1,336 research outputs found

    The mixing of banking and commerce: a conference summary

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    Acquisitions of industrial loan corporations by commercial firms have renewed the debate over the separation between banking and commerce in the U.S. On May 16–18, 2007, policymakers and academics weighed in on this debate during the Chicago Fed’s 43rd annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, titled The Mixing of Banking and Commerce.Banks and banking ; Banks and banking, American

    Determinants of Variation in the Response of the Aphid Parasitoid Aphidius ervi to Aphid Sex Pheromones

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    Variation in parasitoid responses to semiochemicals may be influenced by genetics, phenotypic plasticity and the individual's physiological state. Previous experimental work has indicated a high degree of variability among parasitoid individuals in their response to aphid sex pheromones but no work has been done to investigate the factors behind such variation. Some aspects of this variation were investigated in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in the laboratory. Conducting behavioural experiments, the searching behaviour of females was investigated in the presence and the absence of the aphid sex pheromone (4GS,7S,7a/?)-nepetalactone, observing the same individual female parasitoids during two consecutive foraging attempts on different plants. The first set of observational experiments demonstrated the role of the pheromone as an arrestant in the searching behaviour of A. ervi and its additive effect when it was presented with other foraging cues such as aphid-induced plant volatiles. The second set of behavioural experiments showed significant differences in A. ervi responses to the pheromone depending on their physiological state. Virgin, well-fed and high egg-load females were more active in the presence of the aphid sex pheromone than mated, hungry and low egg-load females although there were no significant differences in their activities in the first foraging attempt when the pheromone was absent. The effect of the pheromone on the searching behaviour of A. ervi within different tritrophic systems was investigated. The results showed variation in this response depending on which host aphid and/or the host plant they had been reared, showing that "conditioning" may have an influence on this response. Using two isofemale lines and an insectary-maintained laboratory population of A.ervi, the genetic basis of this response was investigated. The behavioural experiments showed no significant differences between the three different populations in their response to aphid sex pheromones. A supportive molecular study using DNA microsatellites v/as also conducted, which revealed low genetic variability among the three studied populations. The results are discussed in the context of using the response of A. ervi to aphid sex pheromones in a strategy to manipulate natural populations of the parasitoid for the biological control of aphids and the importance of studying the variation in this response to increase the effectiveness of such strategy

    Deep Learning-based Predictive Model of mRNA Vaccine Deterioration: An Analysis of the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Dataset

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    أدى ظهور فيروسSARS-CoV-2 ، الفيروس المسؤول عن جائحة كوفيد-19، إلى أزمة صحية عالمية أدت إلى انتشار المرض والوفاة واضطرابات واسعة النطاق في الحياة اليومية. يعد الحصول على لقاح لجائحة كوفيد-19أمراً بالغ الأهمية في السيطرة على انتشار الفيروس مما سيساعد على إنهاء الوباء واستعادة الحياة الطبيعية للمجتمع. يعد لقاح الرنا المرسال (mRNA) من اللقاحات الأكثر حظاً للاستخدام كلقاح مضاد لفيروس كوفيد-19، إلا أنه يواجه عدد من قيود الاستخدام المرتبطة بالتلف التلقائي. قام أكاديميون من جامعة ستانفورد ومجتمع Eterna  برعاية مسابقة عبر منصةKaggle   لدراسة مسألة التلف التلقائي لجزيء الرنا المرسال. يهدف هذا البحث إلى بناء نموذج تعلّم عميق تنبّؤي بمعدل التلف الحاصل عند كل جزيء من جزئيات لقاح الرنا المرسال. تم بناء نموذج تعلم عميق باستخدام الشبكات العصبونية التكرارية ثنائية الاتجاه واستخدام هذا النموذج على قاعدة بيانات الرنا المرسال التي وفرتها جامعة ستانفورد على الانترنت كلقاح مضاد للكوفيد-19 للتنبؤ بمعدل التلف الحاصل لتسلسل الرنا المرسال. فقد تم التنبؤ بخمسة قيم فعالية عند كل جزيء في تسلسل الرنا المرسال. شملت القيم التي تم التنبؤ بها معدل التلف التلقائي عند: ارتفاع درجة الحموضة، ارتفاع درجة الحرارة، ارتفاع درجة الحموضة بوجود المغنيسيوم وارتفاع درجة الحرارة بوجود المغنيسيوم. تمت تجزئة قاعدة بيانات ستانفورد للقاح الرنا المرسال المضاد لكوفيد-19 إلى ثلاث مجموعات رئيسة تشمل: التدريب والتحقق ومجموعة الاختبار. بلغت قيمة متوسط جذر الخطأ التربيعي لقيم معدل التلف التلقائي عند كل جزيء من تتابع جزئيات لقاح الرنا المرسال 0.32086 في مجموعة الاختبار. وقد تفوقت هذه القيمة على النماذج الفائزة في المسابقة بهامش0.02112. تساعد هذه الدراسة الباحثين الآخرين على فهم أفضل لكيفية التنبؤ بخصائص جزيء تسلسل الرنا المرسال لتطوير لقاح مستقر كوفيد-19.The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in a global health crisis leading to widespread illness, death, and daily life disruptions. Having a vaccine for COVID-19 is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus which will help to end the pandemic and restore normalcy to society. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules vaccine has led the way as the swift vaccine candidate for COVID-19, but it faces key probable restrictions including spontaneous deterioration. To address mRNA degradation issues, Stanford University academics and the Eterna community sponsored a Kaggle competition.This study aims to build a deep learning (DL) model which will predict deterioration rates at each base of the mRNA molecule. A sequence DL model based on a bidirectional gated recurrent unit (GRU) is implemented. The model is applied to the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dataset to predict the mRNA sequences deterioration by predicting five reactivity values for every base in the sequence, namely reactivity values, deterioration rates at high pH, at high temperature, at high pH with Magnesium, and at high temperature with Magnesium. The Stanford COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dataset is split into the training set, validation set, and test set. The bidirectional GRU model minimizes the mean column wise root mean squared error (MCRMSE) of deterioration rates at each base of the mRNA sequence molecule with a value of 0.32086 for the test set which outperformed the winning models with a margin of (0.02112). This study would help other researchers better understand how to forecast mRNA sequence molecule properties to develop a stable COVID-19 vaccine

    Systematik, Taxonomie, Phylogenie und Zoogeographie des Capoeta damascina-Artenkomplexes (Pisces: Teleostei: Cyprinidae) auf der Grundlage vergleichend-morphologischer und molekulargenetischer Untersuchungen

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    Der Damaskus-Weißling Capoeta damascina (Pisces: Teleostei: Cyprinidae) kommt in der Levante, in Mesopotamien und in Teilen der Türkei und des Iran vor. Dort ist er eine der häufigsten Fischarten. Aufgrund der Trockenheit dieser Region besteht der Lebensraum dieser Art aus vielen von einander isolierten Gewässern. Vor der hier vorgelegten Studie war nicht klar, ob es sich bei C. damascina um eine Art handelt, oder aber um einen Komplex nah verwandter Arten, die sich durch hohe intraspezifische und geringe interspezifische Variabilität auszeichnen. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchungen war es, anhand morphologischer und molekulargenetischer Daten die phylogenetische Position des C. damascina-Artenkomplexes zu ermitteln und die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Arten untereinander zu klären. Um die Arten gegeneinander abzugrenzen und wichtige diagnostische Merkmale zu ermitteln, wurden Fischsammlungen großer europäischer Museen vergleichend-morphologisch untersucht. Dabei galt den Typen der nominellen Arten dieses Komplexes besonderes Augenmerk. Zur Klärung der Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen wurden Sequenzen der mitochondrialen Cytochrom-c-Oxidase (COI, n = 103) und der zwei benachbarten variablen Regionen (D1-D2) des nukleären 28S-rRNA-Gens (LSU, n = 65) mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher phylogenetischer Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen ausgewertet. Als Ergebnis werden innerhalb des C. damascina-Artenkomplexes die folgenden sechs Arten als gültig anerkannt: Capoeta buhsei, C. caelestis, C. damascina, C. saadii, C. umbla und die bisher unbeschriebene Art Capoeta sp. 1. Die Analyse der morphometrischen und meristischen Daten zeigt ein hohes Maß an phenotypischer Variabilität zwischen den unterschiedlichen Populationen derselben Art, sowie zwischen den verschiedenen Arten. Dieses Phänomen ist genetischen Faktoren, dem Einfluss von Umweltbedingungen bzw. einer Kombination aus beidem zu erklären. Die phylogenetischen Analysen zeigen zwei genetische Linien innerhalb des C. damascina-Artenkomplexes: eine westliche Linie mit den Arten C. caelestis, C. damascina und C. umbla; so wie eine östliche Linie mit den Arten C. buhsei, C. saadii und Capoeta sp. 1. Die enge Verwandtschaft zwischen C. damascina und C. umbla zeigt sich unter anderem dadurch, dass ein Exemplar von C. damascina aus dem Euphrat den selben COI-Haplotypen aufweist wie ein Exemplar von C. umbla aus dem Tigris. Hierfür gibt es drei mögliche Erklärungen: Mitochondriale Introgression, nahe zurückliegende Artbildung oder eine Kombination aus beidem. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es sich bei den sechs genannten Taxa um junge Arten handelt und ihre Entstehung und heutige Verbreitung im Wesentlichen durch pleistozäne Ereignisse geprägt wurde. Die Besiedlung des Iran erfolgte vermutlich während einer der früheren pleistozänen Meeresspiegeltiefstände und führte zur Abspaltung der östlichen Linie von der mesopotamischen Ausgangspopulation. Die östliche Linie konnte in humiden Phasen des Pleistozäns die verschiedenen Flusssysteme des südlichen und zentralen Iran besiedeln wo sich die Arten C. buhsei, C. saadii und Capoeta sp. 1 bildeten. Nach der Abspaltung der östlichen Linie breitete sich die westliche Linie von Mesopotamien in die Levante aus. Dies geschah ebenfalls während des Pleistozäns, als die Oberläufe der westlichen Zuflüsse des Euphrats mit dem Ceyhan verbunden waren. Vom Ceyhan aus erfolgte die Ausbreitung in die Flüsse der südlichen Türkei, die zu Perioden niedriger Meeresspiegelstände über die verlängerten Unterläufe miteinander verbunden waren. Auf diese Weise wurde der Seyhan/Göksu besiedelt und die Art C. caelestis entstand. Die Schwesterpopulation differenzierte sich in die Arten C. damascina und C. umbla. Sehr wahrscheinlich besiedelte C. damascina während des späten Pleistozäns die Levante und die südliche Türkei. Dies wird durch die geringe genetische Differenzierung der Art belegt. Direkte Süßwasserverbindungen, die als Ausbreitungsroute für C. damascina zwischen den Gewässersystemen der Levante dienten, existierten zu Zeiten niedriger Meeresspiegelstände. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit beinhaltet eine detaillierte Neubewertung des taxonomischen Status der behandelten Arten. Sechs nah verwandte Arten werden als gültig anerkannt. Das rezente Verbreitungsmuster dieser Arten wird vor dem Hintergrund der geologischen Entwicklung des Verbreitungsgebietes, ökologischer Faktoren so wie der Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Arten und ihrer Evolutionsgeschichte erklärt.Capoeta damascina (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) is one of the most common freshwater fish species, found throughout the Levant, Mesopotamia, Turkey and Iran. According to the state of knowledge prior to this study, C. damascina, which is distributed over a wide range of isolated water bodies, was not a well-defined species. It was questionable whether it represents a single species or a complex of closely related species with high intraspecific and comparatively low interspecific variability. The goal of this study was to investigate the taxonomy, systematic position of the C. damascina species complex and the phylogenetic relationships among its members, based on morphological features as well as molecular phylogeny. Samples obtained from throughout the geographic range of this species complex were subjected to comparative morphological analyses in order to define, properly diagnose and separate species within the C. damascina complex. To elucidate phylogenetic relationships among members of the C. damascina species complex, samples were subjected to genetic analyses, using two molecular markers targeting the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI, n = 103) and the two adjacent divergence regions (D1-D2) of the nuclear 28S rRNA genes (LSU, n = 65). Based on morphological and molecular genetic data, six closely related species were recognized within the C. damascina complex: C. buhsei, C. caelestis, C. damascina, C. saadii, C. umbla and an undescribed species, Capoeta sp.1. Analyses of the morphometric and meristic data obtained in this study revealed phenotypic variability among the various populations within a species and among the different species. Such differences in morphological characters reflect genetic differences, environmentally induced phenotypic variation or both, as the meristic phenotype of fish is sometimes a consequence of environmental parameters acting on the genotype. Based on phylogenetic analyses, two main lineages were identified within the C. damascina species complex: a western lineage represented by C. caelestis, C. damascina and C. umbla and an eastern lineage represented by C. buhsei, C. saadii and Capoeta sp.1. The close phylogenetic relationships between C. damascina and C. umbla and the sharing of same haplotypes between one specimen of C. damascina from Euphrates and another of C. umbla from Tigris reflect one of three possibilites: recent speciation, mitochondrial introgression or a combination of both. The results obtained in this study indicate that speciation of the above-mentioned six taxa is quite recent and that their dispersal and present-day distribution can be related to Pleistocene events. The drying out of the Persian Gulf, probably during one of the first glacials of the Pleistocene, led the ancestor of the C. damascina species complex in Mesopotamia to reach the rivers of the Gulf and of Hormuz basins and differentiate there, giving rise to the eastern lineage (ancestor of C. buhsei, C. saadii and Capoeta sp.1). As connections presumably existed among the different river drainages and basins in Iran during the wet periods of the Pleistocene, the ancestor of C. buhsei, C. saadii and Capoeta sp.1 was subsequently able to colonize the various Iranian drainages and differentiate there, giving rise to C. buhsei, C. saadii and Capoeta sp.1. After the separation from the eastern lineage, the western lineage, represented by the ancestor of C. damascina, C. umbla and C. caelestis, most likely reached the Levant from the Tigris-Euphrates system during the Pleistocene glacials, when river connections existed in the regions of the upper courses of Ceyhan Nehri (southern Turkey) and some western affluents to the Euphrates. From Ceyhan Nehri, it dispersed into other rivers in southern Turkey during Pleistocene periods of low sea levels until it reached Göksu Nehri and evolved into C. caelestis. The sister population differentiated into C. damascina and C. umbla. Based on the results obtained in this study, it is likely that C. damascina colonized the Levant and southern Turkey during the Pleistocene glacials. This is well supported by the low genetic variability among the C. damascina populations. Direct connections existed among the river drainages in the Levant during the Pleistocene periods of low sea level, thus serving as a pathway for the dispersal of C. damascina. The results of this study provide a coherent picture of the taxonomic position, phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the C. damascina species complex and explain present patterns of distribution considering paleogeographic events

    Examining the effect of practicing with different modeling conditions on the memorization of young piano students

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    La modélisation est une technique d'enseignement étudiée dans les domaines de l'apprentissage moteur, des neurosciences, de l'enseignement et de la musique. Cependant, on ignore si cette technique peut être efficace pour mémoriser la notation musicale pour piano, en particulier pour les jeunes élèves. Cette étude a donc examiné l'effet de la pratique instrumentale utilisant différentes conditions de modélisation sur la mémorisation d'une pièce de piano. Ces conditions de modélisation étaient les suivantes: modélisation auditive et modélisation vidéo avec indices. L'étude comportaitune quasi-expérience avec 24 jeunes élèves de piano de 3e année du Conservatoire royal de musique (CRM) au Canada ou l'équivalent. Les participants ont pratiqué avec une condition de modélisation afin de déterminer quelle condition produirait les meilleurs résultats de rétention mnémonique. Les résultats ont montré que la modélisation vidéo avec indices était l'outil de pratique le plus efficace en termes d'erreurs de notes et de rythmes, lorsqu'elle est comparée à la modélisation audio et aux groupes de pratique libre. Ces résultats appuient les recherches en neurosciences selon lesquelles l'utilisation de techniques visuelles, auditives et motrices produisent la meilleure rétention. Cela offre un grand potentiel pour l'utilisation de la modélisation vidéo avec repères comme outil de pratique pour les élèvesen piano afin d'améliorer la mémorisation.Modeling is a teaching technique that is studied in the fields of motor learning, neuroscience, teaching, and music. Yet it is unknown whether this technique can be effective in memorizing piano music especially for young students. Therefore, this study examined the effect of practicing with different modeling conditions on memorizing a piano piece. These modeling conditions were: aural modeling, and video modeling with cues. The study conducted a quasi-experiment with 24 young piano students at Grade 3 level of the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) in Canada or equivalent. Participants practiced with one modeling condition in order to measure which condition would produce best retention results. Results showed that video modeling with cues seemed to be the most effective practice tool in terms of low note mistakes and rhythm mistakes compared to audio modeling and free practice groups. This finding supports neuroscience research that states that the use of visual, aural and motor techniques produce the best memory recall. This provides great potential for using video modeling with cues as a practice tool for pianostudents for better memorization

    The role played by personal characteristics and choice of job search method in finding employment in South Africa

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    Includes bibliographical references.There are certain characteristics that are shared between unemployed individuals. The search method that individuals use also impacts the possibility of finding employment. A link between the characteristics that affect employment and the characteristics that affect the job search method needs to be established. This dissertation examines two fundamental questions about unemployment in South Africa. Firstly what characteristics does a person possess that makes him more susceptible to unemployment? These characteristics include race, gender, location, educational attainment, and age. Secondly does the method of job search that an individual uses hamper his chances of employment and do the aforementioned characteristics dictate which method is used

    Risky Business: Creative Development in Digital Media

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    Honors (Bachelor's)Screen Arts and CulturesUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134713/1/nsalka.pd

    A Sale of Salam Sale of Future Goods: A Comparative Study in the Jordanian Civil Coode and the English law of the Goods Sale

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    This research examines Salam Sale, which is a type of sale known under the Islamic jurisprudence, and provided for by the Civil Code of Jordan. The most important feature of this kind of sale is the non-existence of the subject matter of the contract, which is the Goods or the Mahal. For this particular reason, I chose to compare Salam Sale with the Sale of Future Goods under English law. Therefore, the research aimed first to define the concept of both Salam Sale and Future Goods Sale. Besides explaining the purposes of, as well as the merits behind Salam Sale. There are certain requirements that must be met in order to consider a sale as being Salam; these requirements are classified into two categories: the first deals with the type of goods applicable to Salam Sale. Thus, such goods must be appropriated and delivery thereof must take place at the time and in the place stipulated by the Civil Code. The second category; however, deals with the price in the Salam Sale, and requires it to be appropriated and paid in advance. Finally, the research deals with the legal consequences, which emerge out of a contract of Salam Sale. Those mainly concern the transfer of ownership, frustration of the contract and the death of the seller prior to delivery. All these issues are discussed under both the Civil Law of Jordan and the English Sale of Goods Act 1979