37 research outputs found

    Anti-Malassezia-Specific IgE Antibodies Production in Japanese Patients with Head and Neck Atopic Dermatitis: Relationship between the Level of Specific IgE Antibody and the Colonization Frequency of Cutaneous Malassezia Species and Clinical Severity

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    Atopic dermatitis of the head and neck (HNAD) is recognized as a separate condition. Malassezia, the predominant skin microbiota fungus, is considered to exacerbate atopic dermatitis (AD), especially HNAD. In the present study, we investigated the relationships between the levels of specific IgE antibodies, colonization frequency of eight predominant Malassezia species, and clinical severity in 61 patients with HNAD (26 mild, 24 moderate, and 11 severe cases). As clinical severity increased, the levels of specific IgE antibodies against eight Malassezia species also increased. Species diversity of the Malassezia microbiota in scale samples from patients was analyzed by nested PCR using species-specific primers. The clinical severity of HNAD was correlated with the total level of specific IgE antibodies against Malassezia species and the number of Malassezia species detected

    Recognition of the "team medical-care" in medical field.

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    チーム医療に対して高い関心が寄せられていることから,チーム医療として認識される具体的な事柄や各職種に対する認識,その利点や職種間の認識の違いなどを明らかにする目的で,岡山県内の病院の看護師,診療放射線技師,臨床検査技師,計652名に対してアンケート調査を行った。有効回答者数470名で,その内訳は看護師207名,診療放射線技師91名,臨床検査技師172名であった。結果はチーム医療と認識される具体的な事柄については,異業種間カンファレンスがチーム医療を促進する事柄として認識されているが,整備・実施されていないことがうかがえた。各職種に対する認識については,職種別・経験年数別にみても,医師,看護師,理学・作業療法士はチーム医療のメンバーとして認識されている割合が高かった。また,経験年数別では,10~14年の人までは統計上ややばらつきがみられるが,経験年数15年以上の人はあらゆる職種をチーム医療のメンバーであると考え,その重要性を認識していることがわかった。チーム医療の利点については,どの職種も共通して「患者中心の医療」と考えている割合が高かった。Recently, the "team medical-care" has been received increasing attention in medical field. Therefore we have to develop a clear understanding of "team medical-care". The purpose of this study is to investigate things regarded as "team medical-care" by co-medical, recognition of other category of license, the advantages of "team medical-care" and recognition against the "team medical-care" by different category of license. Total 652 nurses, clinical radiological technologists and clinical laboratory technologists who are working at 8 hospitals in Okayama prefecture were examined by using questionnaire and 470 members (72.1%) responded to it. They were nurses 207 (44.0%), clinical radiological technologists 91 (19.4%), clinical laboratory technologists 172 (36.6%). Majority of respondents recognized that the medical conference consisted of different category of license promoted the "team medical-care", and ninety percent of participants prompted more frequent medical conference. In both by category of license and years of experience, they regarded doctor, nurse, physical therapist and occupational therapist as the menber of the "team medical-care" at high rate. The respondences which have over 15 years of experience regarded all category of license as the menber of the "team medical-care", while the respondences which have less than 10 to 14 years of experience showed disperision of the recongnition. The advantages of "team medical-care" were highly perceived as "patient-centered medical care" by all category of license

    Interleukin-10-Producing Plasmablasts Exert Regulatory Function in Autoimmune Inflammation

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    SummaryB cells can suppress autoimmunity by secreting interleukin-10 (IL-10). Although subpopulations of splenic B lineage cells are reported to express IL-10 in vitro, the identity of IL-10-producing B cells with regulatory function in vivo remains unknown. By using IL-10 reporter mice, we found that plasmablasts in the draining lymph nodes (dLNs), but not splenic B lineage cells, predominantly expressed IL-10 during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). These plasmablasts were generated only during EAE inflammation. Mice lacking plasmablasts by genetic ablation of the transcription factors Blimp1 or IRF4 in B lineage cells developed an exacerbated EAE. Furthermore, IRF4 positively regulated IL-10 production that can inhibit dendritic cell functions to generate pathogenic T cells. Our data demonstrate that plasmablasts in the dLNs serve as IL-10 producers to limit autoimmune inflammation and emphasize the importance of plasmablasts as IL-10-producing regulatory B cells


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    原著Originals 本研究は、女性看護師における生活習慣、疲労感、勤務状況および自己効力感を調査し関連性を検討することで、看護師の自己効力感を高め、疲労軽減策への基礎資料を得ることを目的としている。2施設において女性看護師を対象に意識調査を実施し、867 名を分析対象とした。調査内容は、生活習慣9項目、蓄積的疲労徴候インデックス(CFSI)、一般性セルフ・エフィカシー尺度(GSES)を使用した。 本論では、疲労感と生活習慣・自己効力感に影響する要因分析を行った。一元配置分散分析、多重比較、共分散構造分析を用いて関連性の検討の結果、疲労感に有意に影響が強かった生活習慣は、労働時間、睡眠時間、食事、喫煙であった。本研究で構築した因果モデルを分析した結果、自己効力感は疲労感に影響し、身体的疲労が精神的疲労に影響することが確認できた。健康的な生活習慣を実施する重要性と、自己効力感と疲労感の関係性が示唆された

    看護師の疲労と生活習慣・自己効力感に関する研究(第2 報):問題解決への対処行動尺度の要因の分析

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    その他Miscellaneous 本研究は、看護職員における生活習慣、疲労感、勤務状況および自己効力感を調査し、それぞれの関連性を検討することで、看護職員の自己効力感を高め、疲労軽減策への基礎資料を得ることを目的としている。本論では、疲労に関連する個人的要因として、対処行動尺度の因子分析から因子構造を検討した。問題解決への対処行動では、問題を解決するために上司や同僚、友人との関係性をとりながら働く看護師像がみられた。一方、消極的対処では、回避的な行動をとる姿勢がとられていた

    No interaction between serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism and adversity on depression among Japanese children and adolescents

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    Background: Identification of gene × environment interactions (G × E) for depression is a crucial step in ascertaining the mechanisms underpinning the disorder. Earlier studies have indicated strong genetic influences and numerous environmental risk factors. In relation to childhood and adolescent depression, evidence is accumulating that the quality of the parental environment is associated with serotonin biology in children. We hypothesized that maternal depression is a crucial environmental risk factor associated with serotonin-regulating genes.Methods: This study was designed to ascertain the G × E interaction for diagnosis of depression in a Japanese pediatric sample. DNA samples from 55 pediatric patients with depression and 58 healthy schoolchildren were genotyped for the 5-HTT (2 short (S) alleles at the 5-HTT locus) promoter serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism. We examined whether an adverse parental environment, operationalized as the mother\u27s history of recurrent major depressive disorder, interacts with 5-HTTLPR polymorphism to predict patients\u27 depression symptoms.Results: Binary logistic regression analyses revealed that maternal depression (adversity), gender, and FSIQ significantly affect the diagnosis of depression among children and adolescents. However, no main effect was found for adversity or genotype. Results of multivariable logistic regression analyses using stepwise procedure have elicited some models with a good fit index, which also suggests no interaction between 5-HTTLPR and adversity on depression.Conclusions: To assess G × E interaction, data obtained from children and adolescents who had been carefully diagnosed categorically and data from age-matched controls were analyzed using logistic regression. Despite an equivocal interaction effect, adversity and gender showed significant main effects

    Analysis of Trichosporon Isolates Obtained from the Houses of Patients with Summer-Type Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

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    Summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis (SHP) is type III or IV allergies developed by repeated inhalation of arthroconidia of Trichosporon species. We identified 105 strains obtained from the homes of 36 SHP patients by analysis of the intergenic spacer (IGS) 1 region, which is located between the 26S and 5S rRNA genes; in addition, we analyzed the IGS genotypes of the strains. Serologically, Trichosporon species are classified as serotype I, II, III, or I-III. Of the 105 strains, 43 (41.1%), 53 (50.5%), and 9 (8.6%) strains were isolated as serotypes I, II, and III, respectively. Serotype I, II, and III strains were recovered from 19 (52.8%), 29 (80.6%), and 4 (11.1%) of the 36 houses of SHP patients, respectively. No serotype I-III strains were isolated from the houses. Of 43 serotype I strains, 42 (97.7%) were identified as Trichosporon dermatis, and the remaining one was T. terricola. Of 53 serotype II strains, 37 (69.8%) were identified as T. asahii, and the remaining serotype II isolates were T. aquatile (1.9%), T. coremiiforme (7.5%), T. faecale (1.9%), T. japonicum (15.1%), and T. ovoides (3.8%). There were nine serotype III strains comprised of T. montevideense (77.8%) and T. domesticum (22.2%). Intraspecies diversity was found only in T. asahii. This microorganism also causes opportunistic infections (trichosporonosis); seven genotypes of its IGS 1 region have been identified. While the strains of T. asahii obtained from Japanese patients with trichosporonosis were genotype I, the strains from the houses of SHP patients were genotype III. Based on our analysis, we conclude that the strains that play the most significant roles in the development of SHP are T. dermatis, T. asahii genotype 3, and T. montevideense, representing serotypes I, II, and III, respectively