialists, offering evidence-based information and personalized consultations to empower parents in making informed dietary decisions for their children. Through rigorous testing, including Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) and User Acceptance Testing (UAT), the application demonstrates robust functionality and user satisfaction. "Nutri Talk" stands poised to mitigate the long-term impacts of stunting, leveraging technology to enhance nutritional outcomes. This research advocates for a comprehensive approach to combat stunting, combining technological advancements with targeted interventions, ultimately contributing to improved childhood nutrition and development

    NutriTalk: Nutrition Intervention by Experts to Reduce the Impact of Stunting Through Mobile-Based Applications Using Agile Method

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    The prevalence of childhood stunting, a pervasive global health concern primarily attributed to persistent malnutrition, underscores an urgent need for intervention. In Indonesia, where stunting rates are alarmingly high, with approximately 27.6% of children under five affected, innovative solutions are imperative. This study introduces "Nutri Talk," a mobile application developed using Agile Methodology aimed at revolutionizing nutritional consulting services. The application facilitates seamless communication with nutrition specialists, offering evidence-based information and personalized consultations to empower parents in making informed dietary decisions for their children. Through rigorous testing, including Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) and User Acceptance Testing (UAT), the application demonstrates robust functionality and user satisfaction. "Nutri Talk" stands poised to mitigate the long-term impacts of stunting, leveraging technology to enhance nutritional outcomes. This research advocates for a comprehensive approach to combat stunting, combining technological advancements with targeted interventions, ultimately contributing to improved childhood nutrition and development