8 research outputs found

    Using A Systems-Approach for Implementing A Smart Government Policy in Soppeng Regency

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    The Soppeng Regency Government has implemented a Smart Government Policy by utilizing information and communication technology, the use of which is regulated by the Soppeng Regent regulation number 87 of 2019. This study aimed to examine the implementation of the Smart Government Policy by the Soppeng Regency Government. This was a descriptive study which used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Triangulation was used to check the validity of the data. An interactive model was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the Smart Government Policy was implemented by paying attention to the MSN-Approach implementation model, and the Systems-Approach focus indicator in particular was implemented effectively. Factors that affected the implementation of the Smart Government Policy included the lack of Human Resources, and the lack of features for registering, uploading and downloading files on websites and applications. Based on the results, we can conclude that there are improvements that need to be made in order to support the implementation of the Smart Government Policy in Soppeng Regency, including updating the website and the application, which currently can only provide information about procedures and service requirements, so that the community has to be served manually at the office or location where the service is held.  Keywords: implementation, policy, smart governmen

    Comparison of the Performance of Civil Employee Teachers with Honorers at SMK Negeri 3 Sinjai

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    This study aims to determine the comparison of the performance of civil servant teachers with honorer at SMK Negeri 3 Sinjai. Data collection techniques used are through observation, questionnaires (questionnaire) and documentation. The data that has been obtained from the research results are processed using data analysis techniques consisting of descriptive analysis techniques and inferential statistical analysis. The results show that based on the indicators used in each variable, these results indicate that the performance of civil servant teachers is in the very good category, for the performance of honorary teachers is in the very good category at SMK Negeri 3 Sinjai. While a significant difference between the performance of civil servant teachers with honorary results, it appears that the probability value is greater than the value is significant, thus the result is that there is no significant difference between the performance of civil servant teachers and honorary teachers at SMK Negeri 3 Sinjai

    The Effectiveness of IMB Services at the Makassar City Investment Office and One Door Integrated Services at Makassar City

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Building Permit (IMB) service at the Office of Investment and Integrated Services One Door Makassar City. This study is a qualitative descriptive research that in the process of collecting data using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Based on the result of the research indicates that the effectiveness of building permit service at the Office of Capital Investment and Integrated Service One Door of Makassar City is quite effective with the description (1) simplicity is quite effective, (2) clarity is effective, (3) Legal certainty is not effective, 4) Accuracy is effective, (5) security is effective, (6) Responsibility is quite effective, (7) Completeness of Facilities and Infrastructure quite effective, (8) Ease of Access has been effective, (9) Discipline, Courtesy and Friendliness have been effective , and (10) Convenience is quite effective

    Sentiment Analysis: Sekolah Tatap Muka In The New Normal Era

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    Through the Circular of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Number 3 of 2022, face-to-face learning is limited to educational units following the provisions stipulated in the Joint Decree of the Four Ministers. In addition, it is explained that parents/guardians of students are given the choice to permit their children to take part in Limited face-to-face learning or distance learning. This study aimed to determine public sentiment regarding Sekolah Tatap Muka. To achieve the research objectives, sentiment analysis is used using the Drone Emprit application. Data collection was obtained from the Twitter social media application, the data obtained were posts from February 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022. The results showed that there were 898 tweets or 29.23 percent of positive sentiments about sekolah tatap muka, and there were 1,954 tweets or 63.61 percent of negative sentiments about sekolah tatap muka, and there were 220 tweets or 7.16 percent of neutral sentiments about sekolah tatap muka

    Sistem Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia

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    Buku yang diberi judul ”Sistem Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia” ini memaparkan tentang segala bentuk sistem administrasi dari suatu negara khususnya Indonesia. Salah satu substansi dari buku ini yaitu membahas tentang lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan sesuai Undang-Undang Dasar, baik sebelum maupun sesudah amandemen. Administrasi pemerintahan juga dijelaskan dari tingkat pemerintahan desa/kelurahan hingga pemerintahan daerah. Perhelatan demokrasi terbesar berupa pemilu juga dituliskan dalam buku ini, dari mulai sejarah, pengertian, sampai dengan pelaksanaannya. Sehingga buku ini menjadi hal penting dalam mempelajari sistem administrasi negara Republik Indonesia

    Pengantar Pariwisata

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    Pada umumnya pariwisata adalah suatu kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan rekreasi. Kepariwisataan (tourism) merupakan suatu fenomena yang kompleks dan melibatkan berbagai sektor terkait, seperti: pertanian, pertambangan, manufaktur, konstruksi, perdagangan, keuangan, jasa umum, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, kepariwisataan juga melibatkan berbagai dimensi seperti: spasial, bisnis, akademis, sosial budaya, dan ekonomi sehingga membutuhkan peranserta secara otonom namun terintegrasi dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang dalam dunia kepariwisataan dikenal dengan istilah pentaheliks (Akademisi, Bisnis/ Pengusaha, Pemerintah, Komunitas Masyarakat, dan Media). Semoga buku ini akan membawa manfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan